Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1783: Qin Shi disaster

The evil spirits of the demon are like snakes, and they are coiled on the arm of Ming Xuan very quickly. An arm is directly swallowed up and disappears. ??

"Damn! Swallow the dog, I won't let you go sooner or later!" Ming Xuan lost his arm roar.

"You think about it first, how can you escape now?" The demon sneered, and he had a murderous heart for Ming Xuan.

Ming Xuan's face was gloomy, but for a moment he suddenly showed a sly smile: "Swallow the sky, you really thought, I know that you are here, I dare to be bright and honest to save people?"

"Well?" The demons were slightly gloomy and noticed some uneasiness from Ming Xuan's smile.

"What do you mean?"

"You still have a good look at the kid." Ming Xuan gloomy sneer.

The demon frowned at this moment and looked back toward Qin Shi.

"Little guy!" When I saw Qin Shi stumbled in the ruins, the demon face instantly solidified.

I saw that at this time, Qin Shi was constantly twitching in the ruins, and his body was paralyzed. The most horrifying thing was that among the 100,000 pores of Qin Shi, there was a fierce magical rise at this time, and it was surrounded by Qin Shi. The black smoke, Qin Shi's blink of an eye has been swallowed into the dark at this time, toward the surrounding, exposed extremely cruel murderous, the whole person, the mind is falling very fast.

"Magic blood counterattack?" The evil spirit snorted, and immediately he seemed to be aware of what, fierce and angry screaming toward Ming Xuan, a claw, a probing, directly grabbing Ming Xuan’s throat, the raging swallow The suffocating temperament swept toward the eight sides.

Although the devil is not successful, Qin Shi uses the second body, which is highly likely to be countered. However, the previous demon has always been paying attention, and Qin Shi’s soul is powerful, and there is no difference. The palm, but suddenly became like this, the demon dare to conclude that it must be the hands and feet of Ming Xuan.

The demon screamed coldly: "What did you do to him?"

Being caught by the evil spirits, Ming Xuan did not have the slightest tension. Instead, he laughed loudly. "Haha, I didn't do anything, but I used a little trick to steer the blood in his body. Hey, swallow the sky. You can kill me now, but you have to believe that the time you kill me is absolutely enough for this kid to die."

"As long as I can kill this kid, my life is broken. In this world, no one can stop the blood of the Heavenly Demon. Once the blood is covered, my death is a moment. Will resurrect me, haha, but this kid, will die, no doubt, then, even you, will die, as long as the cover of the demon to open up the blood, you will not be an opponent, then, your swallowing, also Will be hidden." Ming Xuan provocative smile.

The demon fell into a short silence.

Indeed, the demon is sure to kill Ming Xuan, but it is definitely not a so-called spike. After all, it is very likely that there is one of the three yuan in the hands of Ming Xuan: Qiankun Tianji.

In that way, the time delayed, I am afraid that Qin Shi has already been countered by the blood.

"Oh, the demon you choose, it is to kill me hatred thousands of years ago, you still want this kid to live?" Ming Xuan unhurried sneer.

The demons fiercely clenched their fists, when he suddenly released his claws.

Breaking away from the devil's claws, Ming Xuan is also a little embarrassed smile: "Oh, it seems that the rumor is really good, swallow the demon statue, actually really want to change for this kid, but, swallow the demon statue, you are very clear We are devils, destined to be alone in life, and with human beings, there will be no good results. You choose him, and you are destined to lose everything in your demon world. Similarly, you will become a world because of him. The most isolated existence, the demons are abandoned, is it really worth it for this kid?"

"I let him know that I can live in addition to killing, but also have other meanings." The demon faintly said, he immediately smiled: "How about the demons and the abandonment? How about the abandonment of the heavens and the earth? In my opinion, As long as he still wants to recognize me, everything is worth it, and he is in a worse situation than me. He didn’t say anything, I complained about a fart?"

The demon words, his magic eyes flashed a bit fierce, faintly said: "Go, but Ming Xuan, advise you, in this sea palace, you better not to come, or I will kill the palace Xianfu, you must also smash your body."

In other words, the demon released a unique domineering.

"You have to believe that I have this ability. If my demons want to kill one person, even if the guy who covers the sky is resurrected, it will not stop me." The demon faintly said.

Ming Xuan’s mouth can’t help but twitch, but he is very convinced of the madness of the demon.

Ming Xuan can still remember clearly. At the beginning, there was a fierce demon in a group of people who angered and swallowed the sky. They swallowed the sky and killed them all the way. They have been chasing them into the inner area of ​​Xianfu, in front of millions of demons and heavens. Face, a blow to kill the group of fierce demon, and then swayed away.

"Oh, that demon statue, we see you again." Ming Xuan simply no nonsense, grabbed Zhang Liang and left the void.

"Ming Xuan, the master of Qian Yi, he..."

"Shut up! Useless waste! If it is not your job, is it going to evolve into this scene? I just let you create trouble for Qin Palace, so that Qin Shi can not open, so it will be convenient soon after 'Yan Fengling' The world, my plan, you are good, will force the Qin Palace into this, is this not forced to the Qin Palace early and the palace is difficult? I tell you Zhang Liang, you do not think that you are extremely fierce, the devil respects I don’t dare to kill you, if you dare to go it alone, I can guarantee that I will let you live for one day."

"The extremely fierce phase can wait another 10,000 years, but this time the Yan Fengling must be obtained. In the nine artifacts, Yan Fengling is the only one that can block the sacred sword. The poisonous deity in your hand can be opened. The secret, but only the weakest channel." Ming Xuan did not have a good snoring.

Zhang Liang mouth twitched, did not dare to make a second.


Ming Xuan left, the demon did not know the dialogue between the two, he is now in the heart of Qin Shi.

call out!

The demons fiercely changed their shadows, and the big hands went to Qin Shi.


Suddenly, when the demon just approached the 100-meter Qin Shi, the **** blood of Qin Shihong was flashing fiercely. Qin Shi was actually a five-finger gathering, gathering a very strong suffocating suffocating, raising his hand to rush to the chest of Qin Shi. one strike.

The demon face was gloomy and looked at the approaching murderer. "Bunny scorpion! How dare you shoot me?"

boom! boom! boom!

The evil spirits folded their arms and rolled up a strong devour of the void, blocking Qin Shiyi's palm.

However, Qin Shi did not give up, his mind has been blurred, and his mouth kept spitting out the rustling sound.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! I want to kill this world!"

Qin Shi is crazy, and Qin Shi at this time is exactly like a killing machine.

In this state, Qin Shi can almost be cast with invincibility. He has no fancy at all, and a fierce storm like a storm has slammed toward the evil spirits.


Suddenly, the last blow, the palms gathered, changed into a fist, Qin Shi actually punched the demon to a few hundred meters.

"Kill!" The demon is forced to retreat. Qin Shi is like a madman at this moment. He has a thick blood in his heart, and his eyes are instantly looking out of the ancient battlefield.

The demon noticed that this scene was shocked, and he regained the shoulder of Qin Shi. "Bastard! You can think clearly, outside, all are Qin Gong disciples. If you kill now, Qin Palace does not need others, you can Qin Palace destroyed!"

"Roll!" Qin Shi shoulders a shock, a huge force is like a volcanic explosion, fiercely demoted the demon to a few steps.

When it was shaken off, the demon suddenly felt amazed. From then on, Qin Shi’s body was actually aware of one, making him familiar, even the power of fear.

"This... this kid, just released, is actually... that power?" The demon is full of horror. If Qin Shi wakes up at this time, he will be shocked. Because he has never seen such a demon in the past ten years. .

The demon had previously angered several times, or was surprised by something, but he never felt as shocked as it is today. It seems that he saw something terrible.

But for a moment, the demons returned to God: "It turned out to be that power... Does that power really exist?"

The evil spirit suddenly realized something, but he did not say that it was only buried in the bottom of his heart. Now is not the time to care about this. If Qin Shi really kills the ancient battlefield, it will definitely cause a great disaster. If the blood is completely eroded, The demon can't even imagine that the shock in the seven thousand sea palaces is very likely, the entire seven thousand sea palace, tens of millions of miles of sea, will be destroyed because of Qin Shi.

"Give me back!"

At this moment, the demon suddenly gave up his anger, and a soul-like force locked the Qin stone, and then the soul of Qin Shi was actually taken out from the second body.

"The soul is back!"

The demons violently screamed loudly, and the whole body was screaming out at this time, and eventually the soul of Qin Shi was blocked in the body of Qin Shi.

"Did you make it?"

When the soul came to the body, the second body of Qin Shi gradually merged with the body.

Seeing this scene, the demons clenched their fists, but just as he was just trying to relax.

"Oh... kill!"

Suddenly Qin Shi reveals a beast-like fangs, a fierce magic like a viper, entwined from the Qin stone body, and finally gathered to Qin Shi's eyebrows, becoming a very sinister evil, it seems only killing bloodstain.

Then, Qin Shi opened his eyes, his smile was extremely strange, and his eyes were also blood red.


In the next second, Qin Shi rushed to the palm of his hand and fiercely hit the demon.


The demon was directly shaken out, and the power that made the demon feel terrified continued to sway in the body.

"Hey!" The demon slammed a blood, and it was full of sorrow and helplessness to see the blood of Qin Shimei: "Reverse blood curse?"

"Damn! The second body of this kid is actually stealing the dominant control of this kid? Once it is successfully robbed, this little guy will fall into the eternal killing of the eternal life, lose yourself and become a killing machine!"

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