Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 131: Battle Chu Yuanba

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"I can't lose, I am Shaoyang from the fire!"

Shao Yang panicked, as Wang Yun said, this matchup is actually a rival between Wang Yun and Shaoyang. {Starting} Even if Yun Dingzong has three hundred disciples, as long as Shaoyang can defeat Wang Yun, there is the possibility of a counterattack from the fire.

On the contrary, it will be defeated!

Realizing this, in the face of five ray of lightning, Shaoyang's hands crossed the shadows on the chest, and the flames that jumped together seemed to be the dragons that grew between the clouds. Five fire dragons swayed and swayed toward the sky.

"Red inflammation, burning heaven and dragon!"

This martial art is from the fire sect, not counting the curse of cursing, one of the two third-order superior martial arts.

Seeing this scene, the disciples who were originally in a downturn from the fire, once again ignited hope: "I don't think that Shaoyang's brothers will be extinct and burned the heavens and dragons to cultivate successfully? Doesn't it mean that this martial arts can only be mastered if it breaks the spirit?"

"I can't, I can win!"

The disciples prayed silently.

"Oh, I don't know the so-called. Thunder Dragon · Derivative!" Unexpectedly, looking at the five-way Canglong, Wang Yun sneered, and immediately saw him flipping with one hand, five thunderstorms in the forest inexplicably blasted, a piece of dust It made a deafening sound, and immediately saw five dragons in the thunder, and the arrogance was arrogant.


Ten dragon shadows with wreckage, vying for Qiankun.

The red, purple, and purple blasted, and the dust was blowing in the sky.

For a time, the whole scene was cleared, and the silence was like submerged water. Even the sound of each other's breathing, the heartbeat sound could be heard clearly, and the sound of the fallen leaves screamed in the forest, waiting quietly for the result.


A figure, the sly of the wolf in the smoke.

"Shaoyang brother!" Look at the figure, and blink away from the sect of the fire.

This figure is not exactly Shaoyang? His body was wilting, and the faint purple thunder was entangled in his body like a spider web. The clothes on his limbs and chest were uncomfortable, his hair was unkempt, and he fell to the ground.

"Do not!"

"How is this possible? Burning the sky is actually defeated?"

"It's over, there is no hope." A desperate wish to climb completely defeated their innermost hopes: "Don't we just die?"

In the air, cheers rang in Yun Ding's disciples.

The defeat of Shaoyang is already the death of a disciple who has left the fire. The war has not been carried out, and the next will be a unilateral massacre.

"Oh, I said, people who are away from the fire, no one wants to live out of the sky!" Looking at the coke-like Shaoyang, Wang Yun is very casual laughter, he is holding his hands and standing, as if everything is His expectation: "It's over!"

"Who told you to end?"

But at this moment, in desperation, a pale dust and sand suddenly swept the battlefield. Immediately, a figure took the opportunity to walk out in the dust sand. I saw that Qin Shi stood proudly in the center, and looked at Wang Yun with a gaze, showing a sneer: "Speak big, don't be afraid to flash to your waist?"

"Qin Shi?"

See Qin Shi, a glimpse of the audience.

At this time, Yin Mo rushed out in the woods not far away, and looked at Shaoyang with a tearful face. He said: "Shaoyang brother, how are you?"

Was called, Shao Yang slightly opened his eyes, and immediately he looked at Yin Mo and Qin Shi, suddenly grabbed Yin Mo, the last force, and whispered: "Call, tell Qin Shi, Protect and protect disciples from the fire..."

In a word, such as the morning tomb of the ancient tomb.

Despite the faintness, Qin Shi heard it clearly, and immediately he took a deep breath, his eyes swept over the deadly disciples of the fire.

Burning in anger, unprecedented anger, Qin Shi smashed his teeth and ignited blood: "Oh, Shaoyang brother, you have a good rest, you don't have to say, I will do the same. Don't forget, I am a real disciple from Huozong. It is my duty to guard the fire."

This sentence is by no means forced, but decided.

"Hey, Qin Shi, I don't think you dare to show up. If you find a place to hide, you may be able to walk out of the secret. If you jump out like this, I am afraid that it will not live long!" Seeing Qin Shi, Wang Yun could not help but see. Immediately, she shook her head in a tragic mood.

Qin Shi interrupted him: "Oh, don't brag, although Qin Shi is not a good person, but it is not like a beast who doesn't understand people. You killed me so many disciples from Huozong, no Let your blood debts pay, I am sleepless."

"Blood debts pay? Are you?"

"Who is this kid? Is it the last night of the night, Yun Dingzong? Even dare to talk to Wang Yun, this is really not self-sufficient." Hearing Qin Shi’s words, Yun Ding’s disciples, the sarcasm and laughter .

Wang Yun is also a glimpse, and there is a lot of sorrow, and he screams: "Well, since you are so anxious to die, I will fulfill you first!" After finishing the conversation, I saw Wang Yun raising his left hand and the five fingers pulling out the lightning. I want to attack Qin Shi.

But at this time, Chu Yuanba suddenly stepped on the front and grabbed Wang Yun’s hand: “Wang Yun’s brother, this kid gave me the last time in the Zongmen, I have to do a good job with him. ""

Was stopped, Wang Yunyi, looked up and down the eyes of Qin Shi, as a half-step broken spirit, he can naturally see that Qin Shi has reached the end of the seal, and said: "Are you sure?"

"Brother, don't you believe me?"

Chu Yuanba was questioned, and some were unhappy.

Qin Shi and others are somewhat impatient, yelling: "Hey, who will come first?"

"Noisy." Wang Yunyi glanced at it and immediately photographed Chu Yuanba, saying: "Well, you are careful."

Chu Yuanba under the head, immediately slammed forward, the two confronted in the middle, the surrounding disciples hated to open an open space. After all, the spiritual power of the two people is not what they can bear, and a little bit of Yuwei may spread to them.

"Qin Shi, I said, if you dare to go into the sky, I will let you come back!" Chu Yuan screamed, and immediately the long knife in his hand, rendering a strong purple light, purple light spirits rise The surrounding leaves form a small vortex.

Looking at this scene, Yun Dingzong disciples sneered.

Even people who are away from the fire sect are not optimistic about Qin Shi.

The appearance of Qin Shi did not give them peace of mind, but the continuation of despair.

Feeling the downturn morale, Yin Mo clenched his fist and suddenly stood up and screamed: "I said you, the stone is desperate to save you. Are you so depraved against you? Are you disciples from the fire? You are worthy Is it dead, not terrible, terrible is the death without faith!"

But this is not convincing.

"Is this beast? Can he win?" Unexpectedly, Yuan Bo suddenly stood up. At this critical juncture, he could even ignite: "He is just a waste of stealth, even Shaoyang’s brother has been defeated. He can What to solve?"

"Yuan Bo!"

Yin Mo’s tight fist: “You are a beast!”

But Yuan Bo’s words did affect the disciples who were away from Huo Zong. They looked at each other desperately: “Yes, Shaoyang’s brothers are defeated. What can this new introductory disciple be? We are dead, we can only wait dead."

Dead and dead, no life.

This group of disciples did not even have the desire to survive.

A series of words, falling in the Chu Yuanba, he waved a long knife and laughed: "Oh, from the fire, no one wants to believe you? It is no wonder, a small hair that just got started, what can be the key The role? It’s just a flash in the pan."

Qin Shi’s heart is also angry and angry, and screaming and screaming: “Less nonsense, this less dare to come, not to send death, but to send you to die!” After finishing the speech, he took the lead to Chu Yuanba. In this case, he must produce an absolute strength in order to restore the arrogance of the disciples.


Chu Yuanba smiled, and the long knife waved open and cracked.

"Huang Quan Jiu Jian!"

Nine **** swords light, like the stunned momentum, blasted away on the sky, leaving the traces of heavy ink, tearing open the whistling wind, straight to the face of Chu Yuanba.

"Purple Star, the setting sun."

Chu Yuanba smashed, and immediately disappeared, the purple light continued to converge, began to eat and devour the heaven and earth spirits, and a bowl of large meteorites fell over the sky.

The momentum is huge and it is invigorating.

Stars and tyrants!

Hey, in the face of the sky, the Qin Shi body red blood dragon scales, the dragon scales out his body to reveal the arrogant arrogance. Immediately, I saw that the comet was on his body, and there was a spark between the frictions. When the fire flashed, he single-handedly stopped: "burning curses, cursing, shocking!"

Burn curse! The voices of the disciples of the fire were heard.

At this moment, they seem to have seen hope.

"It's a bit of a skill, but it's not enough, just like the purple star. Gossip!" Chu Yuan screams and screams a long knife. The long knife floats in the air, one point two, two points four, four students gossip, eight roads The knife shadow is like a sword, and the whistling is interspersed among the fallen leaves.

The evil dragon is walking in the fog, screaming in the sword.

The two sides are contending, and they are evenly matched for a time.

"You, have you broken through?" This time, Chu Yuanba was incredibly wide-eyed. Qin Shi was in his hands half a month ago, but he could not walk in a face, but now he can compete with him. This huge difference made him unbearable.

Standing in the rear, Song Yu and Chen Gang, suddenly surprised: "The late Ling Dynasty? God, this kid has only been a few days?" After saying this, the two turned their heads and looked at Yin Mo: "Yin What is the origin of Qin Shi?"

Yin Mo shook his head, and the jade hand prayed on his chest, just saying: "I don't know, but I believe him."

I believe in him.

In this sentence, I believe him, swaying away from the fire-fighting disciples, and letting their widowed morale recover a few points. Now, it is to see who can win in the confrontation between Chu Yuanba and Qin Shi.

Qin Shi's cracked mouth, the whole body of the scales reflected, suddenly he smiled, the handprints in the same direction, screaming: "Oh, then you feel surprised? Don't worry, surprised behind, burned Curse, two curses, weeping ghosts!"


Crash The evil spirits, the long claws of the five claws continue to jump out.

In the roar of the evil spirits, the surrounding forests seem to be **** on earth, and the impact of the whistling to the Chu Yuanba, the eight-knife shadow of the sky and the dragon, only lasts for a moment, and is instantly broken.

The knife shadow is disorderly, the dragon and the evil spirits, whistling to the Chu Yuanba.

" could it be!" Chu Yuan’s tyrants blinked, and immediately felt the pain in the lower abdomen. The five senses were entangled in this piece. The whole person was shot like a cannonball and flew out dozens of meters away. On the ground, a stream of blood spouted.

"You are not my opponent, change people!"


How was the brothers on the Tanabata yesterday? Is there any confession success? Leave a message to reveal.

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