Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 4 Chapter 154: The past of the snow heart


Being hugged in my arms, I heard the words of the past, and Xue Xue’s body trembled slightly.

Qin Shi’s words seem to touch the darkness in her innermost, potentially darkest corner. The dark disease is what makes her think about it, and she will feel the terrible past of hairiness.


At this time, the two claws, tearing behind the Qin Shi, the terrible force hard to turn down the dragon scales, crushing his ribs. w"fiction" novel chapter update fastest

The ribs are broken, Qin Shi feels the five internal organs in the body, like a mountain of water, the blood is like a boiling magma, bursting in the mouth, a spit.

Blood stains, pink skirts stained with red and snow.

The mind is upset, the snow heart holds the Qin stone, and the tears burst into the air: "How are you?"

"Hey..." Pour the air in the mouth, Qin Shi's body moved forward a few steps, but the hand holding the snow heart did not shake it halfway: "Don't die, don't fight, what the **** are you... Look at the points where you have to die in this less, and satisfy my little self-respect?"

"Don't say it, don't say it, I promise you, I promise you..." Snuggling in Qin Shihuai, she looked at the shocking blood, and there was a kind of pain in her heart that could not be cut. She does not understand, how can Qin Shi remain calm at this moment of life and death?

Qin Shi seems to be satisfied, no longer talking nonsense with Xue Xue.

He is also Zhīdào, now is not a joke, the reason why I just want to do that, just do not want to worry about snow, and he is really curious, what kind of external force, in order to let this girl always show with a veil?

What kind of past is that?

Looking around, there are seven or eight **** people behind, seven or eight left and right, and the rest are in front.

"Damn, all the retreats are blocked. It seems that I want to leave the blood lake. It is not too Kěnéng to return to the open space." With a sigh of relief, Qin Shi looked up and down in his heart and quickly thought about how to get rid of this right and wrong.

At this time, his afterglow suddenly fell on the cave under the cliff of Blood Lake.


With a flash of light, Qin Shi opened sideways, and a waist smashed his heart in his arms: "Hold me."

Qi Xuexin was slightly surprised, but she did not ask much. The tiger body of Qin Shi on the jade hand plate, the bird depends on the person in the Qin Shihuai.

"Oh, always so gentle and how good." Sudden warmth on the chest, so that Qin Shi heart jumped, immediately revealing a shallow smile, looking straight into the cave not far away, after calculating the distance in the middle, the Nether Sword The wind provoked on the blood lake.


Nine-way Jianguang, sweeping through the thorns and thorns, a blow will knock back a few **** blocks in front of the cave.

"It is now!" After the **** retreat, Qin Shi suddenly squinted, and a galloping rushed out, leaping several times in a row, stepping on the **** water splashing in the blood lake, going straight to the cave. I rushed in.

When you see it, you can see the snow heart: "Would you like to enter the cave?"

In her opinion, this kind of behavior is almost crazy, the cave is in the deepest part of the blood lake, isn't that pushing the situation to a dead end?

Qin Xue thought, Qin Shi naturally understands, but now he is betting.

Before, he saw this group of blood, all invaded in the blood lake, so the gambling is that this group of blood can not be separated from the blood lake. If this is the case, as long as they can rush into the cave, they will be completely safe. If the gambling loses, they will fall into desperation.

Although this behavior is crazy, but now he can only gamble.

Bet, there is still a glimmer of hope, no gambling, and ultimately only a dozen **** to give a living corpse.

One by one.

The word "following the danger" has long been the endorsement of Qin Shi.

But obviously, Qin Shi is right, he is flying into the cave with his heart.

Just entering the cave, a group of **** rushing up, but when they approached the edge of the blood lake, they stopped, as if they had encountered something terrified, just standing outside the cave, constantly rushing two people out Exciting roar.


Upon seeing it, Qin Shi shouted, and after the cold sweat on his forehead was erased, the smile of his mouth rose and smiled: "It seems that the less gambling is right, luck is still Bùcuò! This group of animals must have blood lake support Can't leave the blood lake."

"It turned out to be the case."

The snow heart suddenly realized, and looking at Qin Shi’s eyes, it was a bit weird.

This kind of desperate way of holding a family life to make a bet is too crazy for her, but in the eyes of Qin Shi, it seems to be a commonplace?

For a time, she gradually became curious about Qin Shi, and she thought in a puzzled way: "What has this person ever experienced? Can he face life and death so calmly?"

Outside the cave, **** helplessness, and finally began to fade.

When the blood was gone, Qin Shi was relieved. He immediately felt that the snow heart was staring at himself with a weird look. Some of the awkward scratching heads: "You look at this less? Is it love? Is there less?"

Who wants to be ridiculed by Qin Shi, the face of Xue Xuexin changes rapidly, and he is careful and alert: "I will not fall in love with you."


Qin Shi was transformed by this rapid change.

However, he did not care, supporting the wolf's body, sitting down beside the snowy heart, leaning against the cliffs of the cave, looking back at the injury behind him, some hurt: "Hey... this group of beasts Really **** hurts!"

"How are you?"

This time, Qi Xuexin did not remove the body, but the tear skirt was torn into a piece of cloth, wanting to help Qin Shi bandage the wound.

When the injury is bandaged, Qin Shi’s simple activities are under the body, and the pain is relieved. After a long sigh of sorrow, the snow heart, said: “Hey, I said, is it right now, cash and my agreement? Alright? Can't you let this half of your life be lost?"

"What agreement?"

A glimpse of my heart, there is some confusion in the eyes of Xue Xue.

"I am going, are you really stupid, stupid and stupid? Are you deliberately stupid with me?" Wen Yan said that Qin Shi had a slightly unpleasant face and said: "Not to say good, as long as this When you survive, will you tell me your past?"


Two words, heavy in the heart of the snow heart reverberating.

She bit her teeth, her eyes turned red, and tears groaned in her eyes.

Looking at the miserable appearance, Qin Shi was a little embarrassed: "Hey, what is your expression?" He couldn't stand the tears of the girl, shaking his head: "I don't like to say it, it seems like I am bullying you." of."

"No... I promised you, I will definitely say."

But at this time, Xue Xuexin shook her head, her eyes were a little scattered, as if she was struggling with life and death: "Just, I am not Zhīdào, I should start and talk."

"This is not simple? Just from the novel, what is your parents in your home." Qin Shi is very casual laughter.

Unexpectedly, this random words, but deeply touched the heart of the snow heart.

"I... I don't have a home."

Qi Xuexin took a deep breath and his eyes turned a half circle.

"Ah?" Qin Shi stunned, and did not speak for a while.

Time is like this, no matter how long Zhīdào has passed, Xue Xuexin sighed: "When I was young, I was very happy before I was seven years old. Like ordinary children, I have a happy family. My parents are very fond of me. It is their jewel in the palm of their hand."

Hearing, Qin Shi listened silently.

"But, all this, when I was seven years old, it was completely changed." In the words, it was slightly bleak, and the snow heart seemed to fall into the past that she was least willing to recall: "At the age of seven, the Mid-Autumn Festival The family was originally happy to have dinner together."

"On that night, suddenly a group of people, rushed into my home, killed my parents, one by one...killed my entire family, and they died in front of me." Speaking of this, curled up and screamed.


Hearing the sound, Qin Shizhen’s lower teeth, he did not think that when Xue Xuexin was a child, did this kind of tragedy happen?

"What kind of group is that?" Qin Shi clenched his fist.

Yan Xuexin shook his head: "No Zhīdào, I just remember that wearing **** robes on them is like a demon who kills people without blinking. I have a face that is so unforgettable."

Qin Shi did not speak.

"But, one day, one day, I will definitely find this group of people, so that they will pay for their blood." The snow-hearted fist is pinched and the voice is chilled.

A burst of prestige boasted at the hole.

For a short moment, it seems to have been going on for centuries.

Qin Shi looked at the sly snow heart, and then she understood why she always wanted to be so strong. She said: "No wonder, she always wears a mask. She is always reluctant... It turned out that when she was a child, she actually had this order. The sad past of people."

Today, even if Qin Shi is shocked, it will only be a few paragraphs.

He Zhīdào, he can never understand, understand the kind of eyes that look at their loved ones, and die in front of themselves.

That kind of pain is not the pain that can be understood by imagination.

"Because of this incident, everyone in the city passed me and said that I am a natural star who is born with a **** friend..." Xue Xue’s self-deprecating irony, sorrowful shaking his head: "Really, the family was slaughtered, I am not dead alone. I don't understand why this is the case. Do you have to let me experience the pain of this kind of death?"

"At the time, I thought about death, and I died." On the pale cheeks of Xue Xue, a tear slowly slipped down, and her dagger rose slightly, looking at the fog outside the cave, the faint voice: " But When I really face death, I am timid, I am afraid..."

Qin Shi was slightly shocked.

Yes, in the face of life and death, who can afford to laugh?

Moreover, the snowy heart at that time was just a seven-year-old girl?

It's really hard to imagine how a seven-year-old girl can support today.

"It doesn't blame you..." If you want to be comforted, you can talk to your mouth. Qin Shi finds that the text he organized is so pale and weak, and the kind of life that Xue Xuexin has experienced is not as good as death. Is it a few words to replace?

Heaven is really fair.

To this girl, a full-fledged appearance of the whole city, but gave her such an angry experience.

Suddenly, only stunned, Qin Shi will head down.

However, at this time, he is not Zhīdào, the family was slaughtered. This is just the beginning of a miserable life.

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