Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1586: Drill down

Late at night, under the banyan tree, Qin Shi stayed up all night.

This night, he has been studying the Third World Zen Sea.

When he turned the ancient book open, the golden Sanskrit of the line fell into his knowledge of the sea, and each word was filled with a Buddha's seal that was awe-inspiring.

Qin Shi couldn't help but blink: "Oh, this is really magical martial arts."

"Of course, whether it is the seventy-two peerless supernatural powers, or the thirty-six-day magical powers, these are the ones that were snapped up in my time. It’s a pity that there are very few left in the world, and most of them are not If the ancestors fall and lose their rumors, they will be controlled by the big family and the big forces. It is rare that you can get one."

"If I succeed in this martial arts practice, to what extent?"

"This martial arts is divided into three layers. As long as you can cultivate to the first floor, it is not difficult to deal with the situation."

"The boundary is small?" Qin Shi was slightly disappointed, although he also knows that it is not easy to kill Xiaocheng in a martial art. Even if the sword does not use the sacred sword, he is also very Difficult to do, but he is very clear that the limit of this deep sea source pool is not a small environment, the green palace, the green palace, can be tied with the realm of the situation, not to mention the enchanting of Sanqing Palace. ?

Qin Shi even has a kind of hunch, and the disciples of Sanqing Palace are likely to reach the boundary.

The realm of Dacheng, which is in the human world, is the existence of the domain master. He Shuhan of Qingxuezong is just this realm.

"Is the palace of Sanqinghai Palace, is it a perfect border?" Suddenly, Qin Shi thought.

"This vast sea area is really much stronger than the human world."

"Oh, kid, the human world is not what you see." The demon smiled.

"Well?" Qin Shi frowned: "You mean that in addition to the eight domains, there are hidden forces in the human world?"

At this point, Qin Shi had long been suspicious. The woman she saw at the Jingting Temple and the soul-shaped tattoo at the woman's chest made him still fresh in memory.

The woman is also in the realm, and he is sure that the woman’s photo is more than the eight domain owners.

"That is the secret, I want you to go slowly." The demons laughed.

Qin Shi’s mouth, these years Qin Shi knows that he can or should know, the demon will know all about him, but once he can’t say it, no matter how he asks, he can’t ask.

Simply, Qin Shi does not ask too much.

Late at night, Qin Shi continued to delve into the Three Worlds.

However, with his thoroughness of martial arts, it was also a fruitless night. The depth of the three Zen seas is far deeper than he imagined. Although the law, the law, is remembered by him and can operate in its way, but In any case, it cannot be released. Among them, there seems to be a lack of a very important opportunity.

"What is it?"

Qin Shi can't figure out what to do.

On the following day, Li Ruiwei led the Qin Shi and others from the secluded forest and marched toward the place where the spirit of Dong Xuan was.

The location of the East Mysterious Spirit is a strange canyon. This canyon is very close to the Xixuan District. As soon as you enter this canyon, Qin Shi is aware of the spiritual chaos around him. Here, there should be a weird array. Law, only, Qin Shi has not yet felt what type of formation, and suddenly, 6 Peng Meng stepped on the previous step, it was a virtual sword, and shouted: "You back, here to me!"

6 Peng suddenly shouted, scared Qin Shi a jump, and Qin Shi set the god, but did not see anything, then for the sound of 6 Peng, the rest did not seem to feel the same, at this time, everyone started to start Weird movements, while remaining calm, only him and Chen Hao, Li Rui three.

Li Rui said at this time: "There is a phantom array in this canyon."

"Phantom array method?" Qin Shi and Chen Yu are a glimpse, the two slightly frown.

The sound, together with the relaxed appearance of the two, made Li Rui frown: "Do you have two feelings?"

Qin Shi and Chen Yuran shook their heads.

This time, Li Rui was completely embarrassed. Even though he was standing in the illusion of this canyon, the picture in front of him was constantly changing. It was only that he had a heavenly guide to protect the body, so he could judge the direction without interference from these illusions, otherwise ordinary people Once you enter here, it is very likely that you will not be able to walk out of this canyon in this life, and will be swallowed up by this illusion.

But at this time, he looked at Qin Shi and the two people, the more clearly the horror of this illusion, the more he knew that the two could not be easily relaxed.

"The two people, really not affected by the illusion?" Li Rui secretly shocked.

"Oh, kid, this illusion array, it is normal for you not to take effect. The height you have reached can easily distinguish the authenticity." The demon then smiled: "As for the little girl, she is a illusion. Although this illusion array is also very mysterious, but compared with her Luosheng world, there are some classes to make axe."

"It turned out to be like this!" Qin Shi nodded, then he rushed to Li Rui: "Do you have a way to break this illusion?"

Li Rui smiled and shook his head: "No, I can only stay awake and determine the direction in this illusion. Who wants them to have such a bad force. It has been completely controlled by illusions. I want to say, you still don't bring them. Going in, otherwise, it will be dangerous sooner or later."

Qin Shi hesitated and shook his head decisively: "No, now I have countless enemies on the periphery, and it is even more unsafe to stay outside."

"Then I can't help."

"You don't have a way, I have to do it myself. You are responsible for guiding the way." Qin Shi smiled, and immediately he flashed a shadow, turning into countless residual images, passing through the crowd like ghosts, every passing one person, On his master's hand, there will be a **** seal, which will be printed on the shoulder of the person. This will make 6 Peng and others wake up awkwardly.

"Just, what happened to you?"

"You are all caught up in the illusion, I will help you solve it." At this time, Qin Shichong Chen said: "Chen Chen, give them a world of Luosheng!"

"Well?" Chen Emei whispered, even if he understood the intention of Qin Shi: "Do you want to use the world of Luo Sheng to resist the illusion here?"

Qin Shi smiled: "Smart."

"That is, I don't look at the woman who I am." Chen Yu's smug sweet smile, and her beautiful flashes of fineness, she will transform the original world into any illusion world, and then, 6 Peng and everyone have pulled into her world.

When everything is done, 6 Peng several talents completely awakened from the illusion.

On the side, seeing this scene Li Rui's mouth twitching, he still wants to take advantage of his king to lead the way to talk about conditions with Qin Shi, but now, his king leads the way, is the weakest, at this time The disciples here, in addition to the three kings of the Tianwang Palace, have completely got rid of the control of the illusion here. Li Rui was now cheeky and walked over to Chen Hao: "Chen Yujie... Do you also show me a fantasy?"

"Don't you have your king leading the way? Let's make it work."

"Don't, don't, I have a king who leads the way, but still in the illusion, I have to bear everything that this illusion has formed. It is too painful."

"Oh, now I know that I am asking for it? Why didn't you see it when I wanted to grab my Lingshi?" Chen Hao was cold on Li Rui.

Li Rui face Pang Yishen, he is helpless: "Sister... No, blind, I am not wrong yet?"

"You just called me?" Chen Hao suddenly surprised.

"Hey, scorpion." Li Rui was overwhelmed by the repeated sounds.

Chen Yu's mouth, suddenly revealing the sweet smile of a little girl, she said happily: "Hey, this is a good name, you will call it later, look at my eyes."

Li Rui grabbed his head inexplicably, but no matter how he wanted to get out of the illusion, he quickly looked at Chen Hao.

Suddenly, the world around Li Rui changed dramatically and changed into the original look of the canyon.

"It's amazing." Li Rui couldn't believe it.

The people are not affected by the illusion, and they continue to move toward the center of the canyon. The deeper the valley, the steeper the valley, the cliffs around it, the cliffs, the sky, the monsters are skipping, and with the depth, the level of the monsters It is also stronger.

At the beginning, Qin Shi did not shoot, 6 Peng and Chen Yu still able to cope with these monsters, but when the middle of the canyon, the monsters are close to the pseudo-boundary, Qin Shi must personally shoot to kill them, then Li Ruidao : "These monsters, all of which are pets raised by the mysterious beasts. In this Dongxuan District, the Qinglong mysterious beast is like a god. Everything here is controlled by him."

"Is it like this?"

Qin Shi secretly nodded: "I can treat the pseudo-boundary as a pet to raise. It seems that this Dong Xuan Ling beast is much stronger than I expected."

This trip is three days. On the night of the three days, Qin Shi used to study the Third World Zen Sea, but unfortunately he still could not see the mystery.

Seeing that it is close to the spirit of Dong Xuan, the surrounding aura is already richer, and Qin Shi’s heart can’t help but become anxious.

He clenched his fist: "It seems that the ultimate glare is to be exposed?"

"Miyazor, can you borrow this three Zen seas for me?" Suddenly Qianzhidao went to Qin Shi.

Looking at Qianzhidao, Qin Shi slightly frowned, and immediately he did not swear, the so-called all things have spirituality, if the thousand-question can cultivate these three Zen seas, it can only show that he has more fate with these three Zen seas.

After taking over the Three Worlds, the Chihiro Road seems to be in a unique state. In the Qin Shi view, it is actually a state of artifact more than he has forgotten my meditation. Although Chihiro is only sitting in the same place, he is still Can you perceive from the aura around Chihiro, that Chihiro is actually using the aura to evolve the magic of the three Zen seas?

Moreover, the degree of evolution is so amazing that even he is stunned.

Suddenly, Chihiro seeks to close the Three Worlds.

"Chihiro, have you practiced?" Qin Shi asked, he couldn't believe it. If this is the case, he really wants to die.

I have been studying for a few days without a clue. After being taken by a child for less than half a quarter of an hour, I have cultivated it.

Fortunately, Qianzhidao shook his head and let Qin Shi breathe a sigh of relief, but the next words of Qianzhidao were like hitting Qinshi like a blue sky.

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