Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1915: 7 super boundaries

The forbidden domain has become a fuse for the first battle between the two major forces of Qin Zong and the chaotic domain.

Therefore, millions of meters centered on the forbidden domain are ruined.

Qin Shi’s success in capturing a forbidden domain was quickly spread in the human world.

In the chaotic domain, the enchanting and other people are faintly revealing the gloomy color when they hear that Qin Shi carries the destiny.

Only at this time the enchanting seems to be unintentional to pay attention to all this. After returning from the forbidden domain to the chaotic domain, the enchanting is once again retreating. It seems to be sprinting towards a new force, in countless islands in the domain of chaos. In the deepest part of a valley.

The enchanting squatting at this moment, surrounded by thick black smoke in his sky, seems to contain a big dragon, giving a very depressing feeling, these black smoke into the mouth and nose with the enchanting every breath, Then, it turned out to be a good force, stunned in the enchanting body, every time there is black smoke into the body, the popularity of the enchanting body will disappear, change into magic.

The current enchanting, already in no one's appearance, oh, white, no **** face, the head is bright red, giving a feeling of being a monster.

Suddenly, the enchanting blood was opened, and a whirlwind was formed immediately from the enchanting disk, and the enchanting gray robes were blown.

With this whirlwind rolled up, it was a bit of a spring in the already dull valley.


If Qin Shi is here, he will be shocked, because this force was actually in the deep sea, Qin Shi only felt the vitality of the body from the sky.

This is the power that only the strongest who can reach the habitat can have.

The enchanting pinch pinch and feel the thriving power of the body revealing a cold smile: "Qin Shi, this time I will definitely let you come back!"


Qin Zong, who left the forbidden domain, Qin Shi and the mighty people returned to the ancestors.

In the Qin dynasty and even the entire Baizu, Baichao area, the sky over the Chiyan Dynasty, this time is shrouded in a chaotic force, this power is extremely rich, just like when the heavens and the earth were opened, What makes Qin Shi unbelievable is that this power is actually like a hidden seven big dragons, constantly snarling.

Within this original force, there are seven figures sitting cross-legged.

It is the seven Qi Qing and others who are comprehending their destiny.


Suddenly, there was a change in the entire Qin dynasty. The Qin sect, which was originally suppressed by the black, was transformed into a cloudless sky with a loud noise.

There are seven ghosts in the blue sky.

These seven imaginary people are no strangers, and any one of them has the highest status in the human world.

What shocked everyone is that when these seven people appeared again, they were really different from what they were a month ago.

It seems that in the body of the seven people, there is a lot of power in the world, so that Qin Zong’s millions of disciples look up and look at the seven people, as if they are looking up at the seven sky.

Everyone symbolizes a single sky.

"Is this the power of the heavens?" Qi Qing walked out of the original force. She gently pinched the fist, and she immediately felt that there seemed to be a world gradually gathering between her jade hands. It seems that In this world, the secret of her body is the same as the law of this world, and she has the power to change the world.

"Haha! I really didn't expect that I was able to break through to the realm." The grace was also excited and smiled.

Followed by the flower zero, the emperor elders, the hole ghost, the shadow dance, and the jade Luosha, a full seven, all successful breakthroughs.

That piece of primitive force also broke through with the seven people, and then gradually disappeared.

Of course, everyone seems to be disappearing, and only seven people know that this piece of primitive force has not disappeared, but is divided into seven fates born in their dantian.

On the forehead of the seven people, the shrine appeared, ten gods.

Destiny body.

The wilderness and the countless elders who followed the scenes were shocked to see this scene.

"Of course, it turned out to be seven worlds? These seven people, all of them broke through to the realm?" A forbidden elder screams.

"This is not the most important thing. The seven of them are not taking the fate of others. They are... alone from this world to comprehend a destiny of their own?"

"This is impossible. How can this day's barren worlds still carry a new destiny?" everyone screamed.

The most embarrassing elders in the forbidden domain can't believe that the ten years of the forbidden domain, following the group, is to be able to improve the level. However, it is a pity that even with the help of the group, only 10 years in the forbidden domain Xiao Yi broke through to the realm, and therefore he was also suffocated by the suffocating, becoming a person who is not a ghost or a ghost. Now these seven people have all reached the boundary.

Moreover, they are the real world, not the same as Lin Xiao’s breakthrough with the help of the group.

At this time, Ling Xiao said bluntly: "The seven of them are all carrying the fate of the original force brought back by the lord."

"What? Seven of them broke through the realm, is this kid helping?" The embarrassed elders were shocked.

They can't believe that someone in this world can create a strong person in the world.

But what they know is that Qin Zongping has added seven masters of the world.

In the human world, this can be said to be a force of destruction.

It is no exaggeration to say that the seven people now, if they were ten years ago, even five years ago, are enough to level the entire human world.

Even now, except for the enchanting people in the chaotic domain, I am afraid no one can resist the seven people.

After all, you must know that you comprehend the destiny and bear the bounds of the destiny. It is different from the realm of taking the opportunity to break through with others. This is like a devil, in the case where the fierce devil is voluntarily refining. The degree of integration can reach 100%, and it can give 100% strength. The same is true for destiny.

To capture the destiny of others, there will be some rejections.

In the old saying, only the shoes that fit the foot are the most comfortable.

The fate is the same.

At this time, Qin Shi volley appeared in front of the seven people, watching the seven successful breakthroughs into the boundary grinning and laughing: "Oh, it looks like you are very successful."

The breakthrough of seven successful breakthroughs into the realm, Qin Shi is also sincerely happy.

After all, the seven boundaries are also an extremely powerful force for Qin Zong.

Because he knows that in the next battle with the chaotic domain, the boundary is the power that really determines the outcome.

It is a pity that Qin Shi has no way to destroy a secular plane and create a new primitive force. Otherwise, he can make Qin Zong add several boundaries.

Qin Shi never knew what it was when he first destroyed the power of the destiny.

Since then, he has no way to use it. He only knows that power, even the power of the demon to be jealous, is a force that can destroy the emptiness of the sky and cover the sky.

In fact, later, Qin Shi also asked the demon several times, but the answer to the power demon was very vague.

Qin Shi can feel that the demon seems to know something about that power, but it seems that he has not been talking about himself because of a certain kind of scruples.

In fact, there is still a secret in the hands of Qin Shi, and this opportunity can also create a realm.

It’s just that Qin Shi didn’t use it. This is the secret that Qin Shi took from Lin Xiao’s body when Lin Xiao’s fall.

The reason why Qin Shi did not hand over this opportunity to Qin Zong’s breakthrough was very simple, because Lin Xiao’s body was a fierce demon.

The most important thing is that it is full of sultry suffocation, so once someone is carrying it, it will definitely suffer from the evil spirits.

In the end, it will inevitably become a enchanting, Lin Xiao and so on.

However, regarding the fate of this opportunity, Qin Shi also has plans.

The secret of the fierce demon family may be taboo for human beings. Once it is used, it will suffer from counter-attacks. However, for the demons, it will not.

Therefore, Qin Shi decided to leave this opportunity to the blood wizard.

When the seven people saw Qin Shi, they nodded and smiled. "Little guy, I really didn't help you ten years ago."

"This time the trip to the restricted area can still be smooth?" For Yuluo, she did not care if she broke through to the realm. She cares more about Qin Shi.

Qin Shi did not conceal the point: "There is a certain opportunity for the forbidden domain. Now the forbidden domain has been returned to Qinzong, but this time, I am fighting with the enchanting."

"What strength is the enchanting now?"

"The weakest is also the perfect situation. I suspect that he may still be breaking through." Qin Shiyi looked up. When he first played against the enchanting, he noticed that there was a good arrogance in the enchanting body. Even if he is a force, he must be jealous.

Hearing the enchanting to achieve a perfect situation, Qi Qing seven people are dignified.

"Do you have any plans?" Huan asked Qin Shi was very direct, and he immediately opened his hand, and the space on his palm was distorted and there was a void.

Within the void, there are a hundred and fifty sparkling lights, each of which is like a world-wide fruit.

"This is, delimitation?" Seven people and everyone in Qinzong were shocked.

"Oh my God, it’s really a delimitation. Isn’t it rumored that a delimited fruit has to be gestated for thousands of years? Why, how come there are so many?"

Qin Shi smiled without explanation: "This delimitation fruit, I will let Ling Xiao give the domain for a while, first trouble the domain owners to select some elite elite disciples in each domain, to take, so We will add 150 elites."

Everyone was shocked. When Qin Shi said that he could create a strong powerhouse a month ago, everyone was still questioning. Now, seeing this one hundred and fifty bounded fruits, all the people understand how ridiculous their doubts are.

"When the breakthroughs of the domain disciples are over, we will take the initiative to attack the land!"

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