Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 124: Endangered

"The Holy Spirit Water Milk? What is that?"

Do not understand the shock of the jade in the book, Qin Shizhen sounds strange.

"The Holy Spirit water emulsion is a collection of heaven and earth aura. After thousands of years of sedimentation, the most holy bell emulsion is formed by petrified water." Take a deep breath, and the book reads: "If you can invade the water in the Holy Spirit, Have the effect of reborn, and wash the marrow."

Qin Shiyi: "Really? What are you waiting for? Should Yu Jie be together?"

"Get out of the way!"

There is no snoring noise.

"What's the matter? Bathing, let's say Xiaomi Cai is also together, don't be shy and don't be shy." After saying this, Qin Shi would not shamelessly remove the clothes, then pull the book in jade and millet color, and jump into this Among the stone pools of the Holy Spirit.

Who ever thought that the jade in the book jumped into the stone pool, and the clothes of the whole body would not be affected by the water of the Holy Spirit because of the spiritual cohesion. To this end, Qin Shi could not help but be lost, let's scream and scream: "Rely, you are a joke, it seems that this spiritually condensed clothing is not a good thing."

"Hey, hurry up and practice."

In the book, Yu Xiaoxiao’s snoring.

Qin Shi suddenly shook his head, and then no longer delayed, the two hands gathered in the chest, the spiritual power of the body began to run. Spiritually running, the skin is rosy, only sees 10 million 8 million pores, open at the same time, greedy to eat the spiritual power of the Holy Spirit.

When the spiritual power penetrates into the body, the blood is in an orderly flow, and the roots of the whole body emit a faint fluorescence, as do the veins and meridians.

Originally, he has been transformed into a star-studded body. The skin and meridians of the body have been transformed. The dragon scales of the red dragon and the dragon's dragons of the water dragon are instantly honoured and become more clear and pure under the scouring of the water emulsion. .

"so amazing……"

Qin Shiyi, slightly excited.

"I just took a while, I got so much use. If I can invade it for a long time here, maybe I can really reborn." Qin Shi is more energetic, drives the Holy Spirit water, and puts a few days in the body. The roots and veins became more and more full, and even the injuries suffered in the previous several times were well cured and restored as they were.

At this time, the book jade and millet color, both in the Holy Spirit water emulsion also got a good wash. Especially in the book, jade, originally a sinister beauty, is now as beautiful as dehydrated hibiscus, snow white colorless cheeks, and gradually ruddy.

The millet color is full of body, and the colorful snakes are shining.

Looking at the harvest of the two, Qin Shi sat down with satisfaction and once again squatted in the water of the Holy Spirit.

In Shichizhong, the Holy Spirit water is stunned by the spiritual power, and the ripples of the waves are slightly bright, just like a small fish skin blind date, kissed on Qin Shi's strong red Yanlong dragon scales.

Gradually, the spiritual power was saturated, Qin Shi suddenly shocked the spirit, and there was a very bold idea.

Feeling the rippling power, the book was amazed, and blinked: "Stone, do you want to break through?"

"Well!" Qin Shiyan did not shy away from the point, and immediately turned himself into the inner view, and gathered spiritual power into Dantian: "I have reached the fullness of the spirit, and this spiritual power in the Holy Spirit is a good time. It is a good time to break through. I don't want to miss."

Under the silence of the book, there are some concerns.

Indeed, Qin Shi has reached the saturation of the middle of the seal, and now there is the support of the Holy Spirit, which is the perfect period for breakthrough. However, Qin Shi made several breakthroughs in the past, each time using external forces to force up the spiritual power, resulting in a generation gap between his roots and veins and spiritual power.

“Can you think about it?” In the book, Yu Yu tightened the powder and reminded: “Now, you are mentally disordered, not yet mature, and the opportunity has not yet arrived. If you forcibly break through, success will naturally be all right, but if you encounter bottlenecks or embarrassment, Will be hit hard."

In the book, Yu said, Qin Shi understands.

However, he really does not want to miss it. Once he misses this opportunity, he will not know that he will wait until the monkey year.

Moreover, now in this burning secret, there is a deadly crisis lurking everywhere, Chu Yuanba is like this, Wang Yun is also like this, not to mention the most powerful three bully of Yun Dingzong, the most mysterious existence: Su Can .

No one knows if he has entered the competition.

If he participated in the competition, now Qin Shi, even to give people a shoe can not be enough, let alone want to win? I am afraid that even the fire will be hit hard.

Thinking of this, Qin Shi rigorously nodded and said: "I decided."

Understand the character of Qin Shi, the jade in the book is no longer blocked, just pull the millet to withdraw from the stone pool, stand on the shore and wait for this Qin Shi breakthrough, worry: "Stone, remember, can not be forced, if it encounters 桎梏I will stop the breakthrough immediately, and I will use the spirit to meet you in vitro."

Qin Shi nodded and threw a grateful look at the book.

Close your eyes, condense, gather together.

A series of actions, Qin Shi will experience all the inputs to Dantian, the mighty blood, such as Baichuan Nahai, forming a small ball of light at Dantian. The light ball is constantly rotating, and the nine spiritual veins are like a lush foliage, and the spiritual power is poured into the veins.

"Have the opportunity!"

Seeing that the nine spirits are full, Qin Shi is overjoyed.

Immediately, he was not procrastinating, and the spiritual power in the spiritual veins was once again compressed. The spirit of the snake-like spirit swam in the blood, with the thick water of the Holy Spirit, dripping on Dantian little by little, watching Dantian The expansion of the spar is about to break through.





In a twinkling of an eye, five spirits accommodate.

"The last four, only four." Gritted teeth, Qin Shi added strength.

Standing on the shore, the jade in the book is a cold sweat on the Qin Shi, watching the top of the Qin stone smoke, the whole body is rosy and hot, even the water of the Holy Spirit in the stone pool has turned into a boiling: "Stone Come on, come on..."

Xiaomi Cai is also a big eye, cheering for Qin Shi.

But at this time, the spiritual power in Qin Shi’s body suddenly dried up, and the spiritual power of one stone was solidified. The sixth spiritual eye saw the moment of gathering in Dantian, and suddenly it was rejected, a vain glimpse, thoroughly Block Qin Shi want to continue to break through the heart.

"Damn, it’s almost a bit, isn’t it okay?”

桎梏 Condensation, Qin Shi flustered, the key to this breakthrough is that absolutely no mistakes can be made. But now, obviously, this error has already appeared. The spiritual power in his body is far from being able to support the four veins that are in a free state, and the blood of the sputum is spit out and the water of the Holy Spirit is red.

In the book, Yu Yixun: "Stone!"

"Stone, stop, I will meet you outside."

After finishing the speech, the jade in the book did not wait for the response, raised the jade hand in front of the chest, and a fluorescent float, forming a vivid butterfly, the butterfly dancing in the air, floating in the side of Qin Shi, constantly pouring out The spiritual power is scattered.

Qin Shi, who is breaking through, has a tight heart.

If the breakthrough is terminated now, the spiritual power in these four spiritual veins will disappear in an instant. By that time, his strength will not be semi-finished, I am afraid it will regress: "No, I can't give up, I can only succeed!" ”

Realizing this, he once again expanded the pores, and the spirits smashed the colorful butterflies forever.

The butterfly was broken, and the book was in a panic, and it was hurried to weave a few more colorful butterflies again. Trying to help the Qin Shi body's messy spirits lead out of the body, the screaming exhausted with a cry: "Stone, don't be stubborn, beg you not to be stubborn You will be mad at it."

"Get out of the fire?"

In the state of meditation, Qin Shi heard these four words, but suddenly revealed a bright smile, a strangely raised mouth, a thought in the heart constantly: "Magic? What is the devil? I am a magic, why talk about the fire Enchanted?"


bump! Suddenly, Qin Shi once again made a colorful butterfly, trying to compress the spiritual power of the sixth spirituality into a state of Lingjing, gathering Dantian once and for all.

However, it is strong, no matter how it is impacted, even the silk has never been produced.

In the forcible breakthrough, his skin turned from red to purple, from purple to blue, and even swearing.

Finally, unable to withstand the pain in the body, Qin Shizhen's spit and blood, the body's spiritual power quickly dissipated in the body, the four spiritual veins actually turbulent, and suddenly there is a tendency to break. Realizing this, Qin Shi’s unprecedented panic: “No!”

After experiencing the spiritual pulse, Qin Shi never wants to experience it.

If these four spiritual breaks, he will never want to break through in the future, and he can only stop in the middle of the seal. He can't let his efforts go to waste.

"Stone!" Outside, the jade in the book has been anxious with the rain of pears, and after a tearful tear, the madness of the Qin Shi rushed up, and a force of uncontrollable gushing out did not care about her own. Whether the spirit has become thin and broken.


At the crucial moment, Qin Shi thought that he would make another breakthrough, and when the mind was desperate, the demon totem at the wrist flashed a few times, and a smoldering smoldering smoldering like a cloud of smoke lingered in him. Beside me.

The suffocating tumbling, a shock and retreat from the book.

Was repulsed, looking at the black stone lingering Qin Shi, the book is a scorpion.

Xiaomi Cai also, it seems to be very disgusted with these suffocating, the whole body scared and curled up.

When the suffocating air permeates the water curtain hole, the time seems to be quiet. The originally messy Qin stone gradually calms down, the breathing becomes orderly, and the chest ups and downs are ups and downs.


Suddenly, in the stone pool, all the holy spirits boiled, seemingly subjected to huge suction, forming a mighty vortex around Qin Shi. The vortex has just formed, and a scream of spiritual power is like a hungry wolf.

When all the waters of the Holy Spirit are absorbed, the milky white liquid turns into a clear pool of water.

At this time, the black suffocating lingering, and finally faded away, returning to the demons totem.

The water curtain hole, the stone pool, only the wolf stone that is unbearable, the whole body is weak and soft in the pool. On his body, a shocking wound, a whole body weakly screaming.


Under the madness, the jade in the book rushed to Qin Shi, and quickly used the spiritual power to inquire, but he was scared to find that Qin Shi’s blood was solidified, and the whole body was cold and scary: “Stone, stone, how are you? You, don’t scare me. Ah, uh..."

"You, don't scare your sister, ask you to wake up, you wake up, you wake up your sister and promise you anything." The jade crying in the book is on the chest of Qin Shi, the voice is unusually weak: "Do you know? You are already in my heart, beg you not to throw me down..."

But no matter how she cried, Qin Shi just silently closed her嘿嘿, little girl, if you are crying, your little lover, you will be so sad. "At this time, the pool of water scrolled a few points, an inexplicable vicissitudes of the old man, suddenly appeared out of thin air, the fairy wind and the bones, the figure is sham, but it is similar to the pathological jade.

Suddenly awakened, the jade in the book suddenly looked up: "You, who are you?"

"People? Oh, I can't be a human being. I fell here thousands of years ago, but it is a spiritual part of the district." After a smile, the old man turned and looked at the pool, twitching Qin Shi: "Oh, huh. This little guy is interesting, but the little seal of the spirit can break the seal of the Holy Spirit water emulsion?"

After saying this, he fluttered and leaned closer to Qin Shi.

In the book, the jade eyes are tight, and they turn over in front of Qin Shi. They are cold: "What are you going to do? Don't come over!"

"Oh, don't be nervous, I won't hurt him."

The old man touched the beard and laughed: "Otherwise, depending on your broken spirit, do you think you can stop me?"


Today, the 12-point small shallow shelf, should be around 12:15, Xiaochao will present two chapters for everyone. I know that many readers have to say, how can they charge? But I hope my readers can understand, after all, Xiaosao’s daily experience in investing in evil spirits always has to support himself, right? Reading a month, but about 10 dollars. I believe that everyone can support it, but you are 10 yuan, giving you an endless power. I hope that everyone can continue to support me, I will work harder and make my army stronger and stronger.

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