Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1090: Killing Takeda

Hearing Qin Shi’s inquiry, the wind and sand lined up three good words and nodded: “Yes, good boy, I really didn’t misread you.”


The two talked to this, suddenly, a broken door sounded, Yu Yue and Hao Yue four people squeezed into the room, and when Qin Shi looked back at the four people, they found more or less uneasy from the faces of the four people.

"What's wrong? One by one, pouting, seems to have suffered a lot of grievances." Qin Shi asked.

The four men glanced at each other and sighed for a long time. They said to the three people: "For me."

&n*Pig*Pig*Island*Small* said ww.huzu; then, he stepped forward and looked at the Qinshi Stone Road: “Stone... Your ceremonial altar has fallen in the Zongzhong, now Stay in the central open space square."

"What happened?"

Hearing this news, Qin Shi is not unexpected, but he is puzzled. According to common sense, after the ceremonial altar is called out of the fall, the first time should be to arrest Qin Shi first, how can it stay in the central square of Jianzong? ?

"It’s the old guy of Zhang Wei! He seems to have expected that the altar will appear in the ceremonial altar, so the law will be laid down in the central square early, and the news will be spread in the whole. He is deliberately trying to make you The ugliness in front of the sect." Yu Yue angered.

Qin Shizhen’s eyes are very old-fashioned. He wants to make himself ugly. Secondly, I’m afraid that it’s mainly aimed at Fang Qing’s. After all, in Zhang’s eyes, he experienced the ceremonial altar. Then he is a mortal person. Through this opportunity, To hit the green below, it is undoubtedly a double-edged sword.

"This old dog!"

Fengsha took a shot of Qin Shi, and smiled and said: "Your boy, since he is calling his old dog, why bother with the dog? He wants to lift a rock and lick his own feet, and he will be perfect."


Qin Shi’s palm is a combination. Anyway, he will never allow himself to be defeated in the altar of ceremonies. After all, his life path is still far and far away. Since Zhang Yu intends to take this opportunity to humiliate him and Fang Qing, Then he will calculate it.

"The old dog wants to play, I will play with him."

Qin Shiyu was born with cold, and suddenly flashed a few years of inferiority that has not emerged in a few years. It is not the child’s simplicity under this stubbornness, but the kind of suffocating Sen Han.

call out! Immediately, his black robe flashed, his body shape disappeared in the room, and went straight to the square in the center of the sword.

"It's going to be fun." Looking at the empty streaks, the sand baptized the white whiskers, and then he rushed to the feathers of several people: "Go, I will take you in the past."

Yu Yue, Qing Er, Hao Yue, Xu Qing Feng, four people look at each other, after handing the hand to the sand, I saw the sand of the hand of the sand to promote the sword, turned into a golden light and shadow, and went away.


At this time in the central square, the black pressure gathered hundreds of thousands of swordsmen and disciples, all of them were attracted by the ceremonial altar in the center of the square.

In the center of the square, there is a sword array made up of 18 virtual swords. In the center of the sword array, a chaotic black giant sword is particularly glaring.


"The power of horror to swallow." Although there are kilometers away from the sword array, many disciples are still affected by the pressure of the black giant sword.

"Of course, that is the sword of the elder Zhang Huan, the second in existence of the Eighteen Swords of the Swordsman: the slashing sword."

"According to the rumors, the scorpion sword can swallow all the flames in the world, and the power of the black hole attacks the surrounding. It is the sword of the sword that is second only to the sword of the sky. When the elder Zhang Yi was relying on him, he was in the eight domains. The world."

"so smart?"

Many disciples have shown the color of envy.

In the center of the sword array is a suspended sword-shaped altar. In the center of the sword-shaped altar is a cross that is bound by thousands of black chains. There is a shadow black hole at the top of the cross, above the black hole. The big characters are so eye-catching.


The sword-shaped altar is the altar of ceremonies.

Nearly a million Jianzong disciples hold their breath, and most of them about the ceremonial altar are only heard, but they have never witnessed it.

Even the disciples who entered the millennium are the same.

"This is the ceremonial altar?"

"God, the feeling of horror, I heard that among us, no one has been punished by the altar of the sect, can you live out of it?"

"Well, it hasn't been there so far, and it has been nearly a thousand years since the last ceremonial altar. I didn't expect the ceremonial altar to appear again. Who is it, don't you want it?"

"It is possible to lead to the altar of ceremonies, and the status of the swordsman is certainly not shallow."


Numerous disciples have speculated, but when they are curious, an old figure falls from the sky, and he slowly falls on the slashing sword, standing upright, it is Zhang Wei.

"It’s an elder Zhang Hao!"

"Oh, disciples, you must have seen it, and my ancestors have appeared a heinous guy. His behavior has already angered my ancestors, the ancestors of the ancestors, and used the ceremonial altar!"

"This disciple is a rehearsal disciple who has just completed the canon! Qin Shi!"

"What, what?"

The disciples blinked: "Is this ceremonial altar to punish Qin Shi?"

"No? That Qinshi, how much can you think about it? Just finished the book to close the disciples, the good future is in front of you, can you still do this kind of thing?"

"I know, I heard that yesterday, Qin Shi and Yan Yu four brothers played against each other and killed all three of them. Only Li Feng was lucky enough to escape. This is a real life."

"What? The four elements of the four brothers died?"

The news of the shocking news came out that Qin Shi’s two words began to become more and more sinister, and even in the end it was impossible to tell the truth of the matter.

After the altar appeared for a long time, Qin Shi’s figure never appeared, which made Zhang Wei’s face more and more embarrassed: “Oh, this stinky boy, dare not come?”

"Big Brother, are you sure you don't have to send someone to pick him up?" Shen Tianyang appeared behind Zhang Wei: "Now the ceremonial altar is used here by us, as long as he withdraws from the sect by not punishing the ceremonial altar, then This ceremonial altar can be invalidated, and the kid can return to his life."

Zhang Wei’s self-confident and swaying Tianyang’s hand: “No, one, with the character of the kid, he should not come, second, even if he really does not come, it is not a good thing for us.”

"how do I say this?"

"If he withdraws from the sword, who do you think will be the most controversial?"

"You mean, Fang Qing?"

"Well, I want to see, how did she explain to the disciples of Jianzong Million at that time." Zhang Wei’s voice was rough, and there was no shortage of anger.

Shen Tianyang stunned and took a forehead: "Yeah, why didn't I think that if the kid didn't come, he would retreat as a disciple, and he would naturally become an ownerless thing, plus the top Qing because the controversy lost people's hearts, wait for that time. Let's join forces to promote Su Shi's superior position. Even if she is Fang Qing, can't she stop it?"

Zhang Hao’s eyes nodded with smug eyes. When he sent out the four brothers, he had already planned a few roads, and he could not escape his hand without any deviation.

"Now, it depends on whether he is coming, or not coming to death." Zhang Hao haha ​​laughed.

"Zhang Wei!"

Fang Qing also arrived at the square at this time. All of this she knew well, and her eyes glared at Zhang Wei.

"Zongzhu?" Zhang Yiyi sighed, and immediately sneered, and suddenly very respectful said: "Welcome to the lord, the time when the lord came, I also hope that the lord is the master of my ancestry, now this ceremonial altar has fallen, but Qin The stone is too late to refuse to come over. Is it because he wants to defect to the sect?"


Every word of Zhang Wei is directed at Fang Qing, which makes her have nothing to say.

"Hey, old miscellaneous hair, less nonsense there, who said that I dare not come, I have to defect to the Zongmen, you are here, my grandfather!" Still the black robe, still the light pace, Qin Thinking of falling from the sky, it falls in the middle of the square.

boom! scare!

In an instant, all the disciples are wide-eyed.

"Qin, Qin Shi?"

"He really came?"

"Oh... my God, does he know what it means to be a ceremonial altar? He came over, it was just death."

Of course, in the astonishment, there is no shortage of those crazy women who are crazy: "Wow! So handsome, even sent to death is so handsome."

The appearance of Qin Shi has become a public eye in an instant. The eyes of Fang Qing and Zhang Wei are cohesive at the same time. However, it is a different feeling when they fall on Qin Shi. One is as warm as a shower in the morning sun, but the other is hot. He felt a sting.

"Qin Shi!"

Fang Qing whispered, Qin Shi slightly looked back, and he always felt very cordial in Fang Qing. There was a feeling like a mother. He could feel the worry in the eyes of the former, hesitating for a moment, free and easy smile.

Seeing that the sun-like smile is also a glimpse of the sun, it is really a lot of peace of mind.

"Kid, I didn't expect you to dare to come?" Zhang Yu teaches interested in the rushing Qin Shishi cold road.

"I have no conscience, why don't you dare?" Qin Shi shrugged.

"A good conscience!" Zhang Hao's old eyes suddenly became spicy, fiercely raising the decibels, and scolded: "Then I ask you, the three brothers of Yu Yu, who is the death?"

"It's me, what's wrong? They're **** it."

Qin Shi’s boldness shocked everyone. He even admitted that even the sophistry did not argue.

"Elder Zhang You also heard it. He personally admitted that he killed my big brother, you have to be the master of the younger generation!"

Suddenly, a voice rang and Qin Shi aimed at the past. Was it the Wutian that fled?


Qin Shi shook his head, and immediately he was black and cold, and his body turned into a residual image in an instant. He actually made an action that shocked the audience.

"There is nowhere to find you, you are coming to your door."

The next second, he suddenly appeared in front of Takeda, and immediately his palm quickly swept forward, fiercely entered from Takeda's chest, and broke out behind his chest.

In the blink of an eye, Takeda stunned and slammed into the square.


For a time, the whole audience was in chaos. Who can think of it, Qin Shi dared to face the lord and the three elders, and shot again to kill Takeda?

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