Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 11 Chapter 1490: Escape from the devil

Survived by the sudden power of the gods, Qin Shi’s mind is already very illusory, and he feels a slight frown around his power. Δ81 Chinese Ω network

This power... is he?

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s heart was relieved. When he saw the figure behind him, he knew that he and the demon were safe today. Although he did not know the strength of Fufeng, he remembered very clearly that at the time, In the end, the three main lords were forced to stop, and the figure outside the space where the seal of the gods was chosen was Fufeng.

Finally, Qin Shi’s blood was raging, and he couldn’t control it, and he fell into a coma.

At this time, the line that controlled Qin Shi was broken. The main brow of the temple was wrinkled and his face was dark, but when he saw the two people slowly coming out of the void, he became serious and his voice was mixed with irony: "I Who is it, but it is not surprising to think about it. Here I am shrouded in suffocation and can tear open the void here. It should be only the three gods of the year."

Fufeng smiled a little: "The temple, the fate has not yet begun, so I want to destroy the mouth so early, I am afraid some are not appropriate?"

"Help the wind, swallow the sky, I can not kill, but even if you two show up, today do not want to take this kid." The temple is very decisive, immediately he hooked his finger, directly looked: "Hands! Keep the kid!"


The two beside the main body of the temple suddenly got up.


Daddy, the sky is broken, the clouds are fogging, and one of them is multiplied. The huge magic body seems to be trying to break the mountain and river. The rocks around him are all smashed, and the other person is the handprint, merge into a triangle, big There is the meaning of swallowing the mountains and rivers, a constant light implementation, straight toward the wind to approach.


When the two forces lifted off, the volcanic crater suddenly boiled up. These two forces seemed to smash the heavens and the earth, and they were several times stronger than the previous Lord.

The Lord is clenching his fists underneath and whispered: "I didn't expect that the three of them actually reached this level... Hey! If I let the resources of the inner hall..."

At the thought of this, the Lord also turned up, and he aimed the aim at Qin Shi, which is a great achievement.

In the face of three people at the same time, this is enough to overwhelm the power of the mountains and rivers. For ordinary people, I am afraid that when I see this momentum, I will be scared off. However, Fufeng is a smile, a blue cloud meaning, very elegant, such as immortal Generally, behind his hand, he lifted it up with one hand, as if holding up the entire mountain.


The three extreme forces rolled and fell. Unexpectedly, the position of 100 meters before the wind was suddenly lost. No matter what the external storm was, Fufeng stood quietly, holding everything with one hand, and behind him... A quiet, even the volcanic crater subsided, a blue light shield to protect it.

At this time, Fufeng sent Qin Shi behind him and said: "How long does it take to open the space array?"

The old urchin is still naughty behind him. He laughed and said: "Normally, there is an enchantment in this place. It is less than a quarter of an hour, but there is a ready-made crack, thirty seconds, enough."

"Thirty seconds?" Fufeng nodded: "Well, open up, tens of thousands of years have not been moved, today is a warm-up."

At this time, the lord showed a cold fang in the distance, and the conversation between the two was heard in his ear. He gnawed his teeth: "Thirty seconds to repair this space crack? How is it possible?"

The lord did not believe, but he did not dare to support the big. If he could not bring Qin Shi back, he would really be in trouble. This is in the devil world, he bites his teeth, obviously, the two The deputy lord and the lord could not move the wind. He finally took a deep breath and his body flashed. Immediately, he formed a 10,000-meter virtual shadow behind him. As a night, the crater was in darkness.

"I heard the three gods will be the strength group, and I will see it again today. It is really shocking! But, Fufeng, with you alone, want to fight against us at the same time, is it arrogant?"

Fu Xiao did not agree with the smile, very proud: "If you want to kill you, it is not difficult, but today is not the time, there will be opportunities in the future."

"Hey! Mania!"

The lord of the temple blinked, and he was empty.


Immediately, a huge wave began to rise, and even the magma formed a wave of waves, and the rolling rushed to the wind.


For a long time, the power of the horror caused the volcano to tremble. I saw that the position of the volcano was more than 10,000 meters behind the wind. The inner wall of the crater was slammed into the air, and the entire volcano was broken. The brave, it is already divine power.

However, the wind did not move as a mountain, he always held up the guard of the kilometer with one hand, inside the shield... but it was not moving.

"Damn! How is this possible?" Even the Lord had some violent walks.

"This wind power is very different, it is unpredictable, what is the repair, we join hands! The current plan, in any case, today must leave that kid!"


The four people united to form a vast array of four worlds... The volatility caused the entire island to sink into the sea and turn the waves.

At this time, a figure suddenly burst up, one person slightly moved at this moment, the ancient five-finger appearance between the five fingers, the volley to the Fufeng shield full force to break.



The shield was finally cracked at this time, and the wind was also slightly frowning: "Oh, the ancient magic pattern? It is really powerful, but my mission is over, a few, we will see you later."

The breeze was light and laughed. At this time, from the raised rock behind him, suddenly the blue light appeared, an incomparable huge space formation, the old urchin pouted and smiled: "Sorry... it is too big, no control ""

Fufeng smiles: "It doesn't matter, let's go."

At this time, the temple looked dark and extreme in the distance, and the Lord and the two deputy princes were even more surprised and grow up.

"Three or thirty seconds, make such a large space array? This method is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, connecting the ruins of the 6th place? How can this be done?"

The temple is also clenching his teeth. He can't figure it out. This volcano is also blocked by his suffocation. It is reasonable to say that even if it is a void, it is difficult to tear open the space here. What is the old man? ?

Of course... no matter how many questions they have, there is nowhere to be solved.

Fufeng turned and rushed to the evil demon: "Devil, come back."

The demon blinked, and did not make a sound. It turned into a smoldering airflow into the body of Qin Shi, and used the suffocating gas to hold up Qin Shi and enter the space tunnel.

Eventually, the space-distorted areas gradually calmed down, and the shields left by the winds were completely broken at this time.

However, in this crater, there is no such thing as Qin Shi and others.

The temple was pinching his fists in the distance. He was angry and rushed to the crown. He could not tolerate it. He personally went out, but he was also escaped by Qin Shi. He angered: "Check it out for me! Turn the space and time space over and over and check it for me. Where did they go!"

The two lords looked at each other and could not help but laugh.

At this time, outside the crater, the mighty tens of thousands of evils, most of them are the scorpion group, while the other side is the philosopher and other geniuses, and all of them arrived at this time. The power of the stock gave the volcanic islands destroyed into ruins. When everyone saw this scene, they were stagnant.

"Is it finally escaped by the kid?" The cloud gnawed his teeth.

At this time, the temple glanced at him, his heart was full of anger and slam, nowhere to release, he said coldly: "Yunzhou, Zhongzhou, Youzhou, huh, huh, these three states have been for a long time, it is almost time to recover It is."

Hearing the words, the cloud mad eyes are cold, he and Gan Zhe and others flashed back thousands of miles, the cloud frantically said: "Day, what do you mean? At the beginning, we united, but said good, the purpose is just that kid! Do you Think of it?"

"Oh, now that kid has run, there is no need to have an agreement with you." The temple was cold, and he immediately returned: "Destroy them."

In an instant, the two deputy masters got up and suddenly blocked the cloud madness and others with the power of the thunder. Although the cloud madness is also a boundary, but the two people are obviously short in front of them, and the cloud mad heart is full of resentment, he roars: "Damn! Hey group, Lao Tzu and you are not in the same position!"

"Oh, okay, that will have to wait until you reborn in your next life! Hands-on!"

"The temple, can you really be this demon world, is it with your group?"

Rumble! At this time, the distant Tianzhu, a grand bang, a moment, a giant hand, from the clouds, the life of the two deputy masters crushed, a thousand feet troll fell, cold The gaze of the temple, but there is no fear, carefully watched, can be seen, the breath around him is actually no weaker than the temple.

When I saw the troll, the temple eyes were also slightly wrinkled: "Rock?"

Seeing the troll, Yun Man and others are also shocked: "Iron Devil? He appeared?"

At this time, I saw only the Rock Devil's body, bloodthirsty and Zhang Chen three people gathered.

"Shot blood, can your injury be tight?" Rock Road.

Bloodthirsty cold: "Hey, is this a small injury, is it hurt? If it wasn't for this person to swindle, Laozi had already killed them."

Seeing the rock and bloodthirsty, the temple sneered: "Oh, this is a lively event. The seven players of the year, both of them have appeared. OK, since the kid has already ran, then we will not stay in the group today. See you later!"

"let's go!"

The temple cold drink ~ ~ immediately saw the squadron of the army behind the cracked open space, the main hall, disappeared.

Waiting for the group to go far, Zhang Chen stared at the rock that was still filled with the faint space after the light wave: "Is it finally escaped by the kid? Good! Good!"

Cloud madness is not willing to pinch the fist.

"Cloud mad, you are fortunate, if the kid is dead, the devil will never allow you." At this time, bloodthirsty cold.

Rock Road: "Cloud mad, you are really wrong this time."

Cloud madness is not to say a lot. At this time, bloodthirsty and rock are opposite, and the eyes are fixed in the crack of the disappearing space.

Bloodthirsty and arrogant: "In any case, the devil respects him back, and then it will be lively."

"Yeah, tens of thousands of years, it is time to calculate the account with the group. When the magic is back again, it is time for this piece to shake." Rock Road.

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