Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1200: 3 extinction

After entering the Golden Dragon Sealing Soul, the souls of many contestants are all separated. They are full of gaze in the eyes of other contestants. However, these guys are old fritters, and they have not rushed for a time. Looking for the right opportunity.

This silence lasted for about half a time. A younger disciple of the forbidden field, his eyes were cold. Suddenly, he stepped forward and screamed at an old man who was near him.


A purple gold mythical dragon, swallowing clouds and spitting out, the dragon tail rushed down to the old man.

This young man started, the old man seems to be not surprised, when Xuanlong entered his *pig* pig * island * small * said ww.huzu within a hundred meters range, he could not help but reveal the face of Yin.


Originally, the old man who only cursed the three layers suddenly rose in an instant, and a soul circle spreads, and the soul circle suddenly turns into a hundred-foot size, and the sacred dragon is swallowed.

Xuanlong was easily obliterated, and the youth’s eyes were a little scared. The subconscious person would like to step back a few steps: “This, how is this possible? You, are you not only cursing three layers? How, how can it suddenly become a curse? Five floors?"

"Hey, little things, do you understand the gecko? Hey, do you really think that old age is only cursing three layers? I have always deliberately converged, just to lead you to this arrogant guy. "The old man laughed happily.

"Damn! Are you calculating me?" The young man sneaked.

Under the horror of the young man, he constantly retreats his body shape. However, he has been locked by the soul of the old man. No matter how he flees, he can't escape the palm of the giant soul.


A loud noise, the soul of the youth was crushed by the giant soul.


The soul of the young man burst on the spot, and his body in the outside world was also a hollow that was instantly shaken out and his eyes completely changed.

The confrontation between the young and the old has also opened the prelude to this fighting spirit.

More and more souls are strangling.

On top of the Bose Scorpio, it is instantly covered by a layer of chaotic yarn. In this gauze, there are layers of soul power flowing, like the constant stream, gathering and colliding with each other.

In the distance, Qin Shiyi looked up: "It's cruel."

"No way, here is the battlefield of the magician. If you want to survive and win the game, you must use all the solutions. You can only say that the soldiers are not deceiving. The kid is still too junior."

Qin Shi can't help but nod, at least the mistake of this kind of enemy, will not be committed in him.

Hundreds of souls and souls confront each other. In the moment, this golden dragon is in the soul of the soul, and it produces a strong soul wave, and the layers of the outside are all shocked.

However, it is astonishing that in this melee, there is a very strange pure land, that is, between the ghosts and the people around the Baizhang, as if everyone is deliberately avoiding him.

"It is normal, the ghosts and Taoists in the devil's qualifications, not inferior to the position of the eight domain domain in the human world, this fighting soul, there are hundreds of places, so everyone does not need to provoke him." Huo Dao see Qin The doubts of the stone explained.

Qin Shi nodded stunnedly: "This old guy seems to be really bad."

The other side, who has never entered the melee, should be Qin Shi and Huo Dao, and the two are always in the corner of the Golden Dragon Seal.

Among them, occasionally some souls will aim at the target here, but without Qin Shi’s shot, Huo Dao himself has a curse of nine layers of peaks. This strength is already high in the audience, so even if there is a soul body approaching, when he releases When the soul is under pressure, those souls are also flashing away from the fun.

Suddenly, a young man walked into the corner. The young man performed very elegantly. However, Huo Dao, who is a demon teacher, once saw the evil spirit after the elegance, and he was shocked: "Cheng Xu?"

Cheng Xu smiled lightly and looked at Qin Shi: "Old guy, this is my and his grievances. I advise you not to do more leisurely things!"

Huo Dao turned back and looked at Qin Shi, frowning.

Qin Shi always maintains a low-key breathing, so the feeling of giving people only curses the four layers and five layers, and the eye Cheng Xu is indeed a true half-step mantra. This kind of strength is that even Huo Dao must temporarily avoid the edge.

"That can't be done. I have the same temperament with Qin Shi's friends. If you want to be embarrassed, the old man can't allow it." Silence for half a while, Huo Dao faintly spit.

It seems that Cheng Xu is not unexpected, and the evil spirits of the mouth are raised: "Oh, it doesn't matter if it's not too big, but the old guys have to know that if it's a poison, maybe our winds are not as good as your refining, but now It’s a magical contest. This is not the strength of your refining domain. So I advise you to think clearly. It’s not worth it for this kid to offend us.”

Huo Dao shook his head and laughed at himself: "This is not worth anything. I am representing myself. If I am a big deal, I will match my old life. It will be impossible for you to be in the wind domain after the end of the demon contest. How can the refining field not be achieved?"

Wen Yan, Cheng Xu’s mouth twitched a few times and nodded in a row. “Well, just as the brothers who participated in the competition are fighting for these 100 places, then I will help them to get rid of the two and give the new couple some opportunities. ”

In a word, Cheng Xu held up his palms, and a fierce gray sandstorm took off and rushed toward Huo Dao.

The sandstorm was lightning fast, and it was forced to the front of Huo Dao in the blink of an eye. This made Huo Dao somewhat unprepared, and looked shocked and quickly shot three palms.

boom! boom! boom!

Three spurs, swaying along the chest of Huo Dao, two souls smashing the soul of nine or more layers, instantly forming a strong soul, so that many souls around are affected.


The waves burst open after the bloom.

Teng Teng!

After a layer of fog, Huo Dao's three steps back, this block is barely blocked, but he is obviously not seriously injured.

Stabilizing his body shape, Huo Dao's arms were pulled around his waist, and even the power of lifting was gone. Even the palms had some illusions, and even the soul body was shaken a lot.

The mouth-stricken sigh of Cheng Xu, Huo Dao's old face is gloomy: "I didn't expect that the soul of this kid is so powerful!"

"Oh, old guy, this strength, I want to save people from my hand?" Seeing the appearance of Huo Daowulu, Cheng Xu ignored the sneer: "I will send you to the West today, put your quota." Let it out!"

"Three kills!"

Continuously changing three handprints, each handprint has a strange pattern, the texture is out, there is a dragon head, which is the head of the dragon, abnormal sputum, swallowed toward Huo Dao.

Upon seeing it, Huo Dao’s heart trembled. If he recovered, the blow might still be able to withstand it. Only now that one arm can’t be used, the power of the soul is also huge, and it can block the next print, and it can’t stop the three seals.

Looking at the vibrations here, I stopped fighting and I was surprised.

"Is it the Cheng Xu of the wind?"

"That magical genius boy?"

"Yes, the old guy is not simple. It seems to be the Huo Dao of the refining domain. It is said that there is also the strength of cursing the nine layers."

"But it looks like he doesn't seem to be Cheng Xu's opponent at all."

"That must be, a curse of nine layers, a half-step mantra, this seems to have only a half of the gap, in fact, there is an insurmountable gap, this Huo Dao, can not block this blow, it is estimated that these three extinction When he decides to fall, he will be eliminated."

"That's a pity, or else the cultivation of this Huo Dao should be the pre-selection of the top ten in this demon contest."

"No way, who let him provoke Cheng Xu, but let us have a strong opponent." Seeing the three seals landing, many souls shook their heads.

Staring at the first mark of the three dragons, Huo Dao’s old eyes were gray, and he finally shook his head in an unbearable mood: “It’s really old, it seems that it’s not helping the little girl.”

"Older generation, let me come!" Suddenly, Huo Dao rang a faint voice behind him.

Huo Dao couldn’t help but look back. Looking at the black robe boy behind him, under the circumstances of such a crisis, he still has a shallow chuckle on his lips?

"Qin Shi?" Huo Dao was shocked, and the old eyes were anxious: "What are you doing up? After retreating!"

"His goal is me, it has nothing to do with you." Qin Shi shook his head.

"Death me alone is better than killing us!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi’s heart flowed a little warmth, and immediately he smiled faintly: “Really, it’s better to die than to die, but I think the best is not dead, what do you say? Seniors?”

"One does not die?"

Huo Dao is slightly puzzling. He knows a little about Qin Shi. He also knows that as a champion of the gods, Qin Shi has a special excellency. However, if it is a common spiritual touch, perhaps this Cheng Xulian Qin Shi half finger It is better, but today's situation is the soul competition. The soul fluctuations he felt from Qin Shi are very weak. Even he can hardly block Cheng Xu's blow, let alone curse the four layers of Qin Shi?

Qin Shi shrugged and did not explain too much. He only raised the black scorpion slightly and landed on the seal of the three dragons that approached.

"Hey, I don't know if I live in the back, maybe you can live more time, but since you have to die It’s all right to make my double kill. !! Cheng Xu was surprised, the palm of his hand was condensed, and the seal of the three dragons was shot again.


In the face of the dragon's seal, Qin Shi stepped forward, just in front of Huo Dao's body, not hiding or flashing, slightly lifting his sleeves, his palms extended, his mouth smiled, and a purple-gold vortex inexplicably floated.

When the vortex came out, it suddenly attracted a strong suction.

Everyone saw this scene as a slap in the face, and couldn’t understand the words: "This kid is trying to stop Cheng Xu’s three kills by hand. Is it crazy?"

"No! You see!"

Suddenly, a disciple exclaimed and followed the attention of many contestants. I saw that the first dragon's seal had collided with the whirlpool created by Qin Shi.

However, the seal of the dragon head that was so powerful that the tremble of the Golden Dragon was so tumultuous, in the moment when it touched the whirlpool, it disappeared inexplicably in the eyes of the crowd, and even the trail of the last half did not remain.

"Oh... this, is this true?"

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