Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 11 Chapter 1485: Create a Qin Zong

The honor is very fast, and Changshengling is like a split in two. The ground breaks through the 10,000-meter gap with the route he has crossed. For example, the Tianyue Canyon, the blink of an eye, the Lord has been forced to the front of Qin Shi, sneer. : "Oh, these two gods are recognized by the Lord, which is convenient for me to carry, no need to take it. 81 Chinese "net"

Seeing the Lord approaching, the cloud mad eyes are cold: "Respect the Lord! What do you mean by this? We only said good at the beginning, this kid belongs to you, but these two gods are not among them."

"I can't do anything about it. Who wants to recognize the Lord?" The Lord sneered with disdain.

The cloud mad eyes suddenly changed, and the gloomy road said: "Well, since I say this, then don't blame me for my heart. I didn't think that this kid is alive, and it falls to your group. It is used to swear the demon, not worth the loss, killing He is more insurance, and the gods are good!"

"The cloud is three thousand!"

A group of fire clouds immediately blasted from the clouds and five fingers, and hundreds of fire clouds rushed toward Qin Shi.

The Lord’s eyes are slightly cold: “Find the dead guy!”

"The soul curse! 罡元破魂!"

Immediately, the lord gave a shot, and his fingertips flashed three virtual shadows of light, directly exploding into the clouds, and suddenly, the air near the cloud madness was thin, as if it was pulled away, a virtual force Into the cloud mad body, in an instant, the cloud mad body leaned back, and a soul was actually sent from the cloud mad body to the earthquake.


The cloud mad body directly fell like a body, and fell to the ground.

"It is the soul curse of the Lord... This soul curse does not hurt the human body, only hurts the soul. This cloud mad soul is shot and it is difficult to recast it!" At this time, Gan Zhe blinked at high altitude and said: This kid, and these two gods, the non-溟 group is none!"

At this time, the bloodthirsty out of the roar of the cold, his blood is actually already figurative, the land will be red, the gully is his blood, the blood is boiling, but the five main lords of the six mains dragged him, plus He was just injured by the Lord, and he was unable to pull out.

"You are a beast! Sooner or later, I have to tear you away!" Bloodthirsty roar.

The Lord smiled and said nothing. He was very calm and was not disturbed by emotions. At this time, he had already fallen in front of Qin Shi and laughed: "Kid, let's go!"


At this time, the sacred light sword, the reincarnation of the spiritual image, both trying to protect the Lord, but in front of the Lord is useless.

The hand of the lord explored into the void and turned into a huge door of chaos, surrounded by the sigh of heaven, shrouded in the Qin stone.

"Crush! If you dare to hurt him, I want you not to die!"

Suddenly, Thunder and Wan Hao, Changshengling suddenly thundercloud make up... No, it’s not thundercloud, it’s crazy suffocating, like a **** mouth, falling from the sky, it’s actually a life that will swallow the entire Changshengling.

The demon's nine-eyed unicorn is particularly glaring, and he blasts like a black flame from the ninth, and slams into the Lord.


The sudden emergence of the power behind the Lord made the heart of the Lord fear. He turned sharply, and the suffocating giant door resisted, but in a moment he was shattered by the great power of the demon. The power of covering the sky turned into nothingness, destroying the giant door. The evil spirits of the six eyes are open, such as the black hole-like fists running out, hitting the chest of the Lord, and the lord of the Lord was violently flew out of the 10,000 meters, slamming and squatting on a giant mountain.

The demon turned and attached to the body of Qin Shi, and the claw caught the shoulder of Qin Shi: "Go!"

Grabbing Qin Shi, the evil spirits rise from the clouds, and instantly he merges with the endless void, moving Qin Shi away from the darkness.

"Want to go?"

The Lord climbed up, his face was gloomy, and his claws unfolded instantly, like the eagle claws of the heavenly eagle, rushing toward Qin Shi infinitely.

"Hey, kid, in my emptiness, do you want to stop me?" The demon sneered, and then he squinted, and immediately rushed out of the darkness, these ghosts, like the souls of the abyss In general, suddenly the Lord's claws are swallowed up.


The devil's claws were suddenly withdrawn.

"Damn!" The screaming of the Lord, the face is very embarrassing: "I did not expect that the light is six eyes... swallowing the sky will release this power, I really can't imagine what the nine eyes look like."

"Block him! Can't let the kid leave! Bring him back today!"

At this time, the five main lords of the five halls glanced at each other, and they no longer paid attention to the bloodthirsty demon, and got up and wandered around the demon.

The Lord is also the palm of the hand at this time, a faint light is suspended from his palm, and the light is gone. The endless darkness is suddenly dissipated, swallowing the sky, and it is actually shattered by the light. A gap out?

Qin Shi turned back and blinked: "That power is... is it collapsed?"

"Well, the scorpion group simulates the imitation of countless jade!" The demon is serious, he said: "The kid, I am careless, almost pitted you, it seems to bring you back to the devil world! It is a wrong choice! Don't worry! I will take you away!"

Wen Yan, Qin Shi smiled: "This does not blame you, when I was in the human world, it is not that I have harmed you, not to mention that you are right this time, I am here... as if you are in the human world, they are all different! Just leaving..."

Speaking of this, Qin Shi suddenly revealed himself: "Abandoned from the human world, and then to this demon group attack, where can I go now?"

"Less nonsense! This day, the earth is big, there is always a place for you to live! Hold on!" The demon screamed, and he once again soared.

"Swallow the sky! No one can take him away today!" At this time, the five main lords of the Five Dynasties fiercely blocked the demon from both sides.

The devil is not reduced, sneer: "In those days, the sky did not dare to say this with the deity, you also match?"

"Swallow the mountains and break the sea!"

The demons turned into claws, and the emptiness of the emptiness slammed underneath.

boom! The earth trembles and the hills are turbulent. The kelp where the entire Changsheng Ridge is located is sinking to the bottom of the sea in an instant. The sea surface immediately forms a fault, which is like a huge maze. In an instant, swallowing in the maze. Split open and turn it into countless imaginary spaces.

The demons swept away from the void and leaped directly over the five main lords and the six lords.

All the way, the demon and Qin Shi ran wildly, and in the direction of the end of the sea, the two did not know where it was, but both of them knew what to face once they stopped.

Along the way, the demon appease Qin Shi a few times: "Kid, you can rest assured! I can take you away from the human world, and certainly will take you out of the devil!"

"Don't guide me! Don't worry, I figured it out, don't want to die now!"

A demon glimpse, gratified look to Qin Shi: "Oh, this scene, it is like a picture that I just met you ten years ago, there is that force!"

Qin Shi shrugged: "I was chased once, can I always be chased? Is it you... stay here? This devil, there is everything for you, you leave with me today, it is to give up all! ”

"A demon world, what can be worth remembering? Without this demon world, big deal! I will accompany you to create Qin Zong!"

The demon is abnormally determined and negated.

Qin Shi’s heart was fierce and his eyes turned red, but this time he didn’t cry, just smiled: “Oh, then I don’t advise you... Anyway, I’m not a man now, no one is in the world, you’re not afraid. I am tired of you, this world... It is estimated that there is no more loneliness than mine?"

"Ha ha ha!" The demon smirked: "You are tired of me? I don't think about it, I want you to re-create this demon world! Don't talk nonsense! Leave here!"

Qin Shi nodded hard, then he said: "Demon, you return to my body! To control the flesh! I use the soul to assist, wear the air with the sword, and the thunder property, will be faster!"

The demon hesitated, no rejection!

Qin Shi’s accomplishments in the degree are indeed true, and with his support of her suffocation, maybe she can really open the tail behind this group!

"Devil! You wake up! Do you really want to be this kid! Give up the whole devil world?" Suddenly, the cloud madness does not know when to return to the soul, and both the philosopher Dean blocked the demon from the front.

"Yeah demon! You think twice, we are willing to follow you, as long as you give up this kid!"

"After this kid is a human emperor, the devil is the same body. It is extremely devastating, he will ruin you!" Ganzhe said.

However, it was blocked by Yun Man and others. The face of the demon was very gloomy. He said one word and said: "He is the brother of my demon! For him, against this, destroying this sky, giving up this world, how can it be? ?"

The cloud sizzling and opening and closing, he suddenly looked cold, a fire cloud wrathful shot to Qin Shi: "Devil! Since you can not make up your own decision! Then I help you!"

"You dare!" The demon's eyes burned with fire.

boom! Suddenly, the blood shadow of a giant giant fell like a giant mountain, and a blood fist ran across the fire cloud! Bloodthirsty suddenly appeared, he rubbed his head and rushed to the devil: "Give me here! Devils go! Go south! There, there is a space crack! Can send you away! Fast!"

The demon gnawed his teeth and slammed his head: "Trouble you!"

Bloodthirsty laughter: "This life I know the truth with bloodthirsty! That is, after following you, you are my God! Why bother?"

The evil devil blinked red, he did not say much, entered the Qin stone body, manipulated the flesh, suffocating anger, sword air wearing, thunder, the demon and Qin Shi merge into one, and continue to take off in the south.

Seeing the demon left, the bloodthirsty began to rise, his blood is thick and thick, covering 10,000 meters, he revealed his fangs: "Little sisters! Grandpa will accompany you to have fun today!"

See bloodthirsty, cloud madness: "Damn! Bloodthirsty, are you crazy? If the devil is gone, the devil will be destroyed!"

"Hey, what the dog's devil world, in the eyes of Laozi, there is only one demon!"

At this time, Zhang Chen, Shi Zengyu, Meng Xianlong, after the three gathered bloodthirsty, they all showed the blood of death, and categorically blocked the way of the cloud madness and the group.

Zhang Chen squinted his head and looked at Qin Shi, who disappeared into the shadowless scene. He shouted: "I have said this kid for a long time, he is not long in the devil world, but... this time, he was chased. The land fled, but if he is going back to the devil world in the future, I am afraid that no one can decide to stay with him!"

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