Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1513: 2 clear

"Chu River!" Qiu Shantang saw Qiu Chuhe wake up, and the nervous old eyes only relaxed slightly. At this time, he sneered at Qin Shi. Now, Qiu Chuhe wakes up. He is thinking of Qin Shi, and it is very difficult to have Tuoba Palace. Plus, he is only worried about his son, he has no more nonsense, just cold: "Boy, I don't know what relationship you have with Tuoba Palace, but if you dare to hurt my Qiujia disciples, I am You must be able to eat and walk!"

For this powerless threat, Qin Shi naturally will not be on the mind. 81中文网

At this time, Qiu Ming’s eyes were concealed. For him, Qiu Chuhe’s awakening to him was not a joy, but he lost the opportunity to kill Qin Stone.

Of course, except for Qin Shi, there is no second person to notice. Qin Shi’s heart and soul for this Qiu Ming’s heart is a secret to his heart. Such a person is not guilty. If he is offended, he will sin and die. Don’t leave a living, otherwise, It will only add trouble to oneself. For Qiu Ming, Qin Shi is also killing at this time, but now it is obviously not the time.

Qin Shi’s affairs have been suspended. The major palace owners are now shook their heads. This time, they sent their younger generations to win the domain. In the end, the domain did not get the flowers, but they also lost a lot of money. They were eaten by the dragon elephants. They naturally did not dare to go to the three people in the three seals of the three thousand sea palaces. They could only eat this dumb loss.

At this time, the Mujia sisters suddenly stepped forward, and Mu Xiaoyi’s face was slightly embarrassed. She was ashamed of what her father had done just now. You know, this time there is no Qin Shi, their sisters, I am afraid I will die in the channel. In the valley, she bites her lips and whispers: "Qin Shi, just something... I am very sorry, my father is also a difficult person..."

"I don't have to apologize to me. I am not a person in the Mujia Palace. I don't need to come forward. It's nothing."

Qin Shi’s words are very clear. He has nothing to do with Mujia Palace.

Mu Xiaoyi Fang’s heart stabbed, and she bowed her head in a stunned manner. At this time, Mu Xiaoying was not pleased at the side: “Hey, Qin Shi, you guys, why don’t you know so? My sister apologizes to you, do you still say this? Besides, we admire the money for you. You take the money to do things, and promised to help us get the domain **** flowers. Now the domain **** flower has not been obtained, we have not found you, you still put up the shelf?"

Qin Shi black scorpion instantly dark, Mu Xiaoyi quickly said: "Small 妍! Don't talk nonsense! Domain God is an accident!"

"Sister! What kind of person are you polite with him?" Mu Xiaoyu was not happy.

At this time, Qin Shidao: "She said yes, I was doing money, I didn't get the domain flower, it was my problem, this is for you, we are both clear."

After all, Qin Shi’s big hand waved, and a fragrance carried out the scent of flowers inside and outside the strait. When I saw the scented flowers, everyone in the room was shocked. Even several palace owners were condensed.

"This is... domain fairy flower? Is it a higher level than the domain **** flower level?"

Compared with the domain **** flower, the preciousness of the domain fairy flower is several times superimposed. Although it only increases the percentage of the domain breakthrough, it is 10%, which is enough for the numerous domains to break the head. Going to snapped up, this is inconsequential, so that the disciples of countless Haigong are all swaying. If this girl, if she can get this kind of fairy flower, it is worth more than the domain **** flower, not to mention five thousand sea soul Dan, even if 50,000, many sea palaces are willing to bid.

"This, this is for me?" Mu Xiaoyi's eyes are also sluggish, I don't know what to do.

"This is what I promised you, and we are both clear." Qin Shi said lightly, there is not much feeling.

This made Mu Xiaoyi's hand clenched. At this time, Mujiahai Palace was at the rear. Seeing this scene is also a remorse. What kind of person is this kid? Can let Takuya madly personally not say, can you come up with the treasures of the domain fairy flower? It was just a good opportunity to win over him... but he missed it and was pushed to Tuobahai Palace by his own life.

Tuobao is also a glimpse, his eyes are also hot, the domain fairy flower is a treasure, after all, but he did not interfere too much.

In the end, Mu Xiaoyi still took over the domain fairy flower. She wants this field fairy flower to be of great use. The success or failure of Mujiahai Palace is also determined by this domain fairy flower. At this time, I saw this scene in the distance. There is a lot of hatred in the eyes of Mu Yan, but he is even more afraid to make a second, but what is the bottom of the heart, quietly moved to Qiu Ming.

"Ha ha ha! We are Tuoba Palace, this time I have a great little guy! OK, let's go, go back and celebrate." Takuya mad at this moment, broke the silence on the field, immediately, he The left hand squats with the three brothers of Tuoba, and the right hand takes Qin Shi to the arms. This action makes many Haigong disciples who pay attention to Qin Shi count the amount.

"Let's go back..."

A farce was ended at this time. The head of the palace of Mujiahai Palace sighed and shook his head. He said to Mu Xiaoyi: "There is another three months, that is, the palace master decides to take it back. If you can absorb this field, if you can Breaking through the perfection of the domain, perhaps breaking the ruin of my family."

However, just as the three sea palaces continued to squander, a shadow suddenly broke into the sea, and the jade face was panicked and full of sorrow. When the shadow arrived outside the strait, he saw Qin Shi, squatting, and foggy. Tears are finally unable to control the crushing in the sea, she laughs and cries.


At this time, behind the shadows, there are more than a dozen rushing follow-up figures, among which the middle-aged woman's jade face in Luosheng Palace is eclipsed.

When she stopped behind Chen Hao and saw Qin Shi had nothing to do, she was relieved.

At this time, Chen Yu slowly stepped forward, holding Qin Shi in his arms, she cried crying: "I, I thought... I will never see you again."

Qin Shi’s heart trembled a bit. Luo Shenggong was the only one that was not blocked by the dragon elephant enchantment. But at this moment, she went back and forth, and went back. For so, is it just herself? To be honest, Qin Shi was touched. He smiled and patted Chen Hao’s shoulder: "Is this not good here? Don't cry."

Chen Hao realized that she was out of her mind and reluctantly loosened Qin Shi. She secretly bowed her head.

Chen Hao said very quietly: "When you go to Tuoba Palace, you must take care of yourself. I will definitely find you."

Leave a sentence, Chen Yucai turned and left, looking at the far-moving shadow, Qin Shi heart five flavors of miscellaneous grains, he really did not know how to Chen Hao, this girl, and Zi Lingsha very much like, even more than Zi Lingsha Directly, at the beginning, Qin Shi thought that she was only fresh for a while, but just in the scene, let him know that this girl’s love for him is the same as Zi Lingsha, he can’t escape.

"The most difficult thing to do is to be beautiful."

Qin Shi sighed and shook his head. At this time, he rushed to the top of the road: "The palace owner, wait a moment."

Immediately, Qin Shi walked to the side of Mu Xiaojing, Mu Xiaojing could not see him, but could smell it, smiled and said: "Qin Shige!"

Qin Shi smiled and nodded, and immediately he waved his hand, a seemingly indistinguish black meteorite handed to Mu Xiaojing: "Xiao Jing, this you hold, if you are in danger, you will crush this stone." ""

This meteorite is the space meteorite that Qin Shi has made for the blood wizard. Once broken, he will feel something and connect a unique space tunnel between him and the rock. For Mu Xiaojing, Qin Shi still loves it. This has nothing to do with Mujia, just because Mu Xiaojing saved him, and, from Mu Xiaojing, reminded him of Liu Yanbing.

Qin Shi has always been a man of resentment.

To do all this well, Qin Shicai left the Straits with the extension.

On the way to Tuoba Palace, Qin Shi wrapped the black robe and fell into meditation.

He knows that entering the Tuoba Palace, his real journey at the Seven Thousand Sea Palace has just begun.

"Molding the magic body..."

Qin Shi gently whispered, let him look forward to it.

Because he knows that when the magic body is finished, it is the time when he returns to the human world again.

"You... wait for me, come back!"

"At that time, no one could despise us in this day!"

Tuoba Palace, which is 10 million meters away from the strait, has a huge space passage after leaving the strait, and Tuoba’s madman’s token in the hands of the lord, swept through the passage, and the huge space channel It started to run violently. When the slamming stopped, Tuoba said: "Okay, let's go back."

"Big brother, let's go."

“Is this space passage built by Tuoba Palace?”

"Yes, it is not. There are many such space channels in the seven thousand sea palaces. They are a huge space network between each other. They are built by the Shifang Temple. These space tunnels are all connected with each other. My father showed his identity, the space tunnel will be judged, and then moved to the direction of the Tuogong Palace, this is also to facilitate the communication between the various sea palaces. After all, the sea area is huge, even if the environment is powerful, I want It is extremely difficult to shuttle back and forth between several sea palaces, even some distance between the sea palaces, it will take a year."

Hearing, Qin Shi is secretly screaming, and the environment can be exhausted for one year. How far can it travel? Not to mention the boundary, Qin Shi recognizes him for one year and can turn around the whole world for three laps. But what is so far between the sea palaces? The hugeness of this sea area is really astounding, Qin Shi remembers, and he also shows that the forces of the seven thousand sea palaces seem to be stronger than the human world.

"There are still a lot of this big 6 I don't know."

Suddenly, Qin Shi thinks of a person, and a weird pattern, that is, when he was in the mourning hall, when he was dealing with the tiger's teeth, the woman who was wandering around with the tiger's teeth, the woman, he was sure that it was definitely not the group. However, the strength of the realm, the posture of the gas field and the high posture, let him believe that it must be a terrible organization.

Even an organization that might compete with the scorpion group.

The most important thing is that the woman seems to know him.

He couldn't help but scream: "It's the **** shit!"

He shook his head, and he made up his mind that one day, he would definitely tear it down.

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