Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 6 Chapter 246: Battle against Lin Yun

Wen Yan, Park Quan frowned, seemingly hesitant: "You are sure? You can break through the king's spiritual realm, the spiritual power is still unstable, and this old miscellaneous hair is the middle of the king's spiritual realm, there is a level difference between you. ”

"Kill him, enough!"

The words of Park Quan did not cause Qin Shi to shake a little. On the contrary, his eyes were extremely firm, and his mouth was swayed with a slight curvature. The light and the opening and closing of the dust fell on Lin Yun.

See Qin Shi insisted, Park Quan finally had to smile back a few steps: "If there is danger, I will shoot." w" novel "fiction chapter update fastest

"There should be no such opportunity!"

Qin Shi was very jìxìn's laughter, and immediately he took two steps forward, and his fingers moved toward Lin Yun in the dust: "Oh, old vulture, get up, it's time for you to pay back!"

The dialogue between the two people was heard clearly. Most of the people were puzzled and looked curiously at Qin Shi.

"He wants to deal with Lin Yun himself?"

"He wants to be singled out with the head? Isn't this Kěnéng? Even if he breaks through, it is only in the early days of the king's spirit, but the head is the middle of the king's spirit, the level of the gap."

"Not Kěnéng, unless he has any cards!"

"Bottom card? Not Kěnéng, absolutely not Kěnéng, he was forced to the road by the head!" The noise is mostly puzzled and doubtful. Everyone thinks that Qin Shi will be defeated.

Ling Xiaohe and his eyes looked at each other. The blood sages asked Ling Xiaoxuan: "What is your opinion?"

After a pause, Ling Xiao held his hand and said: "Oh, although this kid's temper is stubborn, but don't underestimate him, otherwise it will be bad."

"Feel the same."

The blood sage recognized the point and smiled and said: "Small, he has to pay the price of blood."

Turning up the gravel, Lin Yun gasped and climbed up, staring at Qin Shi.

Park Spring hit him twice, and he was ugly. At this time, the anger that was full of anger was burning in the day, and his fist was squeaked by his pinch: "Hey, boy, you are too arrogant, if you Let the old ghost shoot, maybe I can't help you, but with your ability to enter the king's spiritual environment, find death!"


As soon as he fell, Lin Yunhua became a residual image. He Sùdù was very fast, and he was not ready to approach Qin Shi: "This will send you to die!"

Looking at the cold light and picking up the dust and sand quickly approached, Qin Shi was calm and self-satisfied. He bowed slightly and slammed up: "Oh, my Qin Shi said that killing you, you will be able to kill you! You are waiting for you under the king, old Miscellaneous hair!"


The two palms collided and slammed the wild dusty sand.

The frontal collision hits, and the two palms compete with each other. Lin Yun’s eyes are not easy to see. He finds that he is in the midst of the spirit of the king’s spirit.

"Good boy, a little skill!"

With a cold drink, Lin Yun took the lead and turned his back. One side flashed the Qin stone, and the one hand and the five fingers came out together. The thunder and thunder of the sky was entangled from the fingertips.

"Eat me!"

Between the electric light and the flint, the fingertips are thundering into a dragon. For example, the rotten dragon roars and tears open the clouds, and the dust and sand are smoked. The open blood and the big mouth are biting down the shoulders of Qin Shi.


A dark edge of the blade opened horizontally, and the dragon was broken on the shoulder. Qin Shi’s whole body was golden, and the star-studded body was like a superb sanctification. The three black light of the sky came out.


The black light blasted and became the mark of the three seals. The mark was unfolded from the sky, and after being spread on the huge ground, thousands of evil spirits struggled to break through the underworld, and the evil dragon spirits ate the thunder.

"One hit, I picked it up, now I will pick you up!"

"Cangsong phantom foot!" Blocked the dragon, Qin Shi black smashed, a stream of cold smog flashed from the middle, immediately he was super side of the left side of the body, his right foot suddenly raised.

Lifting the toes, the scorpion's spiritual power is like a fierce dragon, condensing on the point of his toes, from a little unfolding and continually illusion, Taijisheng Taiji, Taijisheng two instruments four elephants and six gossip, million phantom.


One foot fell, Lin Yun looked at the blue, his body rushed the cat down, and walked away from the gap to avoid the blue-green phantom, and immediately took the opportunity to find the palm in the thousands of phantoms, grabbed Qin Shi's right foot.


The foot was suddenly caught, Qin Shi could not help but squat, but he reacted extremely quickly, and the sharp and fierce bite broke his lower lip, and he leaned forward through Lin Yun’s strength body, and his palm approached Lin Yun’s left chest.


Again, the two palms are opposite, and the earth is shaken.

For a short time, the two men stunned the world, such as the long song of Jinghong caused a long time.

The long-term confrontation, the heavens and the earth changed, the ancient city was divided into two along the palm of the two, a shocking and savage Tianzhu smashed the ground, splitting the huge ancient city directly, stretching the Longji gully and swallowing it. Thousands of buildings, eventually shattering the gates on both sides of the east and west.


With the spread of the gully, the two men trembled, suddenly slammed back hundreds of steps, while spitting blood, holding the chest and staring at each other.

The first round of matchups is hard to tell.

But this way, I have already stunned the eyes of countless people.

The people of Yun Dingzong are incredible. The original Hǎode situation has been completely subverted since Qin Shi appeared.

"Good and strong..." The disciples from the fire were screaming.

Su Ming’s eyes are a bit stunned: “It seems that if you want to catch up with his footsteps, you can’t even run...”

"Well, unless you can fly..." Smiled and smiled.

"Oh... it seems that in my life, I can only be a younger brother!" It was very reluctant to shake his head, and Su Ming had no choice but to face his face.

Mo Chen and Xun Laozi looked at each other and shook their heads with full expression: "The amazing degree of this kid's talent can't be seen by ordinary people. It is clearly enchanting..."

"Well, he is very strong..." Ling Xiao held his sleeves and was somewhat lost in his eyes.

The blood sages saw the loss of Ling Xiao, and quite touched Ling Xiao, looking at Qin Shi, who was in the dust sand, and said: "Relieve, he is not a thing in the pool, he is handed over to the fire. He is the most sensible choice."

"Well... he is already out of blue." Ling Xiao had to admit it, and shook his head for the first time: "I was wrong... I was wrong."

"It’s a mistake now, it’s too late."

The blood sages solemnly nodded and then laughed.

On both sides of the Scorpio, Qin Shi and Lin Yun looked at each other for about half a minute and finally started again.

This time, it was Qin Shixian’s first shot. He couldn’t wait to kill Lin Yun. His body became a bowed cat, and he immediately stepped on the ground and stepped on his body.

"Old hair, kill you this time!"

Over the moment of the Scorpio, the Nether Sword has been held in the hand, and Qin Shi’s high lift will slam down the face of Lin Yun’s face.


Under the Nether Sword, Lin Yun did not dare to carelessly, and quickly pulled out the Xuanbing bayonet and placed it on the chest to block the Nether Sword.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

After three consecutive snipers, Lin Yun’s bayonet was obviously inferior, and there was a huge gap directly, and he was obviously not good at using the knife. For this reason, he staggered and seized the opportunity and was close to Qin Shi’s chest.


The palm is like a wind, the fist is like Taishan, and the illusory afterimage is flashing in the same place. A purple mang is a golden body, and a hundred meters showdown, one stroke, one hundred strokes, and a thousand strokes.


In the collision between the two people in the ancient city, huge pits are constantly being produced. Once and for all, the ancient city is as embarrassing as the surface of the moon.

From time to time, you enter me and retreat you to retreat, the two quickly fight hands.

"So fast……"

"God, is this still human?"

The screams continued, the two collided quickly, Qin Shi wrapped in a black robe exuding golden light, the golden fist of the palm with the Nether Sword galloping, causing an uproar in the dust sand.


Colliding again, the sky and the sky rolling.

"Kid, you are very strong, but you are too frivolous, Mu Xiu will be destroyed in the forest wind, you must die today!" Smashing down, Lin Yun flipped his body between the clouds, steadily fell on the ground and rushed Out, a **** spot is mottled from the palm of your hand.

"Blood blood, blood sacrifice ceremony!"

The blood is **** and rainy, and the blood and rain are stained with red and scorpion, and finally become a little.

Just falling down, staring at the approaching red blood spot, Qin Shi is not willing to show the weak foot, the hands clenched the Nether Sword and raised it over the head: "I never Zhīdào what is young and frivolous! I only Zhīdào, the winner Be king!"


Hey! The suffocation is soaring, the fog is covering the sky, and the darkness and darkness of the nine scorpions are scattered. A group of smoldering fog gathers at the top of the blade, spreading a large pattern, and the word Jianguang!

Jianguang is like the top of Mount Tai, and the blood is like a bow.

Rumble! !

An earth-shattering collision, the scorpion Jianguang and the **** rain spots slashed along the Scorpio, and immediately heard the earth's undulating mountain collapse, and the half-walled ancient city became a canyon abyss.

The stalemate between the two made the world dark and the nine smashed.

All of them were attacked by Yu Wei, even if Park Spring had to open the enchantment and wrap the gaze of the black robe.

"The two men are going to make a final match!"

"Well, just look at a blow, who can win!" Ling Xiao, Xun Lao, Su Ming, Mo Chen, Yin Mo, blood sage, and many disciples, are hands and prayers.

This blow determined the fate of the fire.


But at this time, the blood rain is in the balance, there is a **** rain and extraordinarily eye-catching, hitting the central critical point of the scorpion sword light, so that the scorpion Jianguang suddenly violently trembled.

"Not good, Qin Shi is going to be defeated!"

"Damn, Lin Yun has the weakness of Zhīdào Qin Shi!"

Everyone was panicked, and the sweat on his forehead was like a rainstorm.

Controlling the bloodline, Lin Yun screamed and laughed, only saw his palms condensed, and sacrificed all the spiritual powers in the body to infuse the big squad, and suddenly smashed the scorpion sword light: "Haha, kid, I have Zhīdào Break your blow!"


boom! Blood rain broken sword light ~ ~ Heaven and Earth again wild tremors.

"Look at what tricks you have to make!" Breaking the sword light into a smoke, Lin Yun's mouth faintly smiles, his body suddenly slammed like a sword, and the five fingers opened his hands and poked out.

"Stone! Qin Shi! Get away!"

All the people were panicked, Park Quan’s light and light, and the black robe rolled up.

The five fingers quickly approached, passing through the fog of the wolf and pointing to Qin Shimei: "Boy, I won!"

But at this time, Qin Shi did not panic, but the mouth provoked a shallow smile, standing on the ground with the hand, let Lin Yun pass the dust sand toward him: "Win? That may not necessarily look !"


A glimpse, singularity appears.

I saw that the people had not returned to God. Park Quangang had left his left foot and slammed out of thin air. Lin Yun’s eyes suddenly expanded, and the galloping body came to an abrupt end. It was inexplicably flying like a broken paper.

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