Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1793: 1 battle 8

Qin Shi’s means of breaking the destiny was really shocked by the several princes of the squad, which also made them aware of an unprecedented danger in Qin Shi’s body, knowing that this kind of thing is strong against a realm. In terms of life, it is the whole of a practitioner. Once the fate is taken, it is impossible for a normal person to continue to live.

But the most helpless thing is that the Seventh House Lord was crushed by Qin Shi. He did not die. It seems that he just returned to the predecessor and restored the life to the original force. This is completely back to the truth. This is a kind of What a terrible means? Is it magical?

Nowadays, the imperfect Xianfu, the thin aura between heaven and earth, is impossible to breed a new celestial body, which means that the seven lords will completely stop at the boundary.

For the old guys who have lived for tens of thousands of years, the long-awaited Shouyuan has lost his destiny, and the seven-speaker will exhaust the life, and the deadline will come.

This is almost indistinguishable from killing the seven halls.

The other seven temple owners, then eyes serious, crazy attack on Qin Shi, fatal, extremely ferocious.

Qin Shi’s face like a knife is also a condensate. The joint attack of the seven borders is a state of his current state. He must be extremely careful. After all, the border is a huge threat. It is very likely If you crept, you will destroy a world.

boom! boom! boom!

Qin Shiru is like a ghost of blood, constantly moving through the sky.

Hey! Hey!

Every time Qin Shi pauses, there will be a claw or a sharp light, and the fierce attack will be attacked by him. The glare of the sword will be madly flipped in the hands of Qin Shi. Every time he pulls out, there will be a space. Smashed, and then his body flashed again.


Qin Shi, a person with three heads and six arms, was surrounded by seven main halls in the center, blood and blood continually flew out, and at the same time violent collision with the seven temple owners.

In an instant, the forty-nine palaces were ruined, and the aftergage that emerged after each collision seemed to tear the mountains and rivers.

Qin Shi’s blood is rising, and a sea area is completely dyed bright red.

The forty-nine palace's strongmen became horrified. They looked at Qin Shi as if they were watching monsters. "This, this kid, is he still a human?"

"He turned out to be a person, to resist the attack of the seven realms? And still have a good time?"

At this time, the forty-nine palace powerhouse was full of sorrow, what a foolish decision did he make? Did you choose to fight against Qin Palace?

The most ridiculous thing is that they just thought about killing Qin Shi? That is a complete eDonkey.

The continuous vibration is almost smashing the Tianhe River. The 10,000-meter-high sea surface is filled with a huge vortex under the sun, which makes a sea area like a vacuum. Among them, the electric light flint and the thunder constantly.

Qin Shi is like that, like a blood shadow, constantly moving among the seven temple owners.

The power of the seven lords was very strong, and Qin Shi was sweating for a time, which made his **** more red. The consumption of this intensity made his mind more blurred, almost, again. Fall into a state of complete madness.

However, fortunately, Qin Shi has been struggling, but it is impossible for the seven lords to subdue Qin Shi in a short period of time. Qin Shi is under the blood, his strength is rising, not only has not weakened, but more fierce. .

"Damn! You can't continue to spend this kid with this. The blood in this kid seems to be in harmony. If it is completely integrated, then once this kid is in a state of madness, although the soul will be broken, we will all die here. "Ming Xuan helpless."

The rest of the princes also noticed this strangeness at this time, and they became extraordinarily gloomy.

"What should I do? There seems to be a very fierce force in this kid. That power can destroy the destiny. It is very old. It was not seen 30,000 years ago. If you don’t subdue this kid, once you are dyed by that power. On the same, we are going to die." The six main halls are cold and cold.

Several of the lords fell silent, and they are now in a difficult position.

"Damn, what is that power?" Several temple owners couldn't figure out the martyrdom.

"Oh, how? Is this the ability? Isn't it ready to continue?" The seven halllords stopped, Qin Shi did not pursue, his current situation is also not good, **** like an old pattern climbing in him The whole body made him whole body, as if he was covered with erythema. The roots were intertwined on the back of Qin Shi, like a magnificent picture of a mountain river.

But the erythema, but Qin Shi is extremely painful, because under each erythema, there is magic blood for swearing.

Hearing the sound of Qin Shi's provocation, the six main lords licked their teeth, and then he slammed his feet. Suddenly, his body smashed out and changed into a huge demon, 10,000 meters high, like an endless Tianshan.

When it changes into a demon, the six-speaker punches like a hill and goes down to Qin Shi: "Kid, I will let you pay for your mania."

"The broken mountain is deserted!"

Fierce, there are eight absurd lines under the giant boxing of the six lords. Everything is extremely fierce. The most terrifying thing is that the eight ridiculous lines seem to be able to visualize the air and become a sharp rifle. Under the inflation of the suffocating gas, the fierce rushed toward the Qin stone.

Qin Shi suddenly felt his body sinking, as if he had been filled with lead. Under the giant boxing, the density of the air increased greatly, which made him even more difficult to move.

"Well, the terrible gravity has overlapped the magnetic fields?" Qin Shi’s face was gloomy, but he soon relaxed.

"Putting the magnetic field?" Qin Shi squinted at the blink of an eye. At this time, he held one hand high and flashed the light from the bottom of Dantian. There was a very colorful light power that came out of the palm of his hand and became exceptionally outstanding. Qin Shi suddenly Forcefully, on his palm, a white flower appeared, the Holy Spirit flower.

"The chaotic domain of the Holy Spirit!"

Qin Shi’s fierce drink, immediately 10,000 meters of sea, as if losing the center of gravity, everything is suspended, and everything becomes the focus of the Holy Spirit flower in Qin Shi’s palm.

"Drink, break!" Qin Shi fiercely screamed, then his big hand tumbling, actually suddenly changed the gravity of the day, that giant punch, actually flew up at this time.

At this moment, the six princes panicked and looked at Qin Shi with full of horror: "That is, the Holy Spirit flower? Kid, you have a holy spirit in your hand?"

The preciousness of the Holy Spirit flower is so in ancient times. Imagine changing the existence of gravity in the heavens and the earth, how many mad people will be caused? It’s just that the Holy Spirit flower is extremely scarce. In ancient times, there were only two strains, one plant, which fell into the hands of the Emperor, and the other, which was taken away by the mighty of a sea area, and there was no such thing. .

If Qin Shi knew this at this time, he would not be able to bear the sadness. In his unconsciousness, the emperor had already paved the way for him. Many of his treasures were the foreshadowing of the emperor.

Of course, Qin Shi does not know now. What he now knows is that he has not seen the gravitational magnetic field that the Holy Spirit has spent so far.


The giant fist of the Six Dianzhu was shaken by the magnetic field, and his face was astonished.

However, in vain, Qin Shi's physique riots, such as the Thunder's generalized afterimage appear in front of the six halls, his **** flickering fierce, a blood claw, fiercely hit the main chest of the six halls.


The huge shape of the mountain has not been moved. Even in the eyes of outsiders, Qin Shi’s movements are somewhat funny. A figure with only the size of a grain of rice can punch a giant mountain. How powerful can it be?

Suddenly, the six main halls were stiff and the huge body trembled. In his body, there was suddenly an ancient seal, such as a seal, covering the chest fiercely.


The huge 10,000-meter figure suddenly exploded, and the six-dominant lord exploded? After the smashing of the giant mountain, the six main lords changed back to the usual appearance. He looked at Qin Shi with a look of horror. He grabbed his chest with his hands and tried to keep what he wanted. However, he finally could not stay. Live, from the body of the six halls suddenly burst into a thick and pure aura, once again blended in the sea of ​​this sea.

The original piece of heaven is superimposed again, and the destiny of the six lords is shattered.

Seeing this scene, Ming Xuan and other lords are all stunned, and their faces are extremely ugly. This is already the second fate of Qin Shi.

What did Qin Shi do? What is the power, what is going on?

Qin Shi was also a glimpse at this moment, and immediately looked at the small hand, and the **** flashed a hint of enlightenment: "Sure enough."

Although Qin Shi is still uncertain, what is the power of that force, but when he and the Six Dynasties are fighting, it is now, his current state, in his body, has a very mysterious power, as if filled with the mystery of the world. In the same way, it was that power that destroyed the destiny of the six temples.

"Kid, you dare to break my destiny, I want you to die!" The roar of the six main lords, but who lost his destiny and became a boundary, in front of Qin Shi, shaped like an ant.

boom! Qin Shi raised his foot a foot into the blood, fiercely kicked the six halls to fly out of 10,000 meters.

Rumble! The shape of the six lords, because of the strength, is embedded in a broken boulder.

A few people in Mingxuan became extremely gloomy at this time. This time, they no longer dared to distract themselves and joined forces again.

" Together, consumption also consumes him."

"Consumption? You don't have this opportunity." Qin Shi sleeves waved, flying a stone statue from the cuffs and turning into a woman's appearance.

When the stone statue came out, the aura of heaven and earth quickly gathered to the stone statue, and then poured into the body of Qin Shi in the power of change into pure.

Suddenly, the blood of Qin Shi’s body is multiplied. Qin Shi is like a **** person, and he is proud of the six people.

"Reincarnation stone statue?" Ming Xuan old eyes have become gloomy again.

"Damn! What is this kid, what is the matter? How can the gods in the heavens and the earth be like the flower in the hands of the kid, and one after another?"

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