Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1196: There is a place called the Chiyan Empire.

"If I remember correctly, there should be clear provisions in the chaotic domain. All the disciples who participated in the demon contest in the eight domains are protected by you, right?" Qin Shi smiled.

The butcher’s old eyes are cold: “You already know that you are deliberately waiting for me here?”

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the butcher: "Oh, the elder of the butcher, can I leave now?"

The butcher's old face is green. Indeed, there are regulations in the chaotic domain. With the current identity of Qin Shi, he really can't help Qin Shi, but because of his elder status, he bit his teeth and said: "Yes, but you can When they leave, they can't! They all violated the chaotic domain rules, and they must go back to the chaotic domain law enforcement court and be punished."

The novel Butcher's old fingers to Fu Jun and others.

“Is it punished?” Qin Shihei’s black hair flashed a little coldly: “I would like to ask the elders of the butcher to tell me, which domain rules have they violated?”

"Which area is violated? Oh, in this foreign domain, I am a domain regulation. Is this okay?" The butcher’s sneer, in this foreign domain, he can really cover the sky, saying: "What's more, just and If you are wanted together, it will be enough for them to die a hundred times! Fu Jun, I advise you, it is best not to do unnecessary resistance, and I go to the law enforcement hall."

Hearing the words of the butcher, Fu Jun shook his head in amazement and laughed at himself: "Oh, it seems that the chaotic domain is really not ready to let me go, let go of the fog alliance."

He took a deep breath, but it was full of free and easy, as if he had expected this result to be the same, turned to Qin Shidao: "Qin Shi, you leave, you can kill Moyang, revenge for the undead of the fog alliance, I am already satisfied. You are the best years now, and there is no need to be with us in the hands of those who will die."

"Well, stone, big brother said it is good, your kid is now flying up, taking advantage of this opportunity, as soon as the sect of the sword, our brothers have confidence in you."

"Let's go, we have already seen it. Even if you can keep us for a while, the chaotic domain will not let us go. You can't always guard us in the chaotic domain. What's more, the chaotic domain has long been hot with you. They don't do it to you now, just because your identity is special. If you are in this muddy pool, it is just a kind of chaotic domain, giving them a reasonable mobile phone meeting."

You are a mouthful of me, and Qing Qing and others have discouraged Qin Shi from leaving.

Even the timid condensate rain began to say: "Stone, let's go, don't worry about us, anyway, I have died once, and I am not dead. This time, there is a guy in Moyang on the road to accompany us. ”

However, Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "What do you say nonsense? If Qin Shi said that he would go out, how could he lose faith? I said, I will take you away."

Immediately, he did not give everyone the opportunity to refute, one person went up and looked up at the butcher, and shook his head in disappointment: "The current chaotic domain is really incurable."

"Hey, boy, you are ironic and you have to do the right thing with me. Is it that you have to intervene in my domain? Even if you are a disciple of Jianzong, you can't keep you, die." Let's go!"


Qin Shi disdainfully smiled, and suddenly he stepped on his foot.

call out! A broken wind.


The butcher suddenly stunned, and suddenly he was shocked. He saw that he did not wait for him to return to God. A phantom shadow shook from his eyes. Qin Shi actually disappeared from the place. When Qin Shi appeared again, it was already in his place. In front of me, the black robe floating in the wind was very eye-catching.

Qin Shi stood in the void and confronted the butchers. At this time, he had already converged the smiles of the past. His eyes had a bit of deep sensation in the eyes. With the sound that only the butcher could hear, one word and one sentence: "Don't forget, I just said two points. The second point is the key point. Even if I am not a disciple of the devil contest, you can't kill me. I won't die in chaos."

Among the voices, full of terrifying deterrent power, even the butcher could not help but feel a bit chilly. Although he was still above Qin Shi, regardless of his cultivation, he faced Qin Shi without any superiority. Feeling, instead, there is a kind of standing in front of an invincible tiger.

After all, Qin Shi smiled and spread the voice to the audience. Hehe heard: "Oh, the butcher elder, can we go now?"

Qin Shi’s words seemed to be laughing, but it was particularly harsh in the butcher’s ear, and the butcher’s entire voice did not speak.

"Since the elders of the butchers don't talk, then I will be your default?" Qin Shi did not wait for the butcher to respond. He wrapped the black robe and went back to Fu Jun and others, and waved at the crowd: " Let's go."

Wen Yan, Fu Jun several people hesitated, see the butchers do not open the door, this has quickly followed the footsteps of Qin Shi, until they disappeared into the field of vision, the butcher could not help but look up, continuously spit out a few mouthfuls of gas .

"Just, he just wanted to kill me?"

The butcher’s heart was shocked. He had just confronted Qin Shi. Although he had only a short moment, he felt a strong killing from Qin Shi. The kind of killing was not deliberately expressed, but rather like being a perennial person. Like the **** of death in hell, it seems that if he dares to say more than half of it, or block it, it will be harvested at any time by Qin Shi’s vain **** of death.

"Hey...!" At the thought of this, the butcher's throat swallowed: "No wonder, when the three old guys of Lian Deyu were almost defeated in his hands, anyway, it is the devil contest, I still don't want to provoke him. It’s better."

His old eyes became sinister, and he always looked at the direction in which Qin Shi and others disappeared: "Hey, stinky boy, wait for you, your good days are running out. In the devil contest, someone will take good care of you." ""

After Qin Shi and Fu Jun left the butcher's field of vision, Qin Shi directly brought them back to the resting place of Jianzong. Now, they are not safe anywhere in the chaotic area.

On the way, Fu Jun talked a lot: "You said, how will the butchers finally let us go?"

"Qin Shi, what did your kid say to the butcher?" Shen Fengchun asked.

Qin Shi’s mouth swelled and sneered: “In fact, there is nothing. I just let him know that he is not my opponent.”

"What?" Wen Yan, Fu Jun and others were shocked: "Qin, Qin Shi, are you not really talking about it? But the butcher has a domain of Dacheng's cultivation... How did you do it?"

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders, so he made a mysterious look.

"The secret can't be leaked."

"Hey, you stinky boy!" Several people angrily squinted at Qin Shi.

Escape from the dead, Qingqing and other people are all happy people, talking and laughing along the way, as if forgetting those heavy and unpleasant things, only paying the army, always walking behind the crowd, has been silent without saying a word.

Suddenly, he stepped forward and asked Qin Shi side by side: "Stone, there is a sentence, I don't know when it is not appropriate."

"There is nothing to pay for the big brother, even though it is."

"Why have you been so persistent? With your current status and ability, there is absolutely no need to risk our brothers."

Wen Yan, You Qing and others are also very serious, looking curiously to Qin Shi.

As if it was pierced by Wan Dao, Qin Shi felt very uncomfortable and smiled: "Where is this big brother? If it wasn’t for the help of the fog, I am afraid that I was killed by the creation team. Where will there be my present? I don't want to be ungrateful."

Fu Jun several people were moved to the touch of color, Fu Jun patted Qin Shi's shoulders, however, his one-eyed flashed a little helpless, and stunned: "But, but ... in fact, you really do not need, I I just said that you can keep us for a while, but you can't keep us forever. Now the chaotic domain has made up our minds to kill our lives. They will not let us go."

Speaking of this, Fu Jun’s clenched fists, the eyes are a bit red: “To tell the truth, I am not afraid of death, but I feel that I am sorry for my brothers.”

"Big Brother, what are you talking about!"

"That is, when our brothers did not say that they were better, they were on the top of the mountain, and they lived together."

You Qing, Dunhuang, Shen Fengchun and others shouted.

However, the more this is the case, the more red eyes of Fu Jun, Qin Shi thought if it was not deliberately controlled, it should have been crying out.

Qin Shi took a deep breath and rushed to pay a smile: "Fu brother, you have to worry about it. Since I rescued you, I will not let you be killed by the chaotic domain."

"Well? What do you mean by this? Is it because you have a solution?"

Qin Shi did not conceal his nod. "Well, actually, I just said that there is something to say to the military brother, it is for this matter."

"You said!"

Fu Jun’s eyes flashed through the light, perhaps as he said, if it is only his own life, he really does not care, even has the determination to fight with the chaos, but this is not his own life, but something Close to the hundreds of disciples of Yuqing, Shen Fengchun and other fog alliances ~ Previously, was forced to helpless, now I heard that Qin Shi has a way, even if it is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up.

"Fu brother, you have never thought of exiting the chaotic domain?"

"Exit the chaotic domain?" Fu Jun stunned, could not help but smile: "How could you not think about it? However, although the big land is big, can we escape? Where is the human world, nothing more than eight domains, we really withdraw from chaos The domain, the chaotic domain will also be issued overnight, at that time, no domain will be willing to take us."

Looking at the way the army is desolate, Qin Shi’s mouth is rising: “You don’t have to worry about this, I will naturally find the right place for you.”

"Really?" Fu Jun fiercely happy.

Qin Shi nodded confidently: "I speak and say one thing."

"Where is it?" Fu Jun asked excitedly, he could not think of the seven fields, where can escape the chasing of chaos.

"I don't know if you have heard of a place called the Red Yan Empire?"

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