Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1198: Contest curtain

Accepting Qin Zong’s warrant, Fu Jun and others are grateful to see Qin Shi.

Qin Shi is in the darkness of despair, giving them only a trace of light.

Qin Shi smiled and patted the shoulders of several people, not saying much.

"Let's go." Fengsha rushed a few people to wave.

Fu Jun and others just bid farewell to Qin Shi and keep up with the wind.

Until the crowd disappeared into his vision, Qin Shi was relieved: "There is a big thing in my heart." Immediately, he looked at the time, and he was lazy for the last three days from the devil contest. Waist, ready to go to rest first.

However, suddenly, a touch of strong, powerful enough to make him feel the suffocation of the pressure from the top of his head flashed, his subconscious surprise, a Hong sound from his ear.

"Little guy, can you remember who I am?"

This voice is full of holiness, and the ethereal whirl, like a scorpio, so that Qin Shi does not have to think too much, it is enough to judge who is from the mouth.

In the face of this person, Qin Shi has some different emotions, and she tries hard to calm down. "How can the younger generation forget that if they were not the help of the seniors of the Shu, they would not have today? The younger generation."

The master of this Hongyin is the chief of the Qingxue sect, He Shuhan.

"Ha ha ha, the little guy is not big, the mouth is pretty sweet, no wonder my little kid who will lie to me is so dead."

"The younger generation can understand the heart of the snow heart, and there is no double heart."

"Is there no heart? Then what is your explanation for the wife and children in Chi Yan, and the spirit in your arms?" He Shuhan's voice was slightly cold.

Qin Shi was shocked and secretly said: "She knows everything?"

He Shuhan’s voice sounded again. It’s worth mentioning that the photo is much gentler than before: “Well, you don’t have to be nervous. I am not looking for you to ask for sin. Xuexin’s child is born with hardships, if you really have If you have a fate, I am also happy for her. I am looking for you for the sake of it."

"what's up?"

"Artifact treasure map!" He Shuhan has no concealment, a touch of the road.

"Artifact treasure map?" Qin Shi subconsciously warned.

"You don't have to be vigilant. If I want to take it from you, on the way you just came back, the artifact map is no longer on you."

"You follow me?"

"I can't count it, I just want to tell you that if this artifact treasure map can't open the artifact, it's just an ordinary treasure map, but there is a saying that you don't know what you heard."

"Do you want to say that the husband is not guilty and bears his sin?"

"Well, this is the truth, I hope that you can protect this artifact treasure map, at least not let it fall into the group of hands, otherwise, it will be my catastrophe!" He Shuhan's voice is extremely serious.

Qin Shi is also resolute and nods. "This is nature."

He Shuhan smiled with satisfaction and said: "In addition, I am coming to you, and there is one more thing, it is snow heart."

"Snow heart? What happened to her?"

"What happened to her?" It was about Xue Xue, Qin Shi became extremely serious.

"She's fine, you can rest assured, just about Xue Xin, I believe that you should know more or less, although I am not sure now, but the group will never aim for no reason, they are so targeted Xue Xin, there must be their reasons." He Shuhan gently said that there is no pressure as a sovereign, but to Qin Shi, as a mother worried about the younger generation.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi also fell into meditation, he also thought for a long time, but he could not find the reason. The group was directed at him. He knew it was because of the collapse of jade and demon. However, in the snowy heart, he I couldn't detect a little bit of magic. Only when the last sacrifice of the gods, the sudden power of the body suddenly broke out, but the power was not suffocating, which made him really unable to understand.

"I will find the reason for this." Qin Shi decided.

"Well, you really know, you know it will be fine, then I will not say much, I wish you can still achieve excellent results in this demon contest." He Shuhan smiled softly.

The sound disappeared into the sky.

Qin Shi is in the room, but his eyes have become a little chaotic. What is the reason between the group and the snow heart?

"Snow heart, rest assured, one day, I will definitely all this, the water that has been found out!" He clenched his fist and swear in his heart.

After the conversation with He Shuhan, he did not put a burden on himself. He remained in the room for the remaining three days of the Magic.

Among them, on the second day, Fengsha came here to tell that it was safe to send Fu Jun and others away from the chaotic domain. This made Qin Shi feel gratified. Of course, before the wind and sand, I did not forget Qin Shi, remember that Four thousand magical things.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

When the East flashes white radiance to dispel the darkness, a sacred force rises in the chaos.

The devil contest will also be kicked off.

In the center of the chaotic domain, a place of mysterious land and eight fields is gathered here.

The whole chaos is in the midst of blood.

In the chaotic domain, in a high platform suspended in the sky, a boudoir, at this time it seems a bit lonely, hehe! call out! call out!

In a blink of an eye, two figures, drawn from the sky, if these three figures are present in Qin Shi, they will certainly feel very familiar, the first of which is that when Qin Shi entered the chaotic domain, he met his Dong Qing.

Behind Dong Qing, is the handsome young man: Zhao Xin.

However, the two people at this time, as if two years ago, seem to have lost a part of the sun, inexplicably added a bit of the sky, just two years, so that Zhao Xin’s mouth, there is no such smile.

The two fell in front of the mortuary and gently pushed open the door.

In the boudoir, a petite woman slept gently, lazy, and had a disappointment with the world.

Dong Qing shook his head helplessly: "This little girl."

"After a year and a half ago, the blow to her was really too big."

"Yeah, who can think of our four brothers and sisters, and finally it will fall to such a point, it is really making people."

"In any case, always say something to her." Zhao Xin took a deep breath and walked slowly to the bed: "Ninger, Ninger!"

"What's wrong?" Donning opened the eyes of sleepy eyes, which were full of hollows.

"Today is the devil contest, let's go and have a look."

"I won't go, there is nothing to look at."

“Really? I think there is one person who might make you want to see it.”

"Who?" Donning looked up curiously.

"Qin Shi."

"He is also here?" In the beautiful scenery of the ancient wells of Beding, there is a rare wave of ripples.

"Yeah, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't come to call you deliberately."

Do not be silent, the expression is very struggling, and finally hesitated for a long time, tap the dagger: "Well, let's go see."


In the outer domain, the central area.

There are many people in the chaos, and many disciples in the chaos have come to watch.

Among the crowds, the first to appear naturally is the chaotic domain. The enchanting first appeared among many foreign disciples. He is still the arrogant gesture, a robes fluttering, a smile: "Today, It is one of my eight domains, once a decade, a rare demon contest, I believe that you can't wait, then, we talk nonsense, first invite the contestants of this demon contest."

Under the field.

On the other side of the chaotic domain, there were more than a dozen figures jumping out. These dozens of people undoubtedly did not reveal the power of a strong soul. They gathered together and made the audience feel a bit surprised.

Of course, among the dozen or so people, there is a shadow, and the shadow is not so eye-catching, but the atmosphere of his body is enough to squeeze the audience.

On the side of Jianzong, Fang Qing and Feng Sha followed, and after seeing the shadow, they all frowned slightly: "Is it him?"

"I didn't expect that the chaotic domain would have recruited him too?"

Qin Shi heard the words, admiring to the shadowy old man, just an instant, the old man's sharp eyes responded to him, as if he would see him in an instant.

"A strong soul pressure." Qin Shi was shocked. Now that he has a curse on the nine layers, he can bring him this kind of pressure. Is it only the realm of the rumor, the curse domain?

"Is it a curse?"

In the human world, the domain is not unusual, but it can be as rare as a magical field. After all, soul practice is far beyond ordinary spiritual power. It requires a strong talent and opportunity. of.

At least until now, Qin Shi has seen thousands of domains, but there are also hundreds, and the curse domain is Liao Wuyi. If this old man is, he is afraid of being the only one.

"Predecessors, who is this old guy?"

"He?" The snoring of the wind and sand, coldly said: "His name is ghost film, it is a real curse, but this person is very greedy, eight domains have thrown an olive branch to him, but he However, he has always been in the eight domains, and he has never been too close to the domain. This makes many people in the eight domains very dissatisfied with this person. Fortunately, he is not close to any domain, which makes the eight domains more secure. After all, A magician who cursed the domain can change too much, but I didn’t expect that today he would play for the chaotic domain."

"Sure enough!" Qin Shi black squats, cursing the domain, which makes him feel extremely uneasy ~ ~ This has exceeded his imagination.

"Little guy, this person is very ruthless, acting extremely vicious, try to avoid fighting with him in the competition, remember?" Fengsha kindly reminded.

Hearing this statement, Qin Shi reveals a few touches of helplessness: "Can you avoid it?"

A glimpse of the wind and sand, shaking his head: "If you really can't avoid it, be careful, even if you give up the game."

"Do not worry, my heart is self-disciplined."

Qin Shi promised on the surface, but there was no retreat in the bottom of his heart. The sand seemed to see through this. He shook his head helplessly: "I hope that I don't want any scorpions."

When the participants in the chaotic domain were all in place, the enchanting singer had retired to the rear viewing seat, and Yuan Hao completed the next host for him. Yuan Zhen stepped forward and smiled lightly.

"So, then, let's invite the other disciples of the other seven domains to appear!"

The voice of Yuan Zhen fell, and the rest of the participating disciples came to power one after another. The sound of the cymbals was getting stronger and stronger, and the prelude of this demon contest was completely opened.

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