Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 15 Chapter 1941: Shadow on the sky

Immediately after countless figures burst into the sky, the figure that had never moved in the mountains suddenly moved, and then disappeared as if it had disappeared from the sky. ≠

"Damn! People?"

"Everyone is careful. He must be hiding somewhere. He is vigilant. As long as he dares to come out, we will join hands and kill him together!"

Everyone is constantly looking around.

Qin Shi suddenly frowned at this time. With his ability to perceive, even if the strongman of the alliance was unable to detect it, he should have a little more than six celestial trajectories. However, now, his soul is shrouded in hundred. Ten thousand meters, there is still no movement, which makes his face more and more heavy, so there is only one possibility, that is, the six cents respect really disappeared.

"Kid, be careful, these six sages should use the power of covering the sky and empty, hiding in the sky, as long as he does not want to be exposed, the outside world can not find him."

"It’s **** emptiness." Qin Shi couldn’t help but scream: "Is it possible for everyone to use the sky to cover the sky? Shouldn’t this be the exclusive power to cover the sky?"

The devil laughs and laughs: "So why can you use it to swallow the sky?"

Qin Shi squatted, and then his face gradually became cloudy: "Is it?"

"Well, yes, 30,000 years ago, the sky will refine his magic blood into a blood bead, and supply it to the strong people of the ancestral group, so as long as the strong people who have practiced in the blood, they can all work. "The evil spirits paused." But you don't have to worry about it. There is also a difference between hiding the sky and hiding the sky. The sky hidden by these people is not as strong as your emptiness."

Qin Shi nodded. At this time, he was black and condensed for a while, because he suddenly felt a fateful enemy against the enemy from behind.

"King seniors, be careful!" Qin Shi Meng turned and screamed.

At this moment, the ghost of the hole was suddenly dark, and the sky was suddenly dark and dark. It seemed to be separated from the world. This surprised the heart of the hole ghost. In the next moment, he was mad. However, From the darkness, a very gloomy giant hand was discovered, one of which was to seize the old body of the hole ghost.

"Hey!" Kong Xianhui screamed.

"I didn't want to kill you, but since you have to check out this battle that you are not worthy to participate in, then I will kill you by the way. Anyway, this piece of big 6 will sooner or later. The rest of us, the rest, are dying sooner or later." There was a sneer in the darkness.

"Bastard!" Qi Qing and others immediately shouted, at this time she and Yan Yue look at each other.

"The sword is bloodless!"

"Refining the Temple!"

The two immediately showed two of their strongest martial arts directed at the giant hand.

"The ants are generally!" Six Immortals screamed indifferently, and the big hand slammed out. The other hand arbitrarily twisted the sky, but it was changed into a big hand covering the sky. The volley was moving toward the world. The two women shrouded.

Almost a moment, the martial arts of the two women were broken.

Immediately, the giant hand rolled down like two big mountains.

Breathing the mountains and rivers.


At this moment, Qin Shi’s virtual shadow took a step forward, and then his handprint changed. The eyebrows flashed a rune. His body shape changed into a virtual one, and there was a real, **** and fleshy body that jumped out.

"Swallow the sky!"

After the appearance of the Fa, the inexhaustible darkness surged and formed a counterbalance with the darkness of the Six Immortals.

It is only different from the Six Immortals. The darkness of Qin Shi is a swallowing beast. The Six Immortals are more like a giant beast.

The power of the Six Immortals is a giant hand that covers the sky, and Qin Shi is a giant mouth that devours the heavens and the earth.


Two pieces of dark and ruthless impacts were eventually crushed by the students, and almost at the same time, the world was hit by a huge blow. On the heavens and the earth, there was a good force crushed, as if two worlds. The collision is general.


Innumerable powerhouses in the Alliance have been shocked by a hundred steps.

"Swallowing the sky?" In the end, the two forces melted into each other, and at this time they were eventually swallowed up, and then there was a huge force blast.

The figure of Liu Xianzun once again appeared from the darkness, and then Qin Shi grabbed the shoulder of the hole ghost with one hand, and the glare of the sword in the hand broke through the sky.


The glare sword smashes a hole in the palm of the giant hand.

Liu Xianzun looked cold and looked at Qin Shi: "The kid, but I didn't expect it. If you swallow the demon, you can use the power of such a terrible space. It seems that the rumor is not fake, you really cast it. The magic body is coming?"

"This is all forced by your team. I am abandoning myself into a demon, in order to kill you." Qin Shi cold road.

"You are too arrogant, although your swallowing power is very strong, stronger than my covert void, but the strength is a lot worse, I am going to kill you now, it is still easy." Smile.


However, almost for a moment, Qin Shi’s hands suddenly pinched his handprints, and there was a clear battle from his feet.

Xuantian Guzheng came to the fore, and soon there were three road maps.

"Qi Kun Tianji array?" Six Immortals saw the fierce shock of the law: "Oh, good boy, Xuantian ancient array, turned out to be a three-element array? I really did not expect that you are in the enchanting Then, after the general battle, you can still leave such a card."

Qin Shi shrugged and looked very serious.

Yes, just a battle with the enchanting, in fact, Qin Shi still has a card, but now in the face of Liu Xianzun, he has no cards, so this makes him become more dignified than ever.

This is the first time Qin Shi has fallen into such a fierce battle since he returned to the human world.

"Decomposition!" Qin Shi's palm grip, the world shattered immediately.

Qin Shi was actually smashing the power of Liu Xianzun.

"Hey, kid, you are really strong, but this still can't change the result!" Liu Xianzun sighed coldly, and then he shot a palm in the void.

The palm of the hand became a wave, and soon it was approaching Qin Shi. Qin Shi frowned, and the air wave was able to penetrate the Qiankun Tianji array.

The Yanpeng bone wing behind Qin Shi was shocked and immediately took a step.

call out!

It was only that he had just moved, and the Six Immortals were suddenly swaying, disappearing from his eyes, bypassing his body and approaching a shadow behind him.

Qin Shi fiercely frowned, he fiercely realized what, he bit his teeth, his body suddenly stopped backwards, he almost roared and shouted: "Snow heart, be careful!"

"Bastard, your goal has always been snow heart?" Qin Shi roared, and then no longer care about the palm of the wave, the life is blocked, the shoulders are shattered, the shape is like a lightning rushing pursuit to Liu Xianzun .

"Hey, compared with the mysterious woman, you are not so important." Liu Xianzun sneered: "Even if you let you grow, as long as you resurrect the demon, then no one can block him."

"Bastard, if you dare to hurt her, I will kill you!"

"You don't have that skill." Liu Xianzun disdainful laughter, and at this time he has appeared in front of the snow.

Everyone immediately held their breath.

"You are not my opponent." However, when the Six Immortals approached, the snow heart was very calm and said: "I know, your goal is not to catch me, if I do, you A avatar will be crushed immediately. What you want to see is that I use that power."

When I heard the words of Xue Xuexin, Liu Xianzun immediately squatted, and then a smile appeared: "Oh, the mysterious woman is not a mysterious woman, then what are you going to do now?"

"I will not use that power, I promised her!"

"Then you will follow me back to the devil world." Liu Xian Zun Yin evil smile.


However, when Liu Xianzun’s palm is about to seize the snow heart, the heavens and the earth are suddenly surrounded by a piece of Jianguang.

Suddenly, in the distant mountains and rivers, there was a fault, and then there was an endless sword light pointing directly at the heart of Liu Xianzun.

This awkward scene, even the Six Immortals, was shocked. He was almost subconscious and wanted to take back his hand. It was only that he was late. The sword was broken, like a broken water. It was extremely light and it was six. Xian Zun’s hand was broken and leapt out.

"Hey!" Liu Xianzun immediately screamed in pain, his body flashed out of the 10,000 meters, and then he looked sinister and evil, looking toward the distant sky and rolling in the clouds: "Who is this?"

The countless strong men who immediately annihilated the alliance were also shocked and gazing at the clouds.

A sword that can be arbitrarily cut off an arm of Liu Xianzun, and it can be seen how powerful this person is.

You must know that the previous six cents, almost one person, destroyed the entire chaos alliance.

"People's world, but you should be wild, and snowy heart is my daughter's wife, not married to my sword, you can not hurt her." In the clouds and spits, there is a shadow of independence from the sky, and the shadow of the hand holds a delicate sword, but gives a good feeling.

When you see that figure, the strong people in all circles are excited.

The Qin Shi black scorpion was even more gentle and moved, and he suddenly showed a smile.

"Is it finally seen again?"

At this moment, the shadow gradually jumped from the sky and finally stopped in front of Qin Shi. She looked at Qin Shi with a smile of satisfaction and nodded: "Yes, it is my disciple, ten years. You are doing very well."

"See the sovereign!" Qin Shi immediately made a respectful look, holding hands and holding fists.

All Jianzong disciples were also red-eyed at this time.

Qi Qing, but also the jade hand pinch, the beautiful and moist look of the shadow.


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