Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 3 Chapter 140: Secession

A choice.

This choice is too heavy, and it is difficult for the whole audience to breathe.

Looking at the hesitant Ling Xiao, Bai Yu Tang is calm, and laughed and said: "Ling Meng's head, you have to think clearly, the fate of the fire, can all be in your hands, is the choice of this just getting started The new disciple of two months still chooses the safety of the foundation of the ancestors and thousands of disciples from the ancestors of the ancestral millennium. It is all by you."

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For a time, the birds were silent.

There is a strong breathing in the silence.

"You only have half a cup of tea." Bai Yutang shrugged and turned to lean on an ancient book, waiting quietly for Ling Xiao's decision.

Half a cup of tea, there will be earth-shaking changes from the fire.

Ling Xiao was forced to breathe, and his breathing was a little short. This choice was too shocking, and no matter which option he chose, he could not be expedient.

"Good demeaning!"

"Yeah, isn't this the next step?"

He waited for six disciples to burn in anger.

"This beast!" Su Ming swallowed his breath.

Yin Mo is directly crippling, pointing to the white jade soup under the tree, yelling at Ling Xiao: "Ling 霄 霄 ,, afraid of him? We are away from the fire sect, even if it is not good, it is also the two major sects of the ancient city, the so-called strong dragon does not If you can't make a big deal, you will pick up this burning scorpion!"

Ling Xiao shook his head, and his face was extremely blue: "Yin Mo, you are too small to burn Tianzong. In front of the burning dragon, we are not a snake at all. At best, it is a small, shuttle in the mire. loach."

Hearing, Yin Mo was not willing to tighten the powder punch, took out the momentum of the usual quarrel with Qin Shi, and shouted: "What about it? It’s a big deal with them. It’s a dead and a dead, I’m not dead, I’m not dead. Be the kind of person who believes in betrayal."


The four words are like the deafening bells, and they hit the people present with one blow.

However, the people who can give up the righteousness are a minority. Some disciples who have heard about the burning of the celestial beings have shown their weakness and trepidation. The words are not Kěnéng? Fighting? And the kind of giants, how can Can you fight it?"

"Yeah, only die?"

"Master, you have to think about it, you can't ruin the entire fire sect for one person."

When I heard these words, Yin Mo was mad, and the roaring people shouted: "What are you talking about? Have you forgotten? If it is not a stone, you have already died in the realm of burning the sky, how can you now? ?"

A few people are equally angry.

Su Ming was too much. He grabbed the disciple who had just opened his mouth and started to punch him in the round. He roared: "What the **** are you talking about? Is there a kind of you to tell Laozi once again? The stone is good for you, the dog is still Zhīdào Thank you, what are you?"

When Su Ming flew, the disciple came with a temper: "Yes, Qin Shi’s brother is kind to us, but then we are destined to die for him?"

In a word, echoing the valley.

Under the ethos of public opinion, some disciples who are afraid of death are whispering: "Yeah, yes, from the fire, it is the foundation of several generations. Since Qin Shi’s brother is a disciple from the fire, he must be able to Zongmen Xīshēng will do."

The argument is getting stronger and stronger.

"You... I killed you!" Su Ming angered and burned, and completely ran away.


But at this time, Qin Shi’s eyes were indifferent, and suddenly Su Ming was stopped: “But it’s true. He’s right, no one in this world owes anyone. It’s all about Qin Shi’s wrong person.”


After being stopped, Su Ming was not willing to feel dissatisfied with Qin Shi.

However, Qin Shi just shook his head, and those arguments were in his ear, making his heart completely cold.

"In front of the flattery, but behind the letter, but this is the cruelty of reality?" Seems to ask the self-answering laughter, Qin Shi self-deprecating shook his head, and immediately he turned his eyes to Ling Xiao, the final decision is still in Ling Xiao Hands.

Qin Shi Zhīdào, his life and death today, all in the hands of Ling Xiao.

As long as Ling Xiao nodded, Lin Yun would not hesitate to take him to the meat with the disciples of Yun Dingzong. In the face of Lin Yun, he has no grasp at all, even if there is one, the same is true, and Bai Yu Tang is next to it.

Everyone, then silence.

Standing behind Ling Xiao, several elders of Mo Chen opened their mouths and immediately closed without words.

Time, as if at this moment, gradually fixed.

I don't know how long it took to see the time of half a cup of tea falling, and Ling Xiao finally looked up indifferently. At the moment of facing Qin Shi, his eyes showed a heavy shackles, opened his mouth, and weakly said: "Qin Shi, I am sorry..."


Three words, Qin Shi trembled.

"From today, you are no longer... I am a disciple from Huozong..." Ling Xiao closed his eyes and finished a sentence.


In an instant, the audience was as quiet as the dead water.

The sound of the wind blew the fallen leaves in the forest.

It's raining.

On the sky, there is a cloud of haze, and a drop of rain fills the forest.

This time, Qin Shi is the second time in life, after the betrayal of the heart, the pain and despair of the heart, the pain of isolation and helpless spread in the thoughts.

Last time, it was Yulin.

These two times, all because of Bai Yu Tang, an unprecedented anger poured into my heart, his self-deprecating smile, looked up at the pervasive cloud: "Oh, God, you can really make a joke."

"Stone, I won't let you die! Absolutely not."

Burning books are slightly hot, and they speak resolutely.

However, Qin Shi just shook his head. He believed that Jade would not betray him in the book. Can he face Lin Yun, face Bai Yu Tang, face the whole Yun Ding Zong, and really survive Kěnéng? He already felt that death was waving to him and was holding him.


At this time, a few applause, Bai Yu Tang got up at the tree, and immediately raised his mouth: "Oh, Ling Hao's head is smart enough, the so-called time-maker is Junjie."

Hearing this, Ling Xiao didn't say anything, just silently bowed his head.

Ignore Bai Yu Tang, Yin Mo, Su Ming, Qin Lan, Hao Shuai, Xu Qiaoer, a few people with an incredible look, this moment is all looking at the smashing look: "The palm, the head, what you said Isn't it really right? You won't give up the stone, right?"

Ling Xiao did not reply to a few people. For a time, he seemed to be several times old. His eyes were reluctant to give up. He shook his head and said: "Qin Shi, I am sorry, I can only do this. I can’t really die from the fire. I hope you can understand. Ok..."


"Oh, hehehe, hahahaha!"

Suddenly, the mountain forest echoed with laughter. Qin Shi picked up his hands and was full of self-deprecating irony: "Good, good, good, really funny, you let me understand you? Well, I will understand you, If it is really a smashing king, I am sure to praise you with the prince, saying that you are a selfless, all good for the sect of the sect."

The sound is deafening and full of grief.

"Qin Shi..." Ling Xiao looked down.

But at this time, several disciples next to each other said: "Qin Shi, what do you say? Dare to be rude with the head?"

"Rite? I am your uncle, you all remember to Lao Tzu, your life is to get the life of Lao Tzu, you are carrying a betrayal of Lao Tzu and live!"

Unprecedented snoring, spit out in Qin Shi's mouth, and immediately he raised his hands, letting the rain drench, washing his pale face: "haha, **** justice, the surface is superficial, but the back is only a small group of betrayal people."

Self-deprecating, ironic, sad.

All kinds of expressions, climbed the face of Qin Shi for a time.

In the rain, the loneliness in Qin Shi’s heart was expanded several times: “Ha ha, hahaha, ridiculous justice, but it’s just a superficially sloppy person who is betrayed in the back. Like this kind of sect, don’t wait for it!”

Looking at the generation of Qin Shi, Su Ming, Yin Mo, Xu Qiao children, there is nothing to say.

"A good sentence is not to be worth mentioning, life and death brothers I accompany you!" Who thought, Su Ming at this moment, suddenly stepped on the front, and listed next to Qin Shi, a look of death like a smile: "Even if you die, I Su Ming does not Will betray the brothers."

Qin Shi’s heart: “Su Ming...”

"Su Ming, what are you doing? You are still away from the fire sects, I am commanding you as the head, you give me back!" Seeing Su Ming's movements, Ling Xiaoqi's shouts.

Unexpectedly, Su Ming turned his head very ironically, and immediately grabbed the fire token from the waist, poured into the spirit of the crushing, disdain: "Command? Command your uncle, Laozi now withdraw from the fire, You love to order who orders who to go."

"You..." was shocked by Su Ming's action, and Ling Xiao had no words.

Looking at the lingering Ling Xiao, Su Ming once again booed: "Hey, lose you as the owner of one, I will teach you today, remember it. Life, I want, righteousness, and what I want." The two can't be both, and the old man is born and the righteous is also!"

The exhilarating voice echoed with the fragments of the token.


At this time, just as the people were horrified, the forest was a loud explosion, and immediately saw Xu Qiaoer, holding the broken hand, stepping forward: "Stone brother, I will accompany you!"

bump! bump!

At this time, Qin Lan also stepped forward: "The stone has a re-creation for me, count me!"

" Count me!" Yin Mo also shredded the fire token in his hand and stepped forward.

"Qiaoer...殇哥,小平胸" Looking at the four people, Qin Shi’s dead heart seemed to be ignited again.

"Don't be emotional, I said, even if I die, my Yin Mo will not betray." Yin Mo interrupted Qin Shi.

At this moment, Qin Shi suddenly did not say anything about Zhīdào. The helplessness abandoned by the Zongmen had already pushed him to the abyss. However, he felt that it would be worthwhile to see these friends who were born and died for him at this time of life and death.

"you guys……"

Ling Xiao trembled without words.

Looking at a few people side by side, Bai Yu Tang stunned, laughing: "Oh, the picture that is so touched, it is really touching." When it comes to this, he no longer talks nonsense, his eyes turn to Lin Yundao: "I said Lin Yunzhang The door, is it time to fulfill the promise?"

Lin Yun squatted, and immediately turned his head, revealing the sly fangs, and a fierce fall on Qin Shi: "Hey, little rabbit scorpion, there is no Ling Xiao and the fire sect to back you, I am going to swear Who can save you."

"Hey, the shield made by the dog is not rare!"

Who wants Qin Shi laughs harshly, bluntly screaming.

"A good sentence dog, you are so happy enough." Lin Yun snorted, and immediately he raised his hand and greeted the elders of Yun Dingzong next to him: "Give them a kill..."

For a moment, many elders came out together, and a purple light filled the sky.

Looking at the aura of the scorpion, Qin Shi took a deep breath and looked around at Su Ming and Yin Mo. He smiled bitterly: "You have to think about it, but follow me, but I will die."

"Who is afraid of death? Have you forgotten the person I am on?" Su Ming laughed.

Yin Mo and several people nodded at the same time: "Yes, there is a death, it is better to die than to die."

Looking at the appearance of a few people, Qin Shi’s heavy heart suddenly put down, and an arrogance of the flames rose. The corner of his mouth showed the smile of the past. “Oh, I didn’t see it before. You actually have a mountain landslide in front of you.” The ability to change color, in this case, it is my feelings!"

"If this is the case, then go side by side and fight together!"

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