Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1686: Want your life

In the dark canyon, over the purple coral forest, a group of strong people gathered here, black pressure like a thundercloud, visual inspection, at least hundreds of strong, the weakest, but also half-step, the strongest, natural It is necessary to count the several elders of the Sanqing Palace and the palace heads of the former Hai Palace. The strength is different from the ordinary and terrible. Everyone is undoubtedly with Wang Lie. ?

"Oh, I thought, how long the kid can hide, this is only half a month has been made, toss this time, it also took a half-month of life, no meaning." An elder taunted.

At this time, the elders of Sanqing Palace had to whisper: "Don't care, the palace owner said that the little body hides the rest of the power, let us be careful, in addition, the kid will be forced out of the space. Block it, don't run away by the kid's use of space, otherwise, there is no way to go back to the palace."

"Well, this is easy to handle." The elders of the Sanqing Palace responded with enthusiasm and immediately joined the rest of the strong hands to form a huge seal of the seal, and the space here was banned from the outside world into an independent space. After that, the elders I am not too reassured to do it myself. In those spaces, I set up a spiritual bomb that would detonate once someone penetrated, and nodded with satisfaction.

"In this way, there should be no problem." Several elders laughed.

At this time, countless sea palaces are based on several elders of Sanqing Palace. Among them, an old man, who is like a firewood and bowed his waist, is called the old man. His strength is to achieve a perfect situation. To the extent, there are two elders beside him, and it is also good. They are all excellent in the world. One is Xuan Qing and the other is Xuan Qing.

These three are the supreme elders of Sanqing Palace. In addition to these three Zhang Lai, not far away, there is a middle-aged man dressed in a robe of fire clouds. The man is proud of the audience. There are three fires behind him. The burning of the wheel has made many strong people evade the opening. The man is the lord of the annihilator palace. The strength is the same as that of the old man. The boundary is perfect, even more than ever.

These four people are the strongest, followed by the Xiahou Palace. Xia Houyuan, the head of the Xiahou Palace, is also in person. Xiahou has always followed him. The eyes of Xiahou have always been full of evil spirits, which makes Xia Houyuan aware. , smiled: "Son, how come, do you know this kid?"

"Oh, the understanding is not counted. In the deep sea source pool, there have been several intersections, but he has a lot of treasures on his hands."

"This is true, but those treasures are valued by Sanqing Palace. We are afraid that there is no chance to get involved." Xia Houyuan reluctantly said.

Xiahou suddenly shook his head and said: "It’s not a father. On the kid’s body, in addition to the treasures that Sanqing Palace values, there are still extremely attractive treasures.”

"What?" Xia Houyuan's curiosity was drawn.

"One, the devil of perfection, what do you think?" Xiahou licked the cracked lips, and the voices were full of excitement.

"The devil of perfection?" Xia Houyuan was also shocked at this time, the boundary magic symbol, once the world will cause a lot of alarm, let alone the extremely perfect character of the boundary? That thing is definitely a treasure, and it is very likely that the Xiahou Palace is leaps and bounds. In one fell swoop into the former Ten Sea Palace, he is excited: "Are you sure?"

"Oh, of course!" Xia Hou at the end of the sinister smile, when Qin Shi that forced the retreat of Zhang Liang, he clearly remembered that at the beginning, many disciples were identified, the devil is a realm, but he is very Clearly, the devil must be a perfect level, and a magical symbol of a perfect level is enough to change its life. It is very likely that a magic symbol will change a deadly game. Moreover, if you are successful, you don’t know how much your own world is. If you reach 900,000 meters or more, you can even counter Zongyuanzi.

Xia Houyuan said with excitement: "It seems that this time, our Xiahou Palace did not participate in the mistake. If it is really able to get the magic symbol without knowing it, it will suddenly be used in the future. It is likely to make my Xiahou Palace soar. Even if it is the Imperial Palace, it is possible."

Xiahou end can not be nodded, he sneered at the bottom of his heart: "Oh, Qin Shi, don't blame me, as early as in the deep sea source pool, you are taking away my scenery, now it is time for you to vomit blood, then say, horizontal and vertical You are going to die, your magic symbol is in the hands of others, it would be better to give it to me."

In addition to these forces, there are still hundreds of other sea palaces. Among them, it is worth mentioning that it is the palace of Zhang, and Zhang Liang is the one. Although the palace has made rapid progress in these years, it has a good position in the three thousand, but with Compared with these strong strengths, it is slightly inferior. However, Zhang Liang does not seem to be anxious. He is always hidden in the corner and waiting for the cave under the coral sea.

Also hidden in the corner with Zhang Liang, there are several figures in the artillery, the figures, the eyes are cold, for people, a middle-aged, on his right arm, shining with golden light, though Blocked by the sleeves, the gold-bone arm is still very obvious. Undoubtedly, it is one of the five parts of the golden body that Qin Shi is looking for, the gold bone of the right arm.

Behind the man, several old people said: "The palace owner should be right. A year ago, the fire cloud was tragically dead in this kid's hand."

"No wonder, the fire cloud will fall, but it doesn't matter. This time this kid is encircled here, the wings are difficult to fly, the death of the fire cloud is small, the bones of the left arm are to be brought back, for a while, they are all smart, don't rush, That kid is not easy. If you can, kill him. It is best to change the Sanqing Palace. If you can't, take back the golden bones." The middle-aged man was faint.

Several old men nodded at this time.

"Little bastard! You have been surrounded, how long do you want to hide in it? Give you time to rest, if you don't come out, then we can attack, three!" At this time, a small sea palace The elders suddenly spoke, and Lang Lang’s voice echoed in the valley, and he wanted to express himself in front of Sanqing Palace.

Everyone heard the words, they all looked at each other, but they did not block or what. For Qin Shi, the people present were still somewhat jealous. Although they firmly believed that Qin Shi could never have in front of so many powerful people. Opportunities survived, but no one wants to be the first bird. Some people are willing, they are naturally happy.

"Two!" The elder put away a finger, and then put away one, the corner of the mouth suddenly became fierce: "One! Hey, do not know the current affairs, then the strange old man is thick! A peripheral ants, dare Touching the majesty of three thousand in me? Looking for death!"

The elder's palm gripped, and a beam of light slammed through the clouds, and then he went home toward the coral cave.


Fierce, is a loud noise, the beam is like a ladder, from the elder's fingertips all the way into the coral cave, see, many strong people are slightly frowning, but half a ring, the beam suddenly tremble, So many powerful people are condensed, and then, in the beam, it seems that there is a black dragon, actually rising from the end of the beam, has been approaching the elder in the opposite direction.


Suddenly, the other end of the beam, the elder's palm, was suddenly penetrated by a dark fire, into a blood hole. Then, the dark fire shot directly, leaving a dark red in the elder's eyebrow, the elder face A fierce stiff, suddenly lost his breath, like a dead dog.


When the old man fell, many strong people were shocked. Many people even rolled their throats and swallowed their mouths. The elders, although the strength is average, but also have a small environment, even before and after breathing, they lost a small Life? All of a sudden, countless strong people were all dry up, and an elder was shocked at the moment: "How is this possible? Is that kid?"

"Yes, yes, but how did he do it?"

"Just, is that the fire of the Sanqing Palace?" Suddenly, someone looked sharply and looked at the clues.

"It’s that kid, that kid is in this coral hole."

"Oh, Sanqing Palace, in order to kill me, it is really a move to the public! So many people deal with me, I don't know if I should be glorious or what." Suddenly, at the end of the coral, a boy slowly lifted off. Under the strong black pressure, the boy was extraordinarily thin and isolated. However, he stood alone in the center, but there was no timidity. Instead, he revealed the arrogance that only the natural king had. .

Qin Shi looked around in a circle and eventually fell on the main body of the Tao and the Palace of the Imperial Palace: "Is the boundary perfect?"

Qin Shi's eyes ~ ~ slightly flashing cold, the border is full of today is still a very difficult realm for him.

"Boy, persuade you, it is best not to do unnecessary struggles. Sanqing Palace is under the iron order. You must bring you back. If you are acquainted, go back with us and look at the face of the dragon family. The palace owner will spare you a life, at most it will abolish your cultivation, but if you refuse, this coral sea has to count, you have chosen a good place, here is your grave." Virtual road.

Qin Shi listened to the ridiculous words and dismissed: "Old guy, do you think I am an idiot? Go back with you? Zong Yuanzi, the old dog will spare me a life? Have you seen more children's books? What's more, I am I don't think that you can kill me. If the three old dogs of Zong Yuanzi came in person, there are still some opportunities, but what about you? Nothing."

At this time, Qin Shi had a certain point that the Taishan Mountain collapsed in front and did not change color. In the center of the hundreds of strong people, it was frank, so that many strong people were also frowning, and they were curious. Qin Shi was really stupid. , or what card?

At this time, the three figures suddenly came forward. They were the heads of the three palaces of Dacheng, and the three men were cold. "Oh, the devil, you can still not take the trip of the Sanqing Palace." It is enough for your life!"

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