Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1450: Don't let her know

I heard Qin Shi’s very weak voice. The demon finally couldn’t help but smile: “Did you decide?”

Qin Shi nodded, but no one noticed that in the deepest part of his black scorpion, there was a very decisive fine flash of light, as if he had already prepared something. 81中文『网

"I know." The devil's response is very brief, saying: "Store your god, and give me the flesh to control."

Qin Shi Yingsheng, immediately he retracted the Yuanshen, and at this time, he rushed to the six fields: "You! Back!"

The sudden strangeness of Qin Shi makes the six domains all stunned. They don’t understand that even in this desperate situation, even a few domain owners can do nothing, what Qin Shi wants to do, or what can be done, however, they are now In addition to doing according to Qin Shi's words, there is no choice. At this time, He Shuhan reacted very quickly. She ordered: "According to what he said! Collectively retreat!"

"The Sovereign! Is it really necessary to put all the lives of my sects on this kid?" Shadow Dance questioned.

"In addition to this, are there other options?" He Shuhan said with a wry smile: "Now, I can only hope that there will be any miracles in this little guy."

Shadow dance can't help but talk. At this time, the six domains gather in the center of the void, and the seven spiritual realms are the main spiritual powers in their own bodies to form a shield.

When the shield is propped up, Qin Shi will be relieved, and the shield should be able to stick to the demon to get it here? He thought this way, and his thoughts gradually returned to the sea. Suddenly, he blinked and was swallowed up by the darkness. His white eyes were also gone. From his body, he suddenly overflowed with fierce suffocation, and the suffocation was swallowing. In an instant, Qin Shi’s breath has increased dramatically, reaching an unprecedented height. Even in this space where spiritual power is scarce, there is actually a wave of boundaries. At this time, his totem in his left hand extends wildly and eventually covers him completely. The back of the ridge, into a huge full back unicorn, from the Qin Shimei heart, is also a continuous open bloody, one, two, three ... Finally, in the fifth **** open, Qin Shi's breath gradually It tends to be stable, and at this moment his body has long been covered by thick suffocation.

The vastness of the suffocating into thousands of evil spirits, almost in an instant, the endless soul is suddenly swallowed up, every suffocating like a evil spirit, madly bursting out from the body of Qin Shi, the soul that was originally ferocious and fearless When I felt the change of Qin Shi, I was also frightened. I didn’t dare to approach, and madly retreat. However, in the end, I still could not escape the result of being devoured by evil spirits.

This mighty void, the original darkness is more chaotic, it seems that there are two completely different spaces that are coincident. Qin Shi condensed his handprints at this time, and a huge disk of dark unicorns instantly opened from the foot of Qin Shi, and finally Expanded into the whole piece of void, when the black unicorn array unfolded, Qin Shi’s eyebrows, the sixth **** open, at this time, he had no more humanity, but completely turned into a dark demon, arrogant Rise.

"The swallow of heaven and earth! Swallow the heavens!"

Qin Shi’s fierce bursting out of his arms, the fierce handprint was also shot at this time, the black unicorns under his feet were like living, and the huge dark totem suddenly burst out, a unicorn like a unicorn Like the beasts of the world, seeing this scene, even the flowers in the distance are timid and shrinking. In these years, there has never been a horror in the blood. Today's demon is the only one.

Nine-eyed black unicorn...swallowing the deity.

No one can imagine that the body of Qin Shi will suddenly burst out of this extremely vicious force, which is not the existence that ordinary people can touch.


When the array of black eyes and unicorns bursts completely, the two voids violently sway in the coincidence, and one side obscures one side and devours each other, and the piece of thunder and emptiness that hides the sky is a tremor, and the dark unicorn opens its blood. The mouth reveals the cavities. In the blood, there is endless darkness. It seems to be able to devour all things. This original emptiness of the emptiness in the sky is shredded by the power of a complete reversal.


Suddenly, a crisp cracking sound, I saw the sudden crack in the void of the unseen world, when a crack appeared, it would be out of control, the darkness was swallowed up by the dark unicorn, and finally... make this void, Once again, it is turned into a blue color, which is once again transformed into a vain of the gods... The cracks that were previously crushed by the three main lords are finally reappearing in the eyes of everyone.

The darkness disappeared.

“Successful?” Qin Shi surprised in the sea.

After swallowing up the sky, the demon's breath is already very weak. Qin Shi's body's suffocation gradually dissipated, and eventually returned to the totem in the left arm. When Qin Shiyuan once again controlled the flesh from the sea, his picture was already Returning to the original virtual domain of the gods, this made his heart can not help but raise the emotions that can not be said, only he knows how much the demon has consumed in order to destroy the sky.

"Kid, I can do it, it's so much... The rest of the trouble is up to you." The demon's voice is very weak.

Qin Shi nodded, and then he turned around excitedly. However, in the moment, his whole person was stagnant in the same place. He was very eye-catching in the vast void, but the atmosphere in this void became extraordinarily strange. At this time, people look at him with the general look of the monster. Even in the eyes of the people, he can't see the joy of life and death, more, but disgust, and fear.

At this time, a figure approached, Lin Xiao straight to his chest, a palm directed at his chest and bombardment.


Lin Xiao’s degree is so fast that Qin Shi’s chances of dodging are not there. He was violently shaken back by the giant force. However, when he stood firm, his body suddenly came with severe pain, and the power of imprisonment was actually It is deep into his bones, and he seals his nine spiritual veins at this time. Dan Tian is imprisoned. In the end, the power is madly approaching his left arm and hitting the demons with a fierce force.


The demon's suffocation has not completely converged. Under the impact of Lin Xiaojuli, the evil spirits were actually dragged from the Qin Shi body by Lin Xiaozhi.

The demons trembled fiercely, and they became the original shape. They were crouched in the place behind Qin Shi. His whole body was constantly shaking, and even the breeze seemed to blow him away. This is the demon in the past few years, Qin Shi from Weakness that has not been seen.

At this time, the sky was ruined, and the spiritual power of the outside world poured into the Qiankun like a river, and the six people who had already been spiritually dry had been restored. At this time, Qin Shi was in their center, when Lin Xiao would When the demon was shot from the body of Qin Shi, everyone looked gloomy again. Qin Shi rubbed his chest and looked around. He was uneasy and rushed into his heart.

"Kid, what is your monster in your body?" At this time, Lin Xiaobing was cold.

"Lin Xiao! What are you doing?" Fang Qing was angry at the moment and wanted to get up. Unexpectedly, Qi Qing suddenly reached out and stopped her.

"Master!" Fang Qing did not believe in the martyrdom.

"Don't move!" Qi Qing cold road.

All of this, as many as Qin Shi convergence, he suddenly could not help but laugh at himself.

At this time, the eyes of the snow-stained eyes were red, and the jade hand could not help but squeeze strongly. The position between the bones was slightly white, and the blood in her body was in a state of rapid flow. She knew that the demon existed, and she knew that The demon is exposed, what it means, the eight domains will never allow the demon to be the demon troll. Zilinga is in the distance, she is not as surprised as the rest of the people, slightly red lips, whisper: "That is the guy in your body? One of the two great devils in ancient times, swallowing the demon statue? It is terrible."

Zi Lingsha actually knew that she swallowed the sky. No one knew how she knew it. It was only at this time that her jade eyes became more decisive, and that one decided to burn even the price of death.

At this time, everyone in the six domains looked at the isolated Qin Shi and the evil spirits behind them. At this moment, it seems that the two are incompatible with the whole world.

He Shuhan jumped up, she is also eccentric looking to Qin Shi, from her beauty, Qin Shi can clearly feel that there is no previous thought and kindness, but a hidden murder.

"Oh, the demon, I was really right." Qin Shi mocked and laughed.

He Shuhan did not directly shoot like Lin Xiao. She said faintly: "Qin Shi, you just saved the six domains. We all owe you this without doubt, but what is the seal in your body? ... If I didn't guess wrong, it should come from the devil world. Why do you have such a powerful demon in your body?"

"Since ancient times, the devil and the other way, you have been in the same situation with the Mozu?" At this time, Yan Lie is also angry: "You have been violently increased in these years, and it is also the same as the chaotic people, practicing the evil spirits. Surgery!"

However, under the pressure of everyone, Qin Shi suddenly laughed out, his voice was very bleak, and he laughed with open arms.

"Haha! Hahaha! A good magical magic!"

"Qin Shi, you are saying it!" Fang Qing anxiously drink.

"What's the point to say? If you want to add sin, why not have a word? The fact is that, what can I explain?" Qin Shi sadly spread his hand.

"you wanna die!"

He Shuhan's eyes suddenly changed, and immediately her jade hand ice lotus, volley directed at Qin Shi's eyebrows to shoot.

"Master! Don't!"

At this time, Xue Xuexin rushed forward, and her jade eyes shed tears, regardless of the ice palm crisis in front of Qin Shi.

He Shuhan saw the eyes of a cold, and eager to turn her palms, which made the ice palm wiped from the side of the snow, and she angered at the snowy heart: "Little girl, you don't want to die." Yet?"

"Master, if you want to kill him, then kill me first." Xue Xuexin opened his arms and her face was as ruined.

"Damn!" He Shuhan's angry At this time, Qin Shi suddenly stepped forward, and he held the snow heart in his arms from behind: "Stupid girl, why are you?" ?"

Qi Xuexin really didn't know what to do at this time. She cried in tears: "I can't watch you die, I can only do this, Master can stop."

Qin Shi can not help but smile, but there is a saying that he did not say in the bottom of his heart, even if He Shuhan does not shoot how? At this moment, everyone in the room is trying to kill him. Why is He Shuhan alone stopping, can he end? He patted the shoulder of the snow heart, whispered: "Snow heart, sorry... this is my own creation, I have to bear it myself!"

boom! Suddenly, Qin Shi’s handprints were hard, and a gold pattern was shot into the snow-hearted eyebrows at this time. The snow-stained eyes were almost stagnant in an instant. She looked at Qin Shi unbelievably, and eventually... slowly lost. Perception, fainting in the past, Qin Shi reached out and held the snow heart in his arms. He turned his hand and sent a snowy heart back to He Shuhan with a soft force.

After taking over the snow heart, He Shuhan screamed at the gods, but before she spoke, Qin Shi took a deep breath: "I sealed her heart with spiritual power, no matter what the results of today, don't let she knows."

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