Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1143: Magic Night Roland

"How could it be irrelevant!"

Qin Shi grabbed Zi Lingsha's wrist, and the voice slightly improved a few decibels.

At that time, he was always full of guilt about the Tomb of the Gods.

Zi Lingsha saw that Qin Shi was full of worried black scorpions. The beauty was also a little shaken, and the flashing was mild, but immediately, she swayed the snow and directed at Qin Shi: "It really has nothing to do with you, you feel light. Can I be so seriously injured by the waste of those winds?"

Qin Shi heard a word, Zi Lingsha's ability, he knows, although, in the cultivation, she is not outstanding, but the one-handed poisonous Tao is enough to kill the domain invisibly, so `猪猪猪岛岛的小说`www.huhuom thinks that it is a disciple of the wind domain, it is really difficult to hurt Zi Lingsha, even if it is a hole, it is very difficult.

After all, the latter once blocked the entire Guo family with one's own strength, and the Guo family, who was at the time, had already completed the domain.

"Little guy, don't be too guilty. This little girl said it was good. Her snow was not caused by injuries." At this time, the demon's voice sounded.

"Not because of the injury?"

"Well, I just had a simple internal view of her body. The body of this little girl is very interesting. She is all over the body, no one is not full of poison, there are thousands of kinds, those poisonous, any one of them, It’s all about killing the domain, but thousands of people are gathered on this little girl, she can still be safe, interesting, and fun!”

"Thousands of kinds of poisonous... Hey!"

Qin Shi took a breath of cold air. This point he never heard from Zi Lingsha, saying: "No, I remember, Zi Lingsha should be a body with no poison and no invasion. How can the body be instead? Have thousands of poisons?"

"The so-called poison is not invading, it is only because she is already poisoned by her body. In this world, I am afraid that there is no such poison, which is more vicious than the sum of her body." The demon shook his head ridiculously.

"You mean, poisoning with poison?"

Qin Shi realized that he suddenly thought that when Kong Xianhui and he said that the refining domain itself was infernal to purgatory, it was the domain of the heavens and the earth, and it was a field full of compassion. Among them, the status of the disciple was not in accordance with the repair. For the sake of decision, but according to the suffering of the world.

From this point of view, everything seems to be said.

"Don't she, therefore, become a sacred woman?" Suddenly, Qin Shi raised a very deep distress for the girl in front of her. Originally, she was only in her early twenties. She should enjoy the most in the world like many girls. A wonderful age, to be the darling of God, and she has to bear such inhuman pain.

"Don't there be no way to change it?" Qin Shi asked.

The demon indulged in a moment and shook his head: "It's hard to say that there is a very hidden power in her body. That power seems to be deliberately shading anything. Even me, I can't see it now, but it is that power that has gathered. These thousands of kinds of poisonous, if you want to change her physique, we must first find the source of that power."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi can not help but stunned, if there is no way even the evil spirits, then he thinks that no one can make a change between this world.

"However, don't worry, give me some time, maybe I can find a way." Looking through Qin Shi's mind, the evil spirits are safe.

Qin Shiyi looked up and thought about it. "Well, now I can only do this."

"Right, kid, this little girl who asked for the broken snow cuckoo for her, should be used to suppress the thousands of poisons in her body."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Well, the snow-capped cuckoo, although the identity of the nine-characteristic grass, and is an extremely rare species, but it does not have any spiritual power, it is precious, just because it has a unique function."

"What function?"



"Well, once the ordinary people take the broken snow cuckoo, the azalea will quickly grow on the blood and root in the dantian, and this broken snow cuckoo is very chilly, and even can freeze the spiritual power, I think, this little girl To break the snow cuckoo, it should be to freeze the thousands of poisons in her body."

"It turns out!"

Qin Shi suddenly realized that he had always thought that Zi Lingsha had to break the snow cuckoo, which was used to refine poisons, or to improve the cultivation, but never thought about it, it was used to heal.

Suddenly, the black scorpion became very firm, and looked up at the poor woman in front of her eyes: "Give me some time, I will take the broken snow cuckoo for you!"

"Well?" Zi Lingsha gave a slight glimpse, and immediately could not help but reveal the moving smile, and tap the dagger: "Well, I always believe."

After that, the two did not make too many remarks on this topic, but they all chose to avoid as much as possible, but in their hearts, they each set off different waves.

"It seems that I have to go to the chaotic domain as soon as possible."

Qin Shi thought in his heart, and suddenly, due to the disorder of his heart, the poisonous machine on his arm surged. The disgusting curse was like a viper, and he rushed to the Qin Shixin pulse.

Immediately, Qin Shi’s face changed, and a **** water spit out from his mouth!


The blood was sprayed on Zi Lingsha, and the tender body shivered subconsciously. Immediately, she slammed forward and grabbed Qin Shi’s wrist. When she felt the extremely chaotic appearance of Qin Shi’s body, the beautiful cold light began: Are you poisoned?"

Just then, to tell the truth is too sudden, Qin Shi is very weak at this time, in the support of Zi Lingsha, he can barely support the body.

He did not want to tell Zi Lingsha about the poisoning. However, it is obviously impossible to conceal it now. He had no choice but to nod.

Affirmed, Zi Ling Sha Yu face is grim, her jade hand quickly vacated a few times, a purple aura, into the mouth and nose of Qin Shi.

But after a while, hey!

A loud noise, Zi Lingsha's jade hand trembled, her purple spiritual power was actually reversed, so that she could not help but retreat several steps, and said: "Good poisonous evil, what is going on? ”

"That's still used? You ask your baby, this is his masterpiece!" Haoyue snorted and snorted.

Qin Shi Meng’s eyes stunned: “Don’t talk nonsense!”

"How can I talk nonsense, isn't this all because of him?" Haoyue was not convinced to stand up.

"Well?" Zi Lingsha was next to the excited expression of the moon, and she realized that she immediately swept to the poison-minded youth: "Is the poison you gave him?"

The young man subconsciously took a nap, and the smug look of the past had long since disappeared and was replaced by a slap.

In front of Zi Lingsha, he was full of fear and said: "Return, return to the lord, yes, it is me, but, however, he first injured nine of my ally on the killing platform, and I was forced to do this. The best policy!"

However, Zi Lingsha did not listen to the young man's explanation, and directly extended the jade hand: "Drug for me!"

The disciple stunned and suddenly became difficult: "This... this antidote, I don't."


Zi Ling Sa Yu's hand clenched tightly, a strong suction, and instantly caught the young man in her hand. Her voice was so cold that she could almost even freeze the air. "Take me the antidote, don't let me say the first." Two times!"

In the words of Zi Lingsha, there is no murder everywhere, which makes the disciples have no doubts. If the young man does not hand over the antidote, I am afraid that the next second will be dead.

The young man also panicked. In front of Zi Lingsha, he didn’t even dare to breathe. The heart was also very regretful. If he knew Qin Shi’s identity, he would give him ten courage. He did not dare to Qin Shi is right.

But now, it’s too late to say anything. He’s sweating on his forehead, and he’s panicked. “Allies, the lord, I didn’t lie to you. I’m telling the truth. I really don’t have this antidote to this poison.”

"you wanna die!"

Zilinga once again flashed the chilling coldness. The nails of the jade hand suddenly turned black and purple, and the thick poisonous gas lingered around the fingertips. In the end, the elephant turned into ten sharp sharp edges, and she rushed to the young man. .

Seeing this scene, the audience was amazed, especially Qin Shi and Hao Yue, both of whom were quite familiar with her. Chi Yantian poisoned the woman, killing countless people. In her eyes, life is like a mustard. She said that she wants this young man. Death, it is really killing him, and will never be afraid of whether it is a sumo.

However, from the eyes of the young man, Qin Shi saw the real fear and panic. It was not able to pretend. He quickly reached out and stopped Zi Lingsha. He said: "He didn't lie, you don't bother him."

"Don't persuade me, this is impossible. As a poisonist, your own poison, you can't have no antidote." Zi Lingsha Chong Qin Shi shook his head.

"Allies, the lord, please believe me, please believe me, I really don't have this poison, this poison is not my own refining." The disciple is about to be scared, and he will fall over The pleading of the land for mercy.

"Not your poison?"

Zi Lingsha's eyebrows are scornful, and the emotions are alleviated. If it is said that this poison is not from the hands of this young it is justifiable, and, think about it, this young man is on the poisonous road. How much she learned about her, the poison in the body of Qin Shi was even unable to resist her. Such a strong poison is not really from his hands.

Therefore, she asked the young man: "Not your poison, where did this poison come from?"

Life and death are at stake, and the young man dared to talk nonsense, and quickly bowed his head and said: "Back, returning to the Lord, this poison is three years ago, the disciple went out to perform the task, a black man gave it to me."

“A black man gave it to you?” Zi Ling Sha Yu’s face sank and cold: “Why should he give you this poison?”

"I don't know, he told me two things at the time."

"what's up?"

"One is to let me promise him. If one day in the future, if he finds me, ask me to help me, I must unconditionally promise him."

"And the second one is about this poison. He and I said that the poison name is: Magic Night Roland, but anyone who has planted this poison, even if it has a perfect territory, cannot live for seven days. Once it broke out, it was broken."

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