Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1442: Feng Feng, the main domain of the wind domain

The devil's main words, he can't see a little emotion in his magic eyes, he just turned his hand and gently turned, the Excalibur played alone in his palm, in an instant, from the blade, tens of thousands of golden swords and light The lasing, at that moment, the whole audience is condensed, He Shuhan and Qi Qing and the major domains retreat back to the six domain side, and work together to support the barrier. 81中文网

The enchanting eyes are blinking, and the dark voice: "This crazy man!"

Immediately, he quickly started, and Yuan Zhen and his two men sacrificed their full strength, which barely formed a vast mountain, and the mountain body protected the strong stone.

boom! boom! Hey!

The big devil took a shot, as if to smash the void. There is no complete place in the world. However, what everyone does not know is that these are just warm-ups. When the sword is stopped, the sword is angry. When you are not shooting, a sword mang, which seems to be able to penetrate the Qiankun, gathers a little, and freezes on the sword of the Excalibur. The direction pointed by the blade is the Lingmufeng that has lost the fairy body and changed the old state.

"Dare to betray my group, it is too long to live."

boom! The big devil master started, and the sword mang was immediately shot in the air. The people present at the scene saw that the swordsman was unbearable and heartfelt, even Qin Shi was the same. He was black and fierce, and his heart screamed a few times: What about this swordman?"

At that moment, Qin Shi actually felt the power of the stock from the Jianmang. The power was not the power of the artifact, but the power of the world, which was the only one that I was alone. It was not just the Lingmufeng.

Demon Road: "This is the true power of the artifact. Just Ling Mufeng does not know how to use the artifact. He just uses the artifact to slash it, and the magical master is the real essence of the artifact."

Qin Shizhen’s throat spit, completely shocked by the power of the artifact, does not say how terrible the sword mans are now, just just being slashed by Ling Mufeng, he can defeat the martial art for thousands of years. The wonders of swordsmanship.

"However, this is not the real strength of the artifact, at most, it is less than 40%."

"Four into four?" Qin Shi mouth twitched.

"Well, today's artifacts lack most of the spirituality."

"You mean, the Son of God?" Qin Shi asked with awakening.

The demon nodded: "Yes, the Son of God is an artifact, but it is ultimately made through artifacts. It has great power. If you want to wake up the real artifact, you must fuse the Son of God with the artifact."

"I hope it is difficult to integrate the two. With the power of the Son of God, if the altar seal is opened, no one can be there."

"Well, after all, the Son of God is the real source of the artifact, even if the group gets the artifact, if you don't want to control the Son of God, at most, there is a sharp sword."

"Sharp point..." Qin Shi smiled, then he couldn't help but move the black scorpion toward the son of God: "That is to say, now that the artifact has been implemented, and want to break the plan of the scorpion group, it seems that the Son of God is connected. The goal of both sides is to compete."

The swordsman blasted, and the space that was originally dark was bright at this time, and the radiant brilliance of the Jianguang was particularly dazzling.


A loud noise, everyone was stunned at this moment, breathing seems to be fixed at this time, a little blush to attract the attention of the audience, I saw that Jianmang directly pierced Ling Mufeng eyebrows, under the gods, Ling Mufeng did not The slightest resistance, he was killed in an instant, dying, he can not be eye-catching, full of remorse, dying to the big devil.

Ling Mufeng will never expect it, and he will eventually end up with such an ending.

"Domain!" The elders in the wind are now smashing! However, with them, at this time, they can't change anything at all, and they don't say that they are all cursed by the group to dig out the spiritual power, and lose the fairy body, even if they are in their heyday, in this situation, In the case of the big demon master artifact, they are like ants.

And it is clear that the Big Lord is not ready to let them go. After killing Ling Mufeng, his afterglow directly turned to the wind.

"Since it is useless to keep you, you will miss your domain owner again, and I will fulfill you and meet him."

In a word, the great demon master lifted the sword without mercy. When the light of the sword was overflowing with the golden light, the elders in the winds were grinning at this time, but they did not even have the strength to escape. The space around the body has long been controlled by the great demon master, endlessly suffocating, and sealed into four black dragon pillars. They can only wait to die now.

The six domain owners were also squinting at this time.

"Don't you have to shoot? After all, the winds are also a member of our eight domains. Can't you be added to them because of Ling Mufeng's fault?"

"Now, it is very unfavorable to us. The cultivation of the great demon is itself above us. Plus the artifact is in hand, it is difficult to save the wind." Yan Lidao.

At this time, the six people looked at He Shuhan and waited for He Shuhan to make a decision.

He Shuhan’s eyes are struggling, and it can be seen that her heart is also very entangled, save or not save...

At this moment, a figure squatted in front of the body, the blue robes fluttered in the wind, blocking in front of everyone in the wind, seeing the figure, the big devil's brow wrinkled, cold: "How, enchanting, you also Ready to betray us?"

The enchanting laughter: "What is the big devil, I am not as idiotic as Ling Mufeng, I just want the big devil to be spared and forgiving. The wind domain is our eight worlds, Ling Mofeng has His mistakes bear the consequences. It’s better to let the people of this winds pass the people in the wind. I have a good candidate, let him take over the wind."

The great demon master hesitated for a moment, and the Excalibur slowly fell: "Who?"

"Feng Feng, come out!" The enchanting shouted.

At this time, from the crowds in the wind, a very inconspicuous old man suddenly came forward and saw that the six people in the six fields were all condensed.

"Is he? Is he still alive?"

"Domain, who is he."

"Feng Feng! Ling Mufeng's brother, if he is on the qualifications, he would even be on the top of Ling Mufeng. However, he was not sanctioned because he was mistakenly misunderstood. He was still alive today. Attacking the wind domain, taking away the weapon wind chimes, this Feng Feng from the dark operation, unraveling the winds and mysterious winds, and then the group can be organic." Qi Qing cold road.

"But this Feng Feng is indeed a genius. In that era, there were only a handful of eight domains. Even me, I have to sigh. If it is not because of the bad heart, this domain of the wind domain is early. It should be his, where the wheel gets Ling Mufeng." Kong ghost road.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi was shocked: "I did not expect that even the eight people in the eight domains are still hidden."

"Well, and it is no wonder, except for He Shuhan, Qi Qing and Kong Gui, even the other few domain owners are very strange to this person. Only three of them are present and he is the same generation. Kid, beware of this person. Although this person has always revealed the domain of Dacheng, but the Qiqing Kong ghosts are a few thousand years of life, non-boundary cultivation, it is impossible to have such a longevity, he can live to today, and life Yuan is abundant, and the strength will never be only a domain."

"You mean, this Feng Feng hides the strength?" Qin Shi was even more surprised when he heard the demon.

The demon nodded. "This is for sure. Otherwise, according to what Qi Qing said, he is not a traitor to the six domains."

For a time, Qin Shi was wary of Feng Feng.

When I saw Feng Feng, the Lord of the Big Devil was also very surprised. Immediately he paused and nodded: "This is also good, then the wind domain will be handed over to you to take over, Feng Feng!"

"Hey, thank you Lord Devil, I have been forbearing for thousands of years, but it is also a slap in the face." Feng Feng looked like a sinister villain, he opened his sleeves and smiled at the big devil.

Everyone in the winds heard the news, although the heart is still dissatisfied, but it is a blessing to them. One of the very intelligent elders suddenly came forward and respected Feng Feng’s fist: "Congratulations to Feng Fengyu The position of the Lord! The winds are forever!"

The rest of the elders looked at each other and they came forward one after another. They wanted to show themselves in front of this new domain owner.

"Yes! The winds are forever! I am willing to follow the Fengfeng domain for thousands of years!"

Feng Feng was very happy to laugh, and he immediately looked at him and the enchanting eyes, and his eyes exchanged a very cold look.

At this time, the big demon Lord turned again and turned the spearhead to the six fields. His dry magic eyes became fierce and sneered: "In the past, before the devil revived, I didn't want to disrupt this pattern of people. After all, some guys still Nothing to show up, if you bring them out now, the trouble is not small, but... Since you have to do this, then we will blame This eight-domain pattern does not need to exist. ”

He Shuhan heard that the jade eyes suddenly changed, and she fiercely ordered: "The six domains are back!"

In an instant, the six domains and the scorpion group opened the distance, and the domain owners gathered in the front line, and all of them remained vigilant. Lin Xiaodao: "Several, what now? The artifact has fallen into the hands of the scorpion."

"In any case, you must recapture the artifact, even if it is to let this artifact remain silent in this void, or ... human world!"

"That means, start the war?" The grace of the grace is very straight, so she is much more comfortable than the rest.

"The second demon Lord fell, Ling Mufeng was killed, they counted only six boundaries in the enchanting, we have seven people, there should be odds."

"Not seven people, it is eight people." At this time, He Shuhan beautifully turned, Yu Guang fell on the wine Mengzi, just the drunkard shot a force to force off the power of the enchanting she was seen, she said: "Hello, now I am in a difficult position, I don't know if you can help."

"Which world, I don't care, I am only responsible for this little death." Jiu Mengzi stunned Qin Shi.

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