Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1258: Going to the refining field

Passing the sound into the ear, paused for a long time, seeing the enchanting stunned into silence, Feng Wei asked: "How do you understand?"

"Feng Yidi respects please rest assured." The enchanting eyes flashed in a stern color, nodded.

Feng Xiao smiled with satisfaction and patted the enchanting shoulder: "This is right, enchanting, do it well, we will not treat you badly. The above has been decided. After this time, you can consider You broke through that realm."

"Really?" The enchanting screaming from the sinking, the eyes flashing.

Feng Wei nodded affirmatively: "Do not worry, you are still useful to us, so as long as you don't go too far, we will definitely train you."

"That would like to thank Feng Xiaodi for respecting it." Hearing this sentence, the enchanting cockroaches are obviously restrained. Suddenly, he said: "Right, I am very curious, why is the group still not going to start with Qing Xuezong?"

When he thought that He Shuhan had made him ugly in front of the Eight Realms, he would not be angry.

Feng Wei heard the words, his eyes flashed in the smudges; "When you ask, you ask, you shouldn't ask, you better not to say more, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to yourself."


When Feng Wei said this, the surrounding airflow seemed to freeze, and the wild suffocation rose like a snake. It was a enchanting, ubiquitous existence, and felt the endless fear for a time. He quickly bowed his head and said: I know."

"You don't have to worry, Qing Xuezong's hatred, we will help you solve it soon, you only need to do what you should do." Feng Yan looked at the enchanting, this is no longer staying, A huge vision emerged again on the scorpio, and a very vast space wormhole emerged.

The strength of this space wormhole is the presence of the foot and the previous seven domains. The surrounding is distorted by the purple-black lightning. Feng Wei just got up and turned into a vain suffocation and disappeared into the wormhole.


In the process of the emergence of wormholes, the world seems to have fallen into silence.

Until the wormhole disappeared, the scorpio became blue again, and the enchanting eyes twitched a few times, and the involuntary sigh of relief.

Then, the three men of the Yuan Zhen flashed past and fell to the side of the enchanting.

The enchanting man turned back and his eyes flashed in a stern color. Immediately, Feng Xiao’s voice on his voice was shot into the sea of ​​three people. He said: “You three are arranged, this time you can’t have any more. accident!"

"Yes!" The three people responded quickly, and immediately Yu Deyu hesitated. Suddenly, he said, "The domain master, isn't the case of Jianzong and Qing Xuezong counted like this?"

"Forget it?" The enchanting snoring, cold smile at the corner of his mouth: "How can I not worry, let them sneak a little, wait until this end, the group helps me to break through to that realm, not to say blue Xuezong, Jianzong, is the entire eight domains, but also surrendered to my feet."

The three people heard the words and looked at each other. This is no longer a retreat.

The enchanting looked up and his ambition began to burn.


The other side, among the swords.

At the end of the three-character demon contest, Qin Shi always said that he was shutting down in the dormitory during the three days.

In his dormitory, there is a glimmer of purple gold light, and a star-like light like a firefly, entwined from his body, gently slid into his mouth and nose, spit out, it seems quite mysterious.

I have to say that this time the devil contest, he is really exhausted, from the beginning to the end, let him feel that it is not like January, more like a whole century, especially in the final refining **** At the time of the symbol, the feeling of exhausting the whole body and the feeling of hollowing out itself is really uncomfortable. The comprehension in just 15 days is a kind of pain that cannot be said.

He is overdrafting himself.

It is also aware of this, so he is very valued for this adjustment.

Until the third day, his breathing gradually calmed down, no longer as confusing as he did at the beginning.

Suddenly, he was black and open, and he was rushing and violently swimming, and his mouth was satisfied with his mouth.

"Kid, it looks like a good recovery?"

Qin Shi smiled and nodded, and immediately he looked inside the body. In his belly, the five internal organs showed a purple flame, and surprisingly, in his five internal organs, meridians, and roots, there were The light green light group, each near the light group, conveys a strong life atmosphere. What makes people even more shocked is that these light green life light groups are full of hundreds.

"Well, it really did recover well, and in the past three days, I have refined 13 of the rainforests in the body. Now I have a hundred and thirty-seven in the rain showers in my body, although I can’t go with the rain and the predecessors. Compared with the immortality, but in my current state, as long as I can still have a breath, I will not die." Qin Shi is very satisfied with his current state.

The demon laughed happily: "Yes, I feel like you didn't tell me the truth?"

"Hmmm?" Qin Shi smashed, and at this time, a sigh of entanglement, falling near his Dantian, at this time his Dan Tian is very full, and the fifth palace has a strong aura.

Demon Road: "This kind of fluctuation, you should have reached the ability to break through to the five layers of the sky?"

Qin Shiyi, this can not help but smile: "What is really nothing to you."

Indeed, this time the devil contest is not without gains, several consecutive overdrafts, so that Qin Shi's spiritual power is more pure, has reached the level of the five layers of the Scorpio, but he has not yet activated the palace.

"What, don't you want to break through now?" the demon asked curiously.

Qin Shi did not hide her head and nodded: "Well, there is no need to rob the Tianzhuo, so I am not in a hurry. I want to temporarily stabilize the foundation."

"Hey, I see your kid, is it urgent to send your little girlfriend to the antidote?" The demon bluntly debunked Qin Shi.

Qin Shi face can not help but red, this is a hard dry cough: "I sent Lingsha to the antidote, but it is just a friend's kindness, and then I have lost faith for a few years, now since the broken snow cuckoo is in hand, of course Send it to her right away."

"Hey, then you better hurry up. If I count well, the poison in your little girlfriend's body should be completely explosive in these few days."

"What?" Qin Shi Meng stood up and looked nervous: "Then why don't you say it earlier?"

"You haven't asked me yet." The demon shrugged innocently.

"!" Qin Shi opened his mouth silently, and finally glanced at it. He was too lazy to argue with the demon. He knew that Zi Lingsha was in danger. He almost stopped the palm of his hand and floated around. The spiritual power of the air swallowed, and the stride of the stride went away.

He just went out and met two young people.

"Stone!" Haoyue, Yuyue, the two quickly went forward. Since Qin Shi returned to Jianzong, the two of them rushed here and stayed outside for three days: "How are you all right?"

"Nothing." Qin Shi was warm in his heart and shook his head.

Determined that Qin Shi has nothing to do, the two talents are relieved, Yu Yue laughed: "Stone, you know what, you are now a big red man of the eight domains, this time the champion of the devil contest, that is the total sacrifice of the gods The championship is even more eye-catching. It is estimated that this enchanting is going to be vomiting blood?"

"Right, stone, I heard that you saw the phoenix in this magical contest?" Haoyue suddenly stepped forward, and the two stared at Qin Shi hotly. "I told her, is she okay? She Where is the person now? How?"

Seeing that there is no interest in Haoyue, Qin Shi can't help but laugh. I thought that this is good. Ye Fengqi is also interested in Haoyue. Otherwise, if he really followed Cheng Xu, Haoyue couldn't be heartbroken?

But he is really anxious now, Zi Lingsha is in danger, and she rushes to the moon: "She is fine, I don't have time to tell you this now, I have to leave the ancestors, and you have to help me to take care of the elders."

In the end, Qin Shi did not stop, his body slammed, and a glimpse of the outer edge of the sword.

His degree, lightning fast, almost no response time for the two, there is only a faint purple light shadow on the sky.

Alone left the anger of the moon: "Damn, what is this?"

Yu Yue laughed and shook his head, and took the shoulder of the next month: "Okay, don't you know him? He can't take it."

The two men sighed helplessly.

Leaving Jianzong, Qin Shi shuttled between the clouds.

Along the way, he was fully fired, and his speed was fast enough. The distance between the sword and the refining domain was tens of millions of miles. This distance has the domain without the help of space wormholes. The full power, at least it needs to be exhausted for a full two days to cross, but at the foot of Qin Shi, it took only one and a half days to see how much horror he has reached today.

Along the way, where he flicked, the birds flew and were scared by the degree of Qin Shi. The visions of the Scorpio were flashing one after another, and the countless empire even mistakenly thought that there was a sacred image and worship.

Refining domain In the southwest corner of the human world, there are countless active volcanoes piled up here. The land between millions of miles is red, and the hot waves make the sky all red. On the ground, there are fragmented gullies everywhere, and the hot magma is sprayed from time to time.

Refining the domain, it seems that it is really like a human purgatory. It is full of hardships everywhere, vegetation is stumbling, life is scarce, rare, and it is terrifying.

Qin Shi arrived here, suspended in the air so that he could not help but frown. It is really difficult for him to unite this desolate place with one of the eight major domains of the human world.

"Refining the domain, it is really purgatory."

Qin Shi secretly exclaimed in his heart, and at this moment, his eyes were cold, and from behind him, he felt the strong crisis of the stock, and his body flashed to the left.

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately, he had just been in the place where three poisonous lights passed through, causing a volcano behind it to smash on the spot, and the hot magma suddenly burst.

"Where are you, I dare to swear at my refining sacred place!"

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