Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 1344: Fantasy city

Unexpectedly, the demon suddenly smiled: "You have a good idea, just afraid of it... you may not be able to do so."

"What do you mean?" Qin Shi stepped in the air in the air, and was about to rush out of the outermost guardian of the Jianzong.

The demon laughed alone and sold a message: "Don't ask, you will know it later."

Qin Shi did not get angry and frowned: "God is mysterious, what kind of ghost?"

"Hey, isn't this coming?"

Suddenly, the demon reached out and pointed forward.

Qin Shi smashed the god, and immediately he turned back, his body slammed in place.

I saw that in front of him, an angry and sturdy shadow hit the face, and when he stopped in front of Qin Shi, he was mad at him, and his eyes stared at Qin Shi, making Qin Shi feel hot on his cheek.

"Amount...that, that, you are, Lingsha." Qin Shi grabbed his head very embarrassedly.

Purple Lingsha's lips spit with aroma, very angry and sipping: "Qin Shi!! What do you mean?"

"Ah? What do you mean? How can I not understand what you are talking about?" Qin Shi was confused.

"Isn't it to say that, after three days, I will go to the Pavilion! What are you doing now? I knew this, then what do I stay in Jianzong? Why don't I go back to the domain with the domain owner?"

This time, Zi Lingsha was really angry, and this made Qin Shizhengzheng. He wanted to get away with it, but the direction he was heading at now was exactly the opposite of the boudoir where Zi Lingsha was.

In desperation, he was relieved and told the truth: "Lingsha, this is indeed my fault, but I am also thinking about it for you. This is the grudge between me and the group. This road is extremely dangerous. You don't have to I’ve got it myself.”

"Qin Shi, Qin Shi! You really do, you think, you think, you will always think that you, then you have asked me? Do you think that I am going to the Pavilion in the court for you? You don't dream daydreaming And the group, is it only you have hate? I was disturbed by the poison of the group, I was called a demon girl, a poison girl, and a white eye. You thought that I hate the group more than you. ?"

"This...!" Qin Shi was speechless.

"Qin Shi, you don't make yourself passionate. I just hate the group. You think you left me for me. Have you asked me?" Zi Lingsha growled, oh, squatting, Even at the end, her jade eyes were rosy, and the final silver beads slipped into the cheeks.

"Do you think that this road is dangerous, I am afraid that I am in danger, is it good for me? Then you have thought about it? In my heart, even if life and death, you have not lost you more pain!" Zi Lingsha broke the voice, Her jade hand is caught in the chest: "It is the pain here!"

Every word is so piercing.

Qin Shi fiercely clenched his fists. He suddenly realized that he was wrong. He walked slowly forward and stopped Zi Lingsha in his arms: "Lingsha, you don't do this, I am wrong, I will not I am leaving you."

"Hey...!" In Qin Shihuai, Zi Lingsha finally put down the noble look, the girl who lost her voice, lost, crying.

"Don't throw me"

Hearing, Qin Shi’s heart was fierce.

"No, no more."

Qin Shi gently patted the purple shoulders of Zi Lingsha gently.

In the end, Qin Shi also failed to leave Zi Lingsha, he wiped the tears of the corners of the eyes for Zi Lingsha, and licked the smooth show, which went side by side to the Jianzong amateur.

Leaving Jianzong, on this road, the two were very subtle, and no one mentioned the previous unhappiness, but the silence of each other.

From Jianzong to the secluded temple, there are tens of thousands of miles away, and it is a journey of Qin Shiquan.

Simply, the two men are all wandering around the mountains, and they will stop at the unique towns in the middle and take a rest.

In Qin Shi, eight years have come, and there is no need to rush to this time.

Three days later, the two appeared at the junction of Jianzong, refining, blazing, and three major domains. There is a city of prosperity, this city, named: Magic.

Stopping outside the city, Qin Shidao: "Tonight, I will rest in this magic city, and I will be able to enter the refining territory tomorrow."

Zi Lingsha sneaked a sigh: "This is also good, but don't be afraid to make a difference in this fantasy city. It is different from the ordinary."

"Well? Is there anything special?" Qin Shi knows very little about the Magic City, and even has never heard of it.

Zi Ling Shabai gave him a look: "You really don't know anything. After spending a few years in the chaotic domain, and from Jianzong for a year, how is it a bit of a green girl."

"Amount...!" Qin Shiyi scratched his head and snorted: "I don't participate in the eight-domain policy and care about what to do."

"Hey, this is common sense, okay big brother? I really served you." Zi Lingsha sighed and said: "This fantasy city, because of the junction of the three major domains, these three major domains are Very concerned, and hesitant geographical location, the three major domains will not allow this city to belong to one of the domains, so that the other two domains will pose a threat, simply, a neutral."


Qin Shiyi, because he knows that there are not many neutral cities in the human world, and even the hundreds of empire in the Baichao area belong to the chaotic territory. This fantasy city is neutral, which is an exception. .

"Well, because of this, the fantasy city is more peaceful. No matter whether it is the Jianzong or the refining domain or the blazing domain, there will be no disciples living here. After all, the other two domains are staring at it here."

Qin Shi nodded, he could understand this.

"And, in this magic city, there is a city owner who is trained to reach a half-step boundary. If it is not as high as this year, even the three domain owners will give him a thin face."

"Half-step environment?"

Qin Shi pours the air in the mouth, which is not surprising if it is in the eight domains, but the magic city is a neutral city, and it is rare to cultivate a half-step environment by its own resources.

“It’s no surprise that the three major regions sponsor this year every year.”

"Is there such a thing?" Qin Shi suddenly realized.

"Well, you will remember anyway, don't make trouble here." Zi Lingsha has some boring rumors.

Qin Shibai glanced at him: "I want to cause trouble, it seems to be you?"

"I am afraid, you don't make trouble, things come to provoke you." Zi Ling Sarah long voice.

"Amount...!" Qin Shi has nothing to say.

"Well, let's go into the city." Zi Lingsha took Qin Shi's arm, and the two entered the city gate as sweet as a couple.

I have to say that the prosperity of this magic city is terrible, and the wide roads are full of sorrows.

Moreover, this city seems to have become accustomed to it. When Qin Shi was wearing a sword robes, there was no accident. Instead, there was a trader who even came forward and said: "Little brother, look at you, it should be Jianzong. Disciple? Do you want to come to the store to see, this shop has a sword of a peerless sword, this is not even the sword."

"Don't ignore him, they are the slick heads of the old tycoon. They are here to lie to the disciples of the three domains." Zi Lingsha slammed the Qin Shi and pulled Qin Shi away.

After leaving, Qin Shi still did not explain: "You said, they are here to lie to the three domain disciples? Is it not afraid of trouble?"

"I don't tell you, the three domain disciples are very constrained here."

"Oh, yes."

Qin Shi nodded thoughtfully.

However, he always felt that since he saw the trader, he always had an inexplicable traction and always called him.

Suddenly, he stopped and pulled Zi Ling Shadao: "Go, let's go back."

"Ah? Where are you going?"

"Go and look at the shop of the vendor." After that, Qin Shi turned and walked to the dealer shop.

"Hey, what nerves do you?" was thrown down alone, and Zi Lingsha squatted in the same place, and this quickly caught up.

The merchant saw Qin Shi back, and there was a thick thief in his eyes. It seemed that Qin Shi was like a fat fish on a chopping board: "Hey, I said little brother, how are you? I figured it out? I will tell you." The words I said are true, and I will never lie to you. My swordsmanship here, you can buy it without worry, you will not regret it."

Qin Shi ignored him and walked alone in this small shop, his brow suddenly wrinkled.

"Well? That feeling, no more? What is going on?"

Qin Shi couldn't figure it out, and he tried to close his eyes.

Suddenly, a light flashed through his mind, and he slammed openly, turning around in the room and falling on an ancient sword that was used to pad the table.

Upon seeing it, Qin Shi half-squatted down and gently touched the book with his hand.


An endless sense of integration gathers magical powers, and Qin Shi even has such an instant, which makes him feel that this sword spectrum is part of his body.

"Good magical power." Qin Shi was shocked.

When the small trader saw it, the thief’s eyes were happy. He quickly went forward: "Little brother, you really have good eyesight. I tell you, this sword, this is the treasure of my family, if you meet someone else, I don’t want to sell it, but I don’t want to sell it. But I see the little brother, you have a relationship with this sword, or else? I will give you a 90% discount, you will come out nine hundred and nine. Ten pieces of Zhongjing Xuanjing are good."

"Nine hundred and ninety pieces of Zhongpin Xuanjing? Why don't you go grab it?" Zi Lingsha immediately sighed in the back, but squatted.

"Oh, what do you know about a woman? This is the treasure of my family's family. The nine hundred and ninety-nine pieces of Chinese-style Xuanjing are cheap. If this little brother and I have an eye, how can we sell five hundred? Shangpin Xuanjing."

"Your family treasure, used to pad the table feet?" Zi Lingsha silently.

"Hey, I said, what happened to your woman? What do you say? What is the foot of the table? What is the foot of the table? Do you understand? I use the treasure of the family to prop up my whole house, and this way It also allows the treasure of the family to absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth. You really don’t understand anything.

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