Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 14 Chapter 1864: His life, I received it.

Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows. He did not expect that this thin and stubborn soul could escape from the devour of the void. ?

Breaking away from the emptiness of the void, the thin and stubborn soul reveals ecstasy, and immediately he smiles at Qin Shi’s sly smile: "Little bastard, your swallowing sky, the fire is still far away, if you want to swallow the sky I can't escape without the void, but unfortunately, now that you have no chance, don't worry, Yan Zun will kill you personally."

Qin Shi nodded without deny, secretly said: "My swallowing of the void, and really a lot of difference with the demon."

However, the next moment Qin Shi explored the big hand, the void was gripped, the space around the remnant soul suddenly shattered, and was covered by a smoldering smoldering suffocation.

"Do you want to go this way?"

Suddenly wrapped in a thick suffocating air, this thin and stubborn soul only feels that the surrounding air seems to be compressed to crush, his body violently trembles, and looks at Qin Shi with horror: "Little bastard, your suffocation , has it reached such a terrible degree?"

"That is the demon of the genus, I really need to use the sky to win him, but to deal with you, do not swallow the sky, but also enough." Qin Shi cold smile, immediately his palm grip, a cumbersome The handprint formed, and soon, in his sky, thunderclouds, a mad dragon seemed to cross the void, swallowed up by a thin and stubborn soul.

"Bastard!" The thin, remnant soul screams, and the face becomes cloudy and uncertain.

"Kid, you can't kill me!" Suddenly, the skinny screams, suddenly opened his mouth, and there was a vagueness in his mouth. It was actually a blood-purple beam, and a space would be fierce. Give it a crush.

boom! The space in front of the skinny wreckage immediately shattered. The next moment, the space was distorted, just like a blood-red array. He smiled slyly: "Oh, boy, goodbye, you will not kill me."

"Is the **** space hole of the blood-empty ancient demon family?" Qin Shi shook his head indifferently.

"Blood Wizard!"

"Hey! Waiting for you for a long time! The **** ancient demon family, next door, seeing me broke your **** space!" Suddenly, there was a **** entanglement from the foot of Qin Shi, which quickly became A residual image, a volley, in which, is the emergence of a vast space of space, and then a void, fierce into a shell of the blood to crush the array of blood.

boom! The **** space array was distorted, and even the surrounding air was chaotic.

This sudden scene will scream the skinny soul: "The empty air of the ancient demon family? Damn! Who!"

The blood wizard gradually emerged under the **** fog, and he looked cold and cold to the skinny soul: "Now, this **** array is crushed by me. If you forcefully move, you will be crushed by the space storm. You Now, there is nowhere to escape!"

"Little bastard!" Seeing the blood wizard, the skinny and stubborn soul is extremely fierce: "Oh, it is really interesting, a swallowing of the sky, people have no way to understand, I did not expect, a void ancient demon, but also rely on relying on this Can the child survive? It’s sad, the empty-empty family is ultimately waste.”

"Stop!" The blood wizard is red-eyed and fiercely cold: "Three thousand years ago, my father was seriously injured by the mean means of Yan Zun! Otherwise, your blood-empty ancient demon family is just a branch of my empty ancient demon family. Even now, the mastery of the power of real space, you are far from the opponent of our empty ancient demon family! Sooner or later, I will level your blood and ancient demon!"

"Well?" Hearing the voice of the blood wizard, the skinny wrinkle brows and suddenly smiled: "Oh, it turns out that you are the descendant of that person? Interesting, haha, but what can change? In this casting tower Inside, no one can win the Yan Zun, haha, kid, you will die here, your empty ancient demon family will also be destroyed."

"Stop!" The blood wizard is angry and roaring.

"With this kind of person, there is no need to talk nonsense, kill him, I will help you kill Yan Zun." Qin Shi took the **** wizard's remnant, faintly said,

The blood wizard slammed the fist, he didn't make a sound, just nodded fiercely: "Well."

"You now, instead of saying here about Yan Zun, you might as well look forward to it, he will come to save you, otherwise, you will die here soon!" Qin Shi black scorpion flashed cold, the next moment, his big hand fierce A grip, a dark-colored suffocating like a chain, suddenly wrapped around the skinny soul.

"No!" The thin little soul screams.


boom! A loud noise, the thin remnant soul is finally swallowed by life.

"Small hybrids, Yan Zun will not let you go!" The snarling roar of the skinny soul was crushed.

"It is sad."

Qin Shi’s indifference said that he immediately stood up. The next moment he suddenly frowned, and Yu Guang looked away from a mountain beyond the kilometer. With a big hand, a huge black dragon smashed and slammed into a cannonball. The peak of the mountain is running through.


At the next moment, the mountain peak was immediately suffocated by the suffocating air. As the black dragon fell, a wretched soul screamed and immediately ran out from behind the mountain. In a void, it looked terrified to Qin Shi: "small , kid, what are you going to do?"

"The blood of the ancient demon family? Oh, it seems that you are also the man of Yan Zun?" Qin Shi looked at the suffocating sigh of the remnant.

The soul of the remnant screamed, and he had just seen the fierce means of Qin Shi. Originally, he followed the evil spirits of the Yuan dynasty. Later, when he saw the horror of Qin Shi, he immediately hid it into the void, but he did not. I thought that there was a void in the ancient stone.

Now the wreckage is invisible, and he slams his fist: "Kid, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, don't be nervous, I know, you have opened the tunnel in the void behind you. I want to keep you now, it's very difficult." Qin Shi said faintly, then he made a wink at the blood wizard. The space around the blood wizard is extremely distorted, as if it were a fault, breaking a space behind the soul.

Hey! The space behind the remnant soul shattered, the next moment, a bright red, like a **** mouth of a giant beast, the space of the cave appeared out of thin air, bright red light, the sky will be red.

"Sure enough!" Qin Shi wrinkled his eyebrows, the space cave has been perfected, and now he is trying to leave this remnant soul is a little difficult.

"Oh, you are right, you can't stay with me."

"Not to stay, but it will be a little trouble, the most, that is, I am chasing the space to kill you." Qin Shi faint smile, very understatement, but let the face of the remnant soul immediately twitch, if only Qin Shi, he I certainly don't believe that Qin Shi can have the ability to chase into space to kill himself. However, there is a blood wizard, Qin Shi can really do it.

The soul of the remnant is gloomy: "Boy, what are you going to do?"

"Reassure, I can put your life, or else, lest Yan Zun still waiting for your good news on the 33rd floor. Just now, you have scared me so much. Now, I want you to bring me a sentence back. Suddenly, Qin Shi’s gas field changed greatly. It seemed that he had rolled up the hurricane under his feet, which made Qin Shi’s feet appear like a vacuum.

Qin Shi’s voice is like an ice, and the biting sounds: “Tell Yan Zun, let him wash his neck and wait, his life, my Qin Shi collected, and when I set foot on the thirty-third floor, it’s his Dead period!"

The skinny little soul was immediately gloomy, but he frowned and didn't say much more, but immediately disappeared into the **** void.

Looking at the remnant of the soul, Qin Shi looked around this twentieth layer. After this chaotic battle, this twentieth layer was almost shattered, devastated, and extremely suffocating. It is no longer suitable for him. Continue to cultivate, Qin Shi black slammed a flash: "It seems that we must continue to go up."

"Well, now that the second body has already condensed bleeding, this twentieth layer has not helped you much." The demon said faintly.

Qin Shi nodded his head, and immediately he looked down at the cave, and with a big hand, a gray beam of light immediately hit.


Suddenly, the cave house trembled fiercely, and the whole cave house began to collapse. As the cave house collapsed, under the cave house, suddenly there was an infinite amount of different light, and the different light lingered, forming a huge array. In the center of the formation, there is an extremely dazzling spar.

As soon as the spar emerged, a broken beam of light emerged from the spar, and a cloud of 10,000 meters high was suddenly pierced, and a passage leading to the 21st floor appeared.

"Is that the 21st floor?" The seven devils saw the sudden appearance of the channel and the eyes became hot.

Qin Shi nodded. When he was practicing in Dongfu, he felt that under the cave house, there was a vaguely powerful force. The power was hidden under the earth's crust. However, there was a photo above the nine days. The power of Huiying is connected to each other. Qin Shi knows that this method is to open the 21st layer of the channel array method.

"Yes, the passage to the 21st floor is in the hole in this floor." The seven devils nodded.

"That would be Let's go." Qin Shi smiled lightly, saying that he had stepped on his foot and took the lead to leap into the air.

The demons changed into a soul and belonged to the Qin stone body. However, the Seven Devils suddenly fell into hesitation and did not keep up with Qin Shi.

Upon seeing it, Qin Shi frowned slightly: "What? You don't want to go with it?"

Hearing Qin Shi’s question, the Seven Devils showed a touch of helplessness and bitterness. He said faintly: “Little friends, I don’t want to, I can’t, cast the soul tower, and suppress the soul of our Mozu, my present. The soul, there is no way to withstand the oppression of the twenty-first layer, otherwise, it will certainly be scattered."

Qin Shi squatted, and this thought of the essence of the soul-casting tower. Indeed, although the strength of the Seven Devils is not weak, it is ultimately the soul-casting tower. He is not strong enough to change the degree of the iron-casting tower. Under the stone, hesitated, he said: "Well, then you are here waiting for us. When I leave, I will take you away."


The last chapter of the 9oo update was delayed for two days, sorry, now it's all done.

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