Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 314: Forgetting corpse

"General Gongsun, old?"

When Peng Song didn't return to God, he was shaken back by two gale, watching the sudden two people open their mouths and startled.

The two did not pay attention to him, but the palm of the hand spread, a touch of invisible aura flew out and sniffed in the ridiculous jungle, as if the ground was three feet to dig out the position of Qin Shi, but in the end it was just a stir. Fan, then all flocked to the enchantment that was full of shackles.

Despising the exploration of spiritual power, the old hair of the flower frowned, and coldly said: "It seems, is it a step later?"

There are some blame in this voice.

&nbs@猪@猪@岛@小说ww.zzhdo.omp; heard the sound, Gongsun Yan's face is a bit shy: "Well, but fortunately he is entering the barren jungle, the barren jungle except the one, no one is alive ... he must be no exception.

"It's a pity that his ability to be a magician cannot be used for us."

"Oh, you are too young to marry him. I told you before, if this child can't use it for himself, he must be removed!"

The old voice is a little dignified: "You pray, if he died in the ridiculous jungle, everything is meaningless, but if he can come out from it, the consequences are not you and I can bear!"


Gong Sunyan's voice is a little trembling: "What is the saying? A boy in the spirit of the king, even if it is a magician, how many waves can be turned up?"

"Oh, the original Burning Tianzong is also the same idea as you." The old man sneered, not talking, swaying.

The voice is like the morning bell, and the monk is staying in the same place.


The depths of the ridiculous jungle.

Qin Shi made a roll on the weeds, and climbed up and did not return to the back.

Until he was sweating, he stopped his knees.

Looking back through the bustling foliage of the forest, I saw that no one was chasing Qin Shi’s heart and I was relieved. I felt the sweat on my forehead and laughed: "Isn’t you chasing it in?"

"It seems that I am too confident about this ridiculous jungle, or I am too unconfident about me. Oh, no one has ever gone out? I would like to say, what is terrible about this ridiculous jungle."

He spit out the turbidity. He wrapped his wraps around his black robes and looked around. He found that he was already in the middle of the barren jungle, and there was some bleakness and darkness around him.

But in addition to the bleak and dark, it did not find the same.

To this end, he frowned and frowned, and the potential danger hidden in the darkness was what he hated most.

Walking along the path in the ridiculous jungle, he is still not looking for a little bit of the same, but the heart is slightly dull.

I didn't care when I started, but the feeling of dullness became stronger. Until the end, it seemed that a huge stone was pressing on his chest, which made him feel the pain of suffocation.


Long-term sorrow, Qin Shi half-squatted and spread his palms, staring at the top, his heart could not help but tighten.

In the aura, he suddenly saw hundreds of thousands of different colored spots. These spots are very similar to toxins. They are very small, and they are mixed in the air. They enter the body along his mouth and are constantly eating away his spiritual power. .

“Is this the scary part of the ridiculous jungle?”

Staring at the toxins that go upstream from the spiritual power, Qin Shi’s eyes are running low and trying to excrete them.

But after a long time, I found that there was no fruit. I could only sneak a sigh: "It’s a fierce poison. This kind of poison is a great power. If there is no antidote, it can only be eaten by people. No wonder no one can leave alive."

Qin Shi suddenly realized that this poison is really powerful. Perhaps it has a terrible deterrent to the people of Xuan Lingjing, but he sneered without hesitation, and a bottle of jade bottle with red blood was found and fell into his hands.


He raised his hand and smacked a drop on the bottle. This poison may be useful to others, but he did not fear it. The blood of Zi Lingsha was restrained by the blood, and there was no poison in the world.

The blood of Zi Lingsha is pouring into the cavity, and a scent of scarlet is used to irrigate the whole body.

However, Qin Shi was stunned, and he found that the light spots in the body did not dissipate. Instead, he saw the treasures, and swarmed toward the blood of Zi Lingsha.

In just a few moments, Zi Lingsha's blood was eaten by thousands of light points. After eating away the blood of Zi Lingsha, the light spot was not poisoned, but grew up a lot.

"How is Kěnéng? The blood of Zi Lingsha can't solve this poison?"

This time, Qin Shi realized that the matter was serious, followed by his eyebrows and sneaked into the body, and looked at the blood of the toxin covered. "Damn, this is not poison? This is... bug?"

Staring at the toxins that grow up in the body by the blood of Zi Lingsha, these toxins are all small insects, one with a translucent wing, and wandering unscrupulously in his body.

Forget the corpse.

A terrible word rushed to Qin Shi’s mind.

He once read in ancient books: forgetting the corpse, one of the ancient beasts, is a very small, parasitic insect that survives by eroding the body's spiritual flesh.

In the antiquity, some fierce beasts of a hundred feet, but once they were forgotten by the corpse, they could only be defeated in their hands and become a skeleton.

This is the horror of forgetting the corpse.

"It turned out to be a sorrowful corpse...?" Qin Shi was nervous, and realized that he was too small for this ridiculous jungle, too conceited.

But he did not give up, even if it is not a toxin, he has his own unique way to treat the wild beast, that is, the demons totem.


Thinking of this, he began to push the totem, black suffocating along the body, rushing to the body of the forgetful corpse.


But the accident is that the suffocating moment is about to be touched by the moment of forgetting the corpse, and it is blocked by a halo, which makes him feel awkward.

"This is... the body of the aura?"

Looking down, Qin Shi recalls that the ancient beasts will have their own protective aura, just like the original Xiaomi.

The demons don’t work either, then...

I must immediately find a way to leave.

Otherwise, it doesn't take long, not only will it be eroded, but even the flesh and blood will be swallowed up by the corpse, and eventually it will only become the end of the bone.

Thinking of this, he thought of offering a thin spiritual power, swaying around the way looking for an exit, until he touched the ridiculous enchantment on the left side, he let out a sigh of relief, and did not want to go straight ahead.

The distance of less than 20,000 meters, once said to Qin Shi, but this time delayed for half an hour before reluctantly arrived.

"I finally found it."

When I came to the enchantment on the left side, Qin Shi couldn't help but relax with his knees.

There are more and more corpses in the body, so he lifted his hand to push the enchantment without delay.


But all the smoothness of this place is not going well. When his slender fingertips just touched the moment on the enchantment, the spiritual power in the body was inexplicably disordered, and a force of fury suddenly shocked him.


The earthquake flew for more than ten meters before he stopped, and his eyebrows suddenly became dignified.

Can't open?

A non-Hǎode thought came to my heart: "What is going on? This power in the enchantment seems to be like a rock. Once I touch it, I will rush into my body like crazy, igniting my spiritual power. ""

Thinking in uneasiness in his heart, he raised his hand tentatively again and touched it in the light.


The same result, he was shocked again.

This time, he realized that he was in trouble.

The body of the forgotten corpse has already squandered his spiritual power. If it is not the rune support of the defending country, it is afraid that it will begin to eat away his flesh and blood.

"No, I have to leave this. I still have a lot of things to do. I must not die here!" Qin Shi bit his teeth and raised his hand again to tear the enchantment.


But at this time, a dry hand came out, a middle-aged person who seemed to be only thirty years old, but there was some horror in the whole body, and there was no life.

This person grabbed Qin Shi’s wrist and smiled for a lifetime: “Kid, don’t bother, this enchantment can only enter, can’t come out!”


Qin Shi is dignified and low: "Can only enter, can't you?"

The lean middle-aged man nodded and then examined his hand and held a nail-sized cherry fruit in his hand. He said, "This is the first thing you can eat, which will ease the forgetful corpse in your body."

Can you alleviate the worms?

With a slap in the face, Qin Shi will be suspicious of taking over the fruit, and the spiritual power will swim above it, and see the swallowing belly without any serious problems.

This fruit enters the abdomen, and it flows smoothly into Dantian in the blood.

In the spiritual power of Dantian, I was quiet, and I saw a tempting aroma on the fruit. These aromas made the forgotten corpse in Qin Shi begin to excite, and after giving up the spiritual power of Qin Shi, they swarmed. To the fruit.

A fruit in a blink of an eye was swept away by thousands of melanchores, followed by a mere sorrowful corpse like drunk, all sleeping in his dantian.

"This, what is going on?"

Forgetting the slumber of the corpse, the Qin Shi’s incomprehensible man blinked.

"Don't look at me, I don't Zhīdào, just the people in the ridiculous jungle are Zhīdào, this fruit can be renewed, so it is called the life-saving fruit." The man's face was dull and spread out.

Continued fruit?

Qin Shi bowed his head and couldn't figure it out for a while, but no matter how the body's forgetting the corpse was stopped, the little life was guaranteed.

Thinking of this, he was very sincere and rushed to the man to hold the boxing: "Little brother Shi Qin, thank you for the big brother to save, do not know the name of the big brother?"

"My name is a pigeon."

“Thank you for the big brother.”

Qin Shi searched in the sea, but did not have a slight impression on the pigeon. He could not help but ask: "Big brother, are you also a prisoner outside the prison? Why have I never seen you?"

"Stop the prison?"

The white pigeon's stunned face was a little moving and shook his head. "I am not. You wouldn't think that there is only a person outside the prison in this ridiculous jungle?"

"Is not it?"

Qin Shi screamed, he really thought so.

"Oh, the ridiculous jungle is not only the person outside the prison, but here is the evil gathering place in the entire eastern region."

The white dove shook his head and said: "In the entire eastern region, no matter if you are a small family or even a sacred hall, you will send sinful disciples here."


Upon hearing this, Qin Shi’s screaming tongue, he only Zhīdào, this ridiculous jungle has actually assembled all the forces in the Eastern region?

"The big brother of the pigeon is from..."

"I am? The nephew of a small family." The white pigeon sneered and shook his head. Obviously, he did not want to mention the past. He interrupted: "But this ridiculous jungle is a crisis, but it coexists with opportunities."

"If someone can leave and bring out the treasures, then they will be able to make progress, not only will they be forgiven, but will also receive the attention of their strength."

"To this end, some self-sufficient people will take the initiative to choose to enter the barren jungle in order to be recognized, but the ideals before they come in are always full, and only when they come in will they understand the real scaryness of the absurd jungle."

“Is it more terrible than forgetting the corpse?”

"Oh ~ ~ forget the corpse worm? But it is the condition to live here, compared with the real terrible ridiculous jungle, just the tip of the iceberg." The white pigeon is bitter.


I couldn’t help but be shocked.

Forgetting the corpse, such a terrible ancient beast, is it just the tip of the iceberg of this ridiculous jungle? How terrible is it here?

Qin Shi couldn't help but look down, and her heart was a little nervous.

However, he always felt that something was not quite right, but he couldn’t say what was wrong.


Suddenly, he realized that Wèntí was in that sentence and the opportunity existed. How could the outsiders be full of opportunities in the ridiculous jungle of Zhīdào?

Thinking of this, Qin Shi was shocked: "Is anyone living out?"

"Well! There is one person!"

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