Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1182: Soul starry array

"other requirements?"

Qin Shi did not accidentally pick a eyebrow, curious to look like a flower.

When he said that Qin Shi took her away, he expected that it would not be too simple, but as long as there is a way to save the sword, it is good, but there is no way.

"Talk about it, what is required."

"Take me to leave the land of this seal, and after leaving the land of the seal, I will take me wherever I go. Where are you going, where do I go, let me give you a pet!" , Road.

&nbs+Pig+Pig+Island+Fiction ww.zhomp; “Pet?” Qin Shi squeezed his eyebrows, and this is no different from the life of Warcraft. He couldn't figure it out. What charm does he have, so that this flower is so deadlocked.

"I said the girl, I said that you are also beautiful and beautiful, why do you have to follow me?"

"Then don't worry! You can't say it or not? Of course, you can't say it, but I won't let your friends." It’s like a little rogue.

Qin Shi is really no way, but think about it, it’s not a good thing to accept a flower as a pet. It’s just like the **** of a beast, such as the hell, and the like. In the fierce beast world, the status is extraordinary, the blood is high, and the space of this hand animal is definitely high. It will be a big boost for her to be a pet.

He hesitated and said: "It is OK, but what do you mean to take with you at any time? I can't refine the life of Warcraft, you a little girl, can't you still live with me in the future?"

"This does not require you to worry, if you take me out of here, I will re-create a space for the beast world, injecting space into one of your personal things, I live in it, so that is not the life of Warcraft, I can always be with you at any time." With a smug smile, he said: "This little thing is hard to beat me."


Qin Shi is full of black lines, and it is always ready to prepare for the road.

"Well, I promise you." Qin Shi nodded and immediately said: "Now, can you let my friends out?"

"Of course, no problem." For example, a smile of satisfaction, a wave of sleeves, a space tremble, a crack was torn by her.

Over the golden house, like the flow of a star river, you can see a few stars staring at the stars, and the swordsman is rescued from the void.

"Sword meaning!" Qin Shi saw Jianyi and others, could not help but step forward, looked up and down and looked at the sword, and said: "Are you all right?"


The sword is excited to reveal the grateful color, shaking his head with force, Qin Shi does not know, since the sword and other people were arrested, such as flowers in the void, set up a fluorescent screen, the screen is always followed by the figure of Qin Shi That is to say, Qin Shi is clear from the outside of the animal world to the whole process of saving them.

This is also the case, Jianyi and others are more grateful to Qin Shi.

"You can rest assured that I am not treating them badly, and ah, in the space where they are closed, I deliberately created a thirty-fold polyphony array, and a time array of ten times the flow rate with the outside world, these days, They have also made a lot of progress in their cultivation, and you have to thank me for knowing it?"

Qin Shi licked his mouth, but he didn't say it in his heart. When he saw a few people in the sword, he was relieved, and he let go of his heart. He took a deep breath and walked in front of him like a flower: "You can rest assured, I promise you, and I will definitely If you do it."

"You remember it." If the flower smiles warmly, she will be silent, and said: "Right, I learned from the mouths of several of your friends that you will participate in the eight-field magical game three months later. Only after entering the seal of the land to cultivate the soul, is it?"

Qin Shi nodded with no concealment: "If not, can I be wrapped up by you?"

"Hey, I am still entangled with you?" It was like a flowering angry scent, but suddenly she smiled and said, "Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, I originally heard that you have to cultivate the soul." Force, I still have a way to help you, but since you are so disgusting with me, it seems that I don't need to help you?"

"Well?" Qin Shiyi, his eyes immediately changed, and smiled and joined together: "What did you just say? Can you help me cultivate the power of the soul?"

For example, the flower shrugged unspeakably: "There is a solution, but I am not ready to tell you and help you."

"Don't!" Qin Shi put down his posture before the incident, after the fallacy of this incident, he has been wasting a few days without the power to cultivate the soul, and now only two months away from the devil contest, he must now To find a shortcut, you can do it.

"Hey, will this know my use?"

For example, the flower smiled, and immediately her jade hand waved again. A Xiaguang shrouded from the sky, and the golden house changed in the Xiaguang. The surrounding wall swung rapidly and eventually split into dozens of small houses.

"The rest of the two months, you and your friends will live here first. In the past two months, I will try my best to help you improve the power of the soul."

Looking at the dozens of rooms that have changed out of thin air, Qin Shi screamed: "Great."

"This animal space is created by her, she can change the structure here."

"Yeah." Qin Shi understands that he turned back and rushed to the sword to indicate a few people, and said: "Mo San is still outside, I will trouble you to pick him up later. We will stay here for the first two months. Let's go down."

"Stone, but...!" Sword opened his mouth, and the words behind him stopped, and his eyes looked strange and strange.

Looking at the odd look of the sword, Qin Shi smiled lightly. He understood what the sword meant to say. The sword was undoubtedly thinking that they were sent by the sect to help Qin Shi to kill the beast, but in the end it became useless. .

Qin Shi took a picture of the shoulder of the sword. "Don't think too much, we are brothers. The concentration of aura here is very pure. Plus the gathering of the spirits and the enchantment of time, it is suitable for your current practice. These two months are accelerating. Time to cultivate, there are still many places where you can help me in the future."

Sword intends to pull a head and sigh: "Okay, I know."

I waited until the sword and a few people returned to the room, just like the flowers behind the Qin Shi, they said: "They, can you really help you? With your talent and ability, the gap between you will only grow bigger and bigger. At that time, they probably only want to be the same now, drag your hind legs."

"That may not be."

Qin Shi is a free-spirited smile. Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, a person's ability is measured by cultivation. However, he is just the opposite. He feels that the real way of employing people is to put the right people in the right place. This will make it the most effective.

And he is not lacking in being a powerful helper, lacking more, but it is like a sword, a responsible, courageous, and clear-headed helper.

In his heart, he has already measured the position of the sword. Now, it is a bad time.

"Talk about the way you help me to cultivate the power of the soul." Qin Shi put down a few things about the sword, and turned back and asked, he is more concerned about this.

For example, if you spend a slap in the mouth, you will not see a disappointing disappointment. "Well, let's get down to business, you have to cultivate the power of the soul. Just as you choose, it is the refining magic."

"Refining magic charm?" Qin Shi frowned, and indulged in a moment: "How to refine, this is the space of the beast world, most of them are your kind of companion, the bone wing dragon I just refining is also like roasting Like a cooked duck, it flies away. How do you make me refining?"

"Do not worry, this is my own way." I am so proud of the smile: "Since I said that there is a way for you to cultivate the power of the soul, it is not ordinary refining, idiot."

"Not ordinary refining? How to refine?" Qin Shi curious.

"Follow me!" He rose like a flower and walks toward the depths of the Golden House.

Qin Shi followed behind the flowers, and went all the way to the end of the Golden House. However, when the flowers stopped, Qin Shi looked around, except for the golden walls, but did not find any difference, calmly said: "You Is that here? There is nothing special here."

"Of course not here, you look down." For example, the flower sold a pass.

Qin Shi will be suspicious of licking his nose and bowing his head.

Just bowed, Qin Shi did not see anything different, a piece of glazed brick, in addition to being able to map his reflection, nothing else.


Suddenly, however, after the sound of a finger-like sound, the glazed bricks under the feet of the two men burst into golden light, and the golden light and the tiles on the beam corresponded to each other, and they began to move regularly.

Soon, the ground is like a chessboard, and a very strange array emerges.

When the enchantment came out, Qin Shi was a black scorpion. The original glass-like ground turned into a thorough starry sky. There were hundreds of stars shining slowly around a golden light in the center.

At this time, Qin Shi ~ ~ seems to be suspended in the invincible star river.

"This, what is this?"

Qin Shi stunned, and he vaguely felt the power of life from this galaxy. However, it is the power of life, but it seems to be wrong.

The picture of the Galaxy emerges, and the flower smiles proudly: "This is the special way I said, the soul starry!"

"Soul Starry Sky?" For this formation, Qin Shi is very strange. He read many books, but there is no record about this law.

It was a demon. When he heard this formation, he exclaimed: "Is it a soul starry array?"

"Do you know this method?" Qin Shi accidentally asked the evil spirits.

The demons have been silent for a long time, and their looks have become severe, and they nodded gently: "Well, this method is one of the most ancient arrays in the world, and its ability is...simulating the soul!"

"Simulate the soul?"

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