Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 197: Demon vision

Qin Shi himself is full of curiosity about the Purgatory Tower. Now with this reassurance, it makes him feel unscrupulous and swaggers toward the second floor.

Just after the second floor, the purity of spiritual power doubled.

But in the same way, the spiritual pressure has become even more terrible. Some disciples with poor strength are hard to move here.

Qin Shi did not stay on the second floor, he stepped directly upwards.

Luo Yiming, Luo Jinxin, and Luo Haiqing are among the sidelines, and the stronger disciples are also keeping up. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

the third floor.

The fourth layer.

The fifth floor.

Every level, with the enhancement of spiritual power, the power of the pressure is getting more and more terrible. On each floor, there will be a team that the disciples can't support. Until the fifth floor, there are only five people left.

Among the five people, Qin Shi, Luo Yiming, Luo Jinxin, and the three are definitely not controversial. The other two are among the next-class disciples, and the two strongest players have their initial peaks.

But on the fifth floor, they have reached the limit.

"Two sons, three sons, Qin should go up first, don't worry about us." The two breathlessly held their knees and could no longer move forward.

Qin Shi three eyes on the eye, the second son nodded: "You two take care of yourself, do not go back to the fourth floor, hurry to practice, do not be stubborn."

"The second son is assured." The two responded.

In response, the three were not in delay and continued to move upwards.

On the sixth floor, the pressure increased sharply. The strong gravity made the three people feel as heavy as the lead. Luo Jinxin reached the limit and had to stop moving forward.

Here, Qin Shi also had to prop up the spiritual power of the body and compete with the pressure of the outside world in order to reluctantly advance.

The seventh floor.

The eighth floor... arrived here, Luo Yiming also reached the limit, he sweated the clothes under the rain, the cat did not have the strength to stand up straight, and the one step could not move.

"I can't go."

Luo Yiming shook his head unwillingly.

Under the intense pressure, Qin Shi’s spiritual power was also blocked in the body and could not be sacrificed.

"Jade sister... I am also at the limit..." Although the heart is unwilling, Qin Shi has to admit that the pressure here is not something he can resist.

"Well, I am in the enchantment."

Under the book, Yudun, a white enchantment spreads around Qin Shi.

When the enchantment was opened, the Linghu was suddenly blocked, and Qin Shi obviously felt a certain degree of decompression, and the body was straight.

Straight body, Qin Shi looked back and looked at Luo Yiming: "Two sons, I will go up again."

"Do you want to go to the ninth floor?" Luo Yiming was shocked and worried: "Qin Gongzi, you should not be reluctant. For two generations of people from the two families, the number of people who can go to the ninth floor is less than five fingers. And all older seniors..."

Qin Shi heard not only was not panicked, but instead showed excitement and ridicule: "Is the number of five fingers? Then I have to go up."

"No, this is too dangerous." Luo Yiming denied the sentence, and stopped Qin Shi, saying: "The snow is not there, I have to take care of you for her."

Hey, Qin Shi firmly grasped the hand of Luo Yiming: "Two sons, you know me, I am the person who said it, if you don't let me go up today, I will never pass my heart."


"Nothing, if the snow is there, I believe she will respect my choice." Qin Shiyi opened the door of Luo Yiming, and immediately looked at the ninth floor: "Two sons, rest assured, I am very Those who are reluctant to die are reluctant to die."

In desperation, Luo Yiming took a deep breath: "You are careful."

Qin Shi nodded, finally no longer hesitated, marching toward the ninth floor.

The ninth floor!

It is quite different from the first eight floors. The space is small and the surrounding is full of dark light.

On the wall here, the carved wild beast is completely different from the following, and has been transformed into a fierce dragon, a phoenix and other ancient beasts.

In the center, there is a spiral staircase, which is the road leading to the tenth floor of the destination.

"This is the ninth floor?" A glance at the stairway, Qin Shi hooked his mouth, the palm of his hand excitedly licked on the clothes, wiped the sweat away, step in.


Unexpectedly, just entering the ninth floor, Qin Shi’s body was shocked. He only felt the blood in his body boil, and the gravity of the whole body climbed hundreds of times. He stepped on the ground and left a footprint on the hard slate.

"A terrible spiritual pressure..."

Tolerate the pressure, Qin Shi’s heart was frightened: “Jade sister, what about your enchantment?”

"Stone, there are ghosts here... My enchantment has already helped you to stop the hundred times, but the spiritual pressure here is a thousand times..." The book was shocked.

“Thousands of times?”

Qin Shi's eyes widened, and immediately his body was suddenly overwhelmed, and the whole person fell to the ground.

Qin Shi, who was kneeling on the ground, squinted his eyes, although he was not in danger, but he did not even have the strength to hook his fingers. For this reason, he said with indignation: "Jade sister... you pit me!"

Seeing Qin Shi has nothing to do, she is relieved a lot, some sly smiles: "Oh, isn't it dead, my sister is not deliberately... nothing is ok, you have to believe in yourself, you can be difficult!"

Wen Yan said that Qin Shi’s heart is crying: “Do you believe in yourself, have a wool relationship? Is there a relationship with a dime? Didn’t you say that you have it before? You are not saying that there is no Wèntí on the top floor? Can you not? ”

"Amount, don't complain, isn't it a maintenance today?" Yu Jiao's laughter in the book, pretending to be pitiful.


Qin Shi is completely convinced, in this case, I am afraid that the book can be so calmly laughed.

It was too lazy to argue with the jade in the book. Qin Shi sighed deeply, and moved hard to move his body down. He turned over and lay flat on the slate, a helpless look.

His eyes turned a circle, closing his eyes and expanding his mental strength to observe the ninth layer.

"The space here is small, the power is strong and scary... I have to find a way to resist the spiritual pressure here, otherwise it will be short-lived. I will definitely be able to eat it for a long time." Qin Shi feels the changes in the body, his eyes are slightly dignified.


Just then, a scream of screaming suddenly sounded on Qin Shi’s arm.

"Well?" Qin Shi was shocked and hurriedly looked over his head and looked at his arm.

I saw the demon totem on the left hand, and even exudes a faint black fog. These fogs do not listen to the control of the totem, like a hungry wolf that has been hungry for a long time, and greedy scorn.

"what happened?"

This alienation surprised Qin Shi.

"Stone, what are you doing?" The jade in the book is tense, not joking, blocking: "Quickly stop, this totem is very different, full of evil suffocating, and in this way you will lose your mind!"

Qin Shi’s heart was helpless. At this time, he could not control the demons totem. The suffocating in the totem seemed to be summoned. The madness poured out: “Jade sister, no, this is like stimulant, basically Don't listen to my control!"

“Uncontrolled? How can it...” The book is jerking.

At this time, the suffocating gas is getting richer and thicker, and the ninth floor has been shrouded in the blink of an eye.

The ninth floor was shrouded in suffocation, and the wall suddenly trembled fiercely. I saw the ancient animal pattern carved on the wall, and it began to change. I broke free from the wall and lived.

In a blink of an eye, the dragon is fierce, the colorful phoenix is ​​green, and the Suzaku basalt, one of the only beasts in the ancient times, such as breaking free from the shackles, screams on the wall.

"Live, live? What kind of trouble is this?"

Qin Shi’s eyes stunned and panicked: “Jade, what is going on?”

Glowing his eyes, the book was so shocked: "I understand that these wild animals are not carved patterns, but are sealed by life in this purgatory tower... Your demon just happened to be their cracked seal. Opportunity."

"Block... Seal? What kind of joke are you doing with your sister? So many ancient beasts, who can seal them?" Qin Shi became more and more frightened, watching the fierce beast breaking free from the seal, he fell to the ground but It’s hard to move.


But this time, these fierce beasts just woke up, shrouded in the ninth layer of evil spirits, as if they saw the tigers of food, madly rushed toward them, and the strong swallowing power bite them one by one.


The beast that is shrouded in suffocation, screams of anger.

But the roar only lasted for a moment, and it turned into mourning and sorrow. One of the huge wild beasts was swallowed into a skeleton by the demons.

"What happened... what happened?"

Looking at the bones of the earth, Qin Shi gave a surprised snoring.

At this time, the suffocation did not seem to be satisfied. When the ninth layer of the wild beast was swallowed up, it was swarming along the stairs leading to the eighth floor.

One layer, two layers, three layers, eight layers.

In a blink of an eye, the suffocating gas filled the entire purgatory tower.

Under the filling of the suffocating air, all the wild beasts embedded in the stone wall, all broke off the seal, awake on the stone wall, and made a terrible animal.

The Luojia disciples below saw this scene, and they all showed a look of horror: "Live, live? This group of wild animals live? This, what is going on?"

"So many beasts... What happened?" Luo Yiming was on the eighth floor. One person faced dozens of huge wild animals and was directly demented.

On the sixth floor, Luo Jinxin, with his legs trembled, was forced by the wild beast to the dark corner: "Where are these big guys coming from?"


Further down, the Luojia disciples fled in panic, and some disciples who could not help but stunned directly rushed out of the Purgatory Tower.

"Is it true that these wild animals are also one of the cultivations in the Purgatory Tower?" Some courageous disciples, tentative savage beasts attacked.

But the result is clear, they are so vulnerable under the ravages of these wild beasts.


But when they were there, they rushed up and swallowed the wild beasts in the tower. The wild beast that had been smashed was stripped of the fur, and the flesh and blood were taken away.

When all the wild animals were swallowed up, the suffocation finally got slammed down the stairs to the ninth floor.

"Just, what happened just now? Isn't it true?"

Everything happened too fast. The Luojia disciples in the tower were stunned one by one. In the package of the white bones, the sweat was so scared that the whole body kept trembled.

The suffocating sighs on the ninth floor, filled with the spiritual power of the monks.

"Oh..." Looking at the suffocating scent of evil in front of him, Qin Shi was frightened.

But he hasn't returned to God yet, only to see this group of suffocating screaming into the demon totem of his left arm.


An unprecedented pressure has bloomed in the body of Qin Shi.

"Amount!" The intense pain caused him to twitch.

At this time, the demons totem gave a faint glow, only to see the demon totem like the black unicorn, in the unicorn's eyebrows, actually cracked a bright red blood.

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