Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1920: Blazing the battle

The sudden appearance of a scene in the fire pool made the singular million disciples all horrified.

The seven fires that are comparable to the fire level of the king are the most powerful disciplinary forces that the ancestors of the blazing field have left. Even in the palm of Qin Shi, it seems like a gentle sheep. Was swallowed by the birth?

All the brilliance disciples are amazed.

"He, he actually absorbed all the fires in the anger late? How is this possible?"

"Yeah, don't you say that when the anger is turning on seven flames, can it be impossible for even the strongest in the realm to survive?"

"Have you ever seen it, the flames in the anger are too afraid of this kid?" Suddenly, a disciple woke up many disciples, and everyone frowned.

"Which power is there in this kid's body, can the flames in the anger of the anger be terrible?" All the disciples couldn't figure it out.

At this time, Yan Lie was also wide-eyed, and he looked incredulously to Qin Shi.

This time, he had made a careful plan. The joint group would freeze the space in the blazing domain, leaving only one passage, which was to the end of the anger, and then deliberately spread the news of the execution of Guo Danyang, let Qin Zong knows that, for the sake of the introduction of Qin Shi, he entered the anger and was late, killing Qin Shi with seven flames.

In the view of Yan Lie, no one can withstand the arrogance of anger, unless it is above the habitat, even if it is one, the real king of one of the seven kings of fire, when the seven flames of anger are open, they feel that there is A trace of threat.

"Bastard, kid, how can you block it?" Yan Lie is not willing.

Today's fire pool has long been dry, there is no trace of fire, this time Qin Shi holding Guo Danyang jumped into the air.

"This anger is too late, but it is based on the pseudo-wang fire extracted from the Seven Kings. In the face of the real king fire, nothing can be considered."

Yan Lie’s eyes are shrinking in vain: "Bastard, do you also have a king fire?"

But soon, Yan Li shook his head: "That is not possible, I own a Tuwanghuo fire, but even if this is the case, I will feel the threat when the anger is seven times full of flames, even if you have a king fire, It is impossible to stop it."

"Your king fire can't stop because your king's fire level is too low, but it doesn't mean that my king's fire can't stop." Qin Shi smiled.

"You are nonsense!" Yan Lie’s eyes are like a roar of flames: "The anger is too late, even if it is a shoddy king fire, it is as many as seven, a king fire, even the thunder of the seven kings of fire, it is impossible to block it. Unless you can have two king fires!"

"Two?" Qin Shi shook his head and shook his head: "You may have guessed wrong."

After all, Qin Shi’s palms spread out, and suddenly the flames of one after another jumped from the palm of his hand.

In the end, there were four kings of fire, and they stopped. When the four kings of fire appeared, everyone was moved.

In the palm of Qin Shi's hand, the four kings of fire respectively showed golden thunder, red fire, endless darkness, and cold cold, thunder, fire, dark, ice, four kings of fire, when the four kings fire appeared It seems that the whole blazing field is stunned, and the burning sea of ​​the entire blazing field seems to be slightly extinguished at this time.

The fraternal disciple saw the four fired kings screaming immediately: "It is four kings!"

"God, this kid, even a person has four kings of fire?"

"Wang Huo is the ultimate flame of fire between heaven and earth. Any one of them has the power to burn the sea. This kid has four people. Who is he?" The disciples of the chilling field were shocked.

When Yan Lie saw the four kings in the hands of Qin Shi, the old eyes were also twitching. As a holder of the earth fire, he knew more than a terrible force that Wang Huo had, so he could not think of it anyway. Qin Shi actually has four kings of fire.

This is as good as the original Qin Shi in the deep sea when the duel and Feng Feng.

The two sacrificed the gods, but now Qin Shi is actually surprised by the many top ten gods.

"Bastard!" At this time, Yan Lie finally understood why the flames in the sooner anger will show the color of fear.

The four kings of fire are absolutely capable of destroying the world, so Qin Shi is absolutely able to absorb all the flames in the anger.

In front of the four kings of fire, plus the thunder of the seven kings of fire, the heavens and the earth can say that all the flames are like ants.

"Hey group, you bastard!" Suddenly, Yan Li seems to think of something. He didn't believe that the group didn't know that Qin Shi didn't master Wang Huo, but even if he told him to lead Qin Shi, it would definitely be him. The blazing domain became a ruin under the anger of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi sneered: "Inflammatory, between you and me, hatred ten years ago, it should be liquidated today. After today, the blazing domain will not exist."

"Little bastard, do you really think that if you have seven kings of fire, can you absolutely respond to me? I am also a realm. If you fight hard, you may not be able to get the benefits. You can forget it. Here is the blazing domain. It’s not your Qin Zong. Here, there are millions of disciples in my fierce domain, and you are just alone. If you really push me hard, it’s a big deal, it’s a jade.”

"Jade is burning, you don't deserve it!" Qin Shi's deep black scorpion gradually gathered, and then he gently left Guo Danyang in midair.

"Wait for me here." Qin Shi said one sentence.

Guo Danyang is a little bit stunned. She and Qin Shi have known each other for fifteen years. It is not the time when the Bai ethnic group was young. She knew that the next battle was that she could not get her fingers. What she could do was only Waiting for Qin Shi here, do not let Qin Shi distracted because of her.

"Be careful with yourself. In the first few days of the fire, you broke through to the realm of the world. Moreover, there is also a fire in the hands of the fire."

"Do not worry, he will die today." Qin Shi said, then took out the explosion of beads, knocked inside and said: "blood wizard, help me protect her."

"Hey, kid, protect this little girl, do you need the deity to take it yourself? Let me take it for me."

"Your apprentice?" Qin Shi squatted, he could not remember, when the blood wizard received a disciple.

The blood wizard smiled and said: "Apprentice, come out and let this kid!"

Later, from the bursting of the beads, it was actually a flying soul, it was a very thin figure, but this figure showed a trace of extraordinary charm, but it was able to disturb the void.

Seeing this virtual shadow Qin Shi could not help but say: "Is it you?"

This illusion was actually a singularity. When he was outside the outer domain, he was undoubtedly saved.

At that time, I was moved by the story of Su and I did not give up. I also promised that Su will not help him find Su.

However, after leaving in the chaotic domain, he has been bound by the fate of his life, and he has become a child of heaven and earth. The time in the human world is very short, and there has been no way to help Su, but Qin Shi has forgotten him. I thought that for more than ten years, the soul of Su is not so strong, and it seems to be the inheritance of the blood wizard, and has a unique control over the power of space.

"This little guy is a genius who cultivates the power of space. In the past ten years, I have been cultivating him in the blast of inflammation. A while ago, he also broke through to the realm. With his current ability, in this fierce field, Not many people are his opponents." The blood wizard said excitedly.

Qin Shi nodded and said to Su: "Before, I forgot to wait. When this time the human world is over, I will go to a chaotic cemetery to help you find Su will not give up."

Su did not leave without a word, and the precipitation of ten years made his mind significantly stronger.

Qin Shi just let go of his heart. He didn't lie to him. After this time, he really wanted to go to the chaotic cemetery.

Even if there is no such thing as Su Shi, Qin Shi will definitely go.

Just because, the refining of the last flavor of Cangyan Fu Ling Dan, Sanye Bodhi is in the hands of the Eight Domains in the Chaos Cemetery.

"Kid, for a while, I am following you, this is fierce. I will force you, the demon and my three brothers to force the world, and he must participate in the battle with him." The blood wizard is very cold. laughter.

Hearing the words of the blood wizard, Qin Shi’s quick recollection, the heart raised a few points of war: “Yes, this war, we are ten years, but it’s a pity that the demons are not there, but this is what we give His gift."

"War!" The blood wizard excitedly shouted, and the virtual shadow of a virtual troll appeared in the side of Qin Shi.

"Inflammatory, dead!" At this time, Qin Shi screamed, and the next moment he was already on the scene.

The smoldering scorpion scorpion reached the extreme. He stared at the approaching Qin Shi and immediately ordered: "Everyone, take the shot together and kill me!"

There are countless elders in the fierce field struggling for a while. Qin Shi has seven kings of fire. They are not opponents at all, but they are arrogant and they dare not violate them. The most important thing is that they know that if the fire is dead, the blazing field will also suffer. To the demise, they have no choice.

At this time, countless flamboyant disciples growl: "Kids ~ ~ here is the blazing domain, you can't think crazy!"

Looking at the approaching disciple, Qin Shi coldly said: "Blood wizard, start!"

"Oh, okay!" The blood witch's excited laughter, the next moment the blood wizard's big hand waved, the endless void immediately sag.

Suddenly, thousands of fraternal disciples were crushed by the space storm.

At the next moment, Qin Shi was like a thunder, and immediately burst into the fire.

Qin Shi's degree is extremely fast, and there is no detour. He is completely straight toward the fire.

Any disciple who appeared in front of Qin Shi was killed by a stroke!

"Block me to die!"

In Qin Shikou, only a faint spit out of the four characters, and then he punched out in a void, and the territory in front of him was actually cracked in an instant, the space was shattered, and it was clear to an empty line. The big 6 came, everyone, at this moment was completely killed in the second, for a time, between Qin Shi and Yan Lie, there is no any block.

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