Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1911: The true meaning of the power of the forbidden domain

"Yes, when Lin Xiaoyu was sealed by the Zizhulin illusion, he had been sealed for hundreds of years. When he found a way to break through, he came out again and it was already a heavenly power of the forbidden domain.?"

"Hundreds of years is the heavenly level?" Qin Shi frowned, knowing that loneliness is extremely unbearable, one person hurts again, the pain is the flesh, but hundreds of years alone, Qin Shi can not imagine, He feels that if he is himself, he is likely to go crazy? Of course, the situation of closing the dead is not counted. Many of the strongest people who have reached the boundary above can retreat for a hundred years and seal the five senses.

However, in this case, it is impossible to comprehend the power of the advanced prohibition zone.

"The cultivation of the power of the forbidden domain is indeed very difficult. Even to a certain extent, it is more cruel than the power of our purgatory." Qiu Shui said.

Qin Shi nodded, loneliness is also a kind of human suffering, but it is extremely unbearable

"Right, you just said that the power of the forbidden domain is divided into five levels. The heaven and earth are only four grades. What is the fifth grade?" Qin Shi asked.

Hearing Qin Shi’s inquiry, Tu Ye’s change was serious, not only for the wild, but all the disciples of the forbidden domain were extremely serious at this time.

Seeing the performance of the disabled disciples, Qin Shi realized that this fifth level is not simple.

"Unsatisfied with the lord, this fifth level is the power of the prohibition of the Emperor." But the wild is just saying it, he feels extremely heavy and pressure, he said: "The Emperor's prohibited field The power is the highest level of the forbidden domain. This level has only been reached when the Tianyu Mountain was opened in the forbidden domain. It is rumored that this level has the power to confine the heavens."

"Forbidden a sky?" Qin Shi, the strongest of the Alliance of Disorders, moved slightly.

We must know that Tianli is the most mysterious force in the world. It has many days of power to carry a destiny. But can this imperial power of the forbidden domain be able to imprison a sky? ”

"Well, after the ancestors of the self-styled ancestors, no one can understand the power of this level of forbidden domain." Tu Ye said.

Hearing the words of Tuye, Qin Shi thought for a while: "Lin Xiao is the power of the heavenly domain. He has been in charge of the domain for several thousand years, but he has no way to carry a destiny. Finally, he must compromise with the forbidden domain. The curse inflicts the reluctance to reach the boundary. That is to say, the heavenly level cannot carry a destiny. To carry this fate is the power of the imperial court."

"Go, take me to the place where I can understand the power of the forbidden domain."

Tu Ye is very refreshing, he has decided to follow Qin Shi.

Not only is the wilderness, but many disciples in the forbidden domain are curious. This squad leader who has changed his life and changed his life, if he can understand the power of the forbidden domain, he can reach what level, He Shuhan, Qi Xuexin, etc. Also keep up.

Nowadays, the forbidden domain is already in ruins under the flames of war. The remains of the former grand hall are only remnants. Tuno barely finds the location of the main hall according to his memory. He waved his hand sleeves and opened several huge rocks under the rock. In a sunken place, it faintly flashes its soulful light, and the wilderness is rushing forward.

Tu Ye will clear the ruins near the soul of the soul, so that the soul of the soul is completely exposed, showing an overall transparent green stone.

The stone is constantly shining with the soul light. The aura between the heavens and the earth feels heavy and screams after the sound, and deliberately avoids the stone. It seems that once it is close to this stone, it will suffer the engulfing of this stone.

"Call, fortunately, this forbidden domain has not been destroyed." Tu Yechang Shu Shu, rushing Qin Shi said: "Lord, this is the forbidden domain, you just relax yourself, then you can put your own on this stone. He will teach you the power of the forbidden domain, and will also judge the level of your forbidden power."

Qin Shi looked at the stone and felt magical. This stone seems to have a strong power.

That power is that Qin Shi is very rare so far.

"Lord, go try it." Ling Xiao said.

Before Qin Shi walked to the stone, he stopped slowly in front of the stone.

Qin Shi first took a deep breath and adjusted his state to the best. Then he calmly placed his palm on the forbidden stone.


When the palm and the forbidden field touched the stone, Qin Shi only felt that there was a magical attraction, and his soul was suddenly pulled out of the body, and then the world in front of him was greatly changed.

Qin Shi only felt that his own **** turned, and appeared in a very empty wilderness.

There is no life in this wilderness, except himself.

However, Qin Shi is not in a hurry. He knows that this must be a test of his own forbidden field. Fortunately, sitting cross-legged on the ground alone began to lay down his cultivation.

In this open world, time is like flying.

In a blink of an eye, it is a million years. In this wilderness, Qin Shi has become very old.

However, Qin Shi still did not move, his breathing has been very uniform, and he was not surprised by the speed of time.

Because he knows that all this is an illusion.

However, in a million years, it is a very torturous process.

In this process, Qin Shi has experienced numerous struggles.

Among these 10,000-year-old, Qin Shi even thought, if all this is true, how many people remember him after the passage of the world?

When he leaves here again, the world changes and everything will become strange.

Qin Shi's doubles became wet, but this does not mean that he is afraid, but let him know that he wants to cherish everything around him.

"Oh, it's a funny little guy." Suddenly, there was a ghost in this wilderness.

This illusion is very fragile, surrounded by twelve relics.

"Is it finally to appear?" Qin Shi slowly opened the black scorpion when he saw a phantom in the wilderness.

Even if it is a fake, but this tens of time, Qin Shi is immersive, which makes his black scorpion deeper, the mind is also unparalleled maturity, even now, to some extent, The understanding of the years is more than the old guys who have spent thousands of years.

"Little guy, aren't you afraid? You are trapped here for a long time. Once you leave, the world you remember, and everything you experience, will become strange, all the people you care about, I don't know you." The faint smile smiles.

"If all this is true, I will be very scared, because this is no different from me." Qin Shi stood up and wrapped his black robe. At this time he has become an old man. He The vicissitudes of life looked at this illusion and laughed: "However, all this is a fake, this million-year-old loneliness will only make me cherish more, all the people around me."

The illusion smiled awkwardly; "Oh, it’s a rare little guy. I have been banned for a long time in this forbidden domain. I have seen countless people, even if they know it’s fake, they can persist for ten years and stick to it. A hundred years, but the millennium is already the limit. This kind of loneliness is unbearable. I did not expect that you can persist for ten thousand years?"

Indeed, even if it is known to be false, the 10,000 years spent in this void are real beings and real feelings.

Qin Shi actually wants to give up several times.

The forbidden smiled: "Little guy, can tell me, what makes you stick to it?"

"If you have been abandoned by your own race, spurned, hated by the evil spirits, even want to kill you, no one is willing to accept you between heaven and earth, you are not a demon, you are not a human, even you are not Knowing what you are, no companions, no similar kind, I believe, you will feel that this alone for thousands of years, in fact, there is no big deal." Qin Shi said faintly.

After hearing the words of Qin Shi, the ugly old eyes seemed to be affected. He looked at Qin Shi with a slight glimpse: "Little guy, are you the same person?"

Qin Shi did not deny the smile, laughing very self-deprecating.

Yes, on loneliness, who in this world can be more lonely than him?

He and the demon are destined to be aliens between the heavens and the earth, or the demon is okay. After all, he is still a murderer, leaving the human world, can be accepted in the devil world, but what about himself? Qin Shi is very clear that he is not a human being, nor a devil. It is a very strange, even in this world there is no way to be defined and recognized.

Therefore, I am destined to be the most lonely existence in this world.

The same is true. No one can pass Qin Shi on loneliness.

True loneliness is not a person being sealed in a certain place, but even if you are in a million people, there is still no sense of belonging, that is the true loneliness.

The ban is mad, and the laugh is exaggerated: "It turns out that it is, but the little guy, what makes me even more curious is that since you have been betrayed in this world, so lonely, why, you still want to leave this. If you are only suffering from this loneliness here, I will not be aware of it. Only when you want to leave, can I appear and tell me why you still want to go out?"

"I know You want to leave, unlike the little **** I have seen before, they just can't stand this loneliness, but you can, why do you want to leave?"

"I am really lonely, but even then, people who care about me, people who care about me, alone, do not mean that I can't yearn for freedom, and liberation. What do you say? Forbidden predecessors?" Qin Shi idle He smiled and laughed very confidently. At this moment, he suddenly looked up and looked at the endless wilderness. There was a glimpse of the black scorpion.

"It turns out that..."

"Little guy, what do you realize?" asked the excitement excitedly.

Qin Shiyi refers to this piece of wilderness and says: "The true meaning of the power of the forbidden domain."

"This is impossible, no one can understand it alone."

"There is nothing impossible. The power of the forbidden domain is based on loneliness, but if it has been in loneliness, it will go astray." Qin Shi paused and suddenly smiled at the forbidden air: "Predecessors, if No guessing, the true meaning of the power of the forbidden domain is not loneliness, but should it be freedom?"

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