Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1823: Before the final battle

The original face was not so friendly, Ming Xuan suddenly became cold after hearing the words of Qin Shi, and his claws behind him were tight.

In an instant, in the most central layer of the purple array method, the air suddenly became depressed, as if the killing intention appeared in the confrontation between Qin Shi and Ming Xuan, and became a viscous liquid, making the density of the air It is extremely rich, and many of the geniuses of the genus of the Dacheng family are dying. The dragon family people are rushing to breathe and become depressed in this tension.

After Qin Shi finished the sentence, the black scorpion and the Ming Xuan four eyes were relatively long. It seems that there were sparks in the collision between the two eyes. It seems that the two people will show a terrible showdown at any time.

"Oh, little guy, your skill is really not small. In this deep sea, I really saw a lot of accidents from you. However, he is not a good thing. If I didn't guess wrong, I should swallow the devil. Not with you?" Ming Xuan cold road.

"Well, yes, he is responsible for checking and balancing the power of heaven." Qin Shi said lightly, his voice was extremely calm, calm enough to make people feel a bit horrible, even if Qin Shi was not really standing in front of everyone. They even have an illusion of talking to the dead, but they can't feel any mood fluctuations in Qin Shi.

Ming Xuan wrinkled his eyebrows and did not understand the words: "Oh, then I can't even think about it. If there is a swallowing demon, he and the dragon must join hands, it will make me feel trouble, but now He is not here, just by you, why do you want to kill me?"

Qin mad suddenly exposed like a fierce god: "Kill you, you don't need a demon. I told you earlier. If you are in another place, I may not be able to take you. However, here is the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. This is not a group, you will definitely die here."

"Hurricane!" Ming Xuan old eyes a fierce, not swallowing the demon statue, Qin Shi in his eyes is like an ant, not to mention that he now has Qiankun Tianji array in hand, even if Qin Shi is not as magical, he is not afraid.

Qin Shi provoked several times, Ming Xuan's magic eyes flashed red, a bright red claw suddenly covered, such as a winding hill is generally toward the Qin Shiyi.


Suddenly, there was a green awning in front of Qin Shi. The dragon had to change into a kilometer green dragon in the back of Qin Shi, hovering in Qin Shi for a week, the same claw of the hill, suddenly under the dragon force of the dragon Crush off.

"Dragon must!" Ming Xuan angry snoring.

"Ming Xuan, 30,000 years, it is time to make a break." Long must be faint.

Ming Xuan's old face was inconspicuous. He didn't seem to want to play against Qin Shi and others now, but Yu Guang continued to squat into the palace suspended in the rear.

Ming Xuan’s movements of Qin Shi have a panoramic view, and then they are looking towards the distant palace. In the palace, Qin Shi perceives a good soul power. It seems to be climbing the summit. Qin Shi suddenly falls in the palace. Just above, a circle of souls gathered together.

Within the aperture, there is a dark iron plate, the iron plate is not so outstanding, and the golden color on the top is like a finishing touch, but it is firmly attracted to Qin Shi.

"There is no gods!" Qin Shi black scorpion suddenly shrinks, only he is a magician, so he can see the texture on the iron plate at a glance, it is the magic that the magician will use. The character spell is only that the spell is different from the ordinary spell. It seems to have the meaning of an independent world, giving people a look, as if they would be firmly caught in the illusion.

"This is a supreme deity, and it really is an artifact. It can actually use the soul as the world to reach the level of the sacred." Qin Shi could not help but feel shocked.

"There is no seal on the outside world. It seems that there is a seal left by the ancient river. Now it is the key to unlocking the seal. It should be seen for up to three days. This will be unsealed." Qin Shi dignified.

"Is that little friend ready to do it now, or wait until the supreme gods are unsealed?" Long asked.

Qin Shi blinked, he is also considering this issue. If it is done now, it may not be able to win the match with Ming Xuan in three days. He will definitely fight for a long time with Ming Xuan. If there is no result in three days, Or defeated, it would be extremely unfavorable for him to fall into the hands of the group.

However, if after three days there is no magic to unpack, and Ming Xuan to snatch, the result is the same.

Although Qin Shi relies on his own soul, he has a certain grasp, but Qin Shi does not believe that Ming Xuan will have no backhand. Since he dares to appear here, he must have a more grasping method than him to **** the supreme charm.

"Now, three days, even if you can't kill him, at least let him be seriously injured." Qin Shi cold road.

The dragon must hear the words of Qin Shi, and it seems that he has prepared for the general dragon power.

Feeling the sudden change of the dragon, Ming Xuan's old face was gloomy: "Oh, it seems that you are really anxious. I originally wanted to get the supreme charm, and I am destroying you, but since you are trying to find death, then I will Accompany you."

"Hands! Kill them." At this time, Ming Xuan's eyes flashed with a stern color, and slammed into the group of many fierce devils.

The group of nearly 100 fierce devils screamed at this moment, suddenly swarming to the dragon family.

The death of Xiaoqi made Longyin already angry. Nowadays, he can finally suppress the anger in his body. His body shape is the first to burst out.

"I want you to pay for the small seven!" Long Yin dragon claws emptied out, such as the bag to take things generally shredded, fierce and rushed to the group of fierce demon.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Suddenly, the bursts of landslides caused great fluctuations in this battle.

With many disciples working on it, the dragon shape and the Qin stone figure are also rushing forward.

"Ming Xuan, died!" Qin Shi shouted.

Feeling the strength of the two sharp forces, Ming Xuan's face was dignified. If the strength is alone, the dragon must be stronger than him, but this time, he does not need to leave any cards, his foot is fierce, and there is a burst on the ground. The dust is flying up, Ming Xu's body suddenly skyrocketed, such as a hill has become extremely large, into a tens of thousands of demons.

"Dragons must, 30,000 years ago, let you survive, today you are not so lucky." Ming Xuan cold road.

The dragon must not be nonsense, his body is close to Mingxuan, a series of voids, like the alternation of the sun, the moon and the stars, Ming Xuan suddenly a large hand, from his cuff, I do not know when Exploring a sharp blue-colored sword, the long sword has a blue dragon pattern, such as a sword of the dragon, the volley of the force slammed down, suddenly the space will be cut off.

"Xuanlongjian?" Mingxuan eyes horrified, with the appearance of Xuanlongjian, not yet approaching, it is to make him feel the tingling in the throat, Ming Xuan face gloomy, the dragon must be violently shocked, The figure suddenly flashes toward the other side, reaching an extreme with an extremely fast degree.

Hey! Even so, Ming Xuan's body shape has just moved, and an indestructible wall in the distance suddenly left a deep gap.

The most important thing is that there are thousands of dragons entangled in the gap, and it is spreading in all directions.

"I didn't expect that the dragon's sword of the gods has always been in your hands?" Ming Xuan looked at the blood behind her eyes and it was a cold road.

Long Xuan did not conceal. The Xuan Long Sword in his hand is the 19th-ranked fetish in the list of the gods. It is the treasure of the towns that have been hidden among the dragons of the beasts.

At the beginning, this Xuanlong sword did not know how many generations of dragon patriarchs had invaded the blood, destroyed the fire phoenix, and smashed the Peng Peng. In the animal world, any orc group saw the Xuanlong sword, and it must be sorrowful. The blood of the beast that is swallowed by the dragon sword is the foot that makes many beasts feel terrified.

At this time, Qin Shi leaped from the distance, and the smelting of the bones of the smashing stalks behind the scenes was shocked. The force of a wind and thunder was rising, making it quickly leaping to the side of the dragon. : "Ming Xuan, you will definitely die here."

"Oh, boy, you are too mad, want my life, if you swallow the demon, it is almost the same, but you are not enough." Ming Xuan is still calm.

"Qin Shi, your opponent is me!" As Qin Shi took off, a figure jumped from the opposite direction.

Zhang Liang was extremely embarrassed to appear in the sky, and a pair of people wanted to kill Qin Shi.

"The men will be defeated." For Zhang Liang, Qin Shi is just a cold cry.

"Zhang Liang, you are back, you are not his opponent now." However, when Zhang Liang wants to start, Ming Xuan suddenly stopped Zhang Liang.

"Lord, I..."

"Do not talk nonsense, hurry back, if your life is important to the demon, do not need him to do it, I want to kill you now!" Ming Xuan suddenly became extremely cold, several times because of saving Zhang Liang, are let Ming Xuan paid a very heavy price. If it was possible, Ming Xuan had already started Zhang Liang himself.

Zhang Liang's face twitched, although the heart was not convinced, but there is no way can only reluctantly flash back to the distance.

Ming Xuan took a deep breath and stared at Qin Shi and Long Xu. At this time, he suddenly launched six extremely strong magic wings behind him, and then the heavens and the earth were extremely ignorant under the cover of the magic wing.

"Six evil wings?" When I saw the magic wing, the dragon must frown slightly: "Ming Xuan, I did not expect that you have repaired six evil wings."

"This is thanks to this little doll. If he didn't kill the seven lords, I wouldn't break through so quickly." Ming Xuan's cold road.

Qin Shi frowned, from the six magic wings of Ming Xuan, actually let him perceive a little familiar power: "The six magic wings, was actually the accumulation of the seven masters of the temple level? Ming Xuan, you Did you kill the seven main lords and the eight lords?"

"Oh, they lost their destiny, sooner or later they are going to die, it would be better to fulfill me." Ming Xuan smiled coldly.

Qin Shizhen’s pinching fist made him feel uncomfortable. However, this is like the style of the group. In order to strengthen himself, he sacrificed everything. Qin Shi took a deep breath. He suddenly turned to the dragon must, faintly said: "Predecessors, and such people do not have to talk nonsense, do it."

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