Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 9 Chapter 1370: Zi Ling Sha Zhiwei

"Is it too late?"

Seeing a lot of fierce devils such as snakes and snakes, Qin Shi three people are vigilant, and Qin Shi black and white flashes a bit of darkness. √

"Big brother, I have seen this kid!" Before in the cave, I didn't see the appearance of Qin Shi. Nowadays, several demons who used to work on the tiger's teeth are all eyes wide open. "This kid is In the past few days, the organization was sent to follow the big brother of Huya. It was him who had tried this old bone."

"Is there such a thing?" The snake frowned and nodded. "Oh, good boy, it seems that you and the traitors who killed the tiger teeth can’t get rid of it, but it’s just like you, you are a demon. I betrayed my group and joined hands with this group of inferior races. Today I will have your life!"

Suddenly, the snake's claws were gripped, and a huge wave of violent waves rushed out of his body. The black waterfall that formed the world was approaching Qin Shizhen.

The means of seeing the snakes are all right. The black waterfall is full of strong arrogance. The surrounding space is torn apart in an instant, revealing innocent darkness.

"The power of horror." A group of small demons are panicking in their hearts.

The waterfall, which has a huge pressure on them, is derived from the blood.

"It's really direct...!" Staring at the approaching black waterfall, Qin Shi felt that the scalp was a little numb, and immediately did not dare to sneer again. The handprint was pinched on the chest, a phantom shadow, and a quick flashback, a finger Bomb, a golden mans in the fingertips into a shell, generally high rotation, fierce through the black waterfall.


The two forces blew directly on the streets, and the pebble road on the ground was immediately shattered, and countless gravel spattered.


For a moment, Jin Mang was directly swallowed by the black gas that the waterfall was tumbling. Qin Shi also changed his face in the distance. The blood in the body suddenly boiled up. The mouth of the scorpion was sweet and sweet. If it was not for him, he was afraid of being a blood. It was sprayed out, and in the blink of an eye, the black waterfall had approached him, and the more raging wolf, he photographed him.

The snake licks his eyes and shines radiantly. He sneered sneerly. "Oh, I am so powerful, how can I do this, and dare to make a move on my team? It’s really a good guy."

Qin Shi’s dark voice: “The domain is big, it’s really strong. If it’s the power of the whole, it’s enough for him, but he’s been divided into half of the spiritual power. It’s really difficult to trade with the domain. ""

"Kid, give me the body." Under the urgency, the demon screamed.

Qin Shi decisively shook his head: "No, it is not like underground, nor is it closed by the power of heaven. Here you will be given the body, you will be spotted by the eight domains, then you are in danger."

"Then you don't want to die?" The demon shouted.

In this regard, Qin Shi was a free and easy smile, and immediately the black scorpion swept through the black waterfall that almost blocked all the horizons in front of his eyes: "How could it be, life is still, I don't think this waterfall will be able to My life!"


Qin Shi’s heart has just settled. From the other end of the waterfall, a very desolate and extinct force immediately runs through the center of the black waterfall. Immediately, the power is turned into a pair of beautiful jade hands. This jade hand is like a lotus flower. The knot, immediately, is a fierce shock, directly tearing the air into an independent space, the space is full of hardships, is a bitter situation, instantly from the inside, the waterfall is wrapped up and countered.


The huge black waterfall collapsed in an instant, and the audience was wide-eyed. The snake was even more unbelievable. The black waterfall was just his proud martial arts. Although it was already out of season, he I believe that killing a domain Xiaocheng should not be a problem, and as a result... was it destroyed in an instant?

Zi Lingsha's hurried volley jumped to Qin Shi's side, frowning: "What's the matter with you? How could it be hurt by this level of attack?"

Immediately after waiting for Qin Shi to open, Zi Lingsha looked up and down Qin Shi, and was surprised: "Hey, the spiritual power in your body is so scattered? How can only the spiritual power of the heavens be repaired?"

At this time, the Lord of the Yucheng City also caught up with the former. Now Qin Shi’s strangeness is also curious. At the beginning of the cave, Qin Shi’s ability to kill the tiger’s teeth, one person resisted the arrogance of the tiger’s reincarnation, but what he saw with his own eyes, how can it be today? Is there such a gap?

"Don't it be before this kid, what kind of martial arts was used to improve the cultivation?"

At this point, Qin Shi also read it out, but he did not give an explanation. He knows that Zi Lingsha and his mutual familiarity can naturally see that as for the city owner, he said more, it will only make him worry, simply It is better to let the owner of the city misunderstand, at least not to distract him.

"Little girl, who are you? I advise you, I am best not to intervene in the group, or you will have a good ability in the human world, and you can't keep you!" Black Waterfall by Zi Lingsha Blocked, apparently completely angered the snake, his eyes screamed at the cold roar.

Zi Lingsha glanced back and said coldly: "Old monster, who I am, you can't manage it, but if I say this today, I will still decide?"

The snake's demon eyes are cold, and the claws use a force: "Little girl, then you are looking for a dead end!"

"Kill her!" Immediately, the snake fluttered the sleeves and ordered the hundreds of demons at the rear.

After receiving the command of the snake, hundreds of fierce faces were stunned, and the fierce and fiercely swayed the Zilingsha from the two wings, and several of the demons who reached the domain with Xiaocheng were suspended in midair, each offering their own Half of the magic body, Baizhang's claws hold an extraordinary spirit.

"Little girl, it seems that you really don't know who you are doing right, but you have no chance to regret it anyway, because the result of doing the right thing with our team is only one dead road, now send you to the West! ”

Hundreds of fierce devils, not talking about how to cultivate, the light on the momentum will undoubtedly overwhelm a lot of Qin Shi, and Qin Shi is now only cultivated in the realm of the Scorpio, but also gave these fierce devils a great confidence .

"Hey, a group of shrimps and crabs will dare to come out and scream with this lady?" Zi Lingsha squinted in a circle, did not put these hundred fierce devils in the eyes, of course, with her cultivation, indeed has such proud qualifications Between the small domain of the domain and the big domain of the domain, it is the difference between heaven and earth. The former is the best, and the latter is the true peak of the big six.

A domain is a big success. It may be exaggerated to be an enemy. However, it is not a problem to have dozens of domain squads. Moreover, Zi Lingsha’s domain can’t be compared with ordinary people. She is in the field of refining. The essence of the essence, the power of purgatory, the reincarnation of martial arts, that is, the snakes and the venomous spiders in front of her, are not able to get a little benefit.

Zi Lingsha paused and looked at Qin Shidao: "I will help you get some time first, and you will try your best to recover."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi heart warmth, he nodded hard: "Well, a fragrant time, it should be enough."

"Is it a fragrant?" Zi Lingsha indulged for a moment, seems to be calculating alone, and then smiled: "Yes."

Zi Lingsha's words are very brief. She is more likely to use actions to show that the jade hands are intertwined into prints, and then she bursts into a whole body, and a huge force is lifted off. Then she swims around the whole body. The airflow, the airflow is filled with miserable snoring everywhere, even far away, there is a kind of illusion.

Seeing the blood-red airflow of Qin Shi and the Lord of the Suicheng are all stunned, the power is not strange to both, especially Qin Shi, his own body, is also the power to have this blood red air, but only He has never used it before, and he has never seen anyone really use it. This power is undoubtedly the power of purgatory.

"The power of this purgatory is worthy of the power of the reincarnation of the refining domain. It is really powerful and terrible. It is not weaker than the swordsmanship of the sword." Qin Shi’s heartfelt respect.

"Well, the power of purgatory is a set of hardships in the human world. In a sense, it must be above the strength of Jian Jian's swordsmanship, but this kind of power is difficult to artificially cultivate and very difficult to master. It is easy to lose yourself, and the refining domain can control it and inherit it. It is indeed an extraordinary skill." Even the demon, the guy who used to see the world, can't help but praise.

Offering the power of purgatory, the body of Zi Lingsha is changing. It is a week-long constant movement from the spirit to the big points of the whole body. What changes with it is her appearance. Her nails are extremely sharp. Such as the ten swords of the peerless dust, the blood is scattered, like blood staining and then her nails like a shadow, hehe! A series of blood rays directly stained the sky, and even the viciousness of the vicious devils were dispelled.


Immediately, dozens of fierce devil eyes stunned, the lightning-like blood ray was too fast, so that they couldn’t respond at all, and then they saw that their throats were all red, one by one, empty eyes. At the beginning, the surrounding demons still didn't know what happened to them. Several fierce devils were nervous and eager. They almost shook them with confusion: "Hey, hello, hello, what's wrong with you? You talk, feed. Hello! Speak!"

However, let them sway, the few red-stained demons are all expressionless, as if they are without the shackles of the soul, and they are still broken.


After a moment of overwhelming, suddenly the group of swaying demons turned out to have a huge change. I saw that they were shaking, their heads and bodies were actually allowed to be crossed by the red line on the neck, inexplicable separation, and different in appearance. At the office.

"Ah!" This scene scared the rest of the demons, one by one, a panic of retreats, a look of dull and unbelievable looking towards Zi Lingsha.

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