Peerless Demonic Lord

: Two thousand and sixteen, Xiaoshao has something to say.

On the first day of 2016, first of all, Xiaoguang would like to thank all the readers of the shallow army and the evil lord here. It has always been your support, so that Xiaoshao can continue to this day.

The coefficient is a little, Xiaoshu writes a book, and it will soon be four years old. In four years, I said that the length is short and long. You have already entered high school, and you have already entered high school. Even with employment, marriage, and children, Xiaoguang is very fortunate to be able to spend the important days of life with you.

It’s also you, let me have everything I have today.

To be honest, I never thought that the thoughts of four years ago could change my entire life and even the trajectory of life. However, this is my honor and my luck.

New Year, Xiao-shear wants to wish you all, I hope that you will be happy in 2016, and you will harvest the happiness you want.

Looking back at 2015, we have experienced a lot of things. To be honest, this year, I am scorned. I have graduated from the first half of the year, and I have really graduated and entered life. I haven’t adapted too much for a whole year, but it’s good for you. It’s always my best motivation to stay out of it.

In the past six months, the update was not good. I was very clear about myself. I even lost a lot of readers, which made many readers sad and disappointed. However, in 2016, Xiaochao came back. At that time, the desperate Xiaoguang came back. I must be this year. Will give you the best state, give you the best chapter, let Qin Shi, have better results.

Nirvana, ice god, until the evil king.

Three books, now the evil lord has entered the final state, the last two million words or so, Xiaoshu will still go all out to do its best, no matter how many external forces there will be no eunuchs, or rotten The tail is suspected, please be assured that readers are relieved.

The evil lord is not the end. There will be a fourth book after the evil lord. The fifth one is even more. Xiaoxiao still wants to create more worlds. Where, hope, you have me, we continue Yang Fan. , continue to sail.

From today, the new year, the new day.

2016, wherever you are, you have me, never give up, I hope you can continue to support me and travel with me in my world.

I have been waiting for you.

Thank you again, I wish you all a happy New Year.

The book starts from the 17K novel network, the first time to see the genuine content!


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