Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1524: Up and down

The appearance of this old man makes Shaqi’s look unnatural: “Publish the old ghost! Are you out?”

"This is thanks to your grandson, and the harassment of this little doll!" 『81┡中┡文网

Seeing the public invincible, Takuya is also very happy, plus a few excitement: "Growing elders!"

"Oh, there is something, one will say, first help this little doll to spend this difficult time." The public lost a smile, still the temperament of the immortal.

The appearance of public revenge clearly broke Shaqi’s plan, and all four killing orders also appeared. After half a column of incense, the killings were not broken, and Qin Shi was out of danger.

At this time, Qin Shi slightly blinked, and the black and white haze fell on Shaqi.

"This old dog is very embarrassing. He knew that the fourth token was in the hands of this old man. If it wasn't for 6 Peng, he had alarmed this old predecessor, and later things, I am afraid that today's artifacts will be exposed. Well, this, I will write it down first."

Qin Shi secretly said that although he did not want to cause trouble, but since someone wanted to put him to death, he would certainly not be soft-hearted.

"Growing elders, since you are out of customs, is it a breakthrough to the realm?" The smashing of the sky, the savage and madness of the whole body fell on the public to lose enemies, if the public invincible can break through the realm, may also break his extension This is the robbery of the palace.

Previously, the dialogue in the hall was full of revenge, and it was natural to understand the meaning of the arrogance. However, he shook his head helplessly.

Seeing this, this makes the heart of the Tuoba madness just sinking to the bottom of the valley... There is no border, there is no magic, this time the Tuogong Palace is absolutely impossible to rob this.

But at this time, the public lost their enemies and screamed at Tuoba: "Oh, the palace owner does not have to be like this. Although I have not broken through the boundaries, naturally someone will break this robbery for me."

"Well? How do you say this to the elders?" Takuya madly frowned, and now he can help Tuoba Palace, only Qiu Chuer of the Shengsheng Palace, but he is very clear that this is impossible.

"Haha, isn't it the magician of the district curse? In our Tuoba Palace, there is one." The public lost a smile.

Hearing, the people present were shocked?

what? In Tuoba Palace, is there a curse domain magician?

Impossible, don't talk about the curse domain. In the past 100 years, almost no magician appeared in Tuoba Palace.

"When did I have a magician in the palace? How can I not know how to do this?"

"Haha, it's not just a curse. If I didn't guess wrong, it should be a magician who cursed Dacheng."

"Who is the elder, who is it?"

"Don't be in the sky, close at hand." The public lost his hate and laughed. Then he suddenly patted Qin Shi's shoulder: "Little doll, I am right?"

Perhaps others do not know, but the public invincible and Qin Shi handed over, the original blissful situation is strong, even he is troublesome, he is sure that Qin Shi is the magician of the curse domain.

At this time, everyone's eyes were condensed, and they all fell on Qin Shi.

The words of public revenge have been very clear, and everyone looks at Qin Shi as if they were looking at monsters.

"This, this kid, is the magician? Is it impossible?"

"Yeah, although his spiritual strength is not strong, but there are also small domains, spiritual power and soul integration? Since ancient times, I have never heard of it, some people can cultivate two forces at the same time to the realm!"

"And it's still a curse! This is a joke!"

"This is impossible! This is never possible!"

The screams in the hall are constant, and the savage madness is also a cross of the sword. The bottom of the heart is full of doubts, but he knows that the public will not open this joke. In the end, he is determined to test the question: "Little Qin Shi, the elders of the public... ...but really?"

Qin Shi’s bitter laughter, gently tapping his head, in fact, he just prepared to say, but Takuya’s self-deprecating enthusiasm has been opened.

Qin Shi was sure, and the hall was shaken again.

"He, is he really a curse?"

Suddenly, at this time, the elders reacted very quickly: "I know, it is no wonder that when the soul is burning with him, the soul can't be fully displayed. In fact, it is not a burning soul. It is suppressed by this kid! We just didn't see through it. And to!"

"God, cursing the domain... it’s so young."

"The most amazing thing is that he still has a small domain?"

"It's really enchanting... enchanting."

For everyone's surprise, Qin Shi just shook his head, but I don't know if they are aware that they are still hurting themselves. The whole force should be a perfect situation, and what a surprise look will be.

"Fart! It's all fart! It's impossible! The curse is the magician? It was my grandfather who used it for a thousand years to cultivate. He is a poor boy who is similar to my age. How could it be a curse? I don't believe it! I do not believe!"

At this time, Xia Yang suddenly jumped out, his anger pointed Qin Shi: "Qin Shi! I want to kill you, if you really are a magician, then you will use the soul to fight with me!"

Xia Yang’s sudden move made everyone in the hall frown, but no one stopped. Obviously, it was also curious. Does Qin Shi really have the power of a magical field magician.

In this regard, Tuoba madly looked at Qin Shi: "Little Qin Shi, this..."

"Oh, the palace owner is relieved, since some people want to take their own insults, then I am fulfilling him." Qin Shi smiled, he also understood that his battle with Xia Yang is inevitable, and he also does not want to avoid Xia Yang does have the threat to the future of Tuobali to inherit the position of the palace. For Tuoyu, Qin Shi still likes it very much. This can also help Tuoba to consolidate its position.

"Qin Shi! Oh, I don't believe it. You can be my opponent by your soul alone!"

Xia Yang is also smart, and his words are very clever in his words, so that Qin Shi can only use his soul to fight him.

But... he didn't know that all this was his own cleverness.

"Reassured, do not deliberately emphasize, I will satisfy you." After all, Qin Shi raised his finger and tapped a few points on the chest.

"This is, self-styled Dan Tian? This kid, really wants to rely on the soul and Xia Yang alone?"

"This is impossible. Even if this kid really has a curse domain, the soul power is far less powerful than the power of the battle. Xia Yang is a domain success, almost perfect. He does this and asks for it. ”

"Hey, this kid, the talent is really good, but it is too young."

"Little Qin Shi, in fact, you do not have to listen to him nonsense, even if you use spiritual power is also possible!" Tuoba crazy.

"Yeah Big Brother! It’s a good cat to take care of his cat and cat."

For the persuasion of Tuoba and his son, Qin Shi just smiled: "The palace owner is assured, I have my own size."


Takuya also wants to discourage a few sentences. At this time, he was suddenly stopped by the public. He shook his head at the Takuya swearing: "Haha, don't worry, this kid's mind is not a small 20-year-old. Guy, his calmness, and forbearance, that is, some of our old bones may not be able to match. He dares to do this, naturally he has his own grasp."

Tuobao madness, cultivation, perhaps talent, but the mind... It must be an experience, the precipitation and experience of the years can grow, the public invincible even dare to say, Qin Shi’s mind, according to them Old bones are stronger? This evaluation is really high and outrageous.

Of course, if Takuya knows that the game between Qin Shi and the public and the enemy will not be questioned when he was practicing the tower.

The temptations of the two sides, the demolition of each other's three moves, in the final analysis, the public, the enemy is still inferior.


"Oh, don't talk nonsense! The soul of this kid, even I almost lost, so you can always rest assured?"

Wen Yan, Tuoba screamed: "Even you, almost lost?"

The public gave up and nodded, although the heart was somewhat dissatisfied, but Qin Shi’s blissful situation is indeed the mystery to the extreme.

"This kid is far from being as simple as it looks. You will see his eyes carefully."

Looking at the madness and curiosity, looking at Qin Shihei, it was amazement.

If it wasn’t for the public’s intimidation, he’s really never seen it. Qin Shi’s black scorpion is so deep... unfathomable.

The most amazing thing is that it always looks like a light and windy, as if everything that is experienced today is so insufficiency in his world that even a little bit of waves can't be caused.

"At this age, you can do it without being shocked. Yunjuan Yunshu is a person who has experienced great winds and waves. Therefore, everything in his life is so casual in his opinion. There is no such thing as a storm. His experience... a level that you and I can't imagine."

Takuya’s approval of this nod: "Well, I just knew that this little Qin Shifei was in the pool, but I didn’t expect it to be so extraordinary. It seems... I want to leave him in this Tuoba Palace. It is impossible."

"Oh Don't think about staying with him, as long as you don't offend him... The world he wants to experience, which will be involved, is something that our entire Tuoba Palace can't afford."

Takuya's mad eyes nodded slightly.

Immediately, the confrontation between Qin Shi and Xia Yang caused a storm in the Tuoba Palace. The two did not perform a duel in the main hall, but chose to be the most massive platform in the Tuoba Palace. Here, it was chosen by Xia Yang. His intention is very clear, that is, he wants to make Qin Shi shame.

In this regard, Qin Shi does not matter, in his view, this is undoubtedly a grandstanding.

Half a day later, in the central part of Tuoba Palace.

Many disciples of the Tuoba Palace, the elders are coming to watch.

In the ring, Xia Yang looked stunned at Qin Shi: "Small beast! I am killing you in front of the entire Tuobagong people today, let you know! Offending my summer home, what is the consequence? !"

"It seems that the palm of the hand, did not make you how much memory." Qin Shi shook his head in disappointment, sneer: "Well, then I will teach you for your mother, what is the upper and lower honor!"

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