Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1628: 1 heaven

Hearing the words, Li Yang frowned slightly, and his eyes looked cold and looked toward Lingzhu. ??

"On yourself?"

Ling Zhu blinked and Zhang Liang, but the bottom of his heart was quite helpless. The third branch was indeed they entered, but instead of getting any treasures and keys, Qin Shi also died in it, where did she come from? The key?

Zhang Liang then smiled ridiculously: "Oh, or, Lingmu girl, you didn't get the treasure of the third branch at all? I heard that you still have to die in the third branch." If this is the case, it will be troublesome, and we will have to turn back and look for the key to the third branch."

I heard that everyone is eccentric looking to Lingzhu.

Although the number of Lingzhu’s team is very small, it is also the top force in the tomb. What about the graves that opened them? Nowadays, the six halls are all mined, but how many people in Lingzhu have not even won one, but they have been seriously injured? This makes everyone question the strength of Lingzhu and others.

Ling Zhu then looked angry at Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang knows that the temple collapsed, but at this time deliberately martyrdom, is to make her ugly.

Fuyang was also slightly disappointed. He said: "I told you, don't be with this group of wastes, even a branch of a graveyard can't be done!"

In other words, Xiangyang is not a nonsense whisper: "The third branch?"

Immediately, the disciple next to Fuyang Chong said: "Who do you know the position of the third branch?"

"Yangyang brother, I know, go on this pass." A young disciple of Sanqing Palace, but only a small disciple, his strength can not be separated from Mo Xingyu.

"Is this mouthwash?" Xiangyang nodded, and immediately he seemed to be going to the third branch.

At this time, Zhang Liang showed a sneer: "Oh, this time, Lingzhu Palace is a shameful loss, and finally Sanqing Palace personally shot for their butt, which is good for us, Lingzhugong will be the next force Isolated, after all, no one is willing to cooperate with waste, and, without the key, they do not have the qualification to enter the main hall, so that we can solve them outside! Oh, wait until the time, the previous hatred, I must count Come back, but it’s a pity that the kid is dead!"

Ling Zhu also clenched the jade hand, and there was some grievance in her heart, but suddenly there was a hot feeling in her palm, so she couldn’t help but look down at the surprise. I saw that in her jade hand, it suddenly appeared. The warm flame of the regiment, in the flames, was a wrapped iron tower. When she saw the tower, she squatted: "This, this is the key to the third branch?"

Not only her, but Mo Xingyu’s appearance was also shocked: “Hey, Ling Zhujie, did you get the key to the temple?”

Wen Yan, Ling Zhu can not help but smile, this is absolutely impossible, she clearly remembered that the third branch collapsed, she left the third branch all the way did not take anything from it, but now, this key is inexplicably in the hands, what's going on?

Ling Zhu couldn't figure it out, but simply don't worry too much, suddenly a arrogant sneer: "Oh, who said we didn't get the key?"

"Well?" A glimpse of Xiangyang, who was just about to leave, immediately turned around and saw Lingzhu holding the key before he stopped.

"What is the key to the third branch?"

"Oh, the original Lingzhu Palace also got it? I think so, Lingzhu Palace said, it is also a team with the aunt, Zhang Liang, how can they even do a temple."

Zhang Liang’s eyes were cold at the moment, and he was looking forward to Lingzhu.

"This is impossible...the temple is collapsed, how can she get the key?"

"The palace owner, it should be before her collapse, she got her hand." Sparks woman.

Zhang Liang gritted his teeth in angrily, and immediately he said: "Forget it, this is no problem. When you enter the main hall, there is a way to solve her."

Fuyang took the key in Lingzhu’s hand, and it’s only after the strange look at Lingzhu’s eyes. He immediately hesitated for a moment and turned slowly, facing the huge stone gate with more than a kilometer. In his hand, the seven towers were gently suspended in the air, and were lifted by a group of milky white light, slowly drifting toward the stone door, and finally landed in the seven keyholes.

When an iron tower and the keyhole of the stone door are completely integrated, the array on the stone door suddenly emits a strange light, and the seven colors are intertwined on the sky. Finally, the picture is like a buckle. The center of the door is split into two parts, and the stone door is opened. When the tremors are trembled, the stone door of the height of the kilometer is finally pushed toward the sides, and then the sandstone at the joint of the door joints Smashed, a thorough beam of light overflowing from a crack in the center, such as the light.

When the light flashed, the magma under the rift gradually subsided, as if it were worshipping the king of their hearts.

"Is it open? Let's go."

At this time, Fuyang whispered, and immediately he jumped up and turned back to the aunt and Zhang Liang and other people laughed: "You, my three groups are the first step, but I put the ugly words in front, once I enter this stone door Among them, the treasures inside, the ability to get, so, once there is a conflict, then my three groups will never be merciless."

In a word, the Sanqing regiment, including Fuyang, has a total of twenty-seven people who have brushed into Shimen.

When the Sanqing regiment entered the funeral tomb, Auntie, Zhang Liang, and Lingzhu were three parties. At this time, they also jumped in. After the three parties entered, some scattered disciples were reported to be lucky and quietly followed in the rear. Enter the main hall.

And until many disciples entered the Shimen, a young man in a black robe quietly came out from the darkness. On his palm was a warm fire group. If Lingzhu was present at this time, it must be It will be a big surprise, because the fire group is just the fire group that has just wrapped the key of the third branch.

At this time, the boy gently lowered the hat, which followed the crowd into the main hall.

This main hall is very large, and there are ten statues just after getting started.

Each of these ten statues has a strong and respectful power. When many disciples enter the stone gate, the ten statues are like the organs that have been touched. They are all open eyes, and each statue is actually Lived up, and has a strong aura of power, but the difference is that these ten statues are actually emitting ten different forces.

At this time, Fuyang stopped and looked up at the stone statue. He said: "In the ten statues, there are reincarnation martial arts, which should be better than they can."

"Xiangyang brother, these ten martial arts, can you not take all the three Qing regiments? It is better to do so, we only need two, how do you see?" Auntie said at this time.

Fuyang blinked at the aunt, but there is no disagreement: "As long as you have the ability, it doesn't matter."

"Oh, that's good."

Auntie smiled. At this time, he made a look at the people next to him. Immediately, the aunt and other people surrounded the two gods very quickly. Zhang Liang also rushed to the sparkling woman and chose two stone statues.

The reincarnation of martial arts left in this burial tomb, even if it is not the seventy-two peerless supernatural powers, it must be the best reincarnation martial arts.

Ling Zhu said at this time: "We have a small number of people, so don't be greedy, first find a way to get one."

Miao Xinjiang nodded, and it was scattered, and several people went around to another statue. As for the remaining five statues, they were collected by the Sanqing group. The strength of these statues is good. Everyone is in the domain of Xiaocheng, and even a few of them have touched the situation of Dacheng. So even if they are Lingzhu, they can barely deal with one, so those scattered disciples are envious, but they are envious. There is no way.

However, the accident is that the whole process, Xiangyang seems to be absent-minded, these several statues are also resolved by the remaining disciples of the Sanqing regiment.

The gaze of Fuyang always looks to the deepest part of the main hall.

At this time, Sanqing Group took the lead in killing five statues. As Xiangyang guessed, there is a magical power in each statue. One of the five gods has one of the seventy-two peerless supernatural powers. The anger in the 63rd, burning the sky, is an extremely rare fire attribute martial arts, which makes Miao Jiang, Sparks women can not help but envy.

However, the martial arts was finally sent to the hands of Xiangyang. When Fuyang took over the martial arts and didn’t even look at it, it was taken back into the space ring. This made everyone once again marvel at the power of the Sanqing regiment. The peerless supernatural power is how many within the three thousand sea palaces to be crazy, but in the eyes of Fuyang, it seems that there is nothing surprising.

At this time, the Sanqing regiment has gone deep into the main hall.

Throughout the process, this made Qin Shi slightly frown in the corner, and he couldn't help but fall into a few thoughts.

"That Xiangyang seems to know what is the treasure in this main hall, and it seems that he looks very hot, what will it be?" Qin Shi thought.

"It's a secret!" At this moment, the demon suddenly came out.

"What?" When I heard the words of the sky, Qin Shi’s black scorpion was anxious. Since he learned that the realm of the world was born, he knew how precious the so-called celestial plane was, but he However, I never expected that there is a secret in this tomb.

"Well, if I didn't guess wrong, it should be the owner of this funeral tomb. That is what Xiangyang is doing."

"It turned out to be..." Suddenly, Qin Shihei became hot and hot: "No wonder, a peerless supernatural power, he can't look at his eyes. Compared with a heavenly machine, that peerless supernatural power is really a lot worse."

"Kid, you can try it and try this opportunity, so if you reach the boundary, you will bear the fate of life."

Qin Shi’s smile is different. This is not a demon. He naturally will not give up easily.

A heaven, this is exactly what he needs now.


The four chapters are all together, a little earlier than the promised time. There will be no updates this evening. Tomorrow’s girlfriend will have a birthday, so the update may delay, and I will make up for it. I hope everyone understands.

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