Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 1355: 1 child

After being questioned by Zi Lingsha, Qin Shi couldn't help but feel the scalp. It was obviously guessed by Zi Lingsha. The reason why he appeared in such a state is precisely because of the outside world.

He narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth: "I am separated and lost."

"What?" Zi Ling Sha Yu eyes surprised: "The maid, but the domain is small, how can you lose your strength?"

Qin Shi shook his head: "We are all screaming at her. Although she is only a small domain, she is a magician who cursed the realm."

"What? She actually has a curse domain?" Zi Lingsha was shocked.

Qin Shi showed bitterness, and even he didn't notice it. He had just blocked the maid from the outside. He didn't expect to be in a huge disadvantage after he had made a hundred moves. When he broke the iron prison, he was too expensive, the maid. The eyes were extremely stunned and seized the opportunity to directly destroy his avatar.

He said coldly: "I was yelling at her, but fortunately, I have led her out of the sacred temple, and made the illusion to open the snow heart, she should not be in danger."

Qin Shi was in a hurry, he was worried about the snow heart.

"Kid, you don't have to worry too much. The strength of Xiao Nizi is still above you. There is no strong place in the court. Unless the group sends people again, no one in this hall can hurt. She, let alone, the group has been painstakingly cultivated for many years, but she has never hurt her life. It must have been so important that she will not hurt her." The demon paused and said: "At the moment, the middle Heavy, is to find clues to control dreams."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi silent for a moment, even if nodded, he is not the kind of indecisive person, since it has been born, then find a way to make up.

His hand prints are quick and kneading. At this moment, the mind is centered on him. For example, a stone suddenly falls on the calm sea, and a huge wave of water ripples is instantly picked up.

Wherever the power is gone, all of them are taken by Qin Shi.

"The most important thing now is to find the method of cracking the control of dreams." Qin Shi secretly, sweeping the entire city government with a very fast mind.

However, he couldn't help but frown. The entire city government has been explored by him, but he has not seen anything about the group or the control of dreams.

"Stone, look at it!" Suddenly, Zi Lingsha shouted at him.

Qin Shi turned around and couldn't help but decide God. I saw Zi Lingsha's point. It was a very simple book with a strange seal outside the book.

Qin Shi slowly walked forward, untied the seal on the quaint book, and immediately read it one by one. Then he frowned, and the book recorded the name of the entire mourning hall. Like the life and death book in the local government, and even more amazing, behind the book, there is actually the name of him and Zi Lingsha, Qi Xuexin Luo Fan and others.

This surprised him and said: "It seems that we are still a small temple, and the group has completely collected it here. They have already known that we have appeared."

Zi Lingsha is also a contemptuous girl. She said: "But where is the person in the group? The entire hall of the temple, except the maid, does not have a trace of the group."

Qin Shi rubbed his forehead with his thumb, which is what he is annoyed.

For many years, the group was in the dark, he was in Ming, this time he thought that he could change this relationship, and he took the initiative to attack the group, but he did not expect to be counted by others and fell into the trap of others.

Qin Shi received the book in his arms. He said: "We will leave here first and go out and think about countermeasures."

Zi Lingsha lightly squatted, and immediately three people left the city government.

After leaving the city's main house, the three people once again appeared in this puppet-like city, and the feeling of incompatibility made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

Near the evening, Luo Fan said goodbye to the two, Qin Shi and Zi Lingsha returned to the Forgotten House. To be honest, Qin Shi was very worried about the snow heart, but it never showed it.

Suddenly, Zi Lingsha licked her mouth: "But look, look at your nervous look, I will help you find her."

Qin Shi a glimpse, immediately gaze with grateful look to Zi Lingsha.

"Don't look at me like this, I just don't want to be with you bitter melon face. I really can't find myself happy." Zi Lingsha didn't have a good voice.

Qin Shi laughed a few times, and this gave a soft thank you.

"However, we said good in advance, I will help you find her, but you can't come by yourself. In any case, we have to wait until we come back and act." Zi Lingsha said seriously.

Qin Shi nodded and promised.

Unexpectedly, Zi Lingsha suddenly shook her head and said to herself: "Oh, forget it, and you said it to you, if you can listen to people, it is really a pig that can go to the tree."

"Amount...!" Qin Shi couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He simply understood his character and laughed.

"Okay, I also know that it is impossible to keep you moving, but you must be more careful in your own actions. Since the group has already known that we are here, we are at a disadvantage, and the enemy is in the dark. Think twice, be cautious.” Zi Lingsha paused and said: “I know that you hate the group, but you have to believe that my hate for the group is not less than you, I know, you want to To protect everyone around you, including me, don't want us to be dangerous, but you also remember that people are emotional, heart-to-heart, we are the same, don't want you to be dangerous, you still have too many responsibilities Don't be in danger, I know, these years, you have been tracing the whereabouts of your brother, don't worry, I will accompany you, I will accompany you all the way, I only wish you, not to push me into the distance."

After all, Zi Lingsha got up and left.

Before her departure, in her heart, silently said: "Qin Shi, you must insist on living, and then embark on that peak."

Qin Shi left alone in the guest room, he could not help but stay in the same place, always flashing in his mind, are the last words of Zi Lingsha.

Suddenly, his eyes fell in the last moments.

"For her, I really owe too much." Qin Shi sighed.

While Ziling Lingsha left, the Qin Shi black scorpion gradually became clear, and the chill of a chill was emerging as a spring.

He said coldly: "It is time to fight back. You can't always be beaten like this."

Immediately, he got up and left the Forgotten House.

He walked alone on the streets of this city, and his mind was always detecting the changes around him.

Suddenly, a alley, Qin Shigang turned around and a very blue shout came from behind Qin Shi.

"Big brother……!"

Hearing, Qin Shi black sorrow could not help but glimpse, and immediately turned to look down, and then he could not help but swear.

If the people in the whole city are set up, everything is not mixed with emotions and emotions, then he feels human existence on the face of this teenager.

"He is not controlled?"

Qin Shi had an idea in his heart, and he immediately looked around and saw that there was no difference and got up.

"Come, big brother, come here."

See Qin Shi keep up, the boy waved his hand to Qin Shi, and immediately turned and ran a few steps, squatting on a cobblestone floor, actually turned a slate and jumped.

Qin Shi keeps up, his eyes can't help but blink a bit strange, but he still jumps down. After all, it is not easy to see a 'living person' in this bustling city.

On this stone road, there is a dark space. Qin Shi uses his power to detect the surrounding situation, and then he can not help but frown when he sees the scenery in this space.

I saw that in this space, there is a lot of food, and the food is a treasure of high external value. This makes Qin Shi frown, how can he have such a small child to buy these things?

Seeing the strangeness of Qin Shi, the child is very generous: "Big brother, you are also hungry? Nothing, just eat, I invite you."

"Where are you from these things?" Qin Shi asked.

The little guy can't help but look at Qin Shi's life and death, saying: "The amount... this, this is actually what I took with me."

"Get it with you?" Qin Shi embraced his arms and said: "I see you stole it?"

Qin Shi can hardly imagine that such a young child would actually do such a shameful thing.

As the saying goes, people can’t be poor, and stealing and stealing is a villain.

"Big brother, don't be angry, actually... actually I am forced to do so." The little guy couldn't help but worry.

Qin Shiyi said: "The first time I heard that stealing is still a last resort, then you talk about how you are forced to do so?"

The child looked down helplessly and glared at his fingers: "Actually... Actually, I don't want to, big brother should also see it. Everyone in this city is controlled, and the same thing is done every day. And I was also controlled What I have to do every day is to steal, I don’t want to be present, so I can only do it every day."

Qin Shi’s glimpse, his black screams are eccentric, and his heart is angry.

"This **** scorpion group! Persistence is trampling on human nature!" Qin Shi angered.

Suddenly, the child took some of the superb flesh and handed it to Qin Shi: "Big brother, you can rest assured that this food in the city is the safest."

Qin Shiwen’s words wrinkled his eyebrows, and immediately he was shocked. The food piled up here was all preserved, and there was no corrosive atmosphere.

Moreover, in the days of the secluded temple, he was several times due to the sacred water of the sacred court. Most of the food in the city was polluted. The food that was eaten for a long time would not be quoted as the holy water, and it would gradually be Controlling dreams invaded the mind.

However, the food preserved by this little thing was not traced of any infection, which made him suddenly interested.

He stepped forward and suddenly asked: "Little guy, have you said that you have been controlled before?"

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