Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 301: Gong Sunyan

"You are Shi Qin?"

Qin Shi, who was suddenly interrupted, was a little bit confused.

It is almost time to go to the crucial moment. This official document is very close to the safety of Lin Yu and Lin Yu.

But even so, Qin Shi did not dare to show it. After the black robe moved from the door frame, he kept his vigilant back and said: "Well."

"Oh, don't be nervous, I am an imperial general:" The middle-aged man laughed with a sly smile. He was very impressed by the Qin Shi, and said: "I think, you should have guessed what I am looking for?" ""Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

"Be ignorant."

Finishing and finishing the clothes corner, Qin Shi gradually calmed down, and after collecting the surprised eyes, it showed a little calmness.

This scene is what made Gongsunyan’s accidental squint, and smiled with one hand in front of the table in front of him: “Oh, good boy, it’s really a bit discouraged.”

"I am looking for you because of your mental strength!"

"Spiritual strength?" Qin Shi accidentally condensed her eyebrows and shook her head: "The general is sorry, the small is too shallow, not what General Zhīdào is saying."

"Oh, are you going to pretend? Do you use mental power when you shoot them?" Gong Sunyan bluntly screamed, and the old eyes were a bit hot: "It’s really exciting, how does Qishu say? The peak, can make him feel the shocking spirit, at least in the second line?"

After a sudden realization, Qin Shi shook his head with a smile, leaning against the door behind him. "It turned out to be the case. What happened to the general looking for me?"

"Talk to you about what to do."

"Oh?" Qin Shi accidentally tightened the black robe and said: "Talk about it, what cooperation!"

"Help my army refine!"

"Refining the magic symbol?" This point, Qin Shi had expected, after all, the precious degree of the magical character even the empire had to pay attention to.

Like before, one is enough to make Qin Shi, the early stage of Wang Ling’s reign, unable to reinforce the two great laws of protection in the burning of Tianzong.

If it is not seen before, Qin Shi may be very bold to agree, and then Hǎode and this Gong Sunyan talk about conditions and exploit.

But now it is different, Qin Shi will certainly not agree.

After all, this matter is related to the safety of Lin Yu, he can not just take a joke.

The influence of the devil is too strong, not to mention the fact that Gong Sunyan is obviously trying to let Qin Shi help him to refine it. He has no time to spend it.

See Qin Shi hesitating, Gong Sunyan added: "If you promised to help our army refine the magic, you have to write off the killing of Anlu Village before, forgive me not guilty!"

“Anlu Village?”

A scornful whisper, Qin Shi, the village where Zhīdào is located, is called Anlu Village.

But he also did not respond, just holding the fist against the door frame.

This time, Gong Sunyan did not speak, holding a one-handed tap on the dragon chair's faucet, knocking out a regular melody, let Qin Shi silently think.

Thinking about it, Qin Shi thought about how to refuse.

Hesitantly, he suddenly changed his face. After he got up, he took a few steps forward and shot it on the solid wood table. "Is it forgive? How is this done? More than a thousand people can't forgive me, thousand." I can't forgive!"


Gong Sunyan was shocked by the sudden movement of Qin Shi, and there was something wrong with it: "Little guy, you can think clearly, get forgiveness so that you can leave the dungeon that doesn't see the sky!"

"Leaving? Why are you leaving? It was very comfortable to hold on that day!" Qin Shi shook his head in the absence of oil and salt. He suddenly recalled the words of Han Zi at the time and followed: "In the dungeon, there is food and drink." !"

In a few words, Gong Sunyan was shocked.

Even if it is a mysterious realm, I have had a hundred years of experience. He has been listening to the prison for the first time in these years. I even heard that someone feels comfortable living in the dungeon.

Is this kid crazy? A thought, drifting out of the mind of Gong Sunyan.

"I am a straight person. If I am guilty, I am guilty. Don't bribe me!" Qin Shi paused and whispered.

This time, Gong Sunyan’s face was somewhat red.

For the first time, he heard that a soldier bribed a thief? What is the logic?

"Then you are not agreeing?"

Gong Sunyan’s face was blue, and the strength of the mysterious spirit that had been deliberately converged before was rolled up without any cover, and the cup on the table was directly shattered.

Light is the air wave generated by this spiritual power, and Qin Stone will be forced back a few steps.

Feeling the anger of Gong Sunyan, Qin Shi did not retreat a bit, but bluntly said: "General, the demon teacher has the dignity of the magician, this point does not need me to say that you should also Zhīdào, if you feel that relying on force can make me Give in, you may wish to try!"

Upon hearing this, Gong Sunyan couldn't help but scream, and the spiritual power that was rolling around in the wild gradually gathered.

The dignity of the demon, this is not a secret in the wilderness of the mainland. People who are devils have their own unique dignity. They will not easily surrender to any power, even if they die.

Gong Sunyan showed a smile of bitterness and said a lot of gentleness: "Okay, but I hope that you can consider it. Is it a dignity to be a magician to stay in the dungeon?"

Speaking of this, he refused to give up and said: "Promise me, I will give you another official position, and you will enjoy the endless prosperity of the rest of your life!"

Qin Shi hesitated, and finally shook his head: "I am thinking about it."

"Okay, you are thinking about it!"

This time, Gong Sunyan was not forcing Qin Shi. After saying this sentence, he directly called the jailer and asked him to bring Qin Shi back to the prison.

The jailer entered the door and bowed down to Gong Sunyan's respectful point, and pressed Qin Shi to leave the room.

"Oh, it’s a strange career." Looking at the Qin Shi left, the gentleness of Gongsunyan’s face gradually solidified and became a cold chill: “But, my grandson’s decision, no one can still From!"

After a pause, he took out the two official documents under the table again, and the face of fortitude rose and the rare dignity: "Is it finally to start?"


Qin Shi let out a sigh of relief when he left the pavilion.

"All his mother blames Han Tsai, the book is really the same as the madman! Hehe..." The shaking smile shook his head, and Qin Shi followed the jailer and went down to the dungeon.

In ten minutes, he was sent back to the prison. When he entered the cell door, he heard the cry of Han Zi, and he rushed up to hug Qin Shi’s thigh.

A pair of tearful big eyes flickered and screamed, and it seemed that the mouth was aggrieved.

Looking at the constant Hanzi, Qin Shi’s eyes twitched and slammed the black robe: “Hey, hello, what happened to your kid?”

"I am moved, of course, moved!" Han Zi cried Qin Shi's trousers and cried: "Big brother, you can count it back, I thought you didn't want me!"


Upon hearing this, Qin Shi’s original good mood suddenly disappeared. He lifted his foot and kicked Han Ai out: “Roll, brother loves women!”

Han Tsai did not care, Qin Shi can come back to him is enough.

To be honest, he is really afraid that Qin Shi will leave. As he said, Qin Shi is good to him in these years. He is really treating Qin Shi as his eldest brother.

"Big brother, what are they looking for?"

"Nothing, don't ask too much." Qin Shi felt the curious eyes from around, and rushed Hanzi to shake his head.

Han Tsai nodded, and immediately squatted on the waistband, and took out two dirty wolf heads and handed them to Qin Shi: "Big brother, didn't eat anything, I will Zhīdào you will come back, specially reserved for you!" ”

Looking at the two nests, there was a hint of undetectable change on the surface of Qin Shi.

"You eat, I am not hungry!"

After a moment of pause, Qin Shi gently photographed Han Zi, and immediately did not go to say more to go to the black iron railings, sitting cross-legged.

"Big Brother, do you have to practice again? I will help you protect the law!"

"Yeah." Qin Shi unexpectedly smiled warmly, and even after closing the five senses, he began to enter the self-cultivation. The thin spiritual power swept away along the black robe, which was quite magical.

For a short period of two days, Qin Shi always indulged in the ocean of spiritual power, and Ling Jing in Dantian finally got rid of dim and began to become somewhat shiny.

Qin Shi’s strength has also returned to the late stage through two days of interest adjustment. It’s only half a step away from the peak. I believe that it will take a few days to enter the broken spirit.

In these two days, Han Zi was very smart to sit next to Qin Shi. Since Qin Shi, Wang Fat did not dare to bully him. It is good to eat well every day.

In the long darkness, a faint ray of light is ingested from the stairs of the dungeon.

Feeling this morning dawn, the prisoners also looked away, Wang Fat and his younger brothers could not help but excite, and stood up and walked to the door of Tianzhu.

With the ingestion of the light of Qin Shi, the black eucalyptus appeared to be a bit deep after it opened.

"Get up, serve!"

More than a dozen jailers came in and opened the door and shouted at the prisoners.

Qin Shi stood up, wrapped in a black robe and stretched a lazy waist, feeling the flow of the body is quite comfortable.

"Kid, I am waiting for you outside, seeing you dare to be crazy this time!" Wang Fat led his younger brothers to wipe from the side of Qin Shi, with a playful cold road in his voice.

For the provocation of this red fruit, Qin Shi didn't even look at it, just smiled behind his nose: "Oh, some dogs that don't have long-term memory must be cleaned up!"

"Well, let's walk around, wait until you don't like a dog, and beg for mercy!" Wang fat changed his face and finished his first step.

Looking at the back of Wang Hanzi’s body is a bit timid, and he plucked into the ear of Qin Shi’s ear: “Big brother, what do we do? Li Qi is not offended, and there is Liu Tingting. It!"

"The soldiers will block, the water will cover the soil, and you won't need it anyway!" Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders, but the face was indifferent and wrapped around the black robe.

After finishing the speech, Qin Shi turned and walked out of the dungeon.

Han Zi, who left alone, stunned, and immediately fascinated the inexplicable light, staring at the back of Qin Shi: "Rely, too **** handsome, can I become like this?"

Thinking and thinking, he keeps up with Qin Shi.

After leaving the dungeon, the prisoners in the remaining cells began to gather. There were four or five hundred people in the mighty, and they waited around the ruins to wait for the prison.

The prisoners are roughly divided into three waves. There is a wave near the luxury pavilion, and it is also the largest wave, with more than 300 people.

Relying on the ruins of the ruins, Qin Shichao led the group of people. It was a long-haired man with a long red hair. The man also squinted at the Qin Shi, and raised his **** with a smirk.

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