Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1705: Emperor

Qin Shiyi, this is indeed a doubt.

"Why? I hope that I, do it myself, and have enough food and clothing?" This said, Qin Shi felt that he was an idiot.

Lafayette laughed and shook his head. "Of course not. I also asked the emperor about it. In the past, the degree reached by the emperor was all that the world wanted, the arrogant, the laughter, the inheritance of his destiny. How many people can't win it, but his response is faint and laughing. He threatened that his degree is only the beginning. Sooner or later, one day, his younger generation will be more and more. Will fight this day, take this fate, break the world, and achieve life."

"He said that in the future, you are his two destiny, and you are not worthy of your celestial body!" Lafayette faintly said.

In a few short sentences, Qin Shi and the demon are really surprised. What kind of affirmation is this?

The demon squinted, and he suddenly grabbed something and asked: "Old guy, that life, what is it?"

"Oh, Demon, I said, you will know sooner or later, and you will be very interested at that time, but now, talking about these, it’s too early, little guy, this blood pool, It is not the last help for the last time that the Emperor left it for you. If it was placed in ancient times, when the heavens and the earth were first opened, it was not difficult to carry the destiny, but now the world is thin and desolate, but it is only the world within this blood pool. Can make another fate, little guy, go and swear, the gift he left for you, this will be the last fate between heaven and earth." Old Buddha.

At this time, Qin Shi slowly lowered his head, but his heart was still not awake in shock. He looked at the weird blood pool that seemed to call his soul. He did not expect that the long-term pursuit of heaven would suit his destiny. So it happened? Moreover, it is a brand new destiny, and Qin Shi is somewhat flattered.

"Kid, go, as long as you can get the destiny, it will be a great help to your cultivation of the second body." The demon was pleasantly surprised.

At this time, Qin Shi raised her eyes and looked at Lafayette. Lafayette gently nodded and said: "Go, little guy, let me take a look, what kind of world is your destiny?"

Qin Shi nodded, then the volley rushed to the old Buddha.

“Thank you for your predecessors!”

Finally, Qin Shi is not in delay. He took a deep breath and he took a deep breath, because he knew that what he had to experience next time would be a huge change that would change his life. When the breath was stable, he would set his heart, such as a hawk attack. In the sky, jumped into the endless blood pool.

Old Buddha looked at Qin Shi who entered the blood pool. His mouth was also a grin, just like relief: "Oh, tens of thousands of years, old guy, I promised you, and it is finally finished! No disappointing you." what."

When Qin Shi entered the blood pool, an invisible light and shadow shrouded. In an instant, the blood wizard and the sword demon baby, including the burning book that was always quiet at his waist, were all pulled out by the light and shadow. Seeing, Qin Shi was slightly Amazed, then the demon is at high altitude: "Kid, don't be surprised, this world can only accommodate one creature, all spiritual things, can't enter."

"To create this fate, you have to look at yourself." The blood wizard was also a grin.

At that time, Qin Shi nodded and then disappeared into the blood pool. When Qin Shi entered the blood pool, the rolling mountain suddenly changed. It was like a huge tortoiseshell, and the central blood pool was firmly armed. These are the shocks of even the dragon disciples. The dragon and the mouth are twitching, and the laughter sounds: "Oh, I didn't expect it, the origin of this kid is so terrible."

"Well, count it, we seem to be the people of their Qin family." Long Yi said this time.

For these, Ryusaki is indifferent to ask. Her jade face has some concerns. She is a god-bearing inheritor. Naturally, she knows the difficulty of carrying a destiny. It is very likely that there will be a counterattack.

"Xiao Nizi, rest assured, the blood of that person, but even this day must be taboo, a destiny, is destined ... Oh, rumors that there are eight fights, Phoenix is ​​a fight, seven fights are Qin But no one knows, it is a fight of the phoenix, it is also derived from this family, the power of Nirvana... Oh, I really miss it." Old Buddha.

At this time, Qin Shi went deep into the blood pool.

Just entering the blood pool, the breath of Qin Shi's body seems to be mobilized by himself, and it strongly resonates with the blood sea around him. In the blood pool, Qin Shi feels extremely shocked because the concentration of spiritual power in this blood pool is actually Is it thousands of times as many as tens of thousands of times today? Here, he can see the aura with the naked eye, as beautiful as an elf.

After entering this blood pool, Qin Shi was shocked. The blood pool is far beyond his imagination. It is not as simple as it seems from the outside world. Here, it is a vast desert, and it is an absurd desert. The desert, the eight infinite, can not see the end.

Qin Shi slightly frowned, but in this desert, he did not know where to go.

"Hey, this time it really can only rely on myself, or just come with it." Qin Shi reluctantly said that he was moving toward the north, and he was slowly moving in the direction of his heart. This is, Tens of thousands of miles, the time is slowly flowing, just the scene around Qin Shi, but there is no change in life, as if no matter how he walks, the world ahead is the same.

Suddenly, Qin Shi finally stopped to come down: "This will not work, not only can not bear the fate, I will soon be consumed and died here."

"There must be a way out here."

Qin Shi thought, when he stared at the sky, he suddenly closed the black scorpion slowly, and explored the power of his soul.

boom! However, his soul power has just come out, and a terrifying force has fallen from the sky, and he has violently hit his soul back into the body.

"Hey!" The sudden force of the power, so that Qin Shi can not defend, a stream of blood sprayed out.

He looked at the scene with amazement: "What happened? Here, can't use the soul?"

At this time, Qin Shi wanted to take back the Yuanshen and enter his knowledge of the sea, but he was shocked to see that he could not do it. He could not recover the Yuanshen, nor could he understand the sea. Qin Shi’s face became heavy, and it seems that this bears the destiny, which is far more difficult than he imagined.

In the past ten years, since Qin Shi cultivated the soul, the soul has always played a huge role. Today, suddenly it is impossible to use it. It is inevitable that Qin Shi’s heart will be stunned, but fortunately, he took a few deep breaths to make his blood smooth. Get up, now is not anxious, you must make yourself very calm.

Simply, Qin Shi actually stopped moving forward and sat down in the desert.

Qin Shi looked at this distant desert. This road was half a month long, and the outside world was also half a month old. During this period, the tortoise shell formed by the blood pool and the mountains was still crowded, Lafayette Everyone here is looking forward to looking down. At this moment, there is a slight fluctuation in the blood pool. Lafayette suddenly smiles: "The little guy, you have to penetrate."

Qin Shi was sitting in the middle of the plate, letting the yellow sand of the desert boast, and had covered him with a thick layer of sand. However, he did not seem to care. He seemed to be in the same position, except for breathing, it seems that there is no more. The movement is no different from the dead, but at this moment, his fingers are gently hooked, and as the hooks move with his fingers, the desert is causing a huge whirlpool.

At this time, the corner of Qin Shi’s mouth showed a shallow smile, and the black squat opened the small gap and looked at the vortex.

"Oh, it’s the same as my guess."

Suddenly, Qin Shi’s body became extremely light, but he did not float because he was lighter. Instead, he began to slowly fall into the yellow sand. His body was buried little by little under the yellow sand. As the body gradually deepens into the yellow sand, the world around Qin Shi gradually changes. It is not the desert that has no life, but the green and the infinite vitality.

In the end, Qin Shi has been sinking into the yellow sand. When he spent the yellow sand, he showed the same place in the vast expanse of the universe.

Qin Shi is here, and he is slowly opening his eyes. He seems to feel the power of the beginning of heaven and earth.

"Here, is it the real world?"

Qin Shi smiled, and at this time his figure slowly floated. At the end of the vast space, a huge stone monument stood tall at this time, and the golden inscription on it was not attracted to Qin Shi. The stone body fluttered, slowly approaching the inscription, until the next to the inscription, Qin Shi only saw the words engraved above, there is only one, is a huge Qin.


Under the Qin word, Qin Shi felt the unparalleled power poured into the body.

Qin Shi suddenly shocked ~ ~ his body became exceptionally mild.

At this moment, a faint illusion suddenly floated out of the stone tablet. When the illusion appeared, it seemed that the turbulent world was surrendered. The illusion was just standing there, it was giving An unparalleled sense of oppression, Qin Shi seems to stop the flow of blood, he looked at the virtual shadow, actually felt the inexplicable familiarity.

He seems to conclude that the identity of the shadow is the same, his voice is trembling gently.

"You, are you... the emperor?"

The illusion is heard, but it is a faint smile: "It’s a long-standing name, little guy... tens of thousands of years, finally let me wait, when the Qin people came, the dragon must be the kid, but it did not disappoint me. , Little doll, come with me, you should have a lot of curious things to ask? Oh, let me know, what has changed between heaven and earth in these tens of thousands of years."


Three chapters even more, tentatively today is so much, if you have time to continue to write at night, if you update, you will send a notice in the group, if not, it will be updated tomorrow.

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