Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1609: Guild war

Aunt’s offensive was extremely fierce, and the loud snoring had not subsided. His body was shot like an arrow. Under his soles, there were countless shells blasting. Every explosion brought him a superimposed impulse. In the end, his figure was blurred, and he became close to Lingzhu in a row of shadows, but for a moment, when he and Lingzhu were between the feet, he suddenly twisted his shoulders and crossed with Lingzhu. The space around his fist was shattered, and the volley slammed into the four-six-six-streaked spirits where Qin Shi was. ?

Ling Zhuyu was shocked. At this time, Mo Xingyu was also clenched.

"Where! Auntie, your uncle! You dare to hurt Qin Shi, I want your life!" Mo Xingyu roared.

However, Mo Xingyu was restrained by Wang Tong’s death and death, and the iron shield like a copper wall was blocked by Mo Xingyu.

"Damn! This is a bastard!" Miao Jiang is also angry in the fire, but the same as Mo Xingyu was pinned.

At this time, Ling Zhufang was in a chaotic mood. Her jade eyes whispered: "I, I promised, I will not let people approach him within 100 meters. He trusts me and gives me his own safety. I am Lost your letter?"

At this time, Ling Zhu wants to shoot again, even if she can change the life and death door in this kilometer, but can not stop the aunt.

"Hey, I think about it. What is this thing is to pretend to be a ghost, to see how you care." Auntie’s eyes approached the front of the six-legged spirit, and the boxing wind fell from high altitude.


There was a loud deafening noise, but everyone frowned at this moment.

The loud noise was not caused by the destruction of the six-legged spirited squad. I saw that when the aunt’s fist was about to hit the six-legged squad, he suddenly shot the extremely fierce dragon force from the array. Like a real dragon, full of wildness, fiercely counterattacks to the aunt.

Seeing that Longli, the aunt himself was also shocked and shocked. He subconsciously changed the boxing style and collided with the dragon force.


The strength of the dragon force was actually a fierce attack on the aunt.

When they saw this scene, everyone was screaming: "The power of terror."

At this time, Mo Xingyu was pleasantly surprised, but he was very worried: "It’s dangerous, but this power is the power of swallowing the sea. Qin Shi doesn’t know what happened."

When he was hit by the sudden dragon power, the aunt did not know the situation in the six-angled spirits, and the eyes became gloomy. At this time, the end of a dragon force, the law seems to have no half-end meaning, here At that time, there were countless stocks of dragon power madly overflowing from the formation, such as a shell of artillery bombs indiscriminate bombing in all directions.


At this time, Auntie was also sinking in the bottom of his heart, and forced to flash out of the 100 meters.

The dragon force is very cruel, like a wild beast, destroying the rock walls of the tomb.

At this time, the aunt suddenly fixed God, and his eyes stared at the law: "This power is the power of the sea scorpion outside the tomb of the burial tomb? The border sea beast, was trapped here?" ”

Suddenly, Auntie suddenly thought of something, and immediately after he fixed his mind, he felt the powerful soul around the six-angled spirited array.

"Sure enough, it really is the soul power, can seal the boundary sea beasts, in addition to the strange space enchantment of Lingzhu Palace, only the magic spirit of the town of the soul can be done." Think of this, aunt sneer Looking at Lingzhu: "Oh, Lingzhu, I really didn't think of it, you actually found a magician? However, the magician who can participate in this deep sea source pool test, at most, is the curse domain Xiaocheng? ”

"Oh, it is Dacheng." Ling Zhu proudly smiled.

"Dacheng?" Auntie slightly frowns, and the curse is a great sorcerer. This is extremely rare among the three thousand, and once it reaches this level, it has a very distinguished status, even if he is in the Imperial Palace. The inner three thousand ranks in the front, and they must be scrupulous. After all, the magician who is the master of the curse domain is to even give a few thin faces to the Sanqing Palace.

"Damn! I didn't expect that there is a magician who cursed Dacheng here?"

"Hey, what do we do? Just give up?" At this moment, a disciple whispered.

Auntie screamed for a long time and suddenly sneered: "Give up? How is it possible, although the character of the demon is honorable, once you participate in this deep sea source pool, you will treat them equally, regardless of the situation."

At this time, the aunt looked up again, and he looked toward the six ridges of trouble. He suddenly asked the sullen rushing bamboo: "Oh, Lingzhu, you want to let him refine the boundary." Fulai?"

At this point, Ling Zhu knows that there is no need to hide it. It is a light click: "Yes."

Auntie’s eye is first cold, a terrible demon of the boundary, he is naturally very familiar, a boundary magic, it is no exaggeration to say, can make Mo Xingyu, Miao Jiang these in his eyes like ants The rats have become a dragon and even become his existence. This is also the situation that he will never allow to see. There are countless treasures and more competitors in the tomb. This means that you have to get a few treasures.

Sanqing Group, this is even why he dare not easily provoke it, no way, but the Lingzhu team is another matter.

But for a moment, the aunt relieved, the boundary magic is so easy to refine?

"Oh, Ling Zhu, I really don't mean you, you are so naive for so many years? The boundary magic symbol? Lost you dare to think, among the three thousand, the seventeen people still dare to say that they can refine, you I don’t know where to find the half-hanger, I thought I could make it? And, is it a one-time refining of three magical symbols?"

Auntie sneer, immediately toward the burning furnace, and overflowing the wild dragon power and sparks, he smiled proudly: "Oh, and that swallowing the sea owl seems to have become a dragon." This dragon force, even you and I have to be jealous, want me to see, as far as the current situation, it will not take long before the kid will be countered by the sea beast, instead of letting him waste, it is better to kill the value of the soul."

"You dare!" Ling Zhujiao drink.

"What are you afraid of?"

Auntie angered, but just as he wanted to leave again, when the six-angled spirits of Qin Shi bombarded, a strange vision suddenly alerted the people in this open space.


Suddenly, there was a few tremors in the six-angled spirits. The original chaotic fire was at this time, and the disk was lying like a star. One of the flames floated above the array, making it like a piece above the formation. The flames form the scorpio, and one flame, it is like an endless star, gathering and separating, gathering is a fire, scattered like a star.

The most striking thing is that the evil dragon force that was previously known as the dragon is gradually calming down at this time.

This scene makes Ling Zhu, Mo Xingyu and others all amazed.

"An, quiet down? That Longli, is controlled? Qin Shi, is he okay?"

"That's great, so no matter what, Qin Shi will not be at least dangerous."

Everyone looked at the three riots after a brief riot, and they regained their enthusiasm. At this time, Auntie also frowned, and immediately sneered: "Oh, I really don't know, you should say that you are deceiving yourself or how, If the dragon force dissipates, must it be controlled? You confidently think about it, may a small-haired child who is not in a situation better than the swallowing sea dragon approaching Dacheng? Is it impossible? Was that kid kidnapped?"

"In any case, no matter what, I don't believe that this kid can refine the devil of the boundary. I want him to see that he may have become the dish of the swallowing dragon, hahaha." Aunt laughed and followed him. The disciple is also mocking at this time.

Mo Xingyu's faces are gloomy, Mo Xingyu whispered: "Ling Zhujie, Qin Shi, he won't have anything? Auntie said..."

"Don't think about it, Auntie is deliberately stimulating us."

"But... refining the world of magic, the danger is clear, the previous is very difficult to swallow the sea, only a 10% possibility, now the sea otter becomes a dragon, Qin Shi he ..."

"He's fine, at least it's okay now." Ling Zhu interrupted Mo Xingyu and looked back at the six-legged sleepy spirit. To be honest, she didn't know what was born, what is the situation now, but she can know Qin Shi’s breath is still in the six-angled spirits. She said: “Don’t think about it. Since you choose him, we believe him. Anyway, before he ends, we must protect him first. Otherwise, once he is subjected to external forces, he will be killed, within 100 meters, no matter how close, no one is close."

Mo Xingyu heard a few words and finally tried hard to say: "Oh, we understand."

Ling Zhu jumped up at this time, and his own transformation turned into a life-and-death door. Her jade hand waved and opened it together, intercepting the aunt: "Auntie, as long as I am still alive, you don't want to be close to this law."

Auntie sneered: "Oh, stubborn, then, in this case, don't blame me for not reading the old feelings."

A swearing rushed behind the disciples to recruit beckon, especially Wang Tong, Yan Yue and Chen Yu three: "Hands! Broke this method, I want to squat, this kid really Can you come up with something Mingtang! Breaking this battle, the soul value of the three sea beasts, everyone is equally divided!"

It’s said that everyone’s eyes are glowing, and they are screaming and screaming, just like a frenzy, the sword is arrogant, and Chen’s foot is stepping on the foot, and the body jumps into the sky, in his palm, a jade-colored bow Directly drawn into the full moon, a sharp bow on the bowstring aimed at Miaojiang, his mouth smiled, the bowstring loosened, igniting a burst of mysterious light beam, in the trembling sound of the bowstring, the arrow light crossed the cloud sword day, swept the open space.

At this time, Wang Tong also finally released the iron shield in his hand.

"It’s been a long delay. It seems that you can’t break my defense. Let’s change it and attack it.”

Suddenly, Wang Tong melted the iron shield and re-formed it into a viscous liquid. It turned out to be a mysterious organ bird. On the bird's beak, it was like a weapon of the gods, and a pair of wings like an eagle slammed the force. The rushing Mo Xingyu burst.


A series of terrifying noises, the empty land suddenly picked up endless waves.

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