Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1256: 叶凤??肭嘌┳?/a>

He Shuhan said, everyone turned their eyes to the enchanting.

The enchanting mouth twitched, He Shuhan clearly deliberately mocked him, but he is now a sinful person in the eyes of the eight domains, can only bear.

"How to say again, this is also the home of chaotic domain. I don't think anyone like this is more suitable than the enchanting domain owner? How is it that the demon lord has difficulty?"

The enchanting thief’s eyes were cold, and eventually she smiled and nodded: “How come, I should be honored with this kind of thing.”

Immediately, he waved his hand and waved: "The elders, take out the winners of this demon contest, I will personally award the prize to our glory son."

"Domain, this...!" Yan Deyu hesitated.

"What is this, I will let you take it!" The enchanting slammed immediately, and he was tolerant to outsiders, and he could no longer restrain himself.

"Yes, I will take it!" Yan Deyu was shocked by the old eyes, and he quickly responded.

Waiting for half an hour, Yan Deyu returned to the scene, his hand faintly fluorescent flashing, a touch of cool fragrance overflowed.

Smell the fragrance, so that the hearts of countless people seem to be calm.

Yan Deyu arrived at the side of the demon, and the enchanting took the broken snow cuckoo from his hand, and immediately stepped on the toes, and leaped from the earth to Qin Shi.

"Kid, congratulations, got the champion of this competition, this broken snow cuckoo is the reward you won." The enchanting gloomy drink.

"Thank you for the demon lord." In the face of the enchanting, Qin Shi proudly smiled, and then he gently took over the broken snow cuckoo, very cautious, for fear of accidental, there will be any loss.

When I got the snow-capped cuckoo, Qin Shi’s heart-strucks took a very strong wave of enthusiasm, and I couldn’t help but recall the way it was when the little empire was a little boy a few years ago.

"Time, it is really fast, a blink of an eye for five years, and the promise made in that year was finally completed." Deeply breathe, Qin Shi slowly lowered his head, and his vision was fixed on the broken snow cuckoo.

The orchid-like azaleas, the petal faintly with the creamy white snow-like texture, make people feel endless calm.

"Lingsha, I got it." He whispered softly in his heart.

Hand the broken snow cuckoo to Qin Shi, the enchanting fists.

"Looks like, the enchanting domain owner seems to be reluctant, hahaha, enchanting domain owner, don't blame the younger generation to win people's love." Qin Shi palm wave, the broken snow azaleas in the bag.

The enchanting thief’s eyes were cold, and he suddenly took the shoulders of Qin Shi, using the voice that only two of them could hear: “Oh, boy, don’t be proud, if I want to kill you, you will never live the next second. ""

"Really, the enchanting domain owner wants to kill me, I really can't resist it, but, dare you?" Qin Shi sneered.

Hearing the words, the enchanting forehead swelled his forehead, and he couldn’t accept even Qin Shi in his heart. In his eyes, a small person like an ant could laugh at him. He gnashed his teeth.

Suddenly, he smiled and said: "Yes, kid, you have the power, but you remember, your good days are not much, sooner or later, I will let you, let your ridiculous little empire, what? Qin Zong, and everything you want to guard, all the ash is annihilated, I will be the same, the same, all crushed in the palm of my hand."

Qin Shi’s black scorpion suddenly slammed, and a **** rushed to the crown. He stepped forward and shouted: “What are you talking about?”

"Haha, little guy, remember, what I said, I will do it. I will gradually let you know that this game is not your role and can participate in it."

"You have to dare to touch Qin Zong, touch my family, I killed you!" Qin Shi almost lost his mind.


Suddenly, Fang Qing stepped forward and stopped him: "Qin Shi, you calm down."

After being stopped by Fang Qing, Qin Shicai gradually calmed down, but the black scorpion is still staring at the enchanting. If the eyes can kill, it is estimated that the enchanting has died hundreds of times.

Seeing Fang Qing, the enchanting can't help but feel a little disappointed. The corner of the mouth and the evil spirit shook his head at Qin Shi: "The kid, let's walk, remember the words I just made, the same, the same, slowly crushed."

As I said, the enchanting side made an action.

Qin Shi’s eyes are red.

"Hero, you don't overdo it, although I don't pursue it, but if you continue to provoke, then wait for my swordsman to declare war."

Fang Qing’s words were very cold, and the enchanting eyelids could not help but jump. He smiled and nodded: “Walk, walk, walk, Fang Qingzong, we are walking.”

After all, he slowly returned to the chaotic domain, and his eyes were still with a bit of chilling.

In this regard, He Shuhan naturally felt, and she smiled indifferently. After seeing the enchanting ceremony, she smiled and said: "Since the contest is over, then everyone will be scattered. May my eight domains continue. Guarding the iron law of constant ancient times."

This is the end of the devil contest, and the domain disciples gradually left the chaotic domain under the leadership of the elders.

In the troubled mountains, there is another vision.

The winds and clouds are everywhere, and the main and elders of each domain have sacrificed their spiritual power to tear the space apart. One, two, three, and four, and finally a whole seven space wormholes appear out of thin air.

Space wormholes naturally lead to seven domains.

The space wormhole was completed, and the wilderness area took the lead. The hole ghosts rushed to He Shuhan and Fang Qing, and finally, his old eyes fell on Qin Shi, and smiled: "Little guy, if there is a chance, go to my wasteland." You are a guest, and you are always thinking about you."

"Please ask the Confucius, the younger generation will have the opportunity to visit the door." Faced with the ghost, Qin Shi is still very polite.

Kong Ghost laughed, and this slowly disappeared into the wormholes of the troubled mountains with the people in the wilderness.

"Little doll, we are gone, don't forget what I said to you before." He Shuhan was also lightly up at this time, faint smile at Qin Shi.

"If you are a senior, the younger generation will not forget."

He Shuhan sneaked a sigh of relief, and this turned his satisfaction and turned to the shadow dance: "Let's go."

The shadow dance echoed, and it was quite meaningful to smile at Qin Shiyi: "Little guy, there is a chance to see you again." Immediately, the disciple behind him gestured to get up and went to the space wormhole.

At this time, Qin Shi suddenly said: "Predecessors please stay, the younger generation has something to do."


He Shuhan glimpsed a little, curiously turned back to look at Qin Shi.

Qin Shi hesitated, holding Ye Fengqi's wrist on the front: "Predecessors, can you please, my friend will be under the Qingxue Zongmen."

"Do you want me to accept her?" Seeing Ye Fengqi, He Shuhan frowned.

Ye Fengqi was also shocked to hear the words, and the lips of the lips should block Qin Shi.

But before she spoke, Qin Shi rushed to her for sure, and looked at He Shuhan's unhappiness: "He Zongzhu, I know that my request is a bit too much, but Ye Fengqi is very talented, not only spiritual talent. Group, soul talent is also extraordinary, I believe she joined Qing Xuezong, Qing Xuezong will certainly not regret it."

Looking to Ye Fengqi, He Shuhan fell into silence, and the rest of the major domains were also extremely interested in stopping.

Ye Fengqi’s talent is indeed extraordinary. It’s such an achievement at such a young age. It’s rare to look at the eight domains, especially a girl. However, she is now very responsible. She has just been driven out of the sect by the winds. She is clear that she has to do the right thing with the wind.

Ye Fengqi was swept by He Shuhan, and his heart was filled with timidity. Fortunately, Qin Shi’s big hand glared at her, which made her feel at ease.

However, in Qin Shi’s heart, there is no grasp.

Suddenly, He Shuhan laughed out: "Oh, boy, you have given me a problem."

Qin Shi will smile.

He Shuhan nodded: "Well, shadow dance, bring this little girl back to the sect, and later she is my disciple of Qing Xuezong."

"Yes!" The shadow dance screamed and got up and jumped to Ye Fengzhen: "Little girl, let's go with my sister."

Ye Fengyan’s eyes flashed brightly. When she was driven out of the sect by the wind, her whole person was messy. Of course, her most worried was her family, and her younger sister, Ling Mufeng’s character. They will not let them go.

But now it is different. Now that Qing Xuezong has taken her in, her family will be sheltered by Qing Xuezong, and the winds are not too far.

"Qin Shi..." Ye Fengqi really did not know how to appreciate Qin Shi is good, tears.

Qin Shi gently smiled and licked the head of Ye Fengfeng's head: "Oh, if you are tempted, let's talk about it later. Go back to Qing Xuezong with the shadow dance elders. This time, don't look at the wrong person. After Qing Xuezong, go find Snowy heart, you give me the token I gave you, she will help you save your sister."

"Yeah!" Ye Fengqi nodded hard and sprinkled the tears: "Wait until I save my sister, I will honor my promise, go to the chaotic domain to find you, and say clear to the moon."


Qin Shi nodded with satisfaction, only to see Qing Xuezong gradually leave In the distance, Ling Mu Feng mouth twitched, eyes staring at the Qingxue wormhole: "Damn Qing Xuezong My winds and you are not in the same position!"

He Shuhan’s behavior is undoubtedly the face of his wind.

Until Qing Xuezong left, Qin Shi’s eyes were not recovered, and he was always fixed on the gradually shrinking wormhole, because he knew that the end of the wormhole was where the girl was.

Qing Xuezong!

Suddenly, he clenched his fists and his expression became very determined: "Snow heart, sooner or later, I will go there personally, and then, find you."

The wind sand came to his side at this time: "Little guy, start thinking about your little lover again?"

Qin Shi heard the words, a small face and a red, immediately stunned the wind and sand: "Smelly old man, less here to say cool words."

"Hey, don't want me to say cool words? That's OK, then you told me, He Shuhan, what did she say to you before?" The wind and sand thieves smiled into a gap.

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