Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 7 Chapter 257: Shi Lan Resurrection

"Stupid hat... wake up!"

The dagger that stabbed Qin Shi’s chest suddenly stopped in front of Qin Shi’s face.

The sharp edge of the dagger kept shaking, and Shi Lan was stiff in place. She seemed to think of something, but she didn’t seem to think about anything. She stood on the stone plate and let the cold wind blow.煞 faded a few points, but still scattered and looked at Qin Shi.

"Hey...big...head...!" "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

She opened her mouth with no expression and snorted.

I felt the change of Shilan. I didn't wait for Qin Shi to react. I took the lead to reveal a happy smile. I sighed with a sigh of lips. "The stone, the mind in her body was awakened by you, and then I tried to stabilize her. I came. Inject the soul into it!"

After finishing the speech, the jade palm of the book was a little bit, and the soul of Shi Lan returned again.

Hearing the instructions of the jade in the book, Qin Shi tightened his tight robe, and immediately he held up his hand, gently palming out his hand sleeves, holding Shi Lan holding the bracelet of the dagger, and then gently pressing down.

Holding Shilan's dagger, he stepped forward and stepped forward, gently hugged her waist: "Stupid hat, don't you know me? It doesn't matter, I tell you, we know you in Hongyun City, you I stole my things, lied to me, said that you have old..."

Said, said, Qin Shi choked, he held Shilan tightly.

"Stone... head...?" Shilan was hugged, and the blood around the white skin gradually softened. It was meant to be scattered little by little. She gently snuggled in Qin Shihuai’s arms, and her mouth was actually Involuntarily pick up a smile.

Holding a beautiful woman, Qin Shi didn't feel a little happiness. Instead, her finger touched Shi Lan's cold skin, making his heart room seem to be scratched by a sharp knife until it was shredded. .

"Sorry, blame me, you must hold on... I have to make up for you!"

Qin Shi mouth gently snoring, and immediately he looked in the direction of the jade in the book, a touch of white halo from the book in the jade's wonderful hand, the halo is a miniature version of the poetry of the soul, one by one The point is accompanied by the cold wind drifting to Shilan.


A humming sound, the halo touched the skin of Shilan's white, and dragged her thin fingers into her fair skin.


Halo into the body, Shi Lan violently shaking, holding the wrist of the dagger to squeeze tightly, the body raised hundreds of blood red light, the light drifted along the skin of Shilan, constantly destroying Shilan, so Her painful embarrassment.

Shi Lan’s vision aroused Qin Shi.

In the book, Yu is a shrinking man, and he shouted in fear: "The stone, keep her steady, the blood in her body is fighting with her own soul. If the soul is swallowed in this process, she will never be resurrected!" ”

Qin Shi’s heart was shocked, and Shi Lan’s hand was tightened again: “Shi Lan, hold on, just be fine, you must wake up, don’t you say that you want to stick to me? Thanks to me?"


The painful Shilan continued to roar, and the delicate body struggled in the Qin Shihuai. The dagger held in the hand was like a wild chaotic wind blade. It was cut through the skin of Qin Shi with a knife and a knife. Out.

The pain of the skin being scratched by the blade made Qin Shi could not help but frown, but no matter how painful, he always held Shi Lan, and refused to let go: "Wake up... no longer wake up, I really want to leave you alone!"

boom! !

A loud bang, Shi Lan’s body finally settled down. The **** scorpion in her eyes was exhausted. Some red and black ray of light, her armpits slid down her body and poured into the stone plate. After the blood color light column.

"Win it!"

In the book, the jade scorpion flashed, showing a pleasant smile.

She was tired. This time, she cast a big burden on her. She immediately returned to the book because she had a ticket. She has not been speaking for a long time.

Bloody blood was forced out of the body, Shi Lan's delicate body suddenly softened down, quietly fell in Qin Shihuai, but her cold body has begun to restore temperature, breathing is gradually gradual.

When Qin Shi held Shilan, he waited silently, letting the cold and biting wind fill the robes. He looked down at Shilan with his head down, and the vitality and aura between the heavens and the earth broke into her body.

Half day time.

Under the promotion of Reiki, Shi Lan’s closed eyelids finally jumped, and then slowly opened a gap, welcoming the first sunshine of her death and resurrection.

When she opened her eyes, Qin Shi’s pale face came into view: “Hey head...?”

"Is it finally awake?" Looking at Shi Lan, who opened her eyes, Qin Shi’s reluctant smile, holding Shi Lan’s hand tight, then he realized how happy this lost feeling is. .

"Where is this...I am not dead?"

Shi Lan gently coughed a few times, and looked around with a glimpse of the strange scene. Looking at the strange scene around me, curious question: "Is it a paradise here? Well... it’s a bit simplistic, but okay, can accept!"

Looking at the innocence of the girl in the arms, Qin Shi forced a laugh, and laughed and said: "I see you are really stupid, what paradise is not heaven, even if it is dead, then you always steal the deception, the most That is to go to **** will be just fine."

"Hell? Hell is so beautiful?"

Shilan is still in a half-awake state, staring hard at Qin Shi: "No, there is a big head in hell? No, ah, are you dead? Or I miss you too much, actually seeing the illusion?"


Qin Shi licked his tongue and was a little dumb.

Immediately, he took a vivid shot of Shilan’s head, and said with a smile, “I’m not dead, you can’t die, you can’t die, you don’t see the illusion, I’m a big head, a living big head. ""

"Not dead? It's a pity..."

"..." Qin Shi blinked: "Are you still dying?"

"Oh, no, big head, I am so sleepy, I want to sleep..."

Qiang Shilan, Qin Shi has some helpless smile, Shi Lan is always like this, even if it is life and death, she can still be so relieved, but this is better, Qin Shi also worried that this matter will affect her mind.

Obviously, Qin Shi thought more.

"Sleep, sleep, everything will be good!" Qin Shi's robes were wrapped in Shi Lan, and the tip of her finger swept across her golden brown hair. She hugged her on her chest and stood up. I have to leave the big array.

But he just got up, his body could not help but tremble, and immediately violent dizziness in front of him, the whole body was cut by the dagger, and he lost too much blood. He was fainted in front of him.


The two fell on the stone plate and were blown by the cold wind.

Time passed slowly, the night gradually dimmed, and the **** battle began to become unstable, and suddenly it trembled fiercely.


The seal of the **** battle was released, and the closed enchantment collapsed.

"Stone! Head!"

After the enchantment collapsed, Ling Xiao and Su Ming and the elders who stood outside saw this scene, all of them were worried and shouting. Su Ming first went back to God, and rushed up one step and lifted Qin Shi. .

"Stone! How?" Su Ming worried about the shouts.

Park Quan was wrapped in a black robe in the back, and the palm of his hand swept out on Qin Shi's body and said: "Do not worry, just too much blood loss and excessive fatigue, let him rest and rest should be fine."

The sound of the voices, the talents gradually let go of the heart, and immediately Pu Chun and curiosity aimed at Shi Lan, feeling the vitality of Shi Lan, so that he could not help but say: "Oh, I really can't think of it, really did this kid do it?" ”

Ling Xiao and Xun’s old people looked at each other and shook their heads with a smile.

When they came back to life, they didn’t even think about it, but they were really done by Qin Shi. It seems that there is nothing that can’t be done in this boy’s body.

Qin Shi, what kind of miracle can you bring...

Qin Shi has nothing to do, Park Quan is not staying. He is not a Qin Zong person after all. He is waiting for Qin Zong to wait for Qin Shi to introduce Qin Shi’s brother, sister, brother and sister, otherwise he will have left.

After Park Quan’s vision, Su Ming stepped forward, and he and the three men raised Qin Shi and Shi Lan, and sent the two back to the main hall.

After returning to Qin Shi, Ling Xiao arranged the following people to deal with the rubble ruins caused by the Houshan.

When it was over, Ling Xiao took a look at the **** blood behind him and looked at the blood of the big stone plate. The blood was straight into the sky, and it was majestic.

"Oh, if this is a big battle, it will be fine for my family!"

There are some embarrassments in Ling Xiao’s old eyes. Yun Dingzong’s strength has increased sharply with the help of a **** battle, and this **** burst has actually resurrected Shi Lan, who died for half a month. The degree of temptation is even hard for him to bear: If...we also use the blood of the servant...!"

"Not Kěnéng!"

Unspeaking, the voice fell, the face changed, and the cold snoring.

Being interrupted, Ling Xiao was not reconciled: "I just said, even if we use the blood of the servant, we can also trade with the people in the town... We can use Lingshi to change..."

"Transaction? Change? What to change? Change the blood of the servant? Oh, do you think that ordinary people will agree with the family? Unless it is the kind of behavior that is forced by the livelihood, but the kind of sinister behavior, my blood sage It’s really hard to agree!”

The voice of the blood sorcerer screamed coldly, and there was a disappointment in the scorpion: "Even if the people agree, you feel that you can get peace of mind by this disappointing way. Can you feel at ease?"

In some words, Ling Xiao was a bit stunned.

Xun Lao and Mo Chen also stunned, and suddenly bowed their heads. Just for a moment, they were all moved. The power of the **** battle has no need for words. Since Qin Shi resurrected Shilan, their hearts began to shake up. .

"But also, he won't promise!"

The blood sages have a powerful low voice: "Ling, really, I found that he is really better than you to do this!"

I was stunned by a few霄Zhīdào, he was a bit too much, so he was ashamed of his low head, and immediately sneaked a sigh of blood, some helpless sighs: "Hey, yes. I am in a hurry, go step by step, but this big array is not used here, it is really a violent thing!"

"Do not worry, he will definitely let this big battle run, but he will not resort to those disgusting ways." The blood scorpion scorpion eased, took the shoulders of Ling Xiao, very confident: "He does not simple."

"I hope so..."

Ling Xiao sighed and shook his head, only to put hope on Qin Shi's body.

After that, they did not delay in the **** battle, and after the disciples below were dispersed, they returned to the Grand Court.


But at this time, when the people just arrived at the elder pavilion, they only heard a loud noise. A disciple who was responsible for cleaning the pavilion flew down in the middle. Five bright red fingerprints were printed on the chest, and the ribs were directly broken. Dimly fell to the ground.

Seeking a monthly ticket, asking for a monthly ticket, la la la la!

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