Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1193: Qin Shi appeared

Moyang was a panicked blink of an eye. He tried to calm himself and bite his lips. Suddenly, he grabbed the hand of the condensed rain and burst into full force. A layer of light infested with a light black flame ignited from his arm. To the rain.

"Fucking the ghost, I will kill him first, see you can't come out!"

Moyang’s low-pitched eyes, watching the black flames devour the condensed rain, the whole disciples hold their breath, and the dead one can be heard clearly.

"No medicine is saved!"

The disappearing sound suddenly echoed on the sky.

&nb{猪} pig island {small} said 3.zhu; hehe!

Immediately, a starlight, accompanied by the sound of the sky, was fiercely shot from the clouds. The starlight was like a nine-day meteorite. It was entangled in purple thunder and slammed into the chest of Moyang.


Moyang was hit by the meteorite, his face was suddenly distorted, and the black flame in the palm of his hand was extinguished. The body flew down a few tens of meters.

After the starlight meteorite, a thin figure slowly descended from the clouds. He took his hand in the air and a black robe, which was particularly dazzling.

Seeing the black robe boy, the disciples of the audience were stunned by the horror of the eyes, especially the fogmen and the captives of the fog alliance, all of which were stagnant for a time.

"Sure enough, he...he, he really came back!" Fu Jun, You Qing and others, his eyes could not help but become a little moist, and his heart seemed to be hammered hard by the huge destiny stone hammer.

"It's him?"

Some disciples who were in chaos two years ago recognized the appearance of their understanding at a glance, and exclaimed.

"He? Who is he?"

Some new disciples did not know, curiously asked.

"He doesn't know you? Then Qin Shi, do you know?"

"Qin Shi? I know this, is the traitor in the chaos of the past, and this is the championship of the sacrifice of the gods. It is said that the swordsman is now mixed with the wind." Then suddenly squatted, suddenly thought of what was shocked: "You, you mean, he is Qin Shi?"

"Yes, he is Qin Shi."

Hey! For a moment, the words Qin Shi are like the plague that has no medicine to save, and the frenzy spreads in the crowd until the end of the game.

"God, he turned out to be Qin Shi?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he was so young."

"It’s no wonder that the outside world is so exaggerated about his rumors. Indeed, if you are so young, you can win the champion of the Divine Land Festival. If I remember correctly, the dusty brothers have entered the chaotic domain for more than a hundred years, and they have lost in his hands. It is."

"However, I can't figure out, how can he dare to go back to the chaos? He is now at the top of the list of all-night wanted."

"Yeah, even if he is now a rehearsal disciple of Jianzong, he shouldn't come back. It's hard that he really thought that there is a sword to protect him, he can be invincible in the world, and fight against our chaotic domain by one's own strength. ?"

"Cut, it's impossible. It's really a guy who doesn't know how to be tall. He thought it was a genius, but if you think about it, it's just a arrogant guy. Even if it's a bit of a skill, hey, this time it will definitely die. We are not going to let him go."

"Who said no, he wore a big tail wolf and wanted to marry a hero. This time he took the initiative to break into our chaotic domain. Even if Jianzong stood up, there was no suitable reason and he could never save him."

"Well, yes, I heard that the Swordsman of the Swordsmen came to our chaotic domain today?"

"The Swordsman is also here? Why come?"

"You don't know this. I heard that it was for my four-day demon contest."

"The devil contest?" Several disciples screamed at the gods, revealing a few ridiculous words: "No, just Jianzong, also participate in the devil contest? In the past years, they are not directly abstaining? What happened this time? Not expanding, want to find some shame?"

"Oh, it is estimated that I really can't open it, although my chaotic domain is not a big devil, but compared with Jianzong, Jianzong can be far worse."

"Don't say anything!" A disciple who apparently had some status in the foreign domain gave him a few glances. "I heard that this time, Jianzong had a magical genius. He was only twenty years old and had a curse.巅 nine layers of strength."

"Twenty years old, cursing nine layers? This, is this really fake? Impossible?"

Many disciples blinked and cursed the nine layers. What is the concept? Can enter the chaotic domain, there is no mediocrity in the field, naturally know the power of the magician on this continent, and the difficulty of the cultivation of the magician, most of them are from the famous, the emperor will be the home, the home is also Many of the devils of the guest are the elders, so they know that the concept of cursing the nine layers is in their homes, some of the elders who are 100 years old and even live for hundreds of years, but they are barely seven The curse, or the eight curses, the nine curses are very rare, and the curses are never heard.

Like a curse, it is a very strong opportunity. It is the height that many people can't touch in this life. In their twenties, they curse nine layers. They are really hard to imagine.

"You love it or not, but it is true. This is what I saw when I helped the elders organize the entries in the fields yesterday."

"God, that sword is so powerful this time."

"But what about it? Even if it is even more powerful, it doesn't matter to Qin Shi. Does he really think that the Swordsman can cover him? Hey, not self-sufficient, he is not a disciple, what is it?" ”

"Really." Jianzong disciples talked constantly. Under the two years of chaos, their views on Qin Shi were almost distorted to the extreme, and Qin Shi and the heinous people were classified into one category.

Qin Shi heard a bitter smile. He wanted to know that if he was known by these people, he would be the disciple of the Jianzong, and how funny these people would be.

However, he did not say much. He did not care about how the outsiders looked at him. He was fair and self-conscious. He blinked and looked around. When he saw the scars on Fu Jun and other fogmen's disciples, he frowned slightly.

Immediately, he looked at the hundreds of fogmen who were fainting under his spiritual power, but he shook his head: "It is really sad."

"Stone!" The condensate rain stood up. He looked at Qin Shi's excitement and cried. The flesh on his face swayed, and a bear hugged and rushed to Qin Shi: "You are finally back."

Qin Shi's face sank, and he quickly and dexterously flashed away. He couldn't bear the fat bear's bear hug. He patted the shoulder of the condensate rain from the side and nodded. "Well, come back."

"Hey! You know, I thought I couldn't see you in my life." Ning Yu was crying with grievances.

"how could be."

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head, but his heart could not help but flash the warmth.

To be honest, he left the five districts, and the power of the soul has already been detected here, so everything that happened here, he looked in his eyes, from Shen Fengchun, You Qing, Fu Jun, and the last words of Ning Yu, He was very touched. He looked at everyone and met: "I'm sorry, I am tired of you, then I will hand it over to me."

"What to say is not tired."

Fu Jun shook his head in a forced manner, but his eyes were a little worried.

"Big brother, you don't have to worry, you don't know the strength of Qin Shi?" Several people in Dunhuang advised.

After hearing the words, Fu Jun shook his head: "His strength, I am naturally clear, when he was summed up in the domain of the gods, his power has been extraordinary, and he has defeated ten infernal disciples, including the owner of the drug alliance. So don't say that it is Moyang, that is, the disciples who are present throughout the temple, and may not be the opponents of Qin Shi."

Hearing, a few people in the Qing dynasty screamed: "What are you worried about?"

Fu Jun squinted and sighed: "I am worried about the chaotic domain."

"Chaotic domain?" Several people are puzzled.

"Yeah!" Fu Jun nodded. "You think, with the grievances between the chaotic domain and Qin Shi, Qin Shi appears in the chaotic domain. Does it really matter?"

Everyone suddenly wakes up... Yes, Qin Shi appears in a chaotic field, and it is so swaying and swaying, can it really be?

"Small, kid, are you Qin Shi?" Moyang climbed up from a distance, and in front of Qin Shi, there was obviously no such enthusiasm.

Qin Shi converges on the body of Moyang, which reveals a few evil smiles: "Oh, yeah, you don't want me to come back? Why, don't you know me?"

"You are really Qin Shi?"

Affirmed, Moyang’s tiger body shook visibly, and his fists were tight. Obviously, he knew Qin Shi and was full of jealousy.

Qin Shi smiled, he did not talk with Moyang, and swept up and down the wound on the body of the rain, turned and walked toward Moyang step by step.

His pace is very slow, but every step, it gives people a fatal oppression, as if suffocating.

Moyang was approached and his eyes were a little scared. He continued to step back a few steps: "You, what are you going to do? You, don't come over!"

"How come that? I don't go, how do you let me come back?" Qin Shi always hangs a smile, a look of indifference, but the pace has not stopped.

"!" Moyang was almost mad at the oppression. He licked his teeth: "Bad You asked for it! The disciple of the temple, killed me. He is our goal, the domain owner has promised us, as long as he kills him, we can get the never-ending right, the elders of the foreign domain, and even the inner domain, as long as they kill him, everything is there!"

The disciples of the temple heard the news, and they were obviously tempted. They looked at each other and suddenly burst into the front. Dozens of disciples quickly surrounded Qin Shi.

However, under the auspices of countless fierce martial arts, Qin Shi does not flash much, as if there is no one, no matter what, step by step, natural rushing toward the sun.

boom! boom!

Suddenly, a muffled sound, a disciple of the temple just entered the hundred meters around Qinshi, but inexplicably fainted, fell from the air to the ground.

Immediately, one followed by one, Qin Shi within 100 meters, as if there is a kind of strange power that can't be said, so that the disciples of the temple can not be close.

Seeing this scene, the audience was shocked.

Moyang’s eyes became fearful and panicked. His whole person’s mind would collapse. His arrogant screams suddenly and rushed to Qin Shi: “Boy, I killed you, I killed you! !!"

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