Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1413: Qin Shi will die

Qin Shi’s voice is not very loud, but it is enough to reverberate between the cliffs and the gorge, the sound is not falling, the sword is still there, and the Qin Shi’s Thunder’s sword suddenly bursts out at the moment, the most sharp edge of the blade. Undoubtedly the blade of the sword, the touch can be broken, the sword, but Qin Shi is not counted as Qin Jia Huang Quan Jiujian, contact with the earliest swordsmanship, and therefore, let him begin to study the swordsmanship, so he is very familiar with the sword, Although it has been strengthened now, the law is very complicated, but in the deepest resonance of the soul, the light of the sword reveals the power of the sky. On the vast expanse of the sky, a huge **** word, like the ancient gods, Map in clear skies.

At this time, Zhai Yuan was stunned, his cockroach's magic body continued to linger, and the blood of his mouth ran through his heart and mouth. He was shocked and stunned before his death. He never imagined, he never imagined. Will be defeated in the hands of Qin Shi, and in the end the situation of occupying endless advantages.

The word Jianguang broke through the chest and the chest, and Qin Shi slowly lowered the spirit sword. He was very indifferent at this time, aiming at the Yuanyuan: "Yu Yuan, that was you, guiding me to this road, actually I should thank you. If you didn’t kill the Qin family and my parents, I don’t think I would pick up my dignity. I will not be able to hold the sword again for a year. However, you must die. The land is regrettable!"

After all, Qin Shi’s palm fell.


The body of Yu Yuan was fiercely smashed by the huge sword light at this time, and the sword light on the scorpion smashed the space at this time.

When Yu Yuan died, Qin Shi had an inexplicable repression at the bottom of his heart. His look shook his head slightly, and his voice was very weak and said to himself: "Qin Shi... For nine years, you finally revenge!"

It’s just... Qin Shi himself knows that the enemy he used to be the target of this life is no longer the end point of his end, and he is destined to be the turning point of his confrontation with the scorpion group. It is the step of his life, he is now on the shoulder. The burden was so heavy that he had to be vigilant at all times. He slowly turned around and stared at the Big Man and other six people.

Immediately, Jianfeng turned and he waved the sword: "Next, it’s up to you."

At this time, the whole audience held their breath, and the big devil squinted: "The kid, I really didn't expect that you actually won the 甄 Yuan? This is beyond my expectations."

"Don't worry, you are more unexpected than still behind." Qin Shi took a deep breath, then he violently violently rose, thunder and swords between the blade of the light, thunder, pointing to the heart of the big devil .

The Qin Shizhi is fast, wearing the Yunjian Day, and the squadrons are holding their breath.

The second magic master and other five magic masters were shocked: "Big brother! Damn! Stinky boy, you dare!"

The six devils bite their teeth: "This kid, he really wants to annihilate us here!"

Shura's saints, demons and Kong Xianhui, now the heartstrings are tight, and the result is under the sword of Qin Shi. If he can really pierce the big devil, the army of the group will be defeated in the human world. After all, There is no big demon Lord, even if the other five demon Lords are not dead, and they will be defeated when the six-field army is attacked.

Suddenly, the demon magic eyes were shocked. I saw that the big demon master opened the taunting arc under the thunder of the Qin Shi, and he grasped the dry hand of the ancient scorpion and suddenly lifted it up. The sharp blade of the stone.


In an instant, the atmosphere of the big demon Lord rolled up the clouds, and the black ghost robe he wore screamed. His old eyes were very embarrassing: "Boy, want to kill me, you are still far away!"

"Kid! Get out! The old dog's blood is open!" The demon then screamed sharply.

However, the big devil Lord smiled coldly: "Now want to go, but you can't help you! Give me broken!"


That ancient scorpion, in a moment, ejected a ghost face, a fierce force to crush the Qin Shiling sword, the vastness of the world is like a fine, Qin Shi is powerless in it, can not allow him Going back to God, his tiger's body trembled fiercely, the five internal organs rolled, and the body was suddenly shot and flew out, and this was only the beginning. In a flash, the big demon lord had a empty hand, and Qin Shi’s tiger body was suddenly sucked into his hands. He smothered Qin Shi’s neck with his hands and death. The evil face was fascinating. His hoarse cold road: “Boy, let go of the artifact, I will let you die without a place of burial!”


A huge force, Qin Shimeng was again shaken out, and immediately the weak water of the Tianhe River was crushed by a huge tide, Qin Shi suddenly hit the cliff on the cliff, the cliff was crushed into endless powder on the spot. With a short blow, Qin Shi was almost directly suffocated. He was sluggish and stunned. He looked at the big demon Lord with a look of fear. In front of the big demon, he felt an unprecedented powerlessness. Not in a grade, just a blow, he is all dirty.

"Qin Shi!" At this time, the saint of Shura was smashed, and she was eager to rush forward.

Suddenly, on the Scorpio, a burst of fissure, the evil spirits of the shadows opened five pairs of blood eyes at this time, and the emptiness of Kong Xianhui’s cover of the sky was defeated by the inexhaustible force, and Kong Xianhui’s delicate body fell from it, the next second The demon blasted, and he stopped the Shura sect: "Don't be stupid, that guy, you can't deal with it. If you go up, you will only help the kid. For eight years, don't die easily."

Shura's sacred eyes are a glimpse, and she looks at the demon: "You, you know me?"

The demon faintly said: "Of course, you can marry him, but you can't beat me. Of course, at that time, you should still not know my existence."

Immediately, the demon does not give the Shura the sacred woman a chance to speak. He is like a cloud-shaped arrow bursting into the front of Qin Shi. At this time, the big devil is jumping over the weak water of Tianhe, and the black cloud that rolls and screams suppresses the cliff and rushes. Qin Shi has no mercy throughout.


At this time, the volley hit, the demon is finally catching up, the endless swallowing of the Qin Shi group, the demon into a nine-eyed unicorn crouched in front of Qin Shi, five pairs of magic eyes, like ice like cold: "old Guy, want to kill him, you have to ask me first to allow it!"

"Swallow the sky?" Seeing the demon, the big demon Lord obviously showed some taboos, and the shadow of the original galloping was finally stopped. He smiled and smiled with a handful of clenched hands: "I really can't figure it out, when I was deterred, Even our masters must be jealous of the swallowing demon statues, but they will really be so desperate for the individual class? Swallow the sky, here is the human world, I don’t care if I am a group, but if I am aware of you by the eight domains, I I think you shouldn't be better, or you shouldn't hide as deep."

The demon is cold: "Less nonsense, there is nothing in this world that I am swallowing. If you feel that this can threaten me, you can try it. See if I can tear you before the six domains. broken."

The demon Lord's eyes are cold and flashing a bit of anger, but before the demon, he still dare not make it. After all, in the blood, the demon suppresses him too much, and he also believes that if the demon really tries his best, Mo said that he was all evil in the presence, and he could not escape. Suddenly, he sneered: "Oh, it’s not a swallowing demon. It’s really not the same, but you really thought that now you can stop me from killing. he?"

Speaking of words, the demon sneaked, and suddenly, the big devil's master's sleeves waved, the ancient shackles in the dead hands shook in the ground, and a very mysterious light was shot at this time, the big demon and the demon The distance between them is very close, the demon did not expect the big devil to suddenly shoot, so he did not have time to react, although dodging, but still was hurt by the light of the mysterious.

The amazing thing is that the light of the mysterious light just hit the evil demon, and the demon magic eye instantly became cold, and the light of the mysterious light actually suppressed his whole body, suddenly, his power was completely suppressed back to the totem of Qin Shi’s wrist, only The rest of the shadows of his eyes are cold: "What you just shot is a piece of jade?"

The big devil smirked: "Swallow the sky, I will know your existence long ago. Do you think we will be unprepared?"

"damn it!"

The evil spirits are angry and fangs. However, the suppression of the evil spirits by the jade is endless. It is impossible to break away from the vast force of swallowing the sky. This is the second time that he has been suppressed by the smashing jade fragments.

"Kid, run! I can't help you!" Despite the anger, the demon has not lost his mind, and he is close to the full force of arrogance.

However, Qin Shi stumbled in the rock, and he twitched all over the body. The attack of the great demon had caused him to be seriously injured. He could not help but smile and shook his head: "Run? I am like this, where can I go?" It seems that in the end it is still difficult to escape, but it is good, at least not exposed to you."

"Idiot, what a stupid thing?" The demon roared.

Qin Shi's black scorpion is dim. At this time, he really didn't even have the power of hooking his fingers. The injury caused by the big devil was not repaired by Ganlin Rain.

At this time, the demon master's eye is cold, he is holding a hand at Qin Shi's void. Qin Shidun's time is like a broken puppet, and even the struggling force is not caught by the big devil in his hand. The sneer: "Kid, do you think that if you let go of the artifact, can you stop us? 哼 It’s just a matter of delay, but you have to kill!"

"I didn't want to take care of you so quickly, but since you have to die, then I will fulfill you and die!"

At this time, the great demon master grasped Qin Shi's dry hands and harder, and the mixed yuan suffocated the Qin stone tightly, so that Qin Shi almost suffocated at this time.

Qin Shi felt that he was close to death like never before. He even had an illusion of his eyes. He was dark and faint, and he clenched his fist: "Hey... son made you disappointed."

In the distance, Shura's sacred eyes are desperate, and all this is too fast, she has no time to do anything.

At this time, Qin Shi’s death has been fixed, and even if the six domains are conquered, it is impossible to rescue Qin Shi from the big devil.


Suddenly, Qin Shi’s neck, the position of the big demon master’s hand, shimmering the glare of the cold ice, in the moment the world was inexplicably snow, freezing within the kilometer, such as the glacier era, silver became this The main color, an ice crystal pendant that was ignored by everyone, bursts with glare from Qin Shi's neck.

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