Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 205: 1 windfall

"It's him?"

A touch of chill in the eyes of Qin Shi flashed: "Oh, it is really narrow road."

In the book, a glance at the jade, this figure is slightly bloated, the whole body is silky satin, and the singer is a rich tycoon, curious: "Stone, do you know this fat man?"

"More than knowing? A bit of hatred, not counting with him." Qin Shi responded.

This fat man, is not the original wealthy merchant in the mulberry leaf forest, and trading: Lin Fan? w"fiction" novel chapter update fastest

"Last time let this beast run, this time I see where he is going!" When thinking about the original incident, Qin Shi fired his eyes, his body swayed, and suddenly went to Lin Fan.

In the mountain forest, Lin Fan is holding a small song, walking at the pace of 2,580,000 and heading north.


Just walking forward, Lin Fan felt his eyes sway, and suddenly hit him on the personal shadow, so that he did not return to God, fell to the ground and slammed his ass, smashed his mouth: "I fuck, which is the The bastard? There is no long eye to walk..."

The eyes of the eyes did not spit out, and the sound stopped.

Lin Fan raised his head and saw Qin Shizheng behind his hands. He looked at him with a smirk: "Yes... is you?"

"Oh, I can't think of it, Lin Fan's boss still recognizes me?" Qin Shiyi screamed, approaching Lin Fan step by step.

Lin Fan moved and moved his body. The voice was a bit timid: "You... what are you doing? You... don't hurt me, I have money! I have money!"


Qin Shi paused and taunted: "Want to bribe me? OK, do you think you have more money for this life?"


Lin Fangang spoke, but he was at a loss. This is to say that it is not right to say that it is too low.

"How? Not Zhīdào?"

The cold light of Qin Shi’s eyes reappeared, and immediately his palm turned over in the cuffs, and a touch of spiritual power slammed out. Two red flames trembled on his palm: “Would you like me to tell you?”

The flames ignited, Lin Fan's face was hot, and he quickly swayed his hand: "Don't... don't do it, I Zhīdào, I will give you all my money, don't kill me!"

When I heard the sound, Qin Shi waved away the flames. It was a satisfactory point: "Oh, if you know each other, then let me know, your money is not enough to redeem your dog life."

Lin Fan did not delay, unloading a bag in the day, and both hands trembled and handed it to Qin Shi: "Enough, sure enough, here is all my money, you are jealous."

Looking at the cloth bag, Qin Shi couldn’t help but see how much money the bag can hold. But then I thought about it, maybe it’s all space rings? Thinking of this, he explored his hand and prepared to take the bag.

But at this time, Lin Fan was happy.

I saw his palms sneak into the bag, grabbed a fluorescent powder in the bag, and waved it toward the face of Qin Shi: "The big fool, fooled, let you taste the power of my eye powder!"

Qin Shi was shocked and quickly closed his eyes and wrapped his robes back.

Organic can be multiplied, Lin Fan climbed up, only to see him with his swelled body type completely inconsistent Sùdù, pulled up his legs and fled.

The most intriguing thing is that this cargo runs while not forgetting the ridiculous sarcasm: "Stupid big, idiot? This little grandfather, I ran, see you... the amount!"

But if he didn't talk, he was so big that he was stupid.

An invisible spiritual force condenses between the gaps of the branches and leaves, and the scorpion passes through the forest.

Under the enthusiasm of Lin Fan, Lin Fan fell to the ground and stunned and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, this fat man, haven't you heard of it, there is an old saying, don't you be too early?" In the phosphor, Qin Shi's body golden body protector step by step to Lin Fan's face.

"Stone, this sentence, which ancient person said?"

"Amount..." Hearing the jade in the book, Qin Shiyi said, immediately said: "Of course, the great town of the ruined town, the Qin family Qin Shi Shaoye said."

"I am jealous... Zhīdào is your nonsense!" The jealousy of the book in the book.

Qin Shi grabbed his head and immediately fell on Lin Fan's body and shook his head: "The ancients have a cloud, and their wealth cannot be combined. Since you can't bear the money, you have to let your life go."

"Is this what you said?" The book is jealous.

Qin Shi did not answer, a dark sword of the Nether took out, recalling the past events, if it wasn’t for Lin Fan’s involvement in Luo Yiming, the blood wolf mercenary group would not succeed, and Luo Xueying would not be affected by that kind of human spirit. Persecution.

Think of these, the dark sword light greets the sky, a blow through Lin Fan's chest, Yin Hong's blood splatters.

Looking at the body of Lin Fan, Qin Shi did not have a little bit of pity. This kind of person really does not deserve to be pity: "Hey, you can forgive, you can't live, you can't live, you should have died!"

At this moment, the jade in the book is very cute and breaks the atmosphere: "Stone, I have heard this sentence!"


Qin Shi said that he was speechless. Immediately, he used the Nether Sword to pick Lin Fan’s body and searched him. He searched two large space rings from his body, which is a very large space reserve.

When he saw two rings, his eyes lit up.

These two rings are not the goods and goods that were originally traded by Lin Fan and Luo Jia?

Thinking of this, Qin Shi's small heart screamed wildly, first picking up the space ring engraved with the word Luojia, and then sneak into it.

"I made a fortune..."

Seeing the things in the ring, Qin Shi is stupid, it is really stupid.

I saw that in this ring, there is a box and a box of Hǎode Lingshi. There are about three or four hundred boxes of visual inspection. There are one thousand pieces of top stone in each box.

Attention is the top stone.

"God... so many Lingshi, this is a lifetime, this has not seen so many Lingshi... These Lingshi, it is estimated that the ancient city is more than enough to buy it?" Qin Shizhen's mouth spit The eyeballs are staring at the Lingshi.

This is really a change, and it will change from the bandits.

"So much money... What should I do? Raise Xiaomi, is it true that I can make a harem for three thousand? No, 30,000 is enough..." The heart beats wildly, and Qin Shi’s fantasy is empty.

"No... 30,000 too much, sooner or later, people are killed..." Qin Shi is messy, it is really messy... How to spend so much money.

Of course, all the dreams are all ended by the jade in the book. The sound is a bit sharp: "Hey... Hou Gong Jiali is 30,000? Is it stone? Do you want to be eunuchs, wash your feet? I can fulfill you!"


Qin Shi subconsciously touched the lower body, and rushed to be nonsense.

With the effort to calm down, Qin Shi will withdraw his mind and prepare to view the second ring containing the goods.

"Let me know, what is the baby, actually worth hundreds of thousands of top grade Lingshi?" My heart was a little excited, Qin Shi nodded.


But at this time, a shadow appeared in front of the eyes, and the ring in the hands of Qin Shi disappeared directly.

Qin Shi was shocked. He began to look at the distant shadows. He suddenly said: "I am relying on who is so bold, even stealing the body of Ben Shao?"

In the anger, Qin Shi did not think about it, this ring is definitely a baby inside, a volley microstep, stepping on the mountain in the mountains, chasing up to Qian Ying.

In this way, one in the front and one in the back, the two brought two streams of light and tail in the mountains.

"Look where you are going!"

This Qian Ying Sùdù is very fast, that is, Qin Shi chased and chased for half an hour, finally finally caught up, all of a sudden around the front of Qian Ying, stopped her.

Stopping Qian Ying, Qin Shi is really surprised.

This shadow is a young girl with a slightly tender cheek to judge that her age will never exceed twenty.

But although small, it looks beautiful, a long brown hair with a long waist, two large glasses fanned like a fan, willow eyebrows, red cherry lips, the neck of the collarbone exposed, a black tights, the whole body line is complete The exposure is coming out.

"What are you looking at?"

Qian Ying felt the eyes of Qin Shi, some unhappy.

Qin Shi returned to God, and laughed loudly: "Hey, little sister, should you hand over the things? Hand over, my brother won't care about you!"

"I am, who is your sister?"

"More, what? I took your things?"

"You, this person, how unreasonable, all the way to chase me for a few kilometers, I Zhīdào I am beautiful, but you know Zhīdào what is shameful? Chasing me like this beauty, but I have to make an appointment in advance to know Zhīdào?"

A series of words, like a submachine gun.

Qin Shi took a long time to squint his eyes: "You... just said that I?"

"Crap, not to say who you say? This is you and me, and the air?" Qian Ying is strong and strong, it is not like she stole something, but it is like Qin Shi owes her for several lifetimes.

Full of black lines, Qin Shi whispered in his heart: "I rely on, I am less than enough to be embarrassed, how can this girl be more than me?"

Of course, if you want to think about it, he must take it back in the ring. For this, his eyes are condensed and he screams: "Little girl, don't say that I didn't warn you, I am not a good person..."

"Oh, you don't have to emphasize, I Zhīdào you are not a good person." Qian Ying directly interrupted Qin Shi, come to a sentence.

This time, Qin Shi is really intolerable. He is the one who provokes who is robbed. He was stolen and said nothing. Now he has been counted and counted, and a spiritual power is sacrificed in the body.

Spiritual sacrifices to ignite the fallen leaves on the earth.

"Drink, don't give you a bit of power, you are not Zhīdào my surname!" In an instant, Qin Shi body swayed, and then squatted to the side of Qian Ying, one hand grabbed her white neck.

Seeing to be caught, Qian Ying was frightened, and the body wanted to hide backwards, but it was unexpectedly stumbled by the branches of the ground. The body suddenly lost its center of gravity and fell down with a sigh of relief.

Qian Ying 消失 disappeared in front of his eyes, Qin Shi was a glimpse, this reaction, a monkey fishing for the moon to hold the shadow of the waist.

Supporting Qian Ying, Qin Shi’s heart grievances: “How do I make this?” I wanted to scare and scare her, didn’t scare her, and almost got stuck in it!”

"But this feel...Bùcuò!"

Touching the shadow of the waist Qin Shi pinch a hand.

However, at this time, Qian Ying returned to God, screamed and stood up, waved his wrist and pumped down Qin Shi: "Rogue!"


A hand grabbing Qian Ying's wrist, Qin Shiyi Street's heart has: "I rely on, big sister, I saved you, you don't say thank you, I will endure, who is rogue?"


Qian Ying snorted, no longer quarreled with Qin Shi, and immediately saw her waving her hand. A ring was thrown at Qin Shizhen: "Hold, slam, big door! There is no demeanor!"

Grab the ring, Qin Shi is full of cold sweat: "I said you, is it not reasonable?"

"How? Which thief have you seen?"

Qin Shiyi said: "Oh, you are quite a thief's professional ethics!"

Recommend a book of history [Ming thief], write the true Bùcuò, friends of the book shortage can look.

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