Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1644: Slaughter the demon palace

The disciple slammed a fierce spirit, which opened his eyes and said: "You, what do you want to do?"

"Before, here, can you foresee a few peripheral disciples?" Qin Shi reached out and pointed out where he left the battle.

The disciple hesitated and shook his head: "I don't know."

"Don't know?" Qin Shi black squatting cold.

Feeling the horrible cold, the disciple panicked and screamed: "I, I have not lied to you, we are three, just three thousand disciples, who entered the Dongxu District, there are dozens of disciples, we are the most Weak, here is the birthplace of Dong Xuan Ling. Normally, we are not qualified to touch here, and the rest of the disciples have swept, and we have come here to leak."

"Not you? Who are the first to enter here?" Qin Shi asked.

The disciple clenched his fist and shook his head. "I, I can't say, if I said it, the consequences are more serious than if you killed me. Those guys, if you know that I betrayed them, leaving the deep sea source pool, I will never let go." I am in the Hai Palace."

Qin Shi's black scorpion fiercely changed. His fingertips were volleyed a little, and one of the disciples' arms was directly broken.

"Hey!" The disciple screamed, but there was no movement from his eyes. He said: "You torture me, I won't say it. The sea palaces of those guys are not front, but they The means are extremely ferocious, even if the top ten Haigong are not willing to provoke them."

"If you don't say it, don't use them, I will destroy your sea palace." Qin Shi was extremely indifferent, and his palms spread out. It was the soul card of the disciple. The three big characters above are very obvious: Yang Palace.

The disciple was shocked and looked at Qin Shi strangely: "When, when are you?"

The soul card is deeply hidden in the sea of ​​knowledge. If the body does not take the initiative, unless it is killed, the rest will not be able to take it out. However, Qin Shi will take away his soul card at this time? Moreover, when he did not know?

But for a moment, the disciple said: "You kid, you really don't have a small skill, but if I didn't guess wrong, you are also born outside? The peripheral sea palace, claiming to destroy my Jiuyang Palace within three thousand? You don't think Is this a big joke? Even if it is the ten-party temple, it can't be done."

"Is it?" Qin Shi cold laughter, and immediately he suddenly opened his hand, a piece of emerald green jade finger bamboo slips.

When I saw the bamboo slip, the disciple blinked and said: "This is the token of Lingzhugong?"

"There is not enough outside the sea palace. Do you think Lingzhu Palace is enough?"

The disciple suddenly sluggish, Lingzhu Palace is the former Ten Sea Palace, and Jiuyang Palace is like an ant in front of it.

Suddenly, the disciple laughed and laughed: "Oh, this is life, boy, I can tell you everything you want to know, I know, you will not let me go, but you have to promise me, don't take me. Jiuyang Palace tells those madmen, otherwise, even if you are tortured to death, I will not say anything."

Qin Shi smiled and said: "You say it."

Taking a deep breath, the disciple said: "Yes... the demon king's third house!"

"The demon king three palace?"

Qin Shi slightly frowns, but it is very strange to others, but in the Luoye next to it is the tiger body trembles: "Is it the three sea palaces?"

"Do you know the demon king's third house?" Qin Shi sideways, asked Luo Luo.

Luo Ye's face was slightly embarrassed, Shen Sheng said: "Well, these three sea palaces are the three thousand famous insiders, especially the three young masters of the three sea palaces, enchanting, demon rain, demon, These three people, in the three thousand, do not do evil, angered many sea palaces, but because of the strength of these three sea palaces, even the top 100 sea palaces like the Green Palace are not willing to provoke them."

"In general, the three of them are the three super-devils." At this time, the disciple of Jiuyang Palace said.

"Three mixed demons?" Qin Shi at this time, the black and cold ice to the extreme cold: "It is best for Chen Hao to be fine, otherwise I will let them know, what is the real mixed king."

"Where is the third house of the demon king?" Qin Shi asked.

The disciple of Jiuyang Palace said helplessly: "In the deepest part of the canyon, inside a tiankeng."

The Qin Shi black scorpion sinks, the more the demon king Sangong is deep into the canyon, the more he feels uneasy at the bottom of his heart.

"Let's go." Suddenly, Qin Shichong, the disciple of the Jiuyang Palace.

"You, don't you kill me?" The disciple stunned.

"Your point of soul value, I can't see it." Qin Shi cold road, he will throw the soul card to him, Qin Shi does not want to go to hate, let alone as he said killing this disciple, has no meaning to him. No meaning, no need to delay time.

The disciple suddenly smiled and said: "Oh, today I am a long-sighted person. I have a disciple like you in the periphery. It used to be the frog in the bottom of our three thousand wells. Thank you for not killing. This Dongxuan District, I am not. If you have the opportunity to be promoted to the next three thousand, you may wish to come to Jiuyang Palace. Although my Jiuyang Palace is not big, it will definitely be a guest."

Qin Shi smiled, but did not say much, Jiuyang Palace? For him, there is really no need to go.

Now he wants to do it, only to rescue Chen Yu several people.

At this time, Luo Ye suddenly said: "I am with you."

Under hesitation, Qin Shi did not refuse, and then the two even got up, quickly crossed into the depths of the canyon, covered in the depths of the canyon by the strong chaotic aura, the deeper the depth of this chaotic aura.

At this time, the tiankeng, which is said by the disciples of Jiuyang Palace, is very close. There are already tens of thousands of patrolling disciples around.

"Their dress is the third house of the demon king." Luo Ye said at this time.

Qin Shi nodded, and immediately he would dig out and land on the two most disciples.

"Hey, have you heard that? Yesterday, Big Brother, they caught the woman, and the long one is called a water spirit. It is a natural plaything. In a few days, the big brothers are a little tired of them. Let's have a few benefits. It is."

"You mean, I ran away that before? Oh, it is, the woman, when I saw her, I couldn’t help but shed water, if it wasn’t the disciples around her, Let her leave, all of them blew themselves out of Dantian, and almost killed Laozi. She had already lost our hands. However, hehe thought that this would escape our palms? Hey, that Female, isn’t it still falling into our hands?”

"Hey, when you think about it, you are excited. When is the next class? Let's change it, let us go in and raise our eyes."

At this time, the two wretched disciples smiled, and they all showed a few words that they could not wait.

At this time, Qin Shi brows a wrinkle: "Chen Chen really fell into their hands?"

Qin Shi black scorpion cold to the extreme, then his shadow flashed, a step is to jump forward, then the two met Qin Shi and Luo Ye are a glimpse, the two fiercely replied: "Hey, Which of you two, which is the sea palace? Here is the site of our demon palace, want to have fun, go elsewhere, and get out of the way!"

"We are not looking for fun." Qin Shi cold and indifferent.

"Well? What are you doing?"

"You two, don't you want to rest? I am here to change your class." After that, Qin Shi's virtual shadow flashed. He was like a thunder, and disappeared directly from the place. When he appeared again, he had already It is behind the two.

boom! boom!

Two disciples were immediately pierced by Qin Shi.

The two have always been blind and unbelievable, and ultimately they are not blind.


Unexpectedly, the two disciples were violent, and the rocks behind them suddenly exploded. When the rock exploded, the disciples of nearly 100 demon palaces in the canyon suddenly felt alert and surrounded them instantly.

Qin Shi could not help but frown, and immediately looked at the rock that had just been blown up: "Is it a battle?"

Luo Ye is also slightly changed: "We are exposed."

"Oh, it doesn't matter, I didn't think about hiding it!" Qin Shi did not talk nonsense, and immediately he strode through the stars and slowly walked toward the depths of the canyon step by step.

"Hey, you guys..."

boom! A disciple just rushed to the front, but the opportunity that he did not tell him was directly pierced by the golden light of Qin Shi.

boom! boom! boom!

Later, as long as it is a disciple who appears within 100 meters of Qin Shi, it is only a three-second life that is killed by life.

The demon palace, the cultivation of a number of disciples are all in the beginning of the world, but the disciples of the first-time boundary in the hands of Qin Shi are as fragile as grass.

At this time, Luo Ye was behind Qin Shi, and he could not help but reveal a few helplessness.

"This enchanting..." Luo Ye helplessly.

boom! Qin Shi almost entered the pit in a straight line, and the disciples of the demon palace on the way were all shouted by Qin Shi.

Until the depths of the tiankeng, where the elite disciples of the demon palace gathered, Qin Shi slowly stopped in front of the pit.

Looking at the huge tiankeng, Qin Shi could not help but look at it.

That pit, wasn't it the time when he used the third Zen sea, and the results were not accidentally blown out when the strength was mastered? Unexpectedly, the demon palace actually chose to do the base here?

"What happened?" At this time, under the tiankeng, a young man saw Qin Shi’s face suddenly changing.

"Tiger, Tiger Brother, these two people are too strong. They killed dozens of disciples of our demon palace. Our disciples could not stop him."

"Killing our dozens of disciples? What is this kid?" Tiger No, I don’t know, it looks like a peripheral disciple, just like the mad woman who was seriously injured in the demon palace. It should be a disciple from the same sea palace. ”

"The peripheral sea palace? A group of waste!" The young man changed his face and screamed: "Now the three brothers are not here. If they come back here, they will be fooled by a peripheral kid. You have to kill me. No, no, I have to do it myself, grab this kid."

After all, the young man jumped up and floated above the tiankeng, looking at Qin Shi with his eyes cold.

"Kid, who are you? Don't you know who we are?"

"The demon palace, right?" Qin Shi cold road.

"Well? You know?" The young man squinted and his voice chilled: "Do you know, you dare to offend us?"

"Oh, I am offended, you are."

"I am going to slaughter your demon palace today!"

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