Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1077: 4 element brothers

With Qin Shi’s enthusiasm today, he could see through the flying insects thousands of meters away, so he could see the figure of the flying figure at a glance. Isn’t it just the feathers that separated from the Tianxiang Pavilion?

However, at this time of the feather month, the whole body has been dyed red by the blood. On the chest of the feather moon, there is a shocking sword wound, which is the kind of bone that is deeply visible, and it makes people feel scared.

"what happened?"

The two men haven’t reacted yet, and Yu Yue’s days have been repaired, and he can be hurt like this. Isn’t that a real-world master?

However, the next second slamming, Qin Shi looked nervous, it was already flying out.

+ pig + pig + island + novel ww.zhom

After half a second, the speed of Qin Shi was raised to the extreme, and the speed was made clear to everyone. A twisted purple rushing thunder hit the cliff.

Just as steady, Qin Shi reached out and helped the feathers.

"What happened?" Qin Shi hurriedly screamed. He couldn't imagine what happened, so that the feathers that had been satisfied before were hurt.

Yuyue continued to cough up blood in Qin Shi’s arms, and his body was constantly convulsing. It was obvious that the injury had already entered the bones. He had not had time to talk, and he was flashing panic in his eyes, fighting for the last strength in his body. Pushing Qin Shi.


A few steps taken by Qin Shi, when he was steady, he was black and cold.

"Do not!"

He screamed, and he saw that he was right after his heart, that is, the direction in which the feathers were facing, and a raging fireball rolled down like a sun shot by the shackles, rushing to the chest of the feathers. Just crush it down.


A loud bang, Yuyue was directly buried under the fireball, and even the sword wing that he relied on at the back collapsed at this time. The layers of rock were splashed, and they were all burned into red, and the temperature was extremely high.

Some of the nearby Jianzong disciples were affected.

At that time, the two men rushed to Qin Shi’s side, squatting at the corner of the picture in front of him. The fireball was not an ordinary martial art. It was thought that it was only a small domain. Maybe Qin Shi could still cope with one or two. However, it seems that this is a good deal for Yu Yue.

"What kind of person did Yu Yue have offended? Is this wanting his life?"

Qin Shizhen opened his eyes, he did not respond, the shock of the palm of his heart, the cloud of smoke in front of him was dispelled, and then he saw the whole body of the moon was stained with blood, it is already in a state of coma.

Qin Shi can see that he is holding on to death, staring at himself with his eyes, let him first glimpse, and immediately rushed forward to help Yu Yuedao: "Do you have anything to say?"

"Save, save her ...!" Reaching out, Yu Yue grabbed Qin Shi, swearing like, Qin Shi even could not see the pain in his eyes, but full of anxious colors.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi suddenly understands something, but he did not ask more questions, just point hard and said: "Okay, give it to me."

When Qin Shi responded, Yu Yue was relieved, and then his body could no longer support it, and he suddenly passed out.

"Yueyue!" Qin Shi screamed, and Haoyue rushed behind him.

"Take care of him."

Qin Shi’s cold words left four words, and immediately wrapped up in a black robe and leaped up, heading for the direction of the fireball.

Along the way, his eyes were cold and he could not see a little emotion.

Yu Yue’s thing is really irritating him. Yu Yue is his first among the swordsmen. He must be a revenge for Yu Yue.

The fireball was shot from the direction of 10,000 meters.

On the cloud outside the 10,000 meters, several figures hang on the ridicule.

"Oh, big brother, we have finally received a good errand today. Not only can we export bad luck, but the big brother can still hold a beautiful person. This is a good thing for Tianda. I just took a look at it. The skins of the little girls are still not thick." A total of four people, three people around the front of a person, a sharp chin disciple flattered.

The other two disciples groaned: "Oh, yes, but this month, it is also crazy enough, even dare to do it right with the big brother, it is difficult for him to think that with Jian Jian, you can be in the swordsman. If I didn’t have an order and asked for trouble recently, I would have wanted to abolish him."

"It’s just a big brother. Is it a big deal for us to shoot on the feathers, is it going to cause trouble? After all, this kid, recently the swordsman’s red man, the sword is not afraid, but if the master knows...”

"What are you afraid of? Isn't there that Elder Zhang Yi is there? Today is also what he told us to do. If something happens, Elder Zhang Yi will definitely come out for us."


The three of you have a sentence, I am talking about it.

However, that was the first disciple, there was no opening, but his eyes were flashing and pungent. He kept staring at the direction of 10,000 meters. Suddenly, a black shadow shot through the clouds. When he saw Qin Shi, it seemed as if he had expected a smile: "Oh, finally Has it appeared?"

"Big brother, is he the remnant disciple who just finished the canonization?" The other three were all stunned, and immediately laughed: "Haha, hahaha, laughing at me, is it really only nine days?"

Qin Shi stabilized and looked at the eyes of the four people very indifferent.

"Just, what are you shooting?"

The disciple of the head smiled: "Are you Qin Shi?"

"It's me, I will ask you once again, but you just took the shot?" Qin Shi did not hide, the tone of the layers climbed, and the anger was very clear.

"It's me." The first disciple did not cover up anything. It was very easy to smile: "Do you want to avenge the feathers?"

"You can do it, prove that I have not found the wrong person." Qin Shi clenched his fist.

"Kid, don't be too arrogant. Since I dare to shoot on Yuyue, and know that you will come here, you should understand what I mean."

"What is the intention?" Qin Shi frowned.

"Of course it is..." The disciple's eyes highlighted the twilight, his body slammed forward, and he slammed into the chest of Qin Shi: "The road for Su Shi's big brother, thorns!"

Qin Shi black scorpion condensed, a heat wave rose from below, suddenly let him fall into the sea of ​​fire: "domain Dacheng?"

boom! Hey!

His feet flashed back continuously, and the sleeves were forced to shake. This forced the fire to be repelled. Immediately, according to the previous words, he asked coldly: "So, you are Zhang Wei's people?"

"Oh, yes." The other three disciples are following up.

"It turns out." Qin Shi suddenly realized, nodded: "Oh, I guessed that the old guy would start, but I didn't expect it to be so unsettled."

"Kid, you are looking for death!"

A disciple heard the words, screaming, and two palms in a row, hitting Qin Shi.

boom! boom!

The disciple, only the domain is small, Qin Shi's sleeves are tumbling, and three thousand gold awns come out, and it is not difficult to block it.

The offensive was blocked, and the disciple was still very surprised. However, the disciple of the head frowned and sneered: "Oh, boy, no wonder you can beat Fuxi. It really has some skills, but if you try to beat Fuxi, you can Letting you go to the swordsmanship, it is a big mistake."

"Li Feng, Cui He, Takeda, hands-on!"

The disciples who gave the head gave instructions, and the three disciples screamed eagerly: "Well, wait for this sentence for a long time!"

After all, the three men went up in the sky and surrounded Qin Shi from the three sides.

The disciple who had previously shot Qin Shi was very mad. The evil face said: "The kid, just a test of one or two, now is the real highlight!"

"Sword Demon Kendo · Blades of Heaven and Earth!"

The disciple named Cui He, his body is very short, but his palm is gripped, and a blood-red mountain knife is caught in the palm of his hand. The knife is the blade, and it is full of ten meters. Contrast.

However, it was the huge mountain knife that waved continuously in his hands. Three thousand blood-stained knives were smashed in the mud, and they were cut out. As a mysterious array, Qin Shi was sealed in prison.

Cui He shot, and Li Feng and Wu Tian, ​​who were next to him, looked at each other and did not swear the sword in the nonsense. They attacked Qin Shi in the prison. The swords in both hands also have their own strengths, all of which are top grades. The spirit, one disturbs the water pattern, and the tsunami is rolled up. If there is a sea dragon sinking, one is calling for the rain and the wind is raging, as if the space can be broken.

Qin Shi slightly frowns and responds to three small domains in a row. To be honest, there is still some pressure on him. The three swordsmanship approaching him makes him retire continuously. When he stabilizes his body, Li Feng comes to the wind. It is a sword to force Huashan.


Raising his hand, Qin Shi sacrificed water without traces.

Hey! Hey!

The blink of an eye is dozens of sword fights. Qin Shi’s arm is uploaded to the smug, and this group of swordsmen who are always using swords is more than a man. He still ate a lot of losses.

"Look, there are people on the other side!"

The riots here have alarmed half of the swords, and a large number of disciples have come on.

"That is... that Qin Shi?" Some disciples who participated in the canonization ceremony recognized Qin Shi and exclaimed: "He is fighting with the four element brothers?"

"The four brothers master the four elements, they are famous in the Jianzong, alone, perhaps not afraid, but the four people unite, and even many high-level elders, this Qin Shi today and their four people on the ~www I am afraid there will be no good endings?"

"Oh, this is what he asked for. Only one year after he entered the ancestors, he robbed Su Shi’s reclusive disciple. These four brothers are all Su Shi’s men, and certainly will not let him go.”

"Oh, he only completed the canonization. If he was defeated by four people today, then Elder Zhang Hao had reason to play against the sovereign. It is estimated that even this retreat disciple will be unstable."

"Look, if this battle Qin Shi loses, it will become a laughing stock in Jianzong in the future."

At this time, Xu Qingfeng and Xu Qingfeng also rushed to the sky in Yuyu, and saw the chaotic battlefield. All three were frowning.

"This is, Zhang Wei deliberately gave Qin Shi's set."

"This battle is very important to Qin Shi!"

"Qin Shi...!" Yu Yue has already woken up at this moment. He stared at the picture very weakly, and his eyes flashed with sorrow.

boom! boom! boom! The shocking confrontation unfolded on the clouds, and everyone held their breath.

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