Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1900: Forbidden day

With the return of Qin Shi, the form of the human world is unpredictable, and it can be said that every day is changing. ??

In accordance with the instructions of Qin Shi, Ling Xiao spread the news of the Alliance of Disorders. In the entire human world, the most important thing is to invite all parties in the world to attack the chaotic areas. All the forces that rely on chaos I did not accept the curse of the 溟 group to force the increase to repair, and now I will be forgiven if I withdraw from the chaotic domain. Otherwise, it is the enemy of Qin Zong.

The news of the annihilation of the alliance was quickly spread out in the human world, just as a small stone fell into a calm sea, although at the beginning, there was not much movement, but with Immediately after the true degree of the news was confirmed, it was like a stormy wave, spreading toward the eight sides. The whole human world was also boiling in an instant. Numerous strong people hidden in various places in the human world were violently rushing. Anxious to go in the direction of Qin Zong, in the face of these strong people, have the same emotions, that is the hatred of the chaotic domain...

In the past ten years, the chaotic domain has been arrogant in the human world, and it has been said that in the human world, it has accumulated extremely deep resentment. However, the power of the chaotic domain is tyrannical, enchanting one person, suppressing all directions, and everyone is daring. I dare not say it. Nowadays, Qin Shi’s return, coupled with the strong strength of killing Lin Xiao in ten strokes, makes all the forces that are forbearing begin to eagerly try and see hope.

Soon, Qin Zong was joined by many foreign forces, including the strong.

There are nearly a hundred people in the realm of the world. The length of the human world in this decade is still terrible.

Such as the Black City of Eagle City, set Jingxian.

No night city, and Huacheng, these are the traces of Qin Shi who have left a trace. Li Minghao is now the city owner of Huacheng. He led the numerous powerful people in Huacheng to join Qinzong. These external forces are still insufficient. Surprisingly, but as the number increases, it is a terrible force.

Even in the eyes of the four domain owners, if these forces can be assembled together, they can even shake any domain in the eight domains.

Soon, in the sky of the human world, the figure of the strong who was rushed to Qin Zong was shrouded.

Countless figures are breaking through the air.

Chaos, this time really caused public outrage.

A chaotic domain.

The arrogance of the Alliance has become stronger and stronger, and it has gradually burned to the place where the chaos is located.

Today's chaotic domain is no longer like the fact that just a few years ago when it was just joined, the troubled mountain range was generally shocking and full of fairy tales. Instead, the entire rocky mountain range was shrouded in a thick sinister atmosphere, gathering at high altitudes. A huge sinister demon in general, as long as this fierce demon has an opening, it will immediately kill human life, very sinister.

The poly-matrix in the chaotic domain has been modified, not purely pure aura, but endless arrogance.

Within the suffocating, there is a faint magical pattern with a curse. With the cultivation of the disciples, the disciples continue to inhale into the body. Then, in the body of the disciples, they swim like poisonous snakes, and then erode the chaotic domain. The body of the disciple.

Let countless disciples of the chaotic domain look stunned and look away from the distance, just like a beast with no humanity.

This door has now become a demon domain.

In the inner domain of the chaotic domain, there are countless floating islands. On each island, there is a elder who is above the border in retreat. In order to gain more powerful power, let the embarrassment between the heavens and the earth enter the body, some elders Even deformed, they have a horn on their forehead, and the nails are ten meters long, and no one looks like anymore.

Within the isolated islands of the chaotic domain, there is a very majestic cave.

It is the only place that still has a scent of scent. It is the only pure land in the chaotic domain.

It is the virtual hole of the chaotic domain.

It’s just that today’s virtual hole, it seems to have emerged as a pathological state, resisting the endless devour of this endless suffocation.

On the side of the virtual hole, a squat, sitting on the knees, he calmly spit, every time he spits, there seems to be a ghost screaming around him, vaguely, from his mouth There is a terrible breath in the nose that swings away from the body, like a troll that destroys the world.

Today's enchanting, there is no such thing, he has completely changed into a fierce demon, the forehead has a horn, the skin of both arms falls off, the flesh and blood are exposed outside, there is a pair of blood wings behind, gently shake it, immediately It will cause a bright red hurricane, and the enchanting eyes will open immediately, and there will be a sharp color from his heart.

"I heard that the kid is already doing something to destroy the alliance?" The enchanting voice then reverberated in the valley.

The next moment, two figures fell on the stream, Feng Feng squatted, his head turned black and white, not the kind of black and white that crossed after the person was late, but a black and white, separated by the center, in the wind Drifting gives a very enchanting feeling.

"Well, hey, it looks like that little doll, I want to fight with us. I didn't expect it. In just a few months, he turned out to be more powerful than in the deep sea. It seems that he has broken through. Arrived in the realm." Feng Feng said.

"A decade ago, since we can easily expel him from the human world, then this time, we can do the same, huh, huh, with him to make a big momentum, ten years later, it will still be the same ending." A smile, a faint blood color from his eyes.

Then, the most amazing thing is that in the **** enchanting blood, there is actually a secluded flower bloom. If Qin Shi is here, I will recognize this scented flower. Isn't it a holy spirit flower?

"Qi Qing, He Shuhan, they seem to think that following the kid, they can change the ending. Hey, not self-sufficient, no problem, this time let them unite, it is convenient for us, just to get them all. "The sneering screams, burning in the palm of his hand, burning flames."

It is a khaki-like flame, and the earth inside it is burning for it.

Feng Feng grinned and said: "This time the boy came back, it seems that the fierce demon did not come back."

"That, the kid will only die even worse." The enchanting eyes flashed, and the Holy Spirit flower was running. It was the gathering of the power of the world of millions of meters on his body. From his body, it showed a very strong Armor.

"Now, that kid seems to leave the human world, go out and don't know what to do. After Lin Xiao's death, the kid seems to be present. Every domain in the eight domains has a secret. Qin Zong now seems to be aiming at the forbidden domain. A secret machine."

"Oh, it's a smart guy, but that is a secret, but he can't get it." The enchanting grin, and his figure disappeared into a cliff.

Qin Zong.

On the third day after Qin Shi’s departure, Ling Xiao mobilized a group of strong people among Qin Zong and the four domains according to Qin Shi’s account, and the alcoholic was led by Qin Zong’s 10,000 disciples. .

Lin Xiaoyi died in the forbidden domain. Just as Qin Shi expected, the forbidden domain had no dragons and existed in name. In the following days, the elders of the forbidden domain clashed for the domain leader, and they rushed and violently collided. The vast forbidden domain has become a ruin.

The sky in the forbidden field is constantly a flash of lightning.

Several elders of the highest level in the forbidden domain are fighting constantly. This battle has lasted for three days and three nights, and there has not yet been a winner.

In the forbidden domain, all kinds of various days of the sky are running and falling.

Soon, the strongest of the alliances such as Ling Xiao and the drunkard arrived in the restricted area.

Ling Xiao looked at the chaotic forbidden field and shook his head: "Sure enough, the tree fell, and Lin Xiaoyi died. The forbidden domain is now in chaos."

"Elder Ling Xiao, are we working now?" Qiu Shui said on the side.

"No hurry, this time to the forbidden domain, the meaning of the sovereign is very simple, is to a forbidden domain of a secret, we must first clear where the forbidden domain of a secret space is hidden." Ling Xiao said with a hand, then his old eyes turned "According to the sect of the lord, according to the celestial range of the wilderness and the sects, the refining domain, and the Qingxue sect, the secret of the forbidden domain, I am afraid that it is also necessary to use the forbidden power of the forbidden domain to reach the limit, and then awaken, only to be able to comprehend ""

“The power of the forbidden domain has reached awakening?” Jing Cai smiled bitterly: “Even if Lin Xiao was at the time, he did not realize this opportunity. It’s not to say that even if we come to the forbidden domain, we will For the flat, there is no way to get this opportunity?"

"That's not necessarily there." Ling Xiao smiled and suddenly turned to look at the drunkard: "The alcoholic predecessors, let them see."

When I heard Ling Xiao’s words, everyone was very curious, and they all looked at the drunkards.

Only then was immediately shocked, the drunkard was very unyielding to drink a liqueur, and immediately he slaps the wine gourd at the waist, from his wine gourd, there is a huge iron prison, That iron prison is to cover the autumn water and the scenery.

Jingcai and Qiushui both reached the boundary of Dacheng, but the iron impingement created by this drink was actually a soft body, and immediately lost the ability to act, revealing a drunken state.

"This, what is going on?"

"The alcoholic predecessor is the strongest person who is proficient in the power of the forbidden domain, and his power of the forbidden domain is also to reach the level of awakening." Ling Xiao smiled faintly.

Everyone was horrified and looked at the drunkard. The drunkard said calmly: "Before the emptiness in the realm of the gods, 10,000 years ago, there was a chance to meet a little guy in the forbidden domain. It seems to be called a forbidden day. It is quite close to me. I drank a few tons of wine with him and taught me the power of the forbidden domain."

"Forbidden days?" Jingcai and Qiushuizizi are rising to the twilight.

"Forbidden days, is it... the ancestor of the forbidden domain is forbidden?" The two were deeply shocked and could not help but look at the alcoholic ghost. How many years did this predecessor stay in the gods?

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