Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1179: Alpaca?

Qin Shi took a breath and walked toward the Golden House.

He first entered the Golden House enchantment, the noise around the forest was quiet, and all the sounds seemed to be dispelled from the ear.

"Mute enchantment?" Qin Shi was slightly surprised.

"It's not just a mute enchantment. This enchantment is actually another space in the animal world. It is an independent place." The demon reminded.

Qin Shi’s eyes blinked: “Do you want to create space in the space?”

Isn't this what he has been doing for the blood wizard?

"In addition to the empty demon, the rest of the world can understand this space?"

"Well, the beast world and the devil world are two huge races left by ancient times. Therefore, it is naturally a hidden dragon and a tiger. As far as the well-known true dragons are concerned, their strength and their attention to the whole continent are lame. The earth's tremors are a bit far from the eight domains of your human race."

Qin Shi nodded. Although he was a human being, he did not deny it. He just shook his head: "The history of human development is still too short."

"Since it is here, don't stand up outside, of course, you can only be alone."

An ethereal sound rang from the Golden House, and immediately Qin Shi’s eyes turned into a very broad road leading to the Golden House.

Qin Shi paused, and the so-called "Where is the peace of mind," he did not hesitate to look back and said: "You will stay here waiting for me."

"Stone, this...!"

"It may be safer here. Don't worry, I will save them from the sword. Don't forget what I said, no more people will die." Qin Shi took a picture of his chest.

Mo San tangled and sang, and nodded hard: "I know."

Qin Shi patted Mo's shoulder and turned to the avenue.


Go straight to the front of the Golden House, gently push the door open, a clear sound, Qin Shi walked into the Golden House.

The interior of the Golden House and the external structure have a huge contrast. From the outside, the Golden House is very luxurious and reveals its grace everywhere, but it is much fresher and natural than the interior. The whole body is mainly emerald green, a retro log. A table and chairs with an old tea set on it.

In the center of the Golden House, a sea blue bed, on the bed, lying on a young girl, the girl is so delicate and exquisite, playing with a charming gesture, **** smile at Qin Shi: "Finally let me take you I am looking forward to it."

Seeing the girl Qin Shi slightly glimpsed, he imagined countless times to see the real master of the animal world space, but did not think of such a spring color.

"You are the one who was looking for me before?"

"Do you see that there are other people besides me?"

Qin Shi looked around and shook his head.

"That's what I am." The girl turned over and sat up on the bed. The slender legs were looming, and the temptation was stretched forward. Qin Shi was also a normal man. Immediately, she straightened and provoked the girl to smile and smile: " How? I am beautiful? Do you really want to push me down? Come, I will let you push."

Qin Shi Meng's return to God, the corner of his eyes can not help but twitch a few times, is this deliberately playing me? He thought to himself, and quickly shook his head: "Forget it, I don't want to know how I died in the end."

"How can you die? People are serious."

The girl Wu Hao soft words, shy and rushed Qin Shi stone tossed an eyebrow: "Come."

On the one hand, she also deliberately pulled down the loose clothes, so that the clavicle, white shoulders exposed, the temptation became more intense.

Qin Shi’s eyes were obviously scattered and deeply attracted. Suddenly, he bit his tongue fiercely and quickly stepped back and set his mind.

"With my current strength, even if the beauty of the national beauty is bathing in front of me, the whole body is screwed, I will never accept the interference. What happened to me?"

Suddenly, Qin Shi seems to think of something like a sneer: "Browing?"

The girl heard it and obviously converges a lot. Like losing a lot of fun, she smashed her clothes and glanced at Qin Shi: "Hey, I didn't expect you to see it."


The girl personally admitted that Qin Shi’s heart was a little nervous. At the beginning, he had experienced in the frontier dungeons in the eastern region. It was also this eyebrow technique that enabled him to successfully replace Han Zi into the barren jungle.

Therefore, it was only for him that he had the jealousy of Yuluo.

He said coldly: "What do you want to do? My friends?"

"I don't want to do anything, don't worry, I am arresting them instead of killing them directly. You will definitely have a chance to save them. I am calling you just to let you promise me one thing, And this thing has a very good effect on you."

"Let's say, what do you want me to promise you? Leave this seal?" Qin Shi had expected this, and he could imagine that this girl could ask for him, nothing more than leaving the seal. It is.

"Okay, but not all."

“Not all?” Qin Shi’s slight accident: “What do you mean?”

"You forgot? I said, I let you promise me, and it is very good for you, so it is not only easy to take me away."

"What is that?"

"Refining me into your own life."

"Ah?" Qin Shi suddenly stunned, and blinked: "You, you mean, let me refine you into my real life Warcraft?"

Qin Shi secretly thought: "This guy is not good at spirit? It is the same as that of Warcraft. It is the same as giving up the body forever. Since ancient times, under the strong pressure of the major magicians, those beasts will be compromised. In order to promise, this guy actually offered this request?"

"Yeah, you just refine my refinement into your own life, I will give your friends all the time, how? Is it a steady profit?" The girl proudly curled up the dagger.

However, Qin Shi suddenly silenced, looked serious and looked at him, and saw his hesitation. The girl was slightly unhappy and said: "Hey, I said, what do you think about? How do I say this? God's respect for the space, refining my life for World of Warcraft, I don't know how many things the magician dreams of, what is it that you still hesitate, are you a man?"

Suddenly, she said again: "Also, I guess you are not a man. I just tempted you so much, you are not hooked, yes, are you bent? Do you like men?"

Qin Shi’s forehead drifted over the black silk, and a gloomy cold road: “You are bent! I have a family and wife and a woman!”

"Oh? Was it not a bend?" The girl looked like a New World. She looked down at Qin Shi and smiled. "It seems that there is a bit of masculinity."

"What is a few points! Is it full?" Qin Shiqi's whole body trembled.

"I have done it, not a bend. I am still thinking that if it is a bend, I will not let you refine it. It will be boring after that." The girl waved her hand, suddenly, before she got up, I found the face of Qin Shi, my eyes bent like a crescent, and smiled and said: "In fact, if you really pushed me down, I will really accompany you, but unfortunately you have not seized the opportunity, or And give you another chance."

"Forget it." Qin Shi took the initiative and did not give the girl any chance to use the enchantment. She said seriously: "The magician can only refine a life of Warcraft in life. Of course, I have to consider it. I know that you are the beast. The **** of space, but I still don't know what kind of beast you are."

Just kidding, the life of Warcraft, the importance of the magician, it is very important, is a metamorphosis of the greatest opportunity of a magician in this life, if used properly, can even change the land, it is precisely, Qin Shi these years There is no refining and refining. You must know that a powerful native Warcraft will give him a very high level of combat power. On the contrary, if you choose the wrong object, his magical career is afraid to come to an end.

"What is your beast?" Qin Shi curiously looked at the girl. From the time she entered the Golden House, he made several sacrifices and tried to see through the girl's body. However, it was fruitless, which made him even more Curious: "Is it a list of beasts? How many?"

"What gods are not on the list, I don't know, you have to know, I will not let you see it." The girl fell directly, back a few steps, taking off the whole body clothes, not hanging.

Looking at the spring, I will see you again. Qin Shi is just a teenager in his early twenties. He is just a sigh of fire. He is red when he is under his face. He quickly said, "What are you going to do?"

"You are stupid, of course, it is a transformation!" The girl was innocently blinded by Qin Shi.

"You turned, what to take off?"

"If you don't take it off, will these clothes not be blasted?"

"Well?" Qin Shi smashed I think it seems like this is really the case.

"Idiot!" The girl did not breathe a sigh of Qin Shi, she smacked the enchanting rushing Qin Shi rocking a few times, smiled: "Look, ah, this is amazing, don't miss any details!"

After all, the girl’s body began to shine with golden light, and the golden light was filled in the entire golden house. Qin Shi was shrouded in it, and the whole body felt great heat.

After the golden light, the girl's body shape changes in the blur, not like the ordinary murderer, what a huge body of the animal, but it is extremely small.

Jinguang continued the semi-column fragrance. When the golden light was completely exhausted, Qin Shi was shocked when he saw the changes in front of him.

The girl is naturally gone. In place of the girl who appears in the Golden House, it is a whole body of furry creatures. The head of this creature is very round, the neck is very long, and the limbs are sloppy and stand in the center.

Qin Shi rubbed his eyes hard, hehe! He swallowed and spit, and his mouth twitched involuntarily, exclaiming.

"I rely on, alpaca?"

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