Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 1846: Blue sky

There is no light in a sea, and a hand that covers the sky seems to cover the entire sky. ?

Under the power of covering the sky, Qin Shi did not even have the chance to burn the blood.

"Although, it is no harm to let you burn the magic blood, but it will be a little troublesome after all." The sky smiled and smiled, and there was a heavenly soul between the palms: "The kid, this time is really over." ”

"Shadows!!!" The illusion of the demon once again overflowed from the body of Qin Shi, and the flames beat the flames.

Covering the sky, I frowned and smiled. "Do you burn the devil? The human righteousness is terrible."

boom! However, Qin Shi’s big hand suddenly tightened hard, and Qin Shi used all his strength to suppress the evil spirits.

"Kid, bastard! Let me go out! Now you can't burn the blood, I have a glimmer of hope to burn the devil!"

Qin Shi smiled bitterly, and at this moment he felt the powerlessness in front of the sky.

A glimmer of hope? Qin Shi now understands that from the moment he appeared in the sky, there has never been hope in his world.

Seeing that Qin Shi is about to be killed by the sky, Long Qi’s apricot eyes are red: "Grandpa, you are not saying, is he the son of true life? What is the fate of the shit? Why, why didn't you come out to save him?"

Seeing his granddaughter's lost soul, the old eyes of the dragon must be heartbroken and helpless: "Here, it is his catastrophe."

Suddenly, the dragon must be caught in a long-term recollection. It was the scene when he was still in the 30,000 years ago.

He clearly remembers that the Emperor once said that he saw in his life frame that Qin Shi’s life in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace was broken, just like the hand of many people, and the place where the lifeline broke, it was a robbery.

It is an opportunity to connect the number of lives before and after Qin Shi. If there is no way for the opportunity to appear, Qin Shi is destined to fall into the seven thousand sea palaces, and he will never be able to carry the life.

"This time, the life can't save him!" The dragon must be clenched, his old eyes are sky.

The most helpless thing for the dragon is that he knows that no one will save the Qin stone, and the wind will not, the fog will not.

This robbery, if the Qin madness does not pass, the fog will not recognize Qin Shi as a lesser.

Because there is no Qinshi of the fate, there is no way to save the people.

"What is the so-called opportunity?" The dragon must be very fast.

Seeing Qin Shi suppressing the demon, covering the sky with a faint smile: "Oh, it is really touching, but the kid, if you let the heavens burn the devil, maybe you really have a chance to leave."

At this moment, Qin Shi suddenly relieved. He sat in the ruins and dismissed a smile: "Sky, I know, you want to see the demon burning the devil, swallowing the sky, the only thing between heaven and earth that can balance your emptiness. You want him to die, so that even if I live, I can't threaten you."

"The so-called fate, I don't know what it is, but I know that in my own life, swallowing the sky is an indispensable part of me! Without him, there would be no Qin Shi!"

"I can die, swallow the sky will not, swallow the sky will certainly live, cover the sky, as long as he is still alive, this world will not allow you to destroy." Qin Shi calm and plain, but extremely powerful.

"Kid..." The demon suddenly stopped rioting in Qin Shi's body, half a ring, and he suddenly laughed and said: "Oh, this little bastard, these words seem to say to cover the sky, in fact, it is said to me, Worse... Kid, this robbery, if you can't get through, I will try my best and destroy the group for you!"

Suddenly frowning, the face turned very gloomy: "Oh, a good boy, but no problem, as long as you are gone, swallowing the sky will not pose any threat to me."

"End of the kid."

The palm of the sky is slowly falling at this moment.

A soul light was shot through, and Qin Shi slowly closed the black scorpion.

"Like my Qin Palace!!"

"Like my Qin Palace!!"

However, suddenly there was a lot of alarm in the heavens and the earth. The tens of thousands of disciples in the Qin Palace were red eyes at this moment, and they were crazy roars.

The world reverberates and grows in the sky.

In the next moment, Qin Shi’s face suddenly felt a touch of heat, and a drop of viscous liquid fell on his face, a drop of bright red blood.

The Qin Shi black scorpion slammed open, and suddenly stayed in a deep position.

Looking at everything in front of him, Qin Shi could not believe it.

"Brothers! Let's go together!"

"Well, let's go to the palace with our lives, let's stop the attack of the bastard!"

"The small hybrids of the scorpion group, you have the ability to kill us all! Otherwise, you don't want to kill our palace!" Qin Palace tens of thousands of disciples, at this time is actually like cannon fodder, crazy flock to Qin Shi In front of them, they used theirs to resist the soul of the sky, one is not, the second is thousands of Qin Gong disciples.

The disciples of the Qin Palace did not have any attacks. They were completely like a slain. At this time, from their eyes, they could not see any fear, and some were just fanatic.

"You!" Hey, Qin Shi's eyes are red, and he clenches his fists.

"The palace owner, our life is not worth the money. Without you, there will be no us today. We are the weakest people in the seven thousand sea palaces. The little people who have been living in the dark corners, if not your appearance, hit The Imperial Palace, destroying the Shifang Temple, and smashing the Sanqing Palace, there is no us."

"We can die, but you can't do it."

"Miyaz, I don't know what kind of ghosts this group is, but we all believe that you have to live. As long as you live, you will be able to destroy this group. You have the most terrible talent in this world. You Yes."

"The palace owner, I will take revenge for us."

A voice rang in the ear of Qin Shi, and Qin Shi’s whole body was shaking uncontrollably: “No! No, don’t!”

Qin Shihong looked at the embarrassment, this moment he was almost desperate.

Qin Shi’s life, in order to protect, now sees one of his disciples in Qin Palace, who is constantly making sacrifices for himself.

"No... don't! Please, don't!" Qin Shi shouted.

However, the disciples of the Qin Palace did not stop, but more and more disciples were rushing to the sky.

"Hey group, we Qin Palace is not afraid of you!" Qin Gong's disciples snarled wildly.

"The palace owner, you have not been alone. In the future, don't always be alone. You will put everything on your shoulders. You still have us. Our Qin Palace can get a Qin word in your name. It is us. proud."

"The palace owner, don't blame us."

"The palace owner, you have to live! You must live!" More and more Qin Gong disciples, madly pounced on the sky.

At this moment, this scene makes the heavens and the earth move.

The dragon must see the old eyes in the distance, and the tens of thousands of strong people in the Qin Palace are committing suicide, only for Qin Shi.

This is the charm of Qin Shi, which is the existence of Qin Shi in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace.

The dragon suddenly realized what he was, and he turned sharply toward a figure in the crowd.

Although the figure is small, but his face is resolute, not afraid of life and death.

"Is it?" The dragon suddenly trembled in his heart, revealing a smile of gratification: "The Lishu is a librarian, you are not the military division of the Qin Palace... With this method of sacrifice, is it just to force the Naval Palace?" ”

Li Shu's pinch, he is also rushing to the squad of the dead.

"All people in the Qin Palace can die! Only the palace can not!" Li Shu firmly said.

At this time, the sky is also frowning, the face is extremely ugly, and the sky is also aware of the meaning of the Qin Gong disciple.

The magical eyes that cover the sky are cold, and the gaze of death is to Lishu: "The kid, it is a small smack of you. I didn't expect that there are ghosts like you in this sea area, and I will not hesitate to use the life of thousands of disciples in Qin Palace. Change a Qin Shi?"

"He is our king!" Li Shu calmly smiled, it seems that life and death have long been obsessed by him: "My life, for the battle of heaven and earth, it is my pleasure to sacrifice for my king."

"A good honor, then I will fulfill you! Not only you, this whole Qin Palace, I am now extinct!" Covering the sky, full of sternness, a fierce soul light suddenly shot to the Lishu chest.

"No! Lishu!" Qin Shi almost climbed up with all his strength. His black cockroaches were almost completely swallowed by blood: "Sky! You dare!"

The eye-catching soul, the sun-drenched fall, the tens of thousands of disciples of the Qin Palace were swallowed in an instant.


Tens of thousands of Qin Gong disciples are a pair of relieved, a proud look, without any fear.

As Lishu said, it is their pride to die for Qin Shi.

However, in the next moment, among the tens of thousands of disciples in the Qin Palace, a faint light shook the eye.


In an instant, the thousands of miles of water, instantly smashed, it seems that this whole sea has a strong roar, if a deep sea monster wakes up, it gives off the chilling power.


The eye-catching soul of the sky is immediately shattered by a blue long scorpion, and the endless seas form an infinite All Qin Gong disciples are now a glimpse, eccentric to the dazzling light Look around.

I saw in the center of the disciple, it was a petite shadow, very thin, and the shadow was very holy in the frivolous sea, giving the illusion of surrender of all beings. A white dress fluttered gently, the most touching is The beauty of Qian Ying is empty and unbearable, and I can’t help but want to pity.

"Xiao Jing!" Mu Xiaoyi raised a deep concern in the eyes of the apricot.

Qin Shi stood up at this time, but also full of horror to look at Mu Xiaojing.

That's right, that one shadow is Mu Xiaojing, the first friend or sister that Qin Shi met in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace.

"Big brother! Change me this time to protect you!" Mu Xiaojing's tender voice sounded softly.

The next moment, Mu Xiaojing closed her eyes. When she opened again, in the original dark and empty eyes of the phoenix, it suddenly burst into a gem-like blue light. Then, the endless seas poured in an instant, and there were countless stunned In the eyes, it was finally surrendered to the feet of her petite body.

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