Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1548: Kill

At this time, everyone was finally exposed to the stunned color, and the volcanic pillar that smashed the earth and destroyed the land, so that it collapsed in Qin Shi’s hands. At this time, Qin Shi did not know that it should be called the dragon claw or the chicken feet, the green fire hand, seems to be able to put this world in the palm of his hand, as if he is a gentle force, this day, Broken. ()|(eight)

" just deliberately hidden the strength?"

When the fire pillar was so easily broken by Qin Shi, Huoyun finally understood the gap between him and Qin Shi. It was like an insurmountable gap between the realm and the realm. This war is no way to win. However, I also figured this out, and Huoyun never had the slightest love for war. He screamed and wanted to leave. He wanted to take a trip from the outer sea palace. It’s too worthless to throw in a small life.

"Want to run?"

Qin Shi’s cold snoring, nowadays, he naturally will not let the fire cloud leave, he does not care, but then, Tuoba Palace will be retaliated by Huoyungong, his hand is shocked, it was originally in him The docile fire of the palm suddenly roared like a thunder and anger, and invisibly turned into a 10,000-meter fire dragon from the air, steaming the sea, and the body of the wolf was murderously hit.

"Do not!!"

The fire cloud blinked and panicked, and immediately the body was directly shot down. The clothes on the back were burned on the spot by the flame, and the skin behind it turned into coke.

At this time, Yang Lun’s eyes were horrified, and he was not allowed to react. At this time, the space of his eyes was slightly distorted, and a few shadows appeared. A teenager in a black robe suddenly appeared in front of him. The corner of his mouth was sneer, and the big hand with blue and fire tangled his hand and grabbed his throat: "Oh, at this time, is there still time to worry about others?"


At that time, Yanglun’s tens of millions of crystals were shattered, and Qin Shi’s arm was forced to throw Yang Lun into the sky, and the remaining hundreds of dragon **** slammed the chest. The body, like a dead dog, fell directly to the wolf's body outside the fire cloud, slamming on the fire cloud, making the fire cloud a dizzy, almost fainted.

At this time, everyone saw the ground that had been thrown out of the pit, and two of the two pits in the deep pit, which would make the outer sea palace tremble, nowadays, it is like a funeral dog. In general, especially the fire cloud, the flesh and blood are blurred, and then you can't help but swallow your mouth.

"Yanglun, Huoyun, two people, two people lost? Two worlds, really lost to this little person who does not turn around?"

"Small person? Are you kidding? You said that he is a small person, then you give me a try with two realms, you can stop the next move, it is fortunate!"

"This kid... what exactly is it?"

"Ghosts know, but no matter what, this time the Tuoba Palace is amazing..."

At this time, many waiters raised their hearts of remorse and looked at the sea palace that they had chosen to stand up. Originally, they were still proud and laughing. For the stupid disdain of these sea palaces, it seems that...the sea palace is Really smart, and in the end many eyes fell on the Rasho Palace and Tuoba Palace, of course, this time, the real winner is undoubtedly Tuoba Palace and Luosheng Palace.

The elders of the palaces of many sea palaces are aware that after this battle, the status of these two sea palaces in the outer sea palace will be completely laid in the future. It will be the leader of the outer sea palace except the ten-party temple. A place to dare to disturb.

"Tuoyu Palace, Luosheng Palace, this time is a thriving!" Many Haigong could not help but admire.

This is really the old saying, one person is a chicken and a dog.

At this time, Qin Shi walked forward in a light footstep, and finally stopped at the deep pit that was taken out by the two men. He held his hand and stood still. The black scorpion is still no wave in the ancient well, as if killing two for him. The situation is as different as pinching two flies. He squats gently at this moment, and all the time is holding his breath, and the atmosphere is not afraid to breathe.

In the deep pit, Yang Lun and Huo Yun both climbed up, and both of them were extremely seriously injured. Their own world could not be repaired in a short time. There was no previous arrogance and edge, no longer. Like the strong realm, it is like a trapped beast trapped in a cage. This deep pit is their cage, and Qin Shi is above, like a big hand covering the sky, so that they have no Can be escaped.

At this time, Yang Lun was full of horror, and shivering and looking toward Qin Shi, in his eyes like a monster, he could not help but ask for mercy: "Little friends, I have no eyes, touch your respect, you adults I don’t remember the villain. I just said that the 50 million sea spirits Dan, all of which are not less, are yours. I don’t ask for anything. I can see it, this Tuoba Palace, It’s not that my little character can offend, 50 million sea spirit Dan, just ask you to let us live, how?"

Yanglun opened, many onlookers are jealous, the grand palace of the Tangyang Palace was forced to this step, but no one dared to laugh at him, because they are all witnessed, Yang Lun’s strength is strong, On the periphery, it is possible to go sideways, and the blame is only strange. He encounters a enchanting man who is more overbearing than him.

The sound of the sound, Qin Shi slightly stunned, this Yang Lun is a bit deeper than he imagined, can bend and stretch, so there is a big act, then he is not surprised why the Tuoba madness will be planted in his hands, He thought about it. He and this Yanglun and Huoyun were not enemies. They did not want to kill them. He didn’t want to. After all, killing two people would definitely alarm the Quartet and cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

"How can I guarantee that you will not be retaliating against Tuoba Palace?"

"I use my life to guarantee! If anyone dares to offend Tuoba Palace, I personally shot it to kill it. If it can't be done, with the strength of a small friend... I want to kill me, in this peripheral sea palace, there are several Can people stop?" Yang Lun laughter.

In this case, he is self-satisfied. Qin Shi does not doubt this, but he is hesitant to hesitate. There must be a real powerhouse in the Huoyun Palace. With his current strength, he encounters a pseudo-department. Not afraid, but once you encounter the real world, it still has some headaches.

"Oh, kid, that fire cloud, you can't let him go, on his body, I seem to have a fun thing."

"Well? What?" The sound of the demon screams, so that Qin Shi can't help but glimpse, and immediately he curiously looks at the fire cloud. In the fire cloud, there is something that the evil spirits pay attention to?

"You look closely at his left arm." The demon said.

Hearing the sound, Qin Shi penetrated the cloud and landed on the left arm of the fire cloud. Immediately, his black scorpion was actually a few different colors, and only the left arm of the fire cloud was exposed due to the burning of flesh and blood at high temperature. The bones came, and the arm bones, with a touch of faint gold, was scented with the golden bones he held.

"Hey, the golden body of the left arm?"

"Well, huh, huh, I really broke through the iron shoes. I didn't have to work hard. I just came out from the blood of the abyss, and a golden bone came to my door." The demon smiled lightly.

Qin Shi was also greedy and licking the cracked lips. This is indeed luck. Immediately, he reached out and a huge force was pervasive. The homeopathic force hit the body of the fire cloud. At this time, the spiritual power was as sharp. The unstoppable sharp sharp knife is generally drilled into the bone seam of the fire cloud, and the left arm is broken off by the living, and the golden bone suddenly floats to the Qin stone and falls in the hands of Qin Shi.

Seeing this scene, everyone is a heart-wrenching, what a cruel means? The fire cloud suddenly mourned, and the eyes screamed at the stone.

Qin Shi is also considered to be generous. After taking the golden body and bones, he laughed and said: "This golden bone, it belongs to me, you two, let's go!"

"Bad boy! This golden body is the treasure of my fire cloud palace, one left and one right, is the treasure of my palace owner. This time, I borrowed him, you dare to take it away, my fire cloud palace main is Never let go of you!" The fire roared.

As for the words, Qin Shi black and white is not without jealousy, but instead rises a little excited.

"Another arm is also in this Huoyungong? This is a coincidence." Qin Shi licked the chapped lips, and at this time his black scorpion gradually subsided but the murder was ignited, since the fire cloud has When he slammed his words, he would naturally not let the fire cloud leave alive. Suddenly, he waved his hand, and the three thousand golden dragon **** were like iron cages, trapping the fire clouds from all directions.

When the fire cloud sees it, the face is full of fear everywhere. At this time, Yang Lun can't help but swear by the side: "This idiot! When I die, I still care about what is broken, and dare to threaten others? It is really hard!" ”

But there is no way, Yang Lun can not let the fire cloud die, if the fire cloud is dead, then his life will leave, not three days, Yang Lun will be flattened by Huoyun Palace, but in desperation, he has to sigh With a tone of breath, he made up his mind to burn the aura in his body, and a thorough crystallization burst into the iron cage of the golden dragon ball, trying to break open and rescue the fire cloud.

And Yang Lun’s choice, Qin Shi did not shake his head in surprise: “Give you a chance, since you don’t leave, then don’t!”

Rumble! At this time, three thousand dragon beads were detonated one by one, and one after another huge blasting sounds were superimposed... At this time, many waiters saw almost their own eyes, and the body of Yanglun and Huoyun was under numerous blasts. Deep-fried into smashing, even the souls are pierced by the soul, thousands of holes, and finally, the breath completely disappeared from this heaven and earth.


When the last burst of blasting dust fell, many waiters were dry and dry, and even could not bear to look into the deep pit. The two strongmen of Yanglun and Huoyun were finally killed by this so-called nameless Killing the road to life, this battle, really want to alarm the outer sea palace, this Qin stone, will also be completely grand, in this peripheral sea palace reputation.

The two worlds, the two overlords, and Qin Shi also undoubtedly become the new peripheral strong in the hearts of everyone.

This battle was finally ended with the victory of Tuoba Palace.


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