Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1521: Tuoba Palace inheritance

"The old predecessors praised. 81 in the Δ text" network "Qin Shi polite smile.

"Hey, where is the hero? I think it is a bear, but it is a good luck, the cat has encountered a dead mouse! What is it?" Suddenly, a sardonic laugh sounded from the side, suddenly, screaming And the look of Tuobai are gloomy, and Tuoba’s mad anger is toward Xia Yang: “Xia Yang! What do you say?”

"What I said is only the truth! A domain is small, you said that he killed three fierce dragons, who can believe this?" Xia Yang disdain.

"You...!" Takuya's face is gloomy.

Suddenly, Qin Shi smiled and stopped the Tuo madman, and saw a sneak peek: "Little Qin Shi, you don't have to suffer this humiliation, I..."

Obviously, the words behind Takuya are that I will definitely help you teach Xia Yang.

But Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "The Lord of the House is laughing, and of course I will not be humiliated by this. It is just a small matter, and I will not bother you."

After all, Qin Shi stepped slowly to Xia Yang, and saw that many of these elders were sneer at the arms, and they were ready to watch the bustle.

The savage madness is also awkward and slightly puzzled.

At this time, Qin Shi coldly looked to Xia Yang: "You call, Xia Yang?"

"It's your old man, what's the matter?"

Snapped! Waiting for Xia Yang’s words, Qin Shi’s hand fell, and a loud slap immediately hit the face of Xia Yang. This slap, Qin Shi is really no spare, a slap in the spirit, when Xia Yang I flew out, slammed, and slammed into the stone wall behind. When he got up, his face was frightened and stunned. Half of his face was swollen and his fingers were burning with glare.

"You, you dare to hit me?" Xia Yang said, then all the elders are tight-minded, this Qin Shi, do not want to die? Even dare to play Xia Yang?

Xia Yang is not terrible, but behind it is Shaqi, the elder of Tuoba Palace...

"For you, this uncultivated thing, hit you, is light." Qin Shi black and cold, squatting.


"Kid, you are looking for death!"

Suddenly, Xia Qi’s anger burned on the beam of the house. His whole body of water boiled up, raising his fists, such as tons of boulders, and squatting down the chest of Qin Shi.

But just before his fist fell, Qin Shizhen said: "Elder Xia Qi, don't forget your identity. I taught this little beast because he doesn't understand respect. He is a disciple of Tuoba Palace. I am a guest. The elders, even the minimum esteem does not understand, is this what you taught? Or, is that what you think in your heart? In your eyes, you are even better than the palace? You can also just like him. Insulting me, insulting the palace master?"


Qin Shiyan, Xia Qi's old eyes flashed chill, then he obviously felt a sly anger covered him, Tuo mad cold eyes staring at him, all of a sudden, his fist also stopped in the air.

"Shaqi, what do you explain!"

"Miyaz, don't listen to this thief nonsense! I can tell you about your heart, heaven and earth." Xia Qi fiercely shuddered, shuddering.

In his current position, despite being under the top of the Tuoba Palace, the 10,000 people have not reached the point where they dare to scream and scream. After all, behind the savage madness, there are three thousand supporters.

Tuo mad is also a scene person, knowing that he will receive it, and the satisfied rushing Qin Shi nod. In these years, Xia Qi is a tiger, he has long wanted to fight against his arrogance, but there has been no good way, today’s Qin Shi’s approach, He gave him the opportunity, he said: "Hey! This time, Qin Shikeqing is generous, but if you dare to have the next time, Gongya disposal!"

Xia Qi’s angry bite, but he had no choice but to eat this dumb loss.

Qin Shi is not the kind of person who has gotten the inch. He will smash the dust on the black robe and rush to the bottom.

At the end of a farce, Takuya’s face was gradually restored, and the old man said: “The master of burning soul makes you laugh.”

"Oh, young people, angular, understandable, understandable." The master of the burning soul is calm, but Qin Shi is slightly frowning in the distance, from this old man, let him feel an inexplicable disgust, though, He converges very well, but Qin Shi can still capture its details. When he just shot Xia Yang, the old man is absolutely murderous.

"This old guy, it seems that the coming is not good, Tuobao seems to have not noticed that he should be a group with Xiaqi." Qin Shi secretly said in the bottom of his heart.

"Xiao Qinshi, the master of the burning soul, can't be in the outer sea palace. It is the only magician who is a curse domain except the little girl in the palace. Now, it is a curse domain. Dacheng is also just around the corner. In the entire peripheral sea palace, it is respected. Even the ten lords of the Shifang Temple will see him. They must be polite. One person is the elder of the dozens of sea palaces. The master of the Burning Soul is the guest of the Qing Dynasty, and that is the leader of the periphery." Tuoba laughed.

Wen Yan, Qin Shi can not help but glimpse.

"The magician? No wonder, from this old guy, let me feel the familiar atmosphere of the stock, it turned out to be the soul."

Qin Shi’s heart is in the dark, pointing to the symbolic point of the old man.

Of course, Qin Shi has heard the second news from Tuoba’s mad mouth. Is there only two magicians in the outer sea palace? Moreover, have you seen him? Of course, this is not his.

"Oh, that little girl is a bit interesting, age is similar to me, can reach the curse domain, even if I reach the curse domain, but also with the guidance of Xuantian ancient array and mud Bodhisattva predecessors, this little girl, has Secret."

At this time, Takuya continued to laugh: "This time, I was fortunate enough to invite the Master of Burning Soul, and the Master of Burning Soul has promised me to be the guest of my Tuoba Palace!"

"Oh, the palace owner laughed, and we are a family in the future." The master of the burning spirit chuckled.

Takuya madly nodded: "The master said yes, the master is right!"

"To the master of the burning soul, I don't know what I said to you not long ago... How are you thinking about it?" At this time, Tuoba screamed at the palm of his hand and asked with a fiery look.

It is said that the master of the burning spirit is obviously difficult to make. At this time, Qin Shi can clearly see that the hand of the savage savage is tightly smashed into a fist. It seems that the rumor in the rumor is extremely important to the Tuoba Palace, not only Tuobao, many elders are also eye-catching.

Suddenly, the master of the burning soul said: "The palace master, you also know... This refining magic symbol is a very bitter thing in itself. Moreover, the demand of the palace owner is still so huge, I really can't do anything about it."

In the voice of the master of the burning soul, the sound of the smashing face is changed.

"Master of the Burning Soul, is there no way? If you can't refine it, who else can be done in the outer sea palace?"

"The palace owner, I really don't want to help you... It's this busy, I can't help it." The spirit master refused again.

Tuoba Palace refused to give up: "Master, this thousand devils are really important to my Tuoba Palace. This matter is related to the survival of Tuoba Palace! Please, can you think of it?" As long as you promise me, you open, what do you ask, I will try to satisfy you, sea soul Dan, reiki, what do you want, I will help you, and, hunting the sea beast, you don’t have to worry about it. My Tuoba Palace will do my best to help you."

This time, the master of the burning soul did not rush to refuse, but the silence of his own silence. Of course, the color of the dilemma never faded. In the end, he sighed and looked like a heart, and said: "But, Since the Lord has already said this to the book, if the old man is helping, it is indeed somewhat unsatisfactory, but the palace owner, this, but you said, the old now has to put forward conditions, you can not refuse."

"Master, though you say!"

"I want five million sea spirits! Ten boxes of spirits! Hundreds of grass!"


At this time, many elders of Tuoba Palace are frowning. This is a huge sum of money. Five million sea spirits don’t talk about it. This is already a harvest of hundreds of years in Tuoba Palace. It’s just ten boxes of spirits. A hundred plants of grass, it is already very excessive!

"Why, is there a difficulty? You also know that the refining demon has a great consumption of soul power, not to mention that it is a thousand. The palace owner should be clear, I don't want much."

Not much...

These three words, Qin Shi is thinking about how this old dog is so open?

Of course, after all, it was not his business, and he did not ask more.

At this time, Takuya Palace was half-sounding and could see his painful look, but in the end he nodded his head and said: "The master said it is good. A thousand magic characters are really expensive! OK, I promise you I don’t know the master, when can I start refining?”

"This is not anxious. In addition to these, you have to promise me something."

"What?" Takuya madly angered.

"This little guy is quite close to me. I want you to be the heir to Tuoba Palace now!"

Suddenly, the master of the burning soul reached out and pointed to Xia Yang, whose face was red and swollen.

"What?" This countless elders are flashing anger, and the face of the madman is also beginning to be out of nature.

Although the previous request was a big opening for the lion, it was still reasonable, but now, this soul-burning master wants to change the inheritance of Tuoba Palace? This is undoubtedly, is it to seek power?

At this time, Qin Shi was also amazed in the distance: "Oh, it really reveals the fox tail!"

"Tokyo Palace Lord, have you considered it clearly? I did this for the sake of the overall situation of the Tuoba Palace. After all, the three noble sons of the palace...we really do not live up to expectations."

"You..." Takuya's mad face is red, and even if the three of the Takuya are incompetent, it is his son.

"Do you agree or not? I remember, I don't think there is such a thousand magical symbols. It will take a long time for Tuoba Palace to be removed from the outer sea palace?"

The Burning Soul Master is approaching step by step, and Tuoba Mania is the choice to fall into a difficult situation.


Fourth, continue to thank the cool snail support.

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